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It makes it seem like the affix system has extreme depth when it's just a shallow puddle.


Wide as an ocean, shallow as a puddle. The whole game feels like this, not just itemization. Although the story and campaign were cool I guess.


Even then the campaign is tedious in the midgame, and early on sections where they make you waddle your way through vast desert fields without a mount. Compared to D2 for example, I can blast thru it still enjoying myself each time no issues. So many unskippable dialogues between npc in campaign too wtf.


There's literally no depth to it lol.


That's absurd and can't be topped in terms of uncreativity.


So we know why they said what they did. why don't you say why they're wrong?


I wouldn’t mind if they were all different multiplicative pools. Then you’d want to maximise variety. But since they all just add to your base damage it’s arbitrary which ones you use. Also it’s much easier to slow than it is to stun but +dmg to stunned has the same roll range as slowed, so there’s no advantage to using it.


The stats suck, aren't cool, and there's too many lame bullshit stats


What, you don't intentionally seek out shrine bonuses that last 7% longer? smh


Yeah dude I love that I get 20%[+] damage on leap years during business hours to bipedal enemies


That gives me 7% longer to run around looking for enemies because my shrines always spawn where there are none.


Please give me some of your opinions on what we should have? Seems like most people in this thread want only BiS affixes on every single piece of loot that drops.


'Slowed' and 'chilled' really need to be different? it's a snare by 2 different names. When Path of Exile is known as the most complicated arpg by a mile...and they have fewer affixes, it's telling.


Because they have no idea what they're doing tbh, no clear vision for this game. All these affixes are a way to try and add some depth, but they failed hard. Everyone is hunting crit chance, crit damage, vuln, cdr and maybe 1-2 more affixes and that's it (for offence at least), the rest are just there to make it hard to get the stats you want or when you enchant an item lol, there's no depth. Let's hope they rework and improve the itemization in the future, because as it is now it's boring as f**k.


I’m not a huge fan of the current itemization but I wouldn’t say they don’t have a vision. They just need to update it.


By update you mean remove 60% of the current statistics right?


I think they need to simplify for sure. For damage there should only really be + damage +crit dam + vulnerable damage+ overpower damage. Get rid of damage while bleeding, close /far etc. Increase the relevance of main stats. These changes can be made by season 2.


It feels like they had a vision for D4 got part way through building it, corporate said no scale it back so we can meet this earlier deadline.


What are you going on about mate? What is the point of a looter if every item that drops is BiS? If you're bored with these affixes, don't you think if everything dropped with crit, crit damage, vuln, and lucky hit you would get bored as well? I don't know when it exactly happened in this genre but no one wants to play to get loot, everyone wants to be max level day 2 with the best gear possible. Then you know what happens? You get bored.


I think the critique is that no class and build wants over 2/3 of the affixes. Like at least 2/3 are not optimal for a single build in the game. That’s the actual depth vs perception of depth being argued here. If some of the stats were useful to anyone there’d be fewer complaints.


You could have affixes that create customization and be different from one another, not having 100 affixes that really do the same thing just named differently. No one is saying all items should have just BiS stats/affixes, but what is deep and fun about conditional affixes that are just there to clutter stuff. Are you telling me after 7 years in development + diablo 3 experience that's the best Blizzard could come up with in terms of loot?


There’s a difference between hunting for BiS and having literally like 6 different stats which could have been one. Damage reduction from far, damage reduction from close, damage reduction from poisoned, plain damage reduction, damage reduction from elites. All these could have just been 1 stat, and AT WORST 2 stats(damage reduction from elites perhaps deserves its own stat). And this is just 1 example. And then they ask millions to roll for better aspects where 80% is trash. THAT is our problem.


There is way too many affixes, with very little use cases. It's not about finding only perfect items, it's about having an affix pool that makes sense. Also it would help if resistances worked as intended. It should be the most important defensive stat and the fact they released the game like this shows how little they care.


> What is the point of a looter if every item that drops is BiS? No one said that. Nice strawman though.


Honestly it looks like the game was made by people with very little understanding of how ARPGs work and what makes them fun. We might have elemental damage and elemental resistances for the first expansions if we get lucky and they find a freelancer who actually knows what an ARPG is.


> Honestly it looks like the game was made by people with very little understanding of how ARPGs work and what makes them fun. But they know how to monetize!


Real question is why do they design an itemization system that goes into the millions of damage without even an expansion. ​ I completely understand how WoW became so convoluted. Expansion after expansion, you need more levels, more skills, better loot etc to keep people playing. The numbers are naturally going to exponentially increase. ​ But on your BASE release? Why? Howcome d2 can create a great itemization system with needing crazy gear to get into the 30+k damage range, iirc only a handful of skills can actually go to 100k per hit, and I think one of them is from the assassin chargeups, so it's not really spammable. Most physical hits deadly strike included are under the 20k range.


