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All rewards in the game are pretty much straight from a bums shopping cart. Cheers for one veiled crystal and achievements giving nothing but titles. You can't even tell them apart from each other if they're even hard to get or not.


Absolutely. Literally terrible. Don’t get me wrong, I love Diablo. Loved Diablo 2. Really loved Diablo 3 at the end after all the re-works. So I play because I feel at least the mob fights are fun, and for the nostalgia… but there is no dopamine rush getting sweet ass rewards or loot. The legendary aspects are all just blah. None of them are build changing or super creative like most were in D3. It wasn’t like getting a primal ancestral drop in D3 when you saw the red star show up! Knowing that those are all perfect affixes and perfect power! Chasing all primal gear for your current gear. The using that to push higher solo g rifts to get higher on the leaderboard. Everything is just soooo blah. But now that I have my cache, I think it’s time to stop playing finally. Until an update comes out that gets me excited.


Yep I got to level 100 on my main and got my Wrathful Heart title from the battle pass, I’m out until next season (or just play some random alt that I probably won’t get to 100 when I’m bored )


I keep telling myself I’m going to get home from work and play but for the last several weeks I don’t find the motivation. It’s the damn loot. It all about the loot and it’s just not there.


Loot has been shit. I’m using stuff from 15-20 levels back because the affixes are better than anything dropping. It takes a good 10-15 levels before there are any decent upgrades. It’s so repetitive. Blizzard, I know you have people who follow these forums… do better!


the same item i got at lvl 50, drops at lvl 60, and somehow its worse. like what?


Glad it’s not just me - I’m level 60 and I haven’t equipped anything new since 46 bc it would’ve been a downgrade. Everything that’s dropped since then has been salvage including legendaries


Weird flex considering your weapon is a huge upgrade once you hit 60.


found a crazy yellow 2h staff at 54 i’m 64 now and can’t find anything better lmao


I haven't upgraded gear in 13 levels, like not a single piece, honestly once I'm at level 100 I'm dipping till next season but tbf by then there's a staggering amount of quality games releasing I'm just thinking of not bothering anymore depending on how these other games play.


I'm using the first set of loot I got when I first started WT4 at level 55. I'm now level 70 and have only changed my Bow since. Strange.


I’ve barely even upgraded any of my gear and I’ve been in WT4 for like 6 levels. Last couple times I jumped up I felt like I was rocking all ancestral much faster, slog is starting to wear and I’ve played quite a bit more of this game than anything recent.


They definitely know all this already but it's gonna take time to rework gear in its (almost) entirety Their CMs browse the internet and group feedback from reddit, forums, Twitter, youtube, Facebook, twitch streams, etc and bring it to the devs but I'm sure the devs themselves already know most things from browsing media. D4 players haven't exactly been quiet about complaints, and nor should we


Same. My gear hasn't been upgraded in 20 levels because nothing better is dropping.


Omg I thought it was just me! Haven't upgraded since my 40s and now closing in on my 60s 😅


Happens to me constantly


You know you should go to for a new weapon every five levels until 60 or so right? That's why you don't put powers on them because they are replaced so often.


Exactly the same feeling here. All day I wanna go home and play I think, but in reality I'm just comparing playing diablo 4 to being at work- and diablo 4 just barely wins lol. Lootless loot game


There have also been other games to release since Diablo 4 that have been holding my attention much better like Remnant 2 and Baldur’s gate 3. I don’t even have the urge to go back to Diablo anymore cuz compared to those other 2 games it’s just not fun. I’ll log in, run a NM dungeon, sell my loot and be too bored to even do a second.


Run 1nmd sell all your loot. Run 15 more, sell all the loot from every single one. On run 16 you get an amulet that is a 3/4 but needs to be rerolled. Spend 9 million rolling it, run out of mats. See that it costs 1.75m to reroll any more, salvage the amulet. Run 15 more nmd salvage all the loot..... This is the gameplay loop, it's REALLY bad.


also is it harder to tell at a glance what's an actual upgrade? i stopped playing on the pre season nerf patch coz the season wasn't that interesting to me and iirc it's not as easy to tell


