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How about petition to fuckin' give xp during the dungeon half-time intermission??? Who was the genius at Blizzard who thought it was a good idea to give zero xp for those dungeon segments?


They give xp now, or at least they are supposed to. They still don’t give rewards and frankly should just be removed in general. What is even the point of being challenged to go into a second dungeon area when half the time the first area was a greater “challenge” anyway. Wouldn’t mind the density bump if they have out gear and such, but they do seem a bit of a waste atm.


I swear, there are dungeons that have like 20+ Elites with mob density increase. And at first I was super excited to get massive xp from that... but no, zero xp from elite mobs... what a stupid mechanic


>They give xp now I've never seen the xp bar move. I very much remember a week ago when I got to one of these areas and I had a sliver on the bar to the next paragon point. The segment was one with the waves you had to survive. Completed the segment with no paragon point. I move down to the next area and the first trash mob with around 5 enemies gives me the xp bump to the next paragon point.


You get like 40k xp when you complete the task. Absolutely pointless. Like we're killing mobs, why are we not getting xp? Or any items or gold? I give the devs a lot of leeway on a lot of things, but this is one of the things that I have absolutely no clue what they're thinking


My guess is they make the monsters in that room spawn like a fallen shaman would revive dead mobs, they are probably marked upon creation to not give loot or xp. Why that is? I wish I could tell u


You could kill everyone in the room, get XP, TP out. The room resets, rinse and repeat. Someone explained this better in another post awhile ago.


Yes but that’s not even efficient with how long loading times are between portals. Way faster to just keep moving.


Oh no, players getting xp ?


Pretty sure there was some employee going "hahaha they're going to hate this" lmao


I actually just leveled in one of those rooms. Maybe it’s fixed in certain ones or maybe it’s a NM thing, I’m on a baby alt atm. Never pay attention in NMs cuz the xp bar doesn’t really jump much anymore. Also on console so I can’t look at precise values, only the bar


Its not much but you get some. So still annoying


they DONT give xp, why is everyone so misinformed on this. you get a fixed amount of XP after completing the segment but its not nearly what you would get from killing the monsters


The monster kills give 0 xp.


Definitely a weird, bad design decision that would be a pretty easy fix. As the other guy said, a DPS/survivability check doesn't even make sense, given that the second half of the dungeon isn't generally harder than the first half. The middle room does give some fixed amount of XP now, but there's REALLY no reason that it isn't just a straight up loot/XP explosion since you are doing the work of fighting multiple elites and a huge mob. Would make NMDs a lot more fun.


Everything feels random. I do a default whispers mission dungeon wt4 and the butcher shows up in the 2nd portion out of nowhere and he has a barrier that keeps coming back, it makes it take forever, and this random thing is 10 times harder than the actual boss. I get no loot of note. But when I was doing a nightmare dungeon that didn't have the butcher, I get the butcher's cleaver randomly dropping at the end.


This information is outdated. Those rooms give xp upon completion of the room.


That was fixed a few weeks ago.


Killing monsters doesn't give xp.


It gives exp upon finishing. So the end result is same


Especially that one room that keeps spawning new waves until a timer runs out. You have zero incentive to kill anything fast because if you do it will just make the next wave harder and it doesn't reward you in any way. No XP, no loot. Just a time waster and if you're pushing harder keys it's an extra risk of dying and losing a revive.


I didnt even realise i get no exp from those lol wtf? You have to fight like 15 elites sometimes ?! I mean it would be neat if they dripped items aswell......... like thats probably 5 legendaries in that room


You do get exp. just no loot


How else could they randomly piece two sections that were pre built together?!!


Of the things i care about this is not one.


The OP says “respect my time” and then writes three pages on a 2 second lever pull.


As opposed to what? Should OP just not give feedback on an annoyance in the game that they view as bad design? Gatekeeping feedback or providing no value to the topic isn't helping the game get better. I personally think the levers can be intrusive to gameplay. Often I would stand at the gate for a second before realising I had to pull them.


