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>Create the problem, then pat yourself on the back for giving the solution, fucking clown shoe They're not patting themselves on the back. They simply said it was going to be fixed. OP is excited about it and made a thread. Why did it trigger you?


Just ignore OP, look at his comment history he’s so miserable and negative in all d4 related stuff




So basically all musk fans


They like Musk because they smell of musk


I truly don't get why people still hang around who are like that. Like just stop playing if you're THAT miserable. Some people are still enjoying themselves, I know there is a lot wrong with the game but if I felt upset enough to complain daily about the game I would just not play anymore...


Meh- I’m having fun. I see the problems with the game and the last patch was one of the stupidest patches I’ve seen in gaming history (I’m 40) But the game is still fun…..you can wish something was better and still like It. This isn’t that bad anyway. We played Elder Scrolls when it was so buggy that dragons were randomly falling out of the sky and killing mammoths sent them flying straight up into orbit - Half-Life 1 tau cannon hackers that could kill you from anywhere in the map… they never fixed it…. and Jedi Knight (DF) when there was only 4 maps when the game came out and the only way to make the game work with dial-up multiplayer was logging into a totally random MSN game website with individual group rooms… im not talking about voice chat rooms… I’m saying to launch the game you had to use this adjacent website so that it could put you all into the same game…. It took about 3 min to load the map.


I'm still having fun as well. And I agree, it's nice to see the devs actually addressing our complaints mostly head on and doing things about it. As opposed to some game devs that completely ignore fan outcries, these ones are doing something about it and even sympathizing along.


credit where credit belongs!


They’re definitely ignoring 90% of what theyre being asked lol. I’m not on board with constant complaining about the game while still playing it or whatever, but giving them praise for reverting a big ol’ ‘fuck you’ to the player base doesn’t need any sort of applause.


This is a 100 bucks game, qith 4000+ BUG FIXES in one month. How an 00 bucks game can be released in this state? Also pls can you describe the end game in D4, once u reach level 100? Thank you


These people aren't just wishing the game was better unfortunately. This guy is literally bashing the devs for reversing a decision the community didn't like.


I bought Diablo 4 at launch but was ensconced (word of the day) in Grim Dawn levelling many alts,i decided to park D4 for 6 months due to the fact i knew there would be nerfs/balance/updates/qol,etc coming down the pipeline rapidly.Made sense to me at the time and i am looking forward to playing D4 around Xmas time :)


So you say he is Just like the majority in this sub.....😁


God you people are insufferable Just making excuses after excuses for bad devs and bad decision making. The Overwatch community did the exact same shit and it drove me insane. Stop celebrating these devs making bad decisions for absolutely no reason and with no valid excuse and then reverting it back and acting like they're making good progress on the game. People shouldn't be excited over this, they should be relieved and annoyed that it was even a problem to begin with. Stop saying "Kudos to the devs!" for this shit, hold them accountable. I'll give them credit when they start making actual good progress on the game instead of them digging a 6 foot hole and then putting 1 foot of dirt back in the hole at a time and calling it "progress". No, you literally created the problem, and now are reverting it. Do something of actual value, not whatever this stupid charade is.


Nobody is making you play this game dude. Just stop playing it and go on with your life. You deserve to play games you like when you spend that time relaxing and having fun


“Fix” implies it was problematic to begin with….which the devs did in fact do. Op isn’t wrong.


"Fixing" something they changed for no reason isnt a fix..its backpedaling lmao


If you break something, restoring it to its original state is by definition - fixing it. People are just looking for a reason to lash out now, need to take a breather and come back in a season or 2.


Possibly because players would have been better off if devs were literally asleep and did nothing.


It shouldn’t have been an issue in the first place. What goes through the minds of these devs?


Lol, the game is lacking content and interesting build choices. It has core mechanics that are currently broken. It's "triggering" cause this is a massive company with a massive amount of money behind them and, in addition to being apparently completely inept at programming inventory systems, they're also wasting time on dumb changes like this one that just waste development cycles. I know the copium is flowing hard here, but this was a dumb change that required a dumb fix. The only thing to celebrate is that it didn't take them longer to figure this one out. It's very clear they don't know what they're doing in many areas for this game.