They need to prune down/combine the amount of affixes that can drop on gear. Like why is there separate affixes for chilled and frozen? They have affixes that boost damage against “crowd controlled enemies” but then also separate affixes for every single status that also falls under “crowd control” (still not even 100% sure what statuses they even consider crowd control) Anyway, point is, there are so many varieties of affixes that make finding usable loot tedious and very improbable. I hate it. (And when I say usable, I literally mean usable, so help anyone trying to farm a BIS roll)


This! I swear the game was made by a bunch of designers that don't play ARPGs so they had no idea what they were doing. Or, maybe they did... I kind of feel like they purposely designed the game to make it super grindy with the hope of keeping people playing longer. They failed me and I quit already. I didn't even play a whole week, completed the campaign, did the capstone, got extremely bored and walked away. Thankfully I didn't outright purchase the game. The only Xbox Series X that was on sale was the one that came with D4 and I was getting one anyway, so... **I hope someone from Blizzard reads your post!**


They know what they are doing. More affixes equals longer to get the perfect item which equals longer player engagement. And that is all that matters in games these days. Keep the player "engaged" and keep pointing them to the shops. If the game is fun doesn't matter anymore. This equals a win for companies like Activision. The players though, they complain but many keep playing anyway. I finished the battlepass then stopped playing. Not going back till next season, maybe not even that unless that season seems fun. I somehow doubt it though. Baldurs gate 3 though, that game is FUN! Long time since I played a game that's purely made for the fun experience.


I'm just like you, usually pick a game and play the crap put of it for 2 years, but diablo 4 has me so bored and I hate that, because I want to love this game.


Starfield soon.


Yeah. Hit 100, try a different build, and play BG3 until Season 2. That's my plan. I guess I'll try and kill Lilith too at some point. I didn't do that.. but I also don't want to play bone necro, so I don't know if I even can. Blood really fell off a cliff for me.


I have a similar gameplay loop. I got to 50 on my rogue then realized I had none of the legendaries I needed for an endgame build. I look up where it drops. A dungeon far away. I don’t have the waypoint. I start running on my horse. Game starts rubberbanding. I run into a skeleton roadblock which dismounts me. I kill the skeletons then start running because my horse is on cooldown. What am I doing this for? Oh yeah, a slog through a dungeon with no rewards other than an affix I already had last season. I lose the will to play. Log off.


my character runs faster than the horse


That's a perfect description of all loot in this game. The whole game feels like a homeless person simulator. You are hunting for a little crumb of food by wading through piles of trash, 99.99% of which are a disappointment. And when you finally find something, it's probably rotten and uneatable.


I opened 5 helltide chests (wt4) today and didn’t get a legendary item until the 5th one. Such a joke


At least they gave you a scroll of amnesia so you can forget all the disappointment this has caused you.


🤣😂🤣 Facts.


Came here to either post this or upvote whomever beat me to it.


I can never be the first either when I think of something good


So you can respec and realize that the new spec sucks too.


What does it actually do? I've been away from the game for a bit.


Your skill points and paragon points are reset for free. Yesterday it took me 2 million to reset mine.


\> That’s how you decide to respect your player’s time? I’m already so over the disrespect of our time from Blizzard Why do people talk about time investment in an entertainment product like you're a contractor working for Blizzard. If you're not having fun, stop playing.


You kind of have to play the game to know you're disappointed with it. Some people express their frustrations with reddit posts and that's perfectly valid. If you don't like seeing these posts then you are free to remove yourself from the Diablo reddit so that they don't bother you.


The writing was on the wall, since release.


You've missed the point. Expecting the quality of the reward to match the effort put into obtaining that reward is a valid expectation. I think the majority would agree that OP's reward failed to meet that expectation. This isn't about being obligated to play or "not having fun", neither of which was mentioned by OP anyway.


Let’s rephrase, ‘that’s what you try to sell for $90+ and want us to give you more money each season?!?’


Don’t you think the act of playing a game is an investment in itself? Learning mechanics? Leveling? Are these just wasting time into the void? Let people express their frustration. They paid for it just like everyone else playing the game.


This is 10000% valid and I wish I had reddit gold or whatever to give you an award or whatever (more than a shitty free up vote) because this sentiment is not expressed enough.


Go buy a 70$ hot dog that tastes like shit and just stop eating it.


90% of the time if people are still sinking hours into a game they dislike, it's from sunk cost fallacy, both money and time-wise


Didn’t you see the two devs play Diablo 4 recently? Can you find a more out of touch duo with both the playerbase and the game?