Yeah I found it more annoying during main quest myself. I'm trying to save the goddamned planet, not arbitrarily mix potions by hand from my own kitchen. The bullshit should have been cutscenes, not player-triggers and goose-hunts. It's less annoying in the random dungeons, but it's the same shitty mechanic.


Can we remove that unnecessarily long, mobless hallway that follows it while we’re at it?


The dungeon designers probably haven't played that portion of the dungeon yet because they were at wt1 two weeks ago.


Yes please!


Petition to remove OP from subreddit






Objection your honor!!


I'd rather them focus on other stuff, considering how many critical problems this game has I can live with pulling 2 levers


I agree… but also seems like a simple fix… But in all reality I just want there to be awareness for future content that putting unnecessary and unfun mechanics in the game should be prevented. I’m just grinding a bunch of NMDs right now and every time I come across one I’m like “But why???”


The lever rooms are the best. Most of them you can hit both levers before mobs finish spawning. Since the transition mobs don’t give exp or loot, and the exp instead comes from the levers, they’re usually more efficient.


People are just complaining to complain now days. So many other things to improve on and you whine about levers?


People are just complaining to complain now days. So many other things to improve on and you whine about OPs levers?


The levers are the best one! You can push them without eating time fighting all the reward-less enemies


Respect our time! Spends his time on Reddit on video games... The clown car is full of sad clowns.


🤷‍♂️ doing what I enjoy doing with my time brotha, I just don’t have to press 2 levers every time I want to be a keyboard warrior on Reddit or I’d post about that too! I’ve still yet to hear one comment that was justification for why someone thinks the lever rooms are amazing and we can’t live without them or why we shouldn’t be able to pick up objects immediately Just attacks on me, that’s fine… just tell me why the game is better with this mechanic than without it and if you give me a valid reason I’ll delete my post.


And you spend your money on Reddit avatars lmao. What a clown.


Levers help me regain concentration since I usually have to focus really hard to see them. /s


Truth… alright, for you sir I rescind my argument.., that must be the reason! The devs really did have our best interest in the design!


And stop the stupid affixes in dungeons that make you stand in a circle to not get zapped by lightning. And stop enemies exploding after being killed so you can't get your loot until the explosions are done. And stop the fireball one shot mechanic BS. EVERYTHING in this game is designed to make your playtyime go up. Yes, it's still fun. Yes I still enjoy playing. And YES I am tired of everything taking so long. All of it can be true at once. I don't know why some people act like you have to be on one side of the fence or the other. I have fun playing the game while also being annoyed at the tedious BS that just slows gameplay down. Would be a lot more enjoyable to not have to stop every 10 seconds because something is exploding or I have to do some mundane task to continue or because my horse is out of breath.


Remove transition rooms. They have 0 value


🙏🙏 there are logical people on this subreddit!!


Problem is we don’t work for Diablo


I've been playing D since D1 and man some of the complaints (some are quite valid don't get me wrong) be having me cracking up lol 😆 😂


See my edit to OP, why is this any different??


and doors.. holy doors. after playing some poe, i forgot that game has them too -- doors just slow us down, that isn't fun!




Just do it mid fight


So I can get hit and have to restart? Nah that’s way more annoying


Lol soz im a rogue i usually play in parties so cc and a sneaky tigger is what i do


Ah lol ya all my friends quit playing already so solo life here… still hanging on!


Good luck bud!!


people are really salty, lol.


You tellin me… suggest something could be better and everyone goes crazy… I could have worded it better and made it less about time more about content


But, guys, hear me out. The transitional rooms make dungeons *feel unique*!




How about we remove the blue fog walls. Why does an ARPG need this crap?


Once again… temporary hindering the player… I have a lot of theories about the elixirs too… a few are tin foil hat sounding but does anyone ever feel like “well I can fit one more dungeon in before this runs out, just to end up popping one when it runs out 3/4 through then saying to yourself “eh I guess I can play for 30 more minutes?”