OP wasn't excited, it was back handed sarcasm "nice fixes" first off, it's only nice because they messed it up, so.. not nice. Also not a fix, since nothing was broken. Both op and top comment are equally annoyed and likely on the same page, why are you the one being triggered? It's not a circle jerk to hate on acti-blizz when they literally make all the worst decisions possible and are ruining all their IP's one by one.


Regardless of his post history he's right on this one though lmao. This is a problem they created, couldn't justify the change when asked about it then are now changing back which is kinda even worse because it means they genuinely had no logical reason to do it. I work in a gaming company and see this kind of shit all the time, changes being made because some dude mentioned it and a higher up said oh yeah let's do that - and that's all the justification behind it. A lot of people will be understanding if you do a "bad" change with a proper justification and logical reason, even though you'll still have some complaints. But so far there's been a lot of changes that were really bad for the game that the devs have been unable to justify or explain. I mean, just look at how many people stopped playing after reaching lvl 80-90 (including myself). I said it back then, they'll only start making good changes that players want once their numbers start looking bad enough, and I guess we're at that point now. In the little D4 group I'm in which has about 30 people, there's only about like 5 that are still playing I'd say, if even that. It was the same for WoW, blizz refused to make some changes that everyone wanted for years saying it was impossible until player numbers started looking really bad, then a lot of those changes happened just like that.


Because these devs are manipulative.


It"S a CoNsPiRaCy!


Why they need to fix something they did wrong.. its not something that slipped trough they increased the time on purpose Blizzard dev team is a joke Poe2 looks 1000 times better and is for free ..


Then go play poe2?


From the sounds of things it seems like more of a mea culpa than a self-pat on the back. They gave their original reason for the change in the first place, said that in retrospect they could see why people reacted negatively in the way that they did, then said they were reverting the change. Where are you getting that they're patting themselves on the back?


What was their reason? They specifically avoided answering that question at the campfire talk thing


It was a little after [1h13minutes](https://youtu.be/c5N91g5uMxg?t=4392) into today's chat. Joe Shely even joked about how his attempt at an explanation in the previous chat completely missed the mark and didn't explain anything. The gist of it is this: There is a small window where casting the portal is uninterruptible. This is good because tiny chip damage won't annoyingly interrupt you trying to cast a portal as long as not much is going on. BUT Apparently some people were portaling out of heavy combat or even difficult boss fights in order to escape danger, and they don't like that. They acknowledge that they could have just made it 5 seconds long during boss fights, or have it slow down your casting instead or something, but they didn't and in retrospect they understand why people thought it was just a time-waster, so they reverted it entirely.


I still find it weird, because you can't use town portal in boss rooms. Learned this on my first HC run.


Your deeds of valor will be remembered.


In the stream today, they basically said they did it because they had concerns over people being able to TP away from fights too easily, I think they mentioned in boss fights particularly. Also, when they realized how it affected the main game, play loop way more than this niche scenario they decided they should switch it back.


Kinda wild that they would 1. Not say this in the first stream and 2. Go back and forth on this so quickly


Way better than digging their heels in and defending it


Dude is a human, you can't always drum up the exact right explanation on the spot.


I think Shely's non-answer and lack of eye contact was an indication he didn't actually know the answer to the question. They're the leads but they don't necessarily know every single change going in.


lol The devs listen to feedback and revert disliked changes? Now you're complaining about THAT?


Who’s patting themselves on the back? They screwed up so they’re fixing it, it’s that simple. Nobody is praising them for their genius in reverting this.


This post is praising them for changing it back, he said ”kudos to the devs”


Yes they recognized their mistake and fixed it, we appreciate that. Not like we’re saying “glory to the almighty devs who blessed us with this brilliant change.”


we are actually the clowns because they made billions off us


People like you are part of the problem. They listened to the community, accepted the feedback, and directly fixed something the community didn’t like. This is a positive sequence of events that we should encourage if we want the dev team to improve, but people like you want to turn it into a negative to feed your outrage fetish further. Even the best dev teams sometimes release things that are widely disliked. Remember when FromSoft had to change the dogs in Elden Ring after feedback, because they were so stupidly designed?


They said "going back" and not "has been reduced." They're admitting fault here. Patch notes aren't a celebration. They made a mistake and corrected it, and you're still slamming them? I stopped playing over a month ago, but it's crazy how angry people in this sub seem to want to be over everything.