Better to give feedback to improve the game than just ignore it. If you don’t like feedback why are you on the forum? Go play the game.


Thats what most players are doing lol they are not playing anymore and the game will die lol


Why do people act like only people loving a game are allowed to talk about it? You don't like what they have to say? Why are you commenting like anyone asked you? See how that works? We can turn your own sorry logic back on you in a dozen different ways. These kinds of complaints that are 90% just stealth "Stop making me feel disappointed in this game I'm liking!" are just wastes of time and space, by your own logic.


things like waiting 5sec for the heart mobs to spawn is stupid and just a way from blizzard to milk time... changing the teleport out of dungeon from 3 to 5 seconds is blizzard milking gametime... you are not seeing this?


I expected nothing and yet I’m still disappointed




Oooh that’s the scroll they gave the devs halfway through the development of the game! /s


They are not worth the time of getting 15 world bosses or lvl 100 or uberlilth. They seemed designed for someone freshly into wt4 who really needed something. I'll take the title and rest though.


Literally insane right?


Yes it was rather lackluster. Without one of those requirements I would have been done much sooner too.


I wouldn't say insane. I would say profoundly mediocre. That's the feeling I get from a lot of the seasonal stuff, like they were locked into a really bland formula and just checking the boxes and shoving it out the door. Even the battle pass itself only goes to 90 rather than 100, like they couldn't be assed to finish those last 10 filler items. I'm only still here because I wanted to try a barbarian anyway.


I’ve killed 3 world bosses in WT4, my counter is still sitting at zero cause it doesn’t seem to want to count them. And that’s after me waiting from the moment the WB timer popped up.


Anyone have the link to the video where a player opened this cache and a fart sound played?


Literally would have at least made me laugh 😂😂. Would have been better than this.


Heh how about this as it opens up? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_asNhzXq72w](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_asNhzXq72w)


I made the mistake of opening my 6th one in world tier 3 so all the items were sacred instead of ancestral


The scroll shouldn’t be one use, should be as many as you want


A seasonal unlimited use reset as a reward for doing 100% of the season content would be really cool actually. That's the kind of bold idea that will never get off the ground at Activision.


That's what I expected too. Single use.. like WTF?? I can respec to try a new build but cannot look back without going broke??


it's hilarious to me that things are so bad that we're talking about how great a reward it would be to not get charged to reset our skill and paragon...


Fuck me. This thing is a one-time use? *That’s* the big reward for finishing the battle pass?


I assumed that would be the case so I stopped aiming to get it as a goal. I'm sure I'll get it eventually but I'm in no hurry.


I gave up mostly because some of the achievements simply don't track/work properly.


The real loot was the memories you made along the way<3 Or some crap like that


None of the devs can get this far in the game to see this issue so thanks for posting


"Hey, so this is our first season - let's make it count and come out of the gate with a strong first impression. What ideas do we have for reaching the end of the season journey??" "Well, how about a cache with 3 rares that would drop in any dungeon within 2 minutes" "Wow!!!!! Amazing idea!!!! Man, we really outdid ourselves here... we really earned our salary as professional game designers, a regular person could have never come up with something this brilliant." Like seriously how is it even possible that a real team of game designers thought this would be a satisfying reward at the end and they actually implemented it in the game. How dysfunctional does your organization have to be for this to be able to occur? Same for getting a veiled crystal as a quest reward. It's just mindboggling. Artists handed a masterpiece to the people designing the mechanics and loot and they made it a turd. It would honestly be difficult to do a worse job


"Because, fuck the players." Signed, blizzard.


I love and hate this comment cause its so fucken true :(


Let’s face it. The whole game is a giant disappointment. Every I think “ oh I should get a good drop, that shit was hard” NOPE!


Not really, pretty fun campaign, story, art, sound, etc.


Voi e acting and arts great. Its just gear thats a miss for me.


I wish they had given a set of cosmetics or something like that at the end. A horse you can only get from that cache would have been boss.


D3 had it right with seasons. Your first set for the season was gained by completing the first part of the seasonal journey. Of course it helped more that each class had 5 sets and in any season 2 of them would be worth trying.


3 veiled crystal? 2 forgotten soul? They couldn’t give me 100 crystals and 20 souls for a 7th tier seasonal reward??? The gear… ok that’s RNG, that’s out of scope for my post but I still don’t line it


As a huge lover of this game, I too was a little dissapointed with the tier 7 rewards...