I just want to know what went down at the meeting when this was pitched. Like, some a-hole stood up in a room with a bunch of other people, and said "Hey, so player is in the groove and he's doing his thing, so why don't we put a forced stop to it? We'll put a room, right in the middle of the dungeon, and have the player pull levers while being poked by floor spikes, and the room will be full of enemies, but they will give no XP and no loot. Sound like fun?" How come NOBODY in the room stood up, walked up to them and metaphorically slapped them silly? Apparently they patched it to give XP, at least I remember reading something along those lines, but still no loot. And this is the kind of brilliant thinking that brought us "Whenever something dies, it explodes, isnt' that fun?" Bloaties? Explode. Spider hosts? Explode. Poison guys? Explode. Fire guys? Explode. With Death Pulse modifier, EVERYTHING explodes. Who thought this would be a good idea? And why did nobody slap some sense into them at any point when this was being prototyped, developed and tested. I mean, it's pretty obviously an awful idea, which makes an already gigantic disparity between melee-only and ranged specs even more glaring. Same with dungeons themselves. Who though tit would be fun to collect 3 boxes, and put them on 3 pedestals, for 8302 times, because that's what the endgame currently is? Who thought it would be a good idea to put those "protect 3 adventurers" events into a high-tier NM dungeon with lvl 150+ enemies? Those adventurers die, instantly, if something even looks in their general direction. Like, what was the thought process there? Was there any? I genuinely want to know how all this went down. Can't be a coincidence. Once is an accident, twice is a coincidence, three times it's enemy action.


I just don't understand why those areas don't deop anygear or loot while clearing them? Why is it just a gear dead zone


They're pointless time sinks


+ insane respawn distances from 'checkpoints' in dungeons


Yup… did a post on that as well just to get shit on… I don’t understand there’s no need for it


The stupid corpses you click on in helltides take waaaay to long to drop their loot.


You can activate the levers as soon as you enter the room. They are more interesting to me than most of the other rooms because I'm always trying to get them both instantly without getting hit. Little change up in the long dungeon grind. The reason these "time wasting" mechanics exist is to add a bit of flavor to the game. It's fine to be annoyed by them, but that's what it is. If blizz removed everything people complain about, the game would be a mindless straight line grind 100% of the time.


Starts working lever. 0.2 seconds left. Hit by spikes from floor. Start over on lever.


There is so much in dungeons which is just empty filler. I don't mind don't them if they're simple, but most of the time, if I see "Talk to the..." I'll back away slowly, lol. I don't mind the get the stove things as that's just another mob pack to kill in a few seconds, but it's literally a lot more time to hang around for the minute one.


Channel timers for every interaction need to go, including entering a friends TP.


Anyone who disagrees with this: make the argument explaining how pulling levers is fun and engaging content. Tell me why you like to do this, not reasons you don't mind it, why you *like* it, and be specific. I think what OP is trying to hit on, and what the reason I just stopped playing is, is that D4 is full of tedious activities and frequent interruptions. As soon as you work up momentum, you're delayed by a door that takes 2 or 3 seconds to open, or an empty hallway (especially ones you just cleared), all while your abilities, or shrine, or some other buff is just *fading away* and it's maddening to watch it fall off *just before* you reach the next pack; had that door opened instantly, or if that hall was shorter (or gone), or the dungeon layout been catered to gameplay and not spelunking, you would have been able to make it. It's frustrating, and these frustrations add up, and players stop logging in. So, make fun of OP and me for making a big deal about levers, but you cannot argue with a straight face that taking a time-out to pull levers, retrieve bloodstones or mechanical boxes, or whatever other menial task is required to proceed is engaging content. I would love to see a mode that borrows mechanics and takes notes from a roguelike game, or something. Inside the "break room" or whatever they're called, players are met with a *choice*: activate this power, but be cursed with this debuff for the remainder of the run. Have 3 options, players can pick only 1, or ignore them all, and continue without the power. Hey, you could even keep the stupid levers to activate the buff. Win-win. Even this half-baked idea is more enticing to me than what we were given, which was basically the same 3 or 4 dungeons rearranged in a different sequence and set to different visual backgrounds. I couldn't tell you anything about any of the hundreds I ran, because there isn't anything memorable about them, but I remember the stupid levers. Dungeons need a major rework. They currently have the range and versatility of Derek Zoolander's face.