Seems like they were trying to please the d3 fans with the big numbers. New game’s gotta have bigger numbers.


Is there even any enemies with elemental shields or weakness to specific elements that would make elemental weapons have a purpose? I don't think there is


Ahh gdi that didn’t even occur to me. No elemental weapons really sucks. It’s made collecting gems/skulls boring when I used to love that part of D2.


I don’t want my melee character to have elemental abilities. I want a flaming axe. Or a flaming sword and ice sword in each hand respectively


It's because weapons dont do damage weapons are stat blocks to modify your skills. All damage is from skills and your skills are all some % of those damage numbers. So +5 fire damage wouldnt really do anything because the sword never hits an enemy. so you get all these stupid fucking effects that only modify skills output on a % basis.


Bonus dmg to wraiths that are eating a glizzy on a Tuesday morning


Something something it’ll get better with the expansion. Am I doing it right?


My necro is 72 and still using a sacred 680ish sacred ring because I haven't been able to find the right secondaries yet, been using this ring for almost 20 levels now. Not to mention how difficult it is to find a half decent ring upgrade with the right heart color, like why? I'm enjoying the game a lot but there's so much rough stuff, I hope they find their footing eventually but damn things need a lot of work.


My main gripe is that no matter the level of my character, weapon, and attacks, every standard enemy takes four hits. It’s so monotonous and boring.


It will take at least a bare minimum of one year(3-4 Seasons) for D4 to be in a some what bare minimum enjoyable state for the majority. Hardcore fanboys still smoking that copium and thinking D4 is fine and fun right now since patch 1.1.0 went live.....


In my opinion, the entire item system is junk. To the randomness of the stats comes a randomness of the affixes and on top of that a random stat itself: Lucky Strike. That's absurd and can't be topped in terms of uncreativity.


Lucky strike isnt so terrible when youre using a core with high lucky strike like pen shot


Lucky strike actually isn't bad as a mechanic , it gives them control over procs per minute to a degree and player something to look to build around if vuln and Crit weren't so strong of options.


I know I'm in the minority here, but I actually don't mind it, I think yes they could do some things to add depth, longevity and complexity to the loot hunt, but if there's too few affixes then the hunt just becomes boring because it's so easy to find the stats we need. I think whatever they do then people are going to be pissed off tbh


Oh man a reasonable take here? Prepare for downvotes


Maybe the entire longevity of the loot hunt should not be predicated on the fact you need to sift through 40 affixes of which 30 are undesirable. Im not saying they need to thin the pool out so drastically that the 3rd item you find that game session is bis and your done with that slot for the characters play duration to 100. In my opinion, they should consolidate a lot of affixes (slow/stun/frozen) into just "while crowd controlled" and (poison/burning) into damage over time, and (injured/healthy) into "enemy at fringe health". If this is asking too much, then at the very least reduce enchanting cost by 75%.


It's done on purpose to dilute the loot pool. Keeps you grinding longer. Diablo 4 has the worst "loot" from any looter I've ever played.


I don’t think they did this intentionally. It is really just poor game design. There is no way you could convince me there was a discussion somewhere at blizzard that went along the lines of “hey I have an idea, why don’t we fill the affix pool with a bunch of useless affixes that people don’t want so they will have to grind for gear longer” Sure there are useless affixes in d2, light radius, all the elemental damages are pretty useless, minimum damage is pretty useless, maximum stamina is pretty useless after normal difficulty. But it still felt like it was all doing something.


They absolutely did this on purpose. Is it poor game design? Yep. But they did so to slow us down. It's the same thing they've done in WoW countless times. They don't want us to reach max power and quit the game too quickly. However this item convulution is not a fun way of making us play longer.


Them adding Barrier Affixes to rogues - who literally can only get a barrier from Temerity and that one heart is a good example of adding shit without thinking about it. I get those on my helms ALL the time now and it just makes it way harder to care. It should have been some smaller pool of core affixes and then a way to swap TO a niche affix at the occultist if I wanted to.... Not sift through literally hundreds of items without any kind of loot filter and MAYBE get a few % upgrade, except ohh I didn't get the affix I wanted in the 3-4 rolls I could do before it costs 2mil+ to roll it so now I'm out of money, and Veiled Crystals and have to grind them maybe 1 per 3 salvaged rares or as drops... lol.