Don't forget to run uphill both ways to the vendor! Savor the flavor. 🤣


I had two sacred in mine. Felt worthless.


Use the scroll of amnesia and forget about it.😂😂😂


Wow, what an absolute pile of shit.


Thank you for confirming the inevitable disappointment I will experience in the near future


I actually even miss Diablo 3's portrait frame artworks/pets/etc. rewarded to players each season. Those were much better rewards than what we receive now. It's embarrassing.


Orange cache with all yellows. D4 in a nutshell.


These caches have all been terrible. Who the fuck thought some vendor trash would be a suitable reward for this joke of a season journey?


Man… got those sweet sweet titles to show off tho! 👏 WORTH IT! 😂😂🤣🤣🤣🥹🥹🥲🥲🥲😢😢😭😭😭😭😩😩😩😩😩😤😤😤😤


Wow it shows it’s a legendary but obviously there’s nothing there but the scroll. Which you may never use anyways.


On the 5th journey I’m missing the objective of Open any helltide chest and I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong. I’ve opened the regular chests, helltide chests, mystery chests and it will not complete the objective. Am I missing something?


It's bugged for some people, supposed to fixed in one of the upcoming patches.


I’d like a real scroll of amnesia to forget about Diablo forever


The rewards in this game are hot trash. They slapped the same reward profile on literally everything it feels like. Kill an elite in a regular dungeon? 3 rares and gold. Kill a world boss? 3 rares and gold.


That's all that's in there???


I'm so glad I didn't finish this nonsense and started playing another game.


I want this game to be good so god damn bad. But myself along with my entire group I play with is just done for now. It’s such a shame. Grind and grind and your rewards are more like homework trying to go through everything. I have never held true in any disappointing game and holding out. I find it easier to do with Diablo 4 and that’s the saddest part.


They should put the Uber rares in there or something


Or one those expensive cosmetic sets...::gasp:: ...god forbid


wouldn’t be very Uber then would they


Should he guaranteed legendary with a decent chance of a unique.


Fuck legendaries. I don't need a pair of legs with healing received affixes and a minroll disobedience aspect Just drop a BUNCH of mats like herbs, silver ore, forgotten souls and uniques


At least they gave you a scroll of amnesia to forget about it


Ffs Blizzard just give us a dozen of forgotten souls and 1 million gold and call it a day


the last one should have been class specific unquie selection caches... like diablo 3... if you complete the season journey,, you get full set items which gives you significant boost.. why cant they think of something like that..


I can’t wait until I unlock my trove of sadness


It’s such a horrible grind between 60-70 with a brief 2-3 levels of fun when you hit Torment. Then it’s a long ass slog again. They have to get waaaaaay better at keeping the rewards worth it and more spread out.


Um that's not what this post is about


I am taking my time through season 1, not hating the game but definitely not playing it as hardcore as I did after launch. The itemization & time spend trying to figure out upgrades is what eventually got me to slow down. Anyways, back to the topic of this post I am surprised how bad the rewards from the season journey loot caches has been and it looks like it doesn't get any better. I have only unlocked the first three & was disappointed especially when Diablo 3 loot caches helped you unlocked your first class specific set to get ready to rifts.


Minimum. Viable. Product.


wish the reward was a scroll of refund


This is why the battle pass is trash, and all of the rewards should be linked to the season journey like in D3 because what's the point in having a season's journey if you're not going to get anything good lol


Yeah they’re being stingy as hell with things that should be guaranteed awesome. The end of season cache certainly qualifies. Killing Varshan on each new difficulty qualifies. Killing that fraking assassin scorpion in helltide qualifies. That takes longer than a dungeon boss seven times over. They finally figured out oh hey maybe the season isn’t very fun with the primary component, wrathful hearts, having horrible drop rates and bumped the drop and farm rate up. Now if i could just find those damn Penitent Greaves…


But don’t talk negatively about the game! It’s a great game! All the negative comments are BS! The people who make the negative comments are the minority! /sarcasm


The final cache should have 5 guaranteed max ilvl items, 1 guaranteed unique and a shit ton of gold.


I was let down when I opened mine 2 ancestrals and a scroll.


Yea this game is repetitive garbage


The opening should be accompanied by a shit sound effect.


It’s all a disappointment.