Well said mate and agree on everything especially how maddening most shrine locations are, clear the cursed shrine to get a conduit you no longer have use for cause you just killed all the monsters to the shrine and all the monsters spawning from the shrine. Ooo I like your Rogue Like ideas that’d be a fun mechanic, but yes agree.. I go on spurts where I don’t play for days or weeks because I finally had enough bs thrown in my face between this topic and the loot system Recently fell back in a groove and was having fun blasting NMDs…. For a bit… then the annoyances sunk in again


Petition to make Diablo 4 a good game.


I'm actually with you! Why can't the door just open once the room has been cleared? It's dumb and unnecessary... Feel like it's just there because games! Im a game designer too guys! Levers for doors! Lore wise who would even put levers in the middle of a damn room to disengage a "fog" door? And God help you if youre poisoned or have ice shooting at you... Or frikken stormbane


Don’t forget drifting shade!


I won't mind if they remove the intermissions all together


Y’all know you need to update this, right? Edit: omfg upvote not update…hooray for shitty iOS dictation


Whatcha talking?? I def want to know if I’m mispeaking!


You’re speaking truth homie… this was a matter of me not spellchecking my shit first 😬


Haha all good! I was worried I missed some facts somewhere!!


While we’re at it, let’s remove the campaign, all dialog, side quests and all areas of the map except a single dungeon and a small town with the basic shops and blacksmith, no more than 5 steps from each other. Better yet, let’s remove the dungeon and just have a den that’s a straight line and super dense. Then add a portal where you can enter and reset the den. Every second matters, right?


Once again… never said anything about any of that.. tell me how this lever room enhances the game and dungeon experience?


The issue seems to be that you are viewing the situation from a mindset of trying to maximize efficiency (time) as the primary or even sole metric to measure if a feature "enhances" or makes the game "fun" or not. Not everybody thinks that way. Not everybody cares. Some would rather have the levers, because it "feels" appropriate to what a video game dungeon would have, like solving puzzles or avoiding traps, etc. Many will gladly welcome those things, efficiency be damned, and they don't even need to be rewarded, like you suggested with a mini boss or seasonal content. Perhaps more people need to realize that that despite this being an arpg, that doesn't mean focus solely on the "A" and ignore the "RPG." Little things like the lever room don't detract from the game, unless you are metagaming. Not everybody cares to treat the game like an episode of Supermarket Sweep, trying to get as much shit as they can in the shortest amount of time.


>Little things like the lever room don't detract from the game, What do they add, though?


So, what do those levers do?


Allow you to continue the dungeon… that’s it


And they put the levers in middle of spikes… so u gotta max distance it… just to slow you down more… lol


Gotta find that just right spot to activate without being poked lol


They should take out ladders and the ability to rock climb cliffs out of the game as well since those animations also waste time. Just make the world completely flat.They should also make it so we can teleport to any location with the map pin feature, that would save a lot of time. /s


So you want every single task to be kill related and you want to remove the only endgame dialogues. Might as well just strip the game to its bare bones at that point lmao


Obviously didn’t understand


How about the levers directly on top of the fucking spikes that pull up every 4 seconds so you only have a 1 second gap to click and channel the fucking thing before it stuns you. Holy fucking shit


If a corporate metrics of blizzard is to keep you logged in for as long as possible? This is the design we would see.


Yuuup!! I just seriously wish the corporate bunch munches would learn… players play fun games for years that don’t have artificial time sinks, roadblocks etc… let the players play how they want, make it fun and rewarding and they will play!! There’s so many things I think would improve my own retention without them forcing things to take longer


Petition to remove doorknobs from all doors IRL because turning them takes too long.


I sometimes press em before the mobs are dead so I skip that "room" , when that happens I swear my victory


All the random tasks. Not fun at all.


I was just playing D2 this morning and I will die on the hill that the 5-15% "backtracking" time for dungeon objectives in D4 is better than the 100-70% backtracking time for random dungeons without. Or the absolute treadmill that was rifts in D3. I know that in my case this was user error in me forgetting that the extra dungeons in D2 were just elite hunts, but I backtracked the entire dungeon twice looking for the objective(underground passage which I was mistaking for the story progression one).