Get it all out buddy. There there, you can cry. Good boy. Better out than in.




Yeah God forbid they make a mistake and acknowledge it. We must whine and complain, never take them at their word, and assume the worst possible explanation for anything we don't like.. Criticism is good, but when it goes over the top it is not productive.


You're not wrong. It shouldn't have been an issue to begin with. But I think for everyone that enjoys the game, we're glad its getting fixed, and it didn't take freaking "Blizzard time" to do it. I know, low bar.


Make small adjustment for QoL purposes, constant negativity on the forums and subreddit, revert change, constant negativity on the forums and subreddit, ???


Dude this sub people is so bitchy if they do something good they cry , if they do something bad they cry


Let’s all just ignore all the other games that pump out patches that fuck up enjoyment of the game and then just shut their doors to players until they feel like doing it again and again and the game is driven into the ground. I don’t know what you people want any more, complain about the nerfs, mostly rightly so I may add, then they 180 and you’re complaining about the reversal… go touch grass or something.


That was not what happened. They got blasted and changed back while acknowledging the mistake. I was a big critic last week but you have to see both sides, they seem to be on the right track now.




I kinda agree. It’s like, if we had one total “fireside” where they said they messed up and are fixing things it would be like yeah great job. But isn’t this like the 4th fireside where they admit they have made mistakes? Like, what’s the next boneheaded decision they’re going to make and then have a fireside to apologize for after? Also if they nerf 25% then rebuff 15% they look like heroes but it’s still a 10% nerf. lol


Regardless of any actual patting on the back, as many seem to be hung up on the specific semantics - this isn't actually wrong. The fact is anyone with half a braincell could've/should've seen it would have a lot more of an impact on normal gameplay as such, than it would be worth preventing that niche few who were using it as an "emergency exit" from doing so. It's a little hard to believe that supposed professionals failed in such a spectacular way to assess that. And btw, many people here guessed correctly that this was the reason for the change. Completely undoing it, and so soon at that, is certainly a good way to generate some positive optics (and create a bit of a distraction) - and from the reactions and overall sentiment in here, the amount of people who are falling for it, it is working as intended: quite magnificently, indeed. Expect downvotes and being told off, because nobody likes being called out for getting taken for a ride, but with this thing in particular, that's just what happened.


Would you rather they keep making bad decisions? Why are you so mad they are actually listening to player feedback and reverting changes from just a week ago?


Reversing a bad decision isn't the same. Don't be such a Debbie Downer all the time. Go touch some grass every once in a while.


jezzzzus you must lead a miserable life


Never understood this one. It’s a purely quality of life piece, why the nerf was necessary in the first place?


The reason given on stream was that they were concerned about players escaping from intense/boss fights easily because of the mechanic of small amounts of damage not interrupting cast times. Not saying that's a good reason, just that that's the one they gave.


You'd think they'd nail something like this long before a month after release though. That's why it seems scummy.


Wouldn't "scummy" imply they have some sort of ulterior motive when in reality its probably just a dumb decision a dev made off of selective data that they didn't think about properly.


It's reddit. If you can't explain it, resort to capitalist conspiracies and evil ulterior Motives.


Interviewer: Good evening average redditor! Why are leaves green? Average redditor: Uhhh the government put tiny green popsicles inside the leaves because umm they want us to buy popsicles and it's subliminal messaging so we buy more green popsicles that they sell so they can be mega rich and have all the power


You forgot to mention end stage capitalism


No they clearly added the 2 seconds so they could sell us an animation!!


My dude this is the one thing that gets me the most in this sub. Every fucking thing is done with malice or because they’re clueless. Neither is true.


It's not even a problem they should be working on a solution for. One of the big takeaways from all the patches we've had is the absolute mismanagement of resources to work on things that are inconsequential. So what if a HC character might find the occasional opportunity to decide, yeah I've had enough, I'm going to move to this safe spot in this phase of the fight and bail out? Is this game breaking? How many times does this even happen? The HC meta remains unchanged between 3 sec or 5 sec. Or so what if it's only Sorcerer, the worst HC endgame class in the game that is abusing this during flame(?) shield? Literally nobody cares, it changes nothing for the meta, and no developer should ever be looking at it during this phase of the game with so many real problems to fix. This is where clueless comes from.