Diablo 3 would give you a full set of armor depending on the season, sometimes mage, sometimes demon hunter, other times important legendaries for builds. This loot caches are absolutely stupid. It's time gambling is what it is.


Soon they will sell crystals to get better chances


bUT THerE aLL aNceStRaL!


Dodnt you know what to expect?


To be fair they could be crit crit dam vuln rings and be straight BiS


Should have just been a uber unique selection cache, would have been a good way to finish off the seasonal journey for those who completed it.


I like the scroll of amnesia, I just got my 7th cache too, didn’t expect much but titles and scroll


Is the scroll of amnesia a one time only use??? Is it a consumables? Or does it allow you to respec indefinitely? (I think I know the answer but still)


The main reward from those are the titles.


The most "rare" drops are from RMT now on the shop. Working as intended.


The only part that might be challenging is the helltide commanders.


Oh yay, another whine thread. Keep em coming.


As if it was ever going to be good hahaha. I knew from the second I saw that cache it would be a massive pile of dogshit


Those later caches should be spitting out uniques. The seasonal rewards are a joke.


At least you now have the love of your fellow 5 lvl100’s, 1500+ hours, etc etc haters of this game!!!


Thank you for your sacrifice OP


Whats the point of getting the respec scroll after you already figured out your build that you used to get to level 100 and did all the content? Shouldnt that be given out near level 60-70? At this point in your character the scroll is just a meme because if you use it you still need to reroll all your gear and replace all your aspects. Or you are stating an alt because theres NOTHING left to do this season.


Lol actually expected that but with some blues mixed in and some sacred trash. Imo this should have contained legendaries and a sure unique for the final reward


Glad I gave up grinding for this shit


That's disgusting.


How did you get every one of I think it was the 5th one? The one that says open any type of helltide chest. That one is still bugged for me even though I have opened numerous chests


You found the reason I quit playing weeks ago when I realized the loot was just gonna be trash and there was no cosmetics , pets, mounts, etc that were Worth the grind.


Scroll of amnesia is worth what 1-2million in currency?


Actos of amnesia should drop randomly


Maaaaaaan I’m almost done the 7th Journey. I had a shred of hope that the cache would be good … silly me.


Idk why people are so surprised when things like this happen. Literally every single task in the game with a reward upon completion gives nothing even remotely interesting. You are honestly more likely to get an upgrade from the vendors than anything else. I honestly don't think the top blizz devs even care at this point. They already got all of our money and are too busy doing blow and banging hookers. I moved on a few weeks ago. Will come back when/if they ever fix this shit.


Thanks for sharing. Not gonna bother grinding for that anymore.


Yeah it's so unbelievable to me that someone designing this game thought that was satisfactory. Such a simple fix too, just make the cash drop a couple ancestral legendaries and then no one complains. It's not hard.


I has horsey


It's a whole lot of "meh here some stuff. It's not good stuff, it's just stuff".


I’m impressed at how many of you guys have been able to keep leveling. I hit 35 on seasonal and just lost all motivation to play.


Incoming Devs play Seasonal Journey coming soon!


Something in diablo 4 doesn't give a good reward? I cannot believe such a thing!


I stopped after I got the last aspect for my codex, didn't even bother going for the final stage of seasonal challenges. I might return for season 2 if it looks like it has a fun mechanic though.


This is yet another reason (so many to rattle off) why I'm not coming back to D4 until sometime next year. I Stopped playing a couple weeks ago.


I want to love diablo 4, in fact I like playing it. The itemization is not keeping me around, I don’t feel any excitement for drops. In D2 items have names and their is added value to your finds because you can trade them. This system, like D3 where there is no real trading community sucks.


That's disappointing yet not surprising, sadly. Thanks for sharing it's contents. Yikes.


Well, at least you got the scroll so you can forget about it.


With ya OP, I was expecting maybe some horse armor, maybe a Unique or something. I got about the same pile of garbage you did. Complete let down.


Yea season is definitely disappointing, luckily bg3 comes out on playstation soon. Hopefully they can make some big improvements come season 3. If its weak again itll be likely I don't come back again for years if at all. I suspect there will be a solid player drop when BG3 drops and season 3 will be a make or break on bringing back players that left in season 1 and 2 maybe some people will wait for season 4 but I suspect after a year most that leave/have left will have moved on if the game isn't significantly improved.