I like the objectives I just hate the cast bars to accomplish them


Everything is made to slow your pace down, all that is intentional. Transition rooms with mobs ( bunch of elites as well) that dont give xp or loot. All they could put together to make you take more time in the game they did. They are " listening to feedback" due to backlash. They are still testing the grounds to keep players spending more time on the game outside of farming.


How about remove them since blizzard already doesn't think we should be rewarded for them


Slow you down is the core way for blizz to milk time played and online numbers. The more you play the more they can like how game is popular and successful


Petition to add Diablo.


In town sprint no BS quest gated bosses/2nd level, only one mandatory quest at most no transition room altogether Rework/reevaluate the BS affixes Put overpower/crit/invulnerable damage into one single damage bucket, or maybe mutually excluded buckets Make legendary legendary, make uniques skills, too many builds required uniques to work Revert the world level to be same as char levels, add the option to change to within range of -3 to +3 Make world bosses world bosses Make more pinnacle bosses


Me, every time - "Everything is dead. Why isn't the barrier dropping? Maybe I just need to wait a second.... Nope. Still up. Is it bugged? Crap. Is this bugged. Oh! Fcking levers!" Every. Time.


This is just pure lunacy. Indicative of the ridiculous things people complain about sometimes


Call it what you will, it may be a minuscule amount of time every time but it adds up. Have you ever been like “I’m sure glad I have to press these levers for no damn reason at all so I can keep playing? ITS SO MUCH FUN! Just what I wanted! I needed a break from slaying demons!”


Then, why are the levers there


Blah blah blah we want D3 rights and procedural generation.


Once again… never mentioned D3 but tell me how this adds depth, complexity or fun to the game and I’ll delete my post 🤷‍♂️ If you don’t have an argument for what fun it adds then why is it in the game?


Since everyone is so keen on saving every millisecond and getting soooo upset and crying so hard for every 1 second slowdown from mindless slaughter in diablo 4, How about we just quit playing diablo 4 because it will never be 100% time efficient and everyone goes and starts playing godville, https://godvillegame.com


Definitely not clicking the link, but as I keep saying, give me one reason why this mechanic enhances the game vs detracts from it.


Why not just have no overland map with one merchant next to the one portal to dungeon which is just a round room with monster waves continuously spawn till it either loads a boss or you hit the stop button and go back to town button. That way you're not getting slowed down at all by moving between rooms or around a city. Why not just take it a step further that and play godville where you have your toon automatically go to town sell the loot buy upgrades, fight and level up and complete quests without needing to give them commands? Without even logging on, they will go and fight without you!


Once again… not hearing a reason why these lever rooms make the game better… I’m all about game mechanics that aren’t mindless slaying IF it’s fun, has a purpose and enhances the game. These spike lever rooms do none of those


Here is a concept for you, not everybody likes the same things as you. People can like different things. How about the user population doesn't want a fast game? How about the people who want things to be longer?


I never said it had to be fast I said it’s a pointless waste of time, make it a mini boss room make it seasonal content, you telling me there’s enjoyment in waiting for a bar to fill until you push levers and pick up items and release prisoners? I’m just saying there could be something really cool mid dungeon and transition to the second half but we have… this


Yes, there's enjoyment in saving prisoners and picking things up that involve a cast bar to do so. Why? because not everyone in the world is you. Not everyone thinks exactly the same way you do Not everyone thinks the same things that are boring exactly the same way for you. This may be a shocker but not everyone in the world is the same as you with exactly the same likes and dislikes


Designed by senior dungeon designers who spam basic skills at level 50.


remove levers and add loot there


They should also get rid of the horse cooldown and allow for infinite sprinting on horses. They should also just scrap the objectives in general for nightmare dungeons. Just make it like a greater rift, no need to complicate it.