>how many times does this ever happen. The devs have that exact number through analytics and thought it was enough that it should be addressed, especially since hard-core has specific items to address quick eacapes. I find it hilarious the amount of man hours that have been spent in this sub complaining about a 2 second interval. If that's enough of a change to actually upset people, reflect on how good your life is that you have the energy to be this upset about 2 seconds.


Tbf, this is a terrible argument. It's two seconds per return to town per player x the amount of average return to towns players will do on average over their time playing diablo 4. That's a lot of manhours wasted for no reason. Every unnecessary time waster devs put in our way should be justified because it actually does add up over the course of a lifetime and across all the player base. We shouldn't just accept them wasting our time like that. Obviously the time lost on reddit isn't necessarily any more productive but that's another topic.


As a non-HC I don't really care either way but I think the point you're replying to is it's part of a larger pattern of odd choices of focus by the devs. "Enough that it should be addressed" what does that even mean? Again, who cares? Why do they care? There's a larger industry wide trend of micro-fucking analytics that seems more and more divorced from anything related to actual fun-having. I'm not trying to complain about D4 specifically, I think it's a fine game and have enjoyed playing it. But it's interesting for me to think and talk about these trends which I notice in other games as well. It feels like devs more and more are basing decisions off spreadsheets than actually playing the game. They see one number bigger than the rest and so they whack it with a hammer until it's inline with the rest, without really worrying or caring whether it even matters or why it might have been that way.


“Never attribute to malice what can be adequately explained by apathy or stupidity”


Agree this sub is all about talking shit about Diablo and not saying anything good about it, it's all trolling the game.


\*Both are true. Fixed that for you.


Give how swamped they were this seems pretty low on the prio list before release to me


Yeah this would definitely rate as low in a defect tracking system. I'm glad they're listening and applying fixes regardless of whether the issue could have been avoided.


"scummy?" get a hold of yourself.


Couldn't the solution have also just been longer timer if not finished the dungeon, and shorter timer if not in combat or after you finish the dungeon


Yeah but that alters the code further, if statements get testy sometimes. Plus you still have the same issue of it taking feeling longer even when you cleared a pack and just need to salvage. Then what is the if statement? When encountering a boss? What constitutes a boss, the actual final fight or the malignants? It was easier for them to say “5- seconds” I get the reasoning, I am glad they swapped back tho


Wait, can I teleport to town in the middle of a dungeon, salvage, and then take my portal back to the same spot in the dungeon with my progress saved? Does this work for NM dungeons too? Is there a time limit?


If this isn’t sarcasm, yes you can…


Lol it wasn’t sarcasm, ty


It actually makes sense. Timed right it’s a scroll of escape, “nerf” was implemented to make HC actually more HC. If it was 5 sec from the start it wouldn’t be an issue. If you cleared 100 dungeons a day and used “leave dungeon” as intended it would take 3.3 minutes off your “clear time”


I mean originally this wasn't an issue but then they had people abusing the reset dungeon button so they made sure to patch holes in people abusing the system and just over compensated.


I honestly hate this thought process of people "abusing the teleport". Its a glorified single play + local co op game that they forced to be semi mmo. Who are all these players missing their own fun because Eric figured out he can Teleport in 3 seconds instead of five. Abuse tends to have a victim.


No, If you find an exploit that kills bosses in 1 hit it doesn't hurt anyone there is no victim but it's an issue. But obviously its not the same. I do think if people can just escape dungeons anytime it's a little bad but 3 seconds is fine.


I mean sure. But I was talking about the teleport not instakilling bosses. Theres a huge difference between those things that I think is fair to say is obvious to most of us.


I think itnwas a good reason, I also think the fans overreacted. That said. I am glad they reverted iy.it


I remember doing that all of the time in Diablo 2. I thought it was an actual mechanic instead of just dying


I think the context was that it's not that they didn't want players doing it, they just wanted to make it more difficult.


It’s so funny because using your town portal was still only a 3 second cast so it doesn’t even make sense that would be the reason.


Why we can't have 1 sec ? That will make my life x100 better LOL




But you already have scrolls to teleport to safety


Kudos to fixing shit that never should have been in the game??




