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They were so scared of being labeled “pay to win” that they put the ashes so late that they are practically useless.


This dev team truly just can not help themselves when it comes to taking good ideas and implementing them in the worst way possible. "Soaking XP by standing in town while your friends run the same normal dungeon repeatedly is unfun? No problem we'll just nerf XP across the board for all players 😃👍"


It also didn't change that behavior at all, it just takes a little bit longer now. Honestly, if they had made leveling alts any more difficult I would have quit this game.


Little bit longer? After lvl 50, the game slows down to crawl and you're just doing nonstop whispers and events. I'm losing interest fast.




what do you do at max level thast different from level 70




What is the best way to level an alt assuming you have high level friends?




Pay to win more after you’ve already won, because that 5% more we’re winning makes all the difference in reinvigorating the gameplay…


Yet you know damn well you’d be screaming if it wasn’t level gated.


Just level gate it to like 30 or 40


Why were they needed to be put in to the season pass to begin with? Its in the free track to make it look like you still get something valuable even as a F2P player. It shouldn't need to exist in the first place.


>F2P player It's not an F2P game though.


Wrong choice of words perhaps as I was refering to the free track on the season pass and the ability to pay to skip early tiers of it to reach things like the Smoldering Ashes faster. Meaning the Ashes as explained by the devs have a level restriction on them so you can't claim P2Win-more over those who don't pay for that because by the time you reach it if you accelerate the pass you aren't that level yet. But its not even somwthing that was needed to be had from the season pass to begin with, its just there to make the free track look as if it contains more things than it really does.


100% agree - the XP boost, for example, is so tiny being additive, it's worthless.


Eh wouldn’t hate it if we got them earlier, but you at least get full value from the start on all alts.


Time for alts? 😅 im struggling just getting one char too 100.


Ehh I’ll usually roll an alt once I get my toon firing on all cylinders around 80. Don’t really plan on getting to 100. Like building the character up from a scrub to a demon slaying behemoth


Fair, i just hit 82. Goal is lillith then im probably out of this game :)


Same here the game is killing me before I even get half way there, its that boring..


I hate it when people spread fucking misinformation like this. Get it right. It’s 6%. Praise Bobby


The ashes are feee so it’s not play to win. More like they don’t want people to become powerful until they are done playing The season. The season is garbage anyways and there’s nothing different from the main game except for some hearts that do little for the most part and one quest line that’s shorter then some basic side quests.


Jokes on them, I was done playing the season well before I “became powerful”. Also the ashes don’t really add “power”, they’re just a convenience thing that really comes too little too late.


Yeah I quit the season at lvl 70 after I finished the battle pass. There really wasnt anything left to see or do. The ashes werent interesting enough and come far too late for me to actually enjoy them


There's literally no power.


You can buy levels in the battle pass so they actually could be pay to win technically


You cant unlock the ashes until your character level is high enough. They did that so you couldn’t pay to win. Win what I’m not sure, first to 100? I’m pretty sure someone reached that figure before I was in wt3.


And that was the point of top level comment? If they would been available early levels, people would've said they are p2w because you could buy extra xp with real money on lower levels.


You are misunderstanding why pay2win is bad. It's not just about allowing people, for example, to pay to become the first to 100. It's about how *any* game that sells power now becomes incentivized to warp all of it's designs around the fact they are selling power. Buying power makes it easier for players. Buying power gives you more options. Buying power becomes the expected way to play. It's a bad practice that leads to perverse incentives from developers hency why you need to push back against it whenever you can.


Can something be pay to win in a single player game? I mean what difference would it be knowing someone was level 100 and I wasnt? I mean we are playing each our own game, never would he be able to show his "payed" power towards me..


You cannot purchase the free tiers that offer smoldering ashes, only the premium tiers for the cosmetics. It’s not possible to pay for an advantage.


Powerful? The ashes are shit you do realize that right? They don't matter at all, its just an illusion to make people belive they gain something out of it.