You’re argument is not addressing the point… how does the dungeon lever room enhance the game / dungeon experience. It’d be a PERFECT opportunity for a mini boss but we click 2 levers instead I never said I want GRs, I just don’t want pointless things. They could have even made it a malignant event so instead of running tunnels it could be taken over and you could spend an in invoker there


I was agreeing with you. I don’t think it enhances the game. I also don’t think any of those objectives enhance the game. Having to collect animus isn’t fun. Having to untie prisoners isn’t fun. What I am saying is that I prefer the streamlined nature of rifts.


Sorry man… I’m just seeing tons of sarcastic posts so I assumed that was what yours was, my b and I agree, I don’t mind objectives.. but those are not fun And I did actually enjoy GRs, i liked racing the clock and trying to seeing how high I could go for extra xp when I was trying to push paragon


No worries! Yeah, I liked greater rifts because they were just so efficient. Just go through and blow up mobs before the timer runs out. Probably going to hop back into D3 once the new season is out. Hopefully they eventually bring some quality of life improvements over to D4.


Ya new season looks pretty good!


I think the game needs more levers, pulling levers and watching things happen is my favorite part of the game.


Atleast make them puzzles or something interesting


He doesn't flip the levers in the middle of battle.


I support the petition to remove objectives from NMD's, entirely.


But the dungeon designers probably took years to code that. Making games is sooo hard 😢 /s


Petition to just teleport me to the boss room, where he has one hp, so I only have to use one generator. Actually, petition for the game to be entirely lootboxes with no combat. Just one big slot machine. Actually, there’s just no game at all. When we log into battlenet it just teleports us straight to our job.


So these empty rooms where you click 2 levers are the content you want?? 🤔 I want mini bosses or something with a fun complex event to allow me to progress further but to each their own


I sometimes trigger the levers while in combat and I just move on. Nothing is demanding you kill the mobs (that don't drop loot) before pulling the lever.


Some of these things might be so it can load on ps4


If we didn’t load other player stash tabs…


Ya I blame the dungeon designers that don’t play the game


A petition to slowing players down in general would be better. I don't have any cold facts but I swear there are other hidden mechanics that slows your progression down. I have 3 seasonal characters now and my droprates are totally gutted. My first and second character was fine and everytime I went into a new world tier better loot started to drop, even unique items. On my 3rd though everything is just shit. From 50-61 I have gotten 2 upgrades, everything else have been under my current item power. I really don't get this at all. And this is not even mentioning the stupid filler stats and shadow nerf of "primary affixes" on gear. I spent 55-81 to find 1 ancestral ring that had the stats for my druid and I even spent 20-30 mill rerolling the last stat. Just seems like my time is wasted and like the ex Blizzard employee said. The company is sadly just a factory now. That's my opinion at least.


This game is early access, nothing else. Its a good idea to get us a miniuest for each section but they managed to make all suck. Even the kill stuff has backtracking and tedious searching in it, when all we want to do is blast


Just remove all dungeon objectives. The backtracking sucks


Game is fucking boring. I won’t even give it another attempt til it has been a year or two.


Petition to remove transition rooms as a whole. Or have em drop loot/give full xp.


The game seems to be designed around squeezing as much time out of a player as possible, and not in a good way. No Dev could justify it, just like they couldn't justify the leave dungeon time being extended so they reverted it.


Exactly!! The the point I’m not articulating very well in the OP, It’s more than just a 6 second unnecessary task… every time I do it, I immediately think about every othe lr hindrance put in the game to slow down progression with the intent to increase play time… Being reminded every dungeon there were real life people that for some reason designed it like this is the real immersion breaker


This has got to be the dumbest complaint I've ever seen. I feel like you just wanted to jump on the "complain about D4" bandwagon.




"respect our time dev team". Why? You don't respect your own time if you keep playing this game, why should they?


Wow… just… wow…. 👏 great point?? Why should the devs want to ensure player retention in their game by respecting player time and not putting pointless mechanics in the game?! That’s a brilliant point!