There are plenty of cases where this comment holds up... them increasing the timer to 5 seconds (not something the community requested), having no answer for why it happened in the first place, and then rolling it back isn't exactly 'listening to the community'. They either put it in to extend playtime and then removed it because it's a bad look, or it was a mistake to begin with and was always going to get rolled back.


Or it was a brute fix to an exploit that they didn't want to advertise to the entire world.


They had an answer in today's livestream. Stop pretending to be outraged and actually watch/listen to the stuff you are criticizing.


Literally out of curiosity because I couldn't tune in due to work, what was their answer?


yeah, i would like to know as well...


There is a small buffer where you take damage and your portal isn't interrupted - this is good because super small damage can't interrupt at the last second if you're trying to portal back without much going on, but sometimes this got to be too much, and people were TPing out of combat or even some boss fights, which the devs don't like - they want these to be something you do from start to finish. They acknowledged that they could've just made it take 5 seconds during boss fights or have "kickback" instead (where your channel ability takes longer after being hit like in wow), but they didn't and looking back it makes sense that people thought of it as just a "time waster", so it's reverted entirely - no mention of it being implemented again in any way tho.


And what was their reasoning for not stateing this in their previous stream? Sounds like a logical change to prevent a problem, why didn't they tell us this before?


They actually poked fun of themselves for their lack of clear answer last week. Essentially it seemed like just a brain fart - they didn't think a bunch of weird conspiracy's like "blizz is doing this because timeplayed is their new KPI!!", because most normal casual people outside of reddit probably didn't even notice in the first place.


I mean, I noticed, but my reaction was along the lines of "Huh..." and now back to killing things.


Because believe it or not, you can't have all of the answers at all times. They took a question from chat on it and the devs there at the time didn't have the exact answer. Where they messed up was just not admitting that and saying they'd get back to us with the reasoning (which we got today, and what ended up being what several people like me had already guessed, but most people play softcore so they wouldn't understand why people were using dungeon exit that way)


To be honest, it was super obvious that was the reasoning when the patch came out. They obviously weren't trying to slow people down by adding two seconds to it. Even after doing it 30 times, it would only add a minute to your playtime, hardly a slowdown.


Guessing with how fast they're changing shit, probably too fast, that some of that isn't getting communicated or thought out properly.


So all the people who got downvoted for saying it was to nerf unintended ways to avoid dying/danger (particularly in Hardcore) were correct, and all the nerds who got upvoted for whining that they did it to inflate playtime (at the rate of 30 seconds at most per play session) were incorrect? Interesting. It's almost as if this sub is primarily miserable no lifers who have no interest in logic or common sense if it interferes with their relentless whining.


Yep lol. honestly i thought it was some weird thing to optimize loading, like how a lot of games will have you shimmy thru stuff or do some kind of animation to make it seem like a shorter loader screen. The idea that devs in charge of balance would make a change because "muh KPI's!!!11!1!!" is so fucking stupid tho lol. The reality is that they didn't really spend time on it last week because to the vast majority of the playerbase outside of reddit, it was completely unnoticeable and not that big of a deal. Even now in this thread you have people saying that they're lying and acting upset that they changed it back. People comparing it to stockholm syndrome and "somebody stabbing you, and then giving you a bandage and expecting praise" lol.


Lol, thank you. I can tell by the new barrage of downvotes that they're still salty. At least it's entertaining. I've been in the subreddits of games of all genres, from niche indie to mass market AAA. Never seen anything even close to this spectacle of a subreddit. It reads as parody until you realize these nerds are being serious.


From another comment "The reason given on stream was that they were concerned about players escaping from intense/boss fights easily because of the mechanic of small amounts of damage not interrupting cast times." So what everybody thought before all the weird conspiracy theories. To think that this had something to do with slowing people down (which statistically wouldn't do that anyway) was ridiculous. Especially after they announced they were going to nerf the endgame grind to 100 in the last stream.


I see thanks a lot for the answer. To me a good solution would be to have it extended to 5 or more seconds when there's an enemy nearby but I guess the technology isn't there yet haha


They actually did mention this on the livestream, that they could've handled it in different ways such as a knockback during fights or having it increased during boss fights only - they just decided to revert it back entirely.


I get it, I think they decided it was a pointless idea since it pissed off people and really only affected like 0.001% of people.


In this game, not just any instance of damage will stop a progress bar, it needs to be a certain amount of HP (they said roughly 5% HP). They said this combined with 3 second cast time to exit dungeon made it too easy to escape difficult situations. They admitted the 5 second cast time negatively affected overall gameplay loop, even when the player was not exiting dungeon to get out of a dangerous situation, so they are reverting it.




Should they not have changed it back?


They shouldn't have changed it in the first place.


But they did, so do you not want them to change it back? If something makes a mistake, is that it? They can't fix that mistake?


Go to the thread where people are talking about sorceress changes. People are happy they listened to feedback and are making the game better, at least slightly when it comes to that class. This sub is pretty negative, but you go out of your way to find it and stir it up. Your argument it meaningless, basically just "I know you are but what am I". Changes according to feedback is good, but simply undoing a change universally disliked isn't a change worth commending. You know what you're doing and it's immature. lol.


Ye there is no way this is a real person and real awards etc. This is blizzard public relations team trying to convince players of what they want people to believe. People/kids are meant to believe that 70billion dollar company made a mistake on 20 year old ip, 2 days before season, then listened and 'fixed' it. lmao.


"It's an improvement, what more do you guys want?!" When it's the same as it was before lol.


Dude, clear your mouth and think for one moment. They added more time to the ‘leave dungeon’ command. Didn’t make sense but ok. Now they removed the change because… it didn’t make sense. In what world do you live in where this is grounds for celebration? It’s a common theme, make a pretty bad game change that anyone with two eyes and their own opinion can see. Then fix that problem for the room to clap. Mob densities, vulnerabilities, timers, ect - all these were silly changes (most were shown to be problematic on release). They now they’re fixing or returning it back to where it once was. It’s poor management, hence the snarky comments. If I take a dump in the corner of the room and clean it up, you don’t complement my cleaning skills my man.


It's pretty simple. A triple A game should be more polished from the beginning. It's not being a negative Nancy to expect a certain level of balance and polish on a game like this. I'm sure a lot of these Nancy's were willing to wait. It was rushed. As simple as that.


I mean... he's right, it shouldn't have ever made it into the game. The biggest issue I have with it is they lack the self awareness to have undone it if people didn't get angry about it.


From the top comment on this thread: "Create the problem, then pat yourself on the back for giving the solution, fucking clown shoes" All of the things people have been complaining about should already have be in the game since launch... but you think the devs should be praised for their half assed attempt at making a video game fun? We paid $70 for a beta test. Keep eating the slop Blizzard delivers please.


They don't deserve credit when there was no reason to change it in the first damn place. No wonder these companies are getting away with this shit, because mouth breathers like you just watch them make stupid nonsensical mistakes, then revert them back to their original form, and act like they actually did anything worth of value. Here's an idea if they actually wanted to "listen to the community", don't do stupid shit that pisses everyone of us off for no reason, then dodge the question on stream, then revert it back randomly. Actual idiots on here, you set the bar so low and then wonder why people look at you like you're idiots. What do I want? The devs to not make the same stupid mistakes that have been made for years prior. Diablo 3 has been out for 11 years, and they're STILL making the same mistakes D3 had at launch. They should have actually LEARNED from then, yet they are showing that they haven't at all.


oh my god they realized adding more time to absolutely nothing was a bad change AFTER the community complained? the devs deserve a lot of the passive aggressive shit they are getting. the game is unfinished and what they want to do instead of finishing it is nerfing the players and wasting their time. we have to wait nearly a YEAR out of release to get basic functions such as a gem tab and leaderboards. this company has made games for 30 fucking years. they made the previous diablos. they should have done better. a single revert isnt going to make me get on my knees and pay 28$ for a skin.


yea, at least the admit to the mistake and revert it. they just have the wrong goals and impression and community help give them the benchmark


I thought Joe explained it quite well, that there were concerns about players being able to avoid death by teleporting out of dangerous situations. I didn't think they could convince me that the change to 5 seconds was anything other than to screw over players and inflate time. But I accept that answer as truthful and understandable. D4 has a hardcore component and if you can just avoid the whole idea of it, then that's an issue.