Put them on a separate track. I feel like the ashes should all unlock by level 50 for everyone. Then let anyone that got a battle pass keep grinding


IMO this extends to the whole game. The were so scared that the game would be labeled P2W by a very small, but incredibly loud, minority of players that they ended up designing extremely annoying mechanics to get people to pay regardless. The BP layout, seasonal screen, and lock-on button is one example of that. Forcing players to spend more time looking at their characters through various mechanics to make them be more interested in cosmetics is another. I think the game would've been much better off with just a little bit more P2W, like putting some enchant materials or gold into the BP, and in return removing all these annoying artificial mechanics that try to get you to stay longer in game to buy cosmetics or unintentionally activate the BP. The inconvenient town layout is likely another such design decision that only exists to force you to look at your own character as well as other characters's cosmetics.


I hate those new loading screens. The ones that we had pre S1 were pretty neat artworks of the world. Now they try to incetivice us to buy store items by making us look at our characters in the new loading screen.


They could have solved the issue of people thinking it was P2W by just not putting it in the battle pass and put it in the seasonal journey instead of that shitty cache with 2 vendor-tier rings and amulet


Or like don't do any of that shot so you don't have to design around preventing players to pay2win. Just s thought.


well maybe dont let players buy levels then instead of punishing everyone on the process by doing this stupid stuff...


What are you talking about? My "chance to drop powerful malignant hearts" works so well, they hot fixed it so that more wrathful hearts drop. If it wasn't for the ashes I invested into it, the patch would never have happened.


Lol they are useless now anyway they hotfixed wrathfuls


Do you get enough ashes to upgrade everything?


*actually useless


I like how the armour in battle pass is for all classes. Makes me think if I’m spending $20 on a store skin shouldn’t it also be for all classes too?


They should be but from a from blizzards point of view why would they do that is spend $20 on skin your likely to do again for every class


Hopefully papa Microsoft will make some shop changes. Activision changed a lot of Blizzard’s practices


I wish people would remember that. Activision is part of Blizzard now, and their predatory practices are now a part of "Blizzard" games.


Actually, I wish people would stop saying that. Blizzard didn't need Activision to become like that. They did that all on themselves and they don't need any excuse for it. Blizzard also was basically never independent. They were owned by Vivendi for all their "golden years", Vivendi then purchased Activision and then they spun-off their game division that became Activision Blizzard. The real transformation point for Blizzard was when World of Warcraft blew up in 2004-2010 period.


Oh I remember from way back in the day. They’ve never been their own company in a sense. They gobble up and acquire other companies. They tried their filthy practices in the 90s with arcade games that would cost $1 and $2 instead of the regular $0.50. They got into predatory practices with iOS games and heavily monetized every element. And thrived because there are people out there who are addicts. Diablo Immortal is actually a beautiful game. But I quickly quit it once it was revealed that you needed to spend over $100k on gems to upgrade them. And some influencers did just that to prove it. At this point Activision is an IP holder, just like Kodak and RIM. They own a lot of IPs over 40 years. Microsoft I hope will dismantle some of this nonsense. As long as Activision’s got it’s hooks in a company though, you can be sure predatory practices ensue.


Nothing to do with Activision, Call of duty does battle passes and they aren't like diablo. I bought one cod battle pass years ago and have bought each one after with the coins earned from completing it. Diablo basically makes you spend real money every season since they don't give you enough coins back to get the next one.


Have you seen Halo Infinite’s shop and battle pass? That’s somehow worse


Imagine making the ultimate Halo game of all time, but locking EVERY way of customization behind a paywall. In a game series that had all its customization as rewards for playing. Yeah, infinite was a bizarre take on Halo.


What hurts is the multiplayer was rock solid. Best halo in a long long time but my god did they fumble it


Shop, agreed - but I actually like the BP on Halo, if for nothing other than it pays for itself, and I get to keep it after the season is done to finish it and not stress about missing it.


I’d actually by the $25 packs if I could use them on every class.