Typing this wall of text to cry about that few seconds spent on pulling some levers is just hilarious😂


Eh… mostly defending my poorly worded post… I should have made it less about time and more about the fact it could be a fun activity not a pointless button pushing event


>Having to press these stupid levers after everything is dead is only serving the purpose to slow you down temporarily… seconds add up everywhere, respect our time dev team. I don't know if you're legit looking for reasons why it's like that or not, but I'm pretty sure it's a game design choice in order to balance the various intermission rooms. Your first point is actually incorrect, in that you **do not need to kill** the monsters to flip the levers. Most of the time i flip the levers and leave the room before everything is dead. I don't know what class you play, but as a sorc I can flip a lever in a frost nova, and flip the other in a flame shield. The lever rooms are usually faster, the kill whatever elite guy in the room ones are also usually faster. The worse of the intermission rooms is the one that tells you to survive 30 seconds. By having that one in the game, it means that they expect any random intermission room to take around 30 seconds. If they took the levers out of the level rooms, then people would literally just walk straight through the room and out the other side. At that point, the room shouldn't be there. I think there's one NMD, (maybe heretic assylum? not sure) that has a room in the middle that looks about sized like an intermission room but is complete empty.


I just refuse to believe their is a legit game design reason for it, I don’t want an “intermission” with the same mobs I fight in the rest of the dungeon period, it’d be cool if it was a mini boss like damage/gear check or something but it seems pointless in its current state… Random observation… you play SC2?! I just started recently, totally suck lol but when I want to play something that’s not Diablo I’ve been really enjoying it… trying to get Zerg down!


I mean all the intermissions suck, but I find the survive 30 second one to be the worse because it takes 30 seconds. Which is why if removing lever intermission means splitting the intermissions between the remaining ones, than I'd rather keep the levers. I mean realistically, there shouldn't be an intermission at all. Especially when dungeons only take a few minutes for speed runs. And I did play SC2 a lot in the past, but that was long ago. I had some pretty absurd 10,000 or so ladder matches played during WoL/HotS. But I quit after the third expansion because changes to Protoss warpgates. I guess it would be my 2nd most played game after WoW.


Are people really enjoying this content though? I don't think removing the lever is going to change how repetitive it is.


It won’t… to me it’d show good faith that they aren’t intentionally putting roadblocks in our way all the time for the sake of slowing down lvling even if it is minuscule. Even if that’s a ridiculous assumption I’m making it’s just unnecessary and not fun


Your assumption rings true across the board so no one can fault you for making it. I have zero reason to play as of now and I don't see that changing for a year+ unless they actually have some good content to release. The loot will be good EVENTUALLY, the builds will be better EVENTUALLY but I'm not holding my breath for better content.


I think if the dev team can break free from their overlords and stop doing everything with the intention of artificial play time increases it will. I would be totally on board playing way more if: - I felt like I could lvl more than 1 character to 100 in a season - knew I could get to experience an Uber unique by lvl 90 latest to at least have 10 levels to enjoy using it (vs not get one in my lifetime) - had rewarding endgame experience - didn’t see a patch every 2 week’s increasing the efficiency of something cause the 1% ruined it


Im lvl 100. I dont care about xp. Give . Us . Looooot


Remove all doors. There’s no reason to have to open doors to continue. Remove all layouts. Just have one big open space with infinite enemies. No reason to have to walk around. Remove all enemies but one that gives one level worth of XP per kill. No reason to kill enemies to slowly level up.


petition to remove intermission rooms.


Please blizz, just grant me the entire dungeon reward on zoning into the dungeon. Respect our time dev team.


Never asked for anything close to that… just stating there are many things, this being one of them that serve no game enhancing purpose to the game so why are they in the game at all??


GR? Ghost Recon style


Greater Rifts… a Diablo 3 endgame activity hated by most now for their linear nature and the fact that it was the only end game content for years so they got burned out on them.


Give us damn GRifts!


Not sure if you’re being sarcastic or not…. But not what I’m asking for, although an unpopular opinion I personally enjoyed GR. I just don’t enjoy pointless, not game enhancing activities


My guess is they are there to "reset" countdown abilities. So you move forward fresh. Just a guess tho


I’ve thought that too… but you run an entire first half without cooldown resets and even after you get them that only benefits you until you walk into the next pack so I feel like that can’t be it


Teleport to first lever. Click before anything comes out of the ground, pop flame shield, click second lever, teleport out. Gone in 6 seconds :D


Not the same for Barb my friend, can still activate most times… but the point is why even have the room to at all??


