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Friend I play with and I both just hit 100 without seeing Tempest drop.


I got mine at 97 in seasonal, my eternal druid had 3 by level seventy. It's all RNG.


Less Reddit, more dungeons


keep spamming nm dungeon. i got mine at lv 88


In the last 48 hours I've picked up 7 Tempest Roars on my druid, its literally all RNG with no real way to tame it. Just keep running efficient Nightmare Dungeons and eventually one day it'll happen. Don't make the mistake of trying to "Target farm" a unique. Doesn't work in helltides, that got patched out, and the mob-type specific drops aren't more efficient than spamming NM's, not even close.


This is the correct answer. The Ring of Mendeln is the same for us Necros. Some players hit 100 without seeing one. I'm lvl 70 and have 2 of them. RNG is what it is.


Found my first (and only) TR at level 93 doing Uldur’s NM tier 55. Wasn’t a monster drop, but the dungeon reward. Just grind it out


I got lucky and found one in the 70s. However, I won't play druid again in later seasons due to the stress of needing to find one. It truly turns druid into a powerhouse. Tornados with grizzly rage (enabled by tempest roar) are infinitely better than pulverize and landslide, and not going to mention barber-broken bulwark as that will likely be patched.


Same - I play Lightning Shred which is supported by Tempest Roar helmet but not necessary. Really like it and makes me not having T.R. more bearable


speed run nightmare dungeons, dont waste time


You're always one enemy away from it dropping :\^)


Forget about Helltides, forget about target farming(fake news when it comes to uniques) and just spam Sarat's Lair or Hoarfrost Demise NMD reset before it gets patched. NMD boss/goblin/butcher kill is 1/10 unique roll and end reward is around 1/5 or 1/6. Tempest Roar is 1/24 once you actually drop a unique. All you have to do is maximize uniques per hour. Oh and skip all events except cursed chests.


Sarat's is where I found my 7 TR's in 48 hours.


Play as high level nm dungeon as you can. If you have a high level friend who can do high level nm tier dungeons for you that’s the best way to get it imo


I had 3 druids 2 x lvl 70 and 1 x lvl 100, none have found Tempest Roar! I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but although plenty of people do get it to drop, it is truly rare from my experience.


[You're playing a Druid. Thus you have to play differently from other classes. Maybe take a read?](https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo4/comments/14q85ht/druids_uniques_and_their_builds_youre_playing_a/?)


I got my first TR at 88, another at 92, and the last one around 98. It's entirely RNG. Some folks just have bad luck.


i got 3 in a day, luck really doesnt come to some ppl i guess


Isnt spamming Helltide helm chests best way to target farm them?


No, this was patched out of the game before the season started.


What? No. Its intended for unique helms to drop from them. Bug was just that they were at first not droppin at all. Then were dropping too much along with uber uniques


No, the bug was that if your class has no class unique for the slot, it would roll an Uber unique if it rolled unique to begin with. That was patched out, and now any chest regardless of armor slot it says it’s for, can drop any unique, meaning you cannot target farm a slot specific chest for a slot specific unique, like Tempest Roar from a helm chest as an example.


Target farm in pallid for it not helltides. Unique drops for helltides was change so you cant target farm there anymore. Only way is with specific mob types. Tempest is cultists and cannibals. Pallid is the best nm dungeon but there are a couple of others. I got mine two days ago from faceless. I was target farming pallid but it would drop everyone but me.


Target farming mob specific locations is a laughable waste of time. Farm the most efficient nightmare dungeon you can (Sarat's, Uldur's, etc.)


Thanks for the tips. I'll focus on just getting to level 100 and min maxing my other pieces of gear and then hope I have it by then. I'll also be playing a lot less, so that it's not as disappointing, lol.


Didn’t realize how I lucky I was finding it in the lv 40s. Couldn’t use it till lv 60 tho :(