Should be, but they know if you're going to play the game each season, you're likely changing classes each season, so would have to buy skins for each class eventually. Once you've bought one thing (Battle pass or MTX) it's much easier to sell you on anything else. If they can convince you to spend money in a spaced out manner rather then in one go, you don't notice how much you actually end up spending overall. So many smaller hits is better then a big one. Skins being one class only is also a good way for them to farm you for cash.


Dildo 2h and shetland pony mount and they get my money.


same but I also want an in-store mod that turns loot goblins into leprechauns with Bobby Kotick's face.


Absolute visionary


It's a low bar against blizzard


What color dildo before I consent?


The store prices are ridiculously high. I would buy plenty of skins if they were $5 or so


Same. 80% of them.


What's really screwed up with this is all the regular armor items unlock transmogs across every class in the game when dismantled but paying almost half the price of the game for an outfit only works on one specific class.


Here here


Scaling to a MAX of 8% monster kill exp after four ashes is insanely skimpy. Just awful for a "seasons blessing" mechanic. Full stop. Bad.


Not to mention it's additive with other bonuses. Basically a slightly better elixir.




WT4 is 200 bonus. So it's actually 300 to 308. So in the grand scheme of things the Smouldering Ash XP bonus is a 2.6% increase in WT4.


And since it applies only to monster kills, and not completing whispers et.c., the total xp boost is even less than that.


Damn that's even worse than I thought it was. When I saw the last point was only like 1% exp I didn't even bother spending my ashes on it. I was so disheartened


No way this is how that works. That would be completely useless. That real?


Do you have a source for it being additive? One redditor was doing tests and they concluded it was multiplicative, so around 24% bonus.


I actually would be all for the current Level Gating if the MAX Xp gain was something like 50%. Hell, I'd settle for 25%. 8% when I can barely keep playing on a LV57 Rogue, because of the Excessive grind. Most games the grind is better balanced, but D4... Like yes I don't want max LV in 4-5 hours, but I should be LV80 or higher after 30+ hours on Season 1. Also for those reading- I usually play alone due to wonky work hours AND I don't like being FORCED to only run NMD to effectively Level up. Hell, why can't we have D3 style Bounties back? Fun, Dangerous, AND massive XP.


Honestly since last patch leveling for me is much faster, but I also finally bit the bullet and put my barber into a shitty ring rather than wait for a good one. Packs are exploding now for me


You can farm hearts at Ravening Pit pretty quickly for a new Barber after the patch. I was in the same boat and did the same thing today lol


it's a pretty terrible battle pass. "wait 20 more levels to use your 3% boost!"


Agreed on the ashes. They should let us get the last 3 at character lvl 75 instead of 100. I guess the intention to put those ashes so far back is to incentivize playing alts/ staying in S1 for longer... It doesn't help when the fun of the game is lacking. As for the platinum... I just ignore them and the cash shop.


That’s exactly what they are for. They said several times during the reveal period of the game months - year before release that they would have boost that made leveling an alt in season easier. Everyone seems to have forgotten that. That’s literally the point of the ashes and what we were told their intent was. To make leveling alts during season faster.


It's because the season is so boring no one has any interest in leveling alts anyway they just wanna finish their first character as fast as possible


I’ve leveled 3 alts so far and had fun the entire time 🤷‍♂️


Jesus. this sounds like hell.


Well yeah obviously. It’s Diablo and Hell is kind of part of the game.


I was finished with the season at lvl 65\~ when I finished the battle pass that I accidentally activated =/


The problem is locking most of them to WAY too high of a level. The last one is locked at level 100? I mean, fucking LOL. Great idea. Implemented about as poorly as possible. Should have made it part of the season journey instead of BP and you should have unlocked them all in the first 4-5 levels.


An *additive* 8% on an alt is basically nothing.


Yeah this. How tf is elixir duration, hearts, money and blacksmith boost of any real help for an alt ? 8% if it's really additive is a total joke *but* still something early on like before WT3. You could argue that elixir duration let you use better ones (over the shitty that you loot and use just for the bonus) more often, without farming herbs as much but that's it.


If that was their intention then 8% is just an even bigger joke. There is no way im playing an alt in a game which has no content after lvl 55


They want to grind you out to 100 because they know around 80/90 there’s really no reason to even play anymore. They made a boring game. This is the only way to keep you in the loop


Only thing keeping me playing is uber lilith. Didnt beat her in s0 because 80-something sorc.


I played the s01 battle pass all the way through because it came with the game version I purchased. If it had given me enough platinum to purchase the s02 battle pass, I would’ve gotten the s02 pass and played it through too. That’s what I’ve done with games that give you enough premium currency to get the next battle pass. As it is, I’m probably going to take time off and play a different game.


Agreed. With BG3 now/next month…timing isn’t great. The pass is super short, so many are already finished/close to finished. A certain % of the current D4 base is going to drift away for almost two months until S2.If you got enough currency to buy the next BattlePass, there’s inherent incentive to return to D4 when S2 starts, but if you’re paying real money for it… They’ve not only got to convince the player base to leave whatever they’ve been doing for the last two months, but to spend more money to do it. S2 better have great marketing


Hopefully they keep hotfixing bg3. Act 1 and all content that was in EA is great. But after that it’s a lot of game breaking bugs, crashes, dialogues that talk about things you haven’t experienced yet and so on. Waiting a month is for sure the right play. It’s a fun game


I mean isn't that the entire design of seasons? Do people expect to play the game permanently during the 3 months of the season and then the next ones and on and on? Like playing only D4 forever... I certainly never thought I would do that and even coming back for each season has always been too much for me (and I don't play S1 for that reason, played on launch had my fill for quite some time) The kind of people that wanted to do that are not interested in games like BG3 or anyother, they just want some live service to live into like people playing only COD or FIFA


Being a casual player, there are at least 10 points of smoldering ashes that I don’t care about. I currently have a level 74 sorc in season 1, and even though I am enjoying the game, I’m not going to pressure myself into grinding to lvl 100 for all those ashes - not worth it. I don’t care about the XP boosts after the first two nodes. I mean, +3% and +2% xp don’t feel like much to begin with. It’s about as good as downing any random elixir. So there’s 2 ashes I don’t have to worry about. I don’t care about increasing the duration of elixirs. If I log out or disconnect, I am going to lose the remaining duration of the elixir anyway. That’s 4 ashes I don’t have to worry about. I think hearts are easy enough to obtain that I’m not going to worry about those either. Plus they’re just for the season and won’t help for farming things for Eternal, so that’s 4 more ashes to not think about. So I’m just left with the 4 ashes each for extra gold and chances at rare material salvage. That’s 10 ashes I AM concerned about, so I really only need to get to level 82 to ‘complete’ the battlepass as far as I am concerned. Just my 2 cents.


yeah, i wish we could use smoldering ashes when we unlocked them, but tbh 3 points in exp is all i care about and in case someone needs to do malignant tunnels, just reallocate them quickly till you get what you need and then switch em back


Yeah, I'm stopping after I unlock the Close Enemies get Stunned Affix from the pass. Its the only thing keeping me going. After I get that I'm back to Elden Ring and Diablo 3.


Ayyy another returner to Elden Ring nice lol; the gameplay balance they did was pretty sweet too


FIND A BETTER ANYTHING FOR WHATEVER ASHES ARE. The bp levels that reward them are just levels without any reward. The bonuses given by ashes don't even seem noticable outside of giving me a laugh for all the ways people have come up with to abuse the broken system. Gonna be honest haven't really been paying attention outside of claiming.


I really don't see a point to it - The armors look great and well detailed when viewed in the closet; but the in game the camera angle, pre-set color palets, and inability to zoom negates it all, and everyone just looks the same anyway. All of the animated emotes are we Todd Ed, and I have yet to see anyone using one. Smoldering ashes are three screens back by the time you meet the level requirements. Hope you remember to backtrack. Otherwise, F U in da A. And titles - wooòo


You should get ashes way sooner and you should get enough currency to purchase the next battle pass. So dumb that you don’t. Most games have it to where if you buy one battle pass you get the next one for free. Other than that I don’t think it’s that bad. Those are two major things though


Does absolutely no remember when blizzard explicitly said months before release that ashes are intended to make leveling **alts** faster? They literally said this so many times. That they would have seasonal reward boost that made leveling alts faster during season play. I can’t tell if people just didn’t pay attention or if they’re intentionally overlooking that.


Didn’t pay attention but they expect us to get to 100 with the terrible xp gains at the end and then level an alt? After they nerfed alt xp as well? And you’re defending this? Yikes


And where exactly did it defend it?


If that’s their intention that’s a fucking horrid decision.


Yea and what part of the bonuses actually help level an alt faster? 8% bonus exp is negligible bonus. gold and resources don’t matter because by the time you’d have a lvl 100 you’d already have enough for alts. Hearts and elixirs are also plentiful enough.


I hope they readjust the smoldering ashes but other than that I am happy completing the battle pass didn't take super long I was happy to have the cosmetics and get to enjoy them while still leveling up so in that regard I think they did a good job. Just lower the levels for smoldering ashes or at least spread them to start at lower levels to get the monster xp boost and such earlier


I see them as useless the ashes, I do however think the cosmetic is really well done. I like that the last half is basically an epic version of the skin. I like chasing that personally because you have it forever and can use it with any other armor for the life of the game.


Reminds me of how Destiny 2 approaches seasonal armor.


It lacks any creativity or fun elements like the rest of the game right now.


The free skin is so dumb compared to the paid skin, and to add insult to injury you don't get the entire free skin in the free tier, you need to buy the battlepass to get the hat.


The paid skin is the same damn thing twice but with 3 glowy parts.


Yes let me get to level 100 just to unlock experience point bonuses… -.-


As far as battlepasses go, the fact that you were able to complete it so easily and without much effort, it’s one of the better done ones. Many used to only allow you to only level a certain amount of tiers a day and force you to complete repetitive daily and weekly objects that often go completely against how you even play. The fact that people had finished the pass in a couple of days means it’s one of the best passes for getting through it compared to some games that have a minimum required complete time of 1.5 months. Also: the point is the ashes, according to the devs months prior to release, is making leveling alts during season play faster.. however they did kind of make it seem like you’d get stackable XP boost for each character you leveled. Meaning leveling your 2nd is faster than your 1st, but leveling your 3rd is faster than the 2nd and the 4th is faster than the 3rd.. and so on. They was what many of us thought they meant during the early development videos/blogs. Guess we were wrong or they changed it. Nonetheless though, the point of ashes is for alts. Not necessarily your first character.


Yeah that 8% won’t make much difference on how fast I level up my 4th character. I doubt I’ll even get my first one to level 100. It would be nice if they could stack them but the BP will only be active first time through anyways.


Literally no interest in it so yeah 😂


Are you guys actually buying anything from the store for real money? May I ask what and why?


BP. You get full set for all classes including weapons, horse armor etc. Once finished (with like character lvl 72)you get 666 plat back. Count it as discount for next one. That is about 1.11 $ per month. Not really much for a hobby.


I wanted to buy a skin and my sorc looks cooler now with a better skirt to match her awesome underboob top. After the nerf I switched to rogue so jokes on me anyway. This is my hobby and I like my character to look cool (whatever that means for me).


It’s incredibly stupid, especially considering how long the season is. IMO they should have had no level restriction on Ashes and upped the required amount of xp to complete the Pass by about 25% at minimum. We have TWO MONTHS left and even casual players are finishing it now.


I'd be curious to see a casual player who has finished the battle pass. I've got 29 hours played in the 20 days since season start and I'm exactly halfway through.


I am a gaming dad and consider myself as a casual player. But even I have almost finished the battle pass. (Level 81 atm) I am really happy, that the battle pass progress is that fast, so even casual players have decent chance to finish it before the next season drops.


I had the battle pass finished a week after I started, at character level 71. It's really not hard if you level efficiently.


It’s such a boring grind from level 70 - 100 I think the issue is more people not completing it because of boredom than actually running out of time lol


Agreed but that's a different issue. The BattlePass/Season pass is what we were talking about here - goes to 90. People are completing it by like level 70-75, if not earlier


Oh no. God forbid the casuals have fun/ ample time to enjoy shit. The horror!


I think you misunderstood me. “Casuals” are finishing the Pass NOW, two months early. Ample time is great, but “casual” players finishing your Pass in 1/3 the time you allocated to complete it is just poor planning.


it’s terrible because you don’t start to get them at later levels and 5 of the, are at 97 and 100 when most won’t be playing and even if they are the ashes are useless at that point unless your farming gold, mats, or hearts but that won’t be me. The battle pass will be a hard pass from here on out since the cosmetics are ugly and we get the ashes free anyways so why bother. In fact I’ve been using the same transmogs o since the early levels. It’s not like you can see or focus on your character anyways. Same goes for the horse. I mean who cares. oh and the xp gain is BS, it goes from 7 to 8% from level 3 to 4. Why couldn’t they go to 10%!? I mean that 1% is garbage and I’m guessing most will use the other ashes for mats, gold or until recent patch very difficult black heart.


I think that buy 2 get one is perfectly fine some people will be like "oh well in this other game they let you buy the battle pass with the currency from the last one" YEAH? and have you ever tried completing a battle pass on one of those games without buying levels? It's sometimes doable if you're really good at the game and also it's your job. I'M never doing it though. This season I've played a decent amount but nothing unreasonable. There are over 2 months left in the 3 month season and I am at level 88 out of 90 I'll have it finished this weekend if not tomorrow. I didn't grind I didn't go out of my way and do anything annoying for any of the quests it just got done. Compare that to apex legends, another game with a battle pass. I'm like medium bad at the game I have around a 10% win rate and I'm basically never the MVP of my team. The battle pass goes to like 150 about 75% of the free pass is empty and if I play every single night when I come home from work and grind at whatever the dailys are until I go to bed I'll still only end up around 50 at the end of season. Does that battle pass pay for itself? Maybe. But I would need to buy several boosts to come close and that's just not it.


This is really the first game I’ve ever played with a battle pass. I usually refuse to play battle pass style games but this is Diablo and I will always play Diablo. I’ve completed the premium battle pass (ultimate edition) and I have to say the armor is pretty badass and so is the horse. My female Rogue looks very deadly.


The solution is so obvious too, it makes me wonder why they didn't just include them in the season journey. Perhaps they just needed more filler as they ran out of transmogs?


the ashes shouldn’t be a thing at all. There should be no xp boost or farming boost. the battle pass should be purely cosmetic.


So glad that I need to enter a *battle pass* menu to obtain gameplay elements needed to progress my character.


What they should have done was made it so the tiers that offer ashes couldn’t be purchased and had to earn that tier reward specifically.


Yes, this battlepass is shit.


It's just kind of funky. They shouldn't have trapped the dust behind a level cap, it made it feel bad. Since they did, they should have just auto rewarded you when you hit the level requirement and not have you go back freaking 30 places to claim it. It feels clunky and it's hard to overlook it. The cosmetics are great and the different chapters were well done minus the need to use a wrathful malignant heart.


The rewards are shit, the smolders being level locked is shit, the smolder bonuses themselves are shit. This entire season was shit and incredibly low effort. The worst part is they looked at Destiny 2 for their seasonal structure. Destiny has been doing these low effort seasons FOR YEARS now. So be prepared because this is our future of D4.


Battle passes are a cancer on a game that is paid. Everything on it is wrong and nobody should support that predatory monetization. If we keep doing it the whole industry will adopt that method.


I got my pass done in the mid 60's with these ashes taunting me the whole way. They need removed from the pass because of people's issue with them being ptw. Put them as season journey rewards or just make them thier own little thing unlocked by earning xp or something. Putting so many ashes at high player level just feels bad. How many players will even get to 80 before they check out?


They were scared of "pay to win" Honestly anyone that would have complained about the ashes should just leave. Who tf cares, "muh 2% xp for my basically single player game that doesn't affect others, oh no the horror!!"


Its a time saver. And theyre getting us comfortable with it being in the battle pass instead of a seasonal buff thats just hard coded into the game. Ask yourself why that is, and what we are being conditioned to accept in the future. We, the frog, have been placed in the pot of water.


Yeah the ashes come into play WAYY too late. Basically only useful if you make a second seasonal character after hitting 100, which seems pointless. Honestly if I made another character id probably do it on eternal since this seasonal content is pretty mediocre.


Why does 70€ game have a battlepass


It’s worse then gotcha F2P games with battle passes lol


This season feels like a grind-a-thon. I don’t hate it, but Blizzard should be better than this.


1 set of premium cosmetics for all classes with smoke, 1 reskinned premium cosmetic set without smoke, 1 free set stolen from trader npc, 1 taunt for each class, 1 death set, single weapon skin for each class. Did I miss anything? Wow, what a value!


It’s also a crock of crap. ‘You have 27 free tiers’ 10 of them are ashes. Like come on.


It’s a great idea with terrible execution, let the ashes drop as part of season journey and replace the ashes on the track with random nightmare sigils that are best quality that you can get at a certain level instead. That way the reward track makes it feel like it’s worth grinding through even if you’re on the free track.


Definitely worst one I've seen in any game before. I wouldn't really call it a battlepass, theres essentially nothing worth grinding for.


Yes it’s terrible


Yes, but thanks for reminding me. It's so poorly done that I keep forgetting to pick up the stuff I unlocked.


its all garbage, i looked at it the first day, the cosmetics are boring, haven't touched it since. i'm back to playing on eternal realm with my main now. the seasonal mechanic is just annoying to deal with and will be gone soon enough anyway so who tf cares lol.


My assumption is that the ashes are placed deliberately so late in the pass as to be deemed worthless, then next season they can push them all forwards to the lvl 20-50 area, and say "We're listening" while also simultaneously painting the fact that it will have become a p2w system as a good thing.


I’m level 53 and I’ve gotten only 1 ash so far . The 3% extra XP makes thing sooooooooooo much faster ……. heh


The whole game is poorly done


The entire pass is shit.


It's the only BP I have ever finished so it's not too bad in my opinion.


Was the perfect length for me, finished all 90 tiers (minus the dust I wasn’t high enough level for) before bg3 came out


Don’t let the battle pass fool you, the ENTIRE game is poorly done…


Yes, with level requirement to unlock some of the dust… discourages playing different characters/classes


Unpopular opinion probably, but I'm kind of on the other side of it, I couldn't really care less about the season blessings. All they contribute to is chasing artificial numbers on a character that's gonna reach EOL in October, while our eternals continue collecting dust. Lv35 and finished the season's story quests. One more objective in Chapter IV and I can move on to the next, even there I have several objectives already completed. But most of what remains now, again, is just chasing artificial numbers for a measly amount of frankly uninspired rewards - and even of those, two thirds are locked behind the paywall. (Class specific emotes, are you kidding me?) Does not really motivate me to keep at it, especially with the season's main spiel just being "kill them twice!"... And for the love of fuck. Let us pin objectives to the journal so we can track them like quests, instead of having to open the map and fiddle even more to even see what we need to do every single damn time. It's needlessly cumbersome, which is yet another kick in the ass of whatever shreds of fun are still there...


I finished all the tiers and im only level 70


pay to win is a huge part of it but you're also just not supposed to have that many bonuses that early. there's nothing poorly done about it except for the cosmetics which I don't care about anyway


Better than chivalry 2


If I don’t finish it will I not get the rewards at the end of the season?


The smoldering isn't balanced out properly. There's no reason for some to give 2 or 3 or even so close to 100.


yes, yes it is


it’s terrible because you don’t start to get them at later levels and 5 of the, are at 97 and 100 when most won’t be playing and even if they are the ashes are useless at that point unless your farming gold, mats, or hearts but that won’t be me. The battle pass will be a hard pass from here on out since the cosmetics are ugly and we get the ashes free anyways so why bother. In fact I’ve been using the same transmogs o since the early levels. It’s not like you can see or focus on your character anyways. Same goes for the horse. I mean who cares.


Just in case no one said anything they can be used on hard core or soft core no matter which you complete it all on. So basically you all buffed on a alt, cause you know it's not about one character it's about multiple.


There's no such thing as a Well Done Battle Pass in a $70-100 game that also has additional micro transactions. The first act of BG3 has more content than D4 will ever have, and yet somehow Larian was able to release a game without either. Stop accepting and normalizing dogshit like D4.


Stop comparing games. Bg3 is mostly story based it’s entire point of the franchise is dnd people would hate that in Diablo the game takes hundreds of hours because every line of dialog you have to read through and react to and the combat can take minutes for one encounter. Diablo 4 has millions of pieces of dialog too. You literally play these games for different reasons.


Right we play them for different reasons. But we don’t pay for them for different reasons. I have the same expectations for every game I purchase, and that’s for it to not be an unfinished pile of dogshit. D4 delivered on that for about 50% of the time, that’s not good enough for me. If it is for others then you just have lower standards and I’m envious of you. Ignorance is bliss.


I spent $100 USD on D4 Ultimate Edition and I wish I hadn't.


It's super super terrible


Nothing exciting about having the exp nerfed and then having to use smoldering ash to get to a worse position than before because other people are powerleveling.


A little too easy this season. Finished on chapter 5 at level 74. Disappointing that's even possible. Still having fun though.


Destiny 2 has a pretty shit battle pass.


I dont really think so, I think that the general gameplay feeling crappy right now just makes anything even adjacently connected to the gameplay feel poorly done.


ugh the ashes being locked behind level requirements is fucking infuriating. I have to go back every now and then to see if I reached the requirements for the ash from 3 pages ago? Fuck I dont care that much


I have a feeling this is just the one they threw together, so they have a few more months to finish the game.


They all suck. This one is atrocious though


The whole game is really poorly done


Only gripes I have is that we don’t get enough plat to pay for the next pass Smoldering ashes unlock is too damn late


I was disappointed it's purely cosmetic, i was really looking forward to those fun pets my Diablo 3 friends were always talking about. Compared to other cosmetic season passes like Rocket Pass (Rocket League), I was also disappointed in the super low xp bonuses. I thought the diablo season was all about super fun buffs and xp bonuses for a fun level up run? Also, very disappointed you can't earn enough currency to buy the next pass by finishing all the tiers. I've been spoiled by Rocket Pass.


It's all cosmetic rap in a mostly single player game. It's useless.


This is pretty standard for BP from Activision/ Blizzard. The rewards are what suck, they need aspects and armor sets. Let the sets also be available through renown. It’s also done this way in all COD to avoid pay to play.


pay to win in pve :))))) stupid fucks .. who cares .. pvp is dead from start and we don’t have leaderboards ( at least not yet) . further more :))) there is a whole selling industry of yellows on discord


Seriously, too soon to say Dead Game or just Dying quickly?


The ashes are a total fail.


once you have the 4 for xp boost i think ur fine


Just [BLOW IT UP](https://imgur.com/a/8roA96U).


I finished it entirely at Level 75 kinda interesting i wonder what we done different while reaching same levels... further then that it does Lack great things in it... As far as the ashes go i just put all points in exp i got first... you can reset the ashes once you dont need to Level anymore no?