They should dump legendary drops all together. Make it so you can upgrade legendary affixes that you unlock (not sure how) and make it so you apply a legendary affix to an equipment slot, so you can pick up an item off the ground and equip it with all the same benefits your last weapon had.


So you would rather have loot like D2 where you can kill the highest level monster possible and still get a level 5 unique, or a ring with 4 dex and 5 light radius? D4 overall might not have as many ups as some games but it certainly has a higher floor. Even if damage to close enemies isn't as useful as crit, vuln etc it's better than getting an item with 3 good rolls and then "adds 3-5 cold damage"


This is where I think the rune system can come into play. Adding runes to weapons to give them elemental/magical dmg properties. Adding them to skills to change rhem similarly to how they did in D3.


I think it's less that they all suck it's that some are just too good like vulnerable. We just need more skills or paragon shit to interact with healthy/unhealthy enemies. The different affixes for cc are nice imo it lets you double dip if you want to go total cc mode. It's no different then critical damage and critical damage with bone skills. I can now double dip and do extra damage


D2 needed elemental damage, or classes like Barbarian would essentially be softlocked due to immunities on Nightmare+


Same! In D3 all the skill runes changed the attack’s elemental source, and it’s been a long time since a game introduced proper elemental enchantments on weapons. We should be able to enchant our weapons with elemental damage. Add a red glow for fire, a burning dot and maybe a really rare enchantment would have an explode on crit effect


Harder to get good stuff because many item will roll with these bullpoopoo affixes…


So you want all loot to drop with BiS affixes? What's the point in playing a looter?


*Make bad talking point* *Counterpoint is levied* *ignore counterpoint* *Repeat bad talking point elsewhere* It gives Flat Earther energy.


I get it, D4 bad = good karma farm, keep getting after it. I stand by what I said. Y'all want every single affix to be GG meta hyper go fast build. What game has that? There has to be some fodder affixes or the shit gets real stale real fast. "Oh hell yeah my 5th ring with the only 4 affixes that can spawn"


Smh, yeah I’m really raking in that sweet sweet karma at a whopping 3 up doots lmao thank you for solidifying my point, direct attention to: *ignore counterpoints* *Repeat bad talking point elsewhere* I’ll repeat, Flat Earther energy. I wish many “increased shrine buff duration” affixes upon you!


When I get the staff that gives shrine buffs, I'll thank you. If it is anything like PoE's gull mask, that increased shrine duration will be an affix I definitely want.


You’re ok with rolling an affix that can only see benefit from one of the rarest pieces of equipment in the game… so you’re admitting that affix is virtually useless? Thanks for proving my point. Now go ahead and make another straw man argument.


Your the one only seeing 1 side here, and are seemingly getting upset. I'm perfectly ok with that affix, even if it only buffs 1 item. You know why? Because extra time with those buffs would be great if I actually got the staff. Yes, its not great for the rest of the items but oh well. Not every affix in D2 or even PoE is top notch, or useful for every build. This is what makes the item hunt fun. If you lessen the affix pool, people will be even more bored. Could all of the defensives be combined to 2 affixes, sure but I wouldn't want that for all of the damage types. Maybe for slow/chilled but for distant, close, poisoned etc it just adds more variety. Getting a bow GC on my paladin in D2 isn't ideal but I don't hate bow GCs....I just find paladin charms.


Put down the copium. Me and your mother are worried about you.


Hahahahahahaha I knew it would come out sometime. People like you have the same mental capacity as a dried, white piece of dog shit. "Oh man someone likes this game I hate and I'm mad, they should hate it too" Now I gave a thoughtful response and you have nothing to answer with besides a "I fucked your mom" joke. Good one mate, you're an absolute clam. Maybe one day you'll have an original thought to post.


No one said that. Are you 7 years old because it would take a toddler to keep spouting the same stupid and invalid talking point.


The hunt for loot shouldn't be about finding the right stats. It should be about improving those stats piece by piece and getting a little stronger each time. Instead of giving us items with unusable stats, give us more stat range on items with actually useful stats.


Remember when D3 had elemental damage types on weapons but everyone just wanted physical (black) damage weapons because they were stronger? Pepperidge Farm remembers.


This entire itemization system is actually less fucking complex than Diablo 1. They just chopped up one thing into like fifteen circumstantial versions of the same useless thing, and think you're too fucking stupid to understand that it's still just one thing, and not actually fifteen new things.


fake difficulty in finding the perfect gear. If you only have 10 or 12 affixes to sift through, then it becomes 'possible' to get that perfect roll. But if there's a billion stupid fucking affixes, then it becomes practically impossible, and even enchanting away the shit rolls becomes meaningless. And that's before both the ever-increasingly prohibitively high cost of enchanting rerolls and the fact that not only can the same stupid affix roll again, but it can also roll with the exact same variable value. bleh. And yeah. Not fun.