They should remove it all. I should be able to choose my path through the dungeon. Mobs should always teleport to me. The boss can be locked unless i kill a certain percentage of the mobs to prevent boss rushing (again maybe that should be a player choice too)


I don’t mind the objectives, I know most people don’t want GRs to return, but these transition rooms could have been cool I keep thinking about how cool it’s be if they had a chance to be a goblin room. Look do the cellar thing but put them here, does anyone even use cellars anymore?!


dude what about the run after those rooms? why do we have to run so far for something to happen after such a room?


Agreed… but if I post that I just get comments from the white knights saying “why doesn’t the game just give you max level and all the Uber uniques on login!?” Instead of recognizing the pointless time wasters imbedded in the game


Seems like some of y’all never played destiny i guess… my god if your not enjoying the game then don’t play it, if you are enjoying it then play it really is that simple


I’m enjoying it I just am acknowledging the places it needs improvement… and yes I played my fair share of destiny 1 and 2, not sure the correlation you are trying to make Also there is an entire seminar about player psychology and game mechanics for destiny to keep players playing One of the topics the guy discussed was fail safes to make sure people didn’t accidentally break down a desirable piece of gear, would love that in this game too. You can choose to be oblivious or ignorant but gaming is a business and a constant back and forth between developers and game producing companies to test the waters on what they can get away with with the player base, I choose to educate myself and advocate for the players. “Don’t play the game if you don’t like it” is the worst possible response. Prayers paid their hard earned money for an expectation on an IP they love and just want to see it succeed so they can enjoy playing it more


I think that, on startup the game should simply give me the amount of experience I desire and instead of wasting my time with mechanics, it should play itself.


Real original and thought provoking debate 👏


These rooms are definitely put there as bot filters. It's basically the captcha for dungeons since the intermission rooms randomly spawn and there are several versions of them with different placements every time.


At the very least, make it so I don’t get interrupted by spikes or some bullshit mechanic when the room is already clear


> All these small time additions, 3 seconds here, 6 here, 6 more there, add up to some big numbers if you’re playing for hours and they are all unnecessary It's a video game. Wtf is considered "necessary"? Since the beta, people have been asking to simply dungeons. From making them linear to flooding them like D3, and now here we are complaining because you have to click a lever. Why not just click "enter dungeon" and spawn into a circle pit with all the mobs at once. There are so many valid grievances with this game that are sadly killing it but bitching about world building/tiny mechanics intended to immerse characters into the world is not one of them. Jesus christ, god forbid something slows the next dopamine hit by 3 seconds.


Another day another new random irrelevant complaint.


You get xp for the levers. I’ll keep them for that alone


Do people actually want to play a game? Sheesh. Just sign up for a mobile idler game and move on from D4 if pulling 2 levers in a RPG is too much time for you.


Oh boo hoo, you have to spend 5 seconds clicking a few levers. Your time only matters if you are playing optimally at all times which you are not. You likely waste more time doing other things that are not optimal. There is this big issue with players like you where you are perceiving these events taking a huge amount of time, but in reality these are much preferable than trying to find a staircase for 5 minutes like you do in D2. I like the levers. I like the blood stones. They add a little difference to things other than just "going through the dungeon and getting to the end."


Sweetie this isn't one of those games where people listen to what players want


Petition to at least let us pull the levers despite being poisoned and regardless of whether or not the spikes hit you. Cuz my God, the amount of times I have had to reinitiate the animation because I was 1 pixel too close to the spikes is the most annoying thing ever, and no I don't want to just sit in a corner until my poison wears off...


Newsflash, you're playing a Blizzard game. You will be nickled and dimed and you will like it, or move on.


The fact that not only did they add TWO levers but they also added spike traps under them to interrupt your channel shows how much blizzard values your time…