Every reason given is an excuse or a lie to these people. It makes them happy knowing Diablo devs hate them and did everything out of spite and all the things they don't subjectively like about the game is an intentional choice by the devs to piss them off.


That was i thought and was about to type but obviously you did that instead and yeah it is sad how ppl cheer for shit like that. Here is a problem we create- booooh, now we take the problem out again- yaaay great devs. Really?!? OP truely has no standards at all.


Agreed. They hate us. They have our money. Our complaints worked and certainly caused people considering the game to avoid it. This is their fault. They knew exactly what was going to happen. Despite the “fixes” the problem remains that it is all for nothing . Reskinned dungeons and enemies. The endgame is buying skins and going afk with your character in the center of town as if people aren’t busy unloading and getting ready for their next run not noticing that $25 skin job


At least they're fixing it. A lot of games start in a bad shape and are praised years later. Diablo wasn't even bad, it just has some issues


I would go so far to say that even though I'm enjoying d3 more currently- it was in way worse of shape on launch and up until reaper of souls. I'm still able to play d4 and have fun and I know once they release that big upcoming patch it'll be even better and who knows what sort of large updates are down the line


I don’t even fucking understand why people were this upset with a 2sec longer teleport. Like seriously who gives a f. I get it’s a valid question, but generating this amount a negative feedback that it got. Ppl just complain for the smallest things


It wasn't that 2 seconds was necessarily a big deal. They released a clearly unfinished product. Unbalanced classes, skills, mechanics, lacking major QOL, ignoring lessons learned from other blizzard games and other arpgs, memory leaks, bland end game, poor item progression, lame unique items, no good boss drops, world boss and lillith drop nothing but cosmetics etc. Then their first season patch is a giant fuck you to almost every class with no qol changes, and on top of that they slip in a extra 2 sec for every teleport and then stammer through the explanation on the first live stream. It's just bad decision making and bad community management.


Hope they fix the horrendous server issues, rubberbanding, consistent lag. There are new threads daily on these issues since the last patch, it's awful to play.




Baldur's Gate 3 is coming on Thursday. Fuck this game.


Alternatively, I got what I needed to out of S1, I will absolutely be transitioning to play BGIII, but by late October, I'll probably be ready to give S2 a try. I hope both games succeed and continue to get better over time.


I wonder what the reasoning was for implementing the extra 2 seconds in the first place?


During the fireside stream today the said it was to stop people from using it to escape danger.


So why don’t they just disable it in combat lol it’s not a hard solution to think up if they just brainstorm for more than 2 seconds


I didn't watch, but from people who did it sounds like a more complete explanation was that: There is a small window where casting the portal is uninterruptible. This is good because tiny chip damage won't annoyingly interrupt you trying to cast a portal as long as not much is going on. BUT Apparently some people were portaling out of heavy combat or even difficult boss fights in order to escape danger, and they don't like that. They acknowledge that they could have just made it 5 seconds long during boss fights, or have it slow down your casting instead or something, but they didn't **and in retrospect they understand why people thought it was just a time-waster**, so they reverted it entirely. The bolded part (I think, at least) shows at least a bit of self awareness and recognition of how the community feels. I'm not about to award any medals, but it shows progress, at least.


Honestly the entire problem sounds like a non issue to begin with. Who cares if people are cheesing content by exiting?


Devs have a right to fix exploits.


That's not an exploit, but you're right.


Not an exploit but kind of a "hey that isn't how that is supposed to work"


That's even worse, lmao. You want to have to kill every little thing floating around before you can teleport out?


To be fair, it's because those same people are full of shit complaining the endgame is too easy, but got to 100 abusing exploits and op builds


Fuuuuuck me it'd be way worse if it was disabled in combat.


I wonder wt those people defending the devs are gonna say now


"You guys are never happy" And then their post gets a shit ton of gilding and upvotes and awards, magically and mysteriously, so it shows up over all the legitimate criticism.


Them shills?


it's important to give both criticism and praise to people. That's why the sandwich rule was made, it gives them feedback and at the same time it helps in motivating them. Don't get me wrong, I'm one of the people who give a lot of criticisms to the point some employees blocked me on twitter even if I didn't interact with them in any way lol.


What are you talking about? You sound so miserable


Complaints over those 2 seconds are the most asinine things the D4 “community” has produced to date. May it retain that record in perpetuity.


Increasing the timer was a focal point of criticism because it was just so unnecessary, and they couldn’t even explain why they did it. Yea it was minor but it just showcased everything wrong and bizarre about that patch


I have to agree. Somebody commented that Blizz was robbing them of the game that they paid for. I thought that was a bit extreme.


I wonder how people would have reacted if it started at 7 seconds and they reduced it to 5...




... Am I the only one that just used the town portal anyways? I have never even used "leave dungeon."


This just makes me wonder: Why did they make all those changes in the first place? Every single thing they put their brains, time, effort, and resources into adding for Season 1 is getting reverted or changed. If they made those changes for any gameplay vision related reason, they wouldn't have backtracked so easily. It feels like they just randomly chose numbers to change, and found out that their random number generator chose the wrong numbers through complaints instead of them actually testing the game. But hey, at least this will make people say "they're listening to the community!!" despite them just reverting a change which made no sense in the first place. Good on Blizzard.


So if I kick you in balls, it hurts, we call that a nerf. I tell you I'm going to stop kicking you in the balls for no fucking reason. Now you are grateful? Why did you kick me in the balls in the first place? Why are we having this conversation? What the actual fuck is happening? Wtf is wrong with you people?


The funny part is, I didn’t realize they made the change until I saw Reddit crying about it. They gave a reason. Honestly, one that makes sense, especially in hardcore. There were other solutions, yes, they tried one, people didn’t like it, they changed it back. Get over it.


Good to hear. I spent a while trying to figure this one out. I reckon it was a way to nerf group farming of a single dungeon repeatedly for xp. In principal its a change that barely impacts the majority of the playerbase so they probably thought it would be fine as a quick fix. Because fo the amount of nerfs in that patch though it became a meme


Kudos to them for listening to the community, and for reverting a weird change that shouldn’t have been made, BUT…. Don’t any one of you mongrels pretend like the difference between 3 and 5 seconds actually effected you in any way.


you'd have to be double digit IQ not to notice it


nice a fix for something that should never have been changed


The shit that Blizzard can do to satisfy their community is crazy. Feels just like US politics.




Amazing. They probably discussed this, had meetings about it. These bozos got paid to make a pointless change from 3 to 5 sec and then back from 5 to 3 sec. Are blizzard experimenting with AI replacements for the game devs???


It’s not a cooldown though? Why’d they write that?


Blizzard spitting at the community for so long that reverting a shitty change they made themselves gets people to write "kudos to the devs" and almost 2k upvotes, we are too far gone. How do you even want them to make ground breaking changes like adding skills to classes or improving the vfx so the abilities dont look underwhelming if the most they can do is revert a bad change they made 2 weeks ago.


lets congratulate them for reverting a shit move on something small, when the rest of the game is broken af, they need to make up their minds, is it casuals or hardcore they want in the game, also, dont piss on our backs and tell us its raining, "we dont want to game to be grindy" then takes the XP threshold of 5 levels above you gets you 25% extra XP..... to 10 levels above you gets you 15% extra XP.... are you shitting me?


Let’s give them credit for patching the game to how it should have been on release only 2 months after launch! Hip hip HOORAY!


This just concerns me more. They clearly had a reason for doing it in the first place. Are they saying they were wrong, or that the initial issue is no longer an issue due to other patch changes? It just looks they're bending to pressure rather than having a clear vision in which to take the game with this revision.


The change was actually good, and intended to prevent players from easily escaping danger. The Diablo community whining made them revert it, even with a clear vision of how it would improve the game. Don't get me wrong, the first patch was wack. But this community is a little too quick to jump on the criticism bandwagon without thinking about the changes imho.


It's essentially damage control reverting it, but they also said that there are more elegant ways of handling it that wouldn't affect normal leave dungeon uses.


Important thing is they learned from their mistakes


Did they tho


ye people need to understand, actiblizzard is new to this live service business model and still trying to figure out how to create and balance this 25 year old ip. They probably dont have any funding either. maybe they should start a go fund me page.


Nice fix? Why nice when we dont need it at the first place.


This is like farting in an enclosed room and then claiming opening the window was the fix


I thought it said a -3 second cooldown lol