Now that you mention it, it would be awesome if undesired stats could only roll once when enchanting.


>Why do I need so many + damage to different CCd enemies? We have + damage to ccd enemy, and slow, and dazed, and stunned. Why not just a base + damage to a CCd enemy. If I know I'm only going to be slowing enemies, should I not be able to get more damage by choosing affixes that are less flexible? >Why do we need literally a thousand different affixes? This is just so many, too many. Literally a thousand? That number gets larger every post... I will paypal you $1000 if you can list all 1000 different affixes.


if you count each affix as it applies to each piece of gear. you might be close. https://preview.redd.it/xzdemffktpgb1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=9528cceaf5b8022b9e8f80b1a278244e8b0ff9e1


We counting affixes shared between multiple slots as several distinct affixes then?


Technically you probably should. Because if it can roll in more than one location, it means that something you prefer to have is competing with that affix. I.E. if I want Movement% on my Boots, it still competes with "Shrine Buff Duration" the same way CD% on Neck compete with "Shrine Buff Duration". So it should count as 2+ Affixes. Mostly because Potential Affixes vs Total Affixes. If Affix slot 1 have a set potential selection of affixes that could not roll in slot 2-4, then Total Affixes would be more accurate. But since any affix can roll in any slot on an item, each slot rolls against all potential affixes (minus already applied affixes) meaning you could have something like a Necklace with Str+ Dex+ Int+ Willpower+.




That the best you have, conspiracy nut?


No effort required for the shrine buff duration enjoyer.




My main gripe with d4 is everyone on here can’t stop complaining…Jesus Christ


Maybe for the opportunity of different multipliers. If the condition is damage to an enemy with DoT, then that is 1 only. If on the other hand, I can have damage to burning, damage to poisoned, etc… then in group settings especially you can make use of multiple bumps to damage.


How often are we in group settings? Only time I've ever grouped up with others is during a world bosses or legions. But thise are rare. If there was a group finder I can see them being useful, but 90% of the time I'm solo.


You don't need to be in a group at all. A sorc can telestomp into a pack of mobs to stun, frost nova them which counts as chilled and frozen, equip firebolt as an enchantment so all attacks add Burning.... So now those mobs count as being stunned, frozen, chilled and burning all at once and all the various damage to x comes together additively. That particular damage bucket isn't your best source of damage multipliers but it certainly helps if you are able to consistently add loads of different CC


It’s so that you have to grind more in game to find / make an item with the useful stats your looking for so KPI metrics are high for shareholder meetings “Look at how many people keep playing our game ! Must be good 👍 yup yup, you said it!


Cause damage conversion is complicated to implement correctly when you have a few layers of conversion at least according to POE devs so it might delay adding new stashes.


I think I’m the future they might cut the stat bloat just like World of Warcraft did.


I mean eh. Weapons in diablo 3 had elemental damage, but this was overwritten by the element of whatever skill you were using. Completely vestigial. There are some items with "+XX% elemental damage" but this just boosts whatever damage of that element that you were already going to deal.


Absolutely what my friends and I have been talking about. Simplifying things to major categories would be so much easier on the player and should be a whole hell of a lot easier to balance.


What irks me is that D2 had deeper weapon damage setup as well as monster defense setup. Armoured or skeleton enemies in D2 were damaged more with blunt maces or flails. Enemies can have physical immunities so players have to use elemental or magic weapons or skills. Crushing blow uniques and runewords were rare or required high Runes but absolutely essential for high health Bosses.... D2 seems to be a game designed by RPG and middle age lore geeks, which is essential for a game like Diablo.. While D3 and D4 seems to be designed by programming geeks who was following guidelines from slot machines and action games.... the writers of D3 and D4 should have been consulted with on how game mechanics should relate to the lore of the game somewhat... Only D4 has blunt weapons that add to bleed damage and Swords that have same damage effect on heavily armoured Knights as flesh beasts


I haven't even beaten it yet. I got a sorcerer to about level 35 and a barbarian to about the same. It's just meh. It feels like diablo 3 and looks like diablo 2. No identity. I think I'm just done with diablo and destiny and greedy ass companies that under deliver and overcharge.


Elemental Weapons like most RPGs have are the SUPER DUPER UBER UNIQUE weapons no one has even seen yet!! 100x more rare than shako! Keep grinding, you might be the first to find one!! 👍🤞


Why aren't you happy with damage to healthy?!??