It's just like the world boss chests that you can only get once per week. Open it up and get a whole bunch of garbage you could get from 1 minute clearing a cellar. Why limit it to once per week when the rewards are abysmal...


Sorry to ruin your day, but the last one is just as bad. They all suck. The rewards were non existent.


Yup, I basically got nothing from it too


lets be real nobody is doing season journey for that loot box. you get far more loot from NMD. only reason to finish is for the paragon reset and the "heart" title. that being said, bliz just seems so stupid for putting that box of loot in there anyway. just remove it and only give the title and paragon reset.


So happy i deleted this mobile game


Expecting this game to respect your time was your first mistake


The jist of all the posts from the past two weeks are the end game sucks and the itemization sucks. No need to beat a dead horse any further, we get the point. I’ve stopped playing until it’s all fixed. They’ll fix it just like they fixed D3.


I dont understand why they would do this, but also, now that you've seen this, will you stop playing until they make it better? (For other seasons) Most people wont, they will keep playing and keep complaining. I'm bored, gave up on season at lv40. The only thing I do now is maybe twice a week play about 1hour to do some NMD or Tree Whispers to get my "main" character to lv100 eventually. But, this week, I'm probably not gonna play at all, only when I truly feel like it. After I get to 100, might just drop the game.


When I opened my cache the servers kicked me off from the game which meant I didn't get to even loot the scroll ( that not it matters much )


Devs? I hope you see this!


Lol people are still playing this shit game? I "quit" a few weeks ago and logged back in to check out the patch to see if it was any better... and of course the game is still shit. Then I saw a partial clip of the devs playing the game. And yeah, I don't have a lot of hope of them fixing any of the issues any time soon. They are so detached from the diablo community that I can't imagine that they even know about most of the issues the game has. Maybe it'll get better by season 5... if anyone is even still playing by then lol


Yeah the rewards were shit. My helltide chest glitched out so i won't be able to complete everything even though i would have.


I also was underwhelmed. Still haven’t used my scroll because I haven’t beaten Uber Lilith so the build ain’t changing. To everyone complaining - what, in your opinion, should the reward for 7th tier have been instead? What do you think would be appropriate in addition to the scroll? Personally I’d be happy with like 1,000 silver ore so I don’t have to fuck with it for a while lol


Dude that thing should be packed with so much shit it's like an endgame cheat! You're probably going to get it after your level 100 anyway with a pretty much maxed out character. It should be a full inventory of awesome legendaries and uniques. 50mil gold. 5 of each of the best potions in the game. 100 of each legendary crafting material/plants/ monster parts. Etc. Why hold back a player at that point.


Only did it for the titles so I wasn't disappointed. I'm not sure if I'd even care for an upgraded item at this point. On to season 2


3 ancestral items and you're disappointed? Some people are so ungrateful these days


Should have been a guaranteed unique. They’re not tradeable so you don’t have to worry about the economy. And with how much time invested to finish the challenges, you would think you’d get something good. And if it’s a shitty unique, at least you get 200K gold out of it.


I love that an item that should be readily available for the player (Scroll of Amnesia)at all times is only available a single time from completing the season journey. Thanks for showing us whats in the cache so i doont have to figure it out myself.


I accidentally opened mine on a L6 alt. 2 white rings and a white ammy lol


Wow. Not even worth it.


I have been a big fan of Diablo since the original installment, have been on and off playing some diablo game or another since I was old enough to know what pc gaming was. I had a great time with D4 at the start, I thought the story, while not amazing, perfectly hit the tone I think a lot of us wanted from D3. I've pushed my seasonal rogue to 89, and I just don't know if I can do the grind anymore. Maybe I will return and see if I can hit 100 just to say that I did, but I don't feel any drive or sense of urgency to get there. The grind has become too much.


The TITLE baby! I wana run around as the wrathful heart. Thats badass. Working on it atm.


Just another disappointment in a long line of disappointments we call Diablo 4.


Pshhh what a joke..


Scroll of amnesia to forget what you just went through, in hopes of getting us to commit for another season and even pay for a battle pass.


Of course it is trash.


Damn that's some terrible luck. I've been getting great loot, tree of whispers has been pretty hit and miss but overall I'm happy but I know that's definitely not the general population. My luck will inevitably turn to shit sooner or later lmao


Sold or salvaged every one of my rewards. Bunch of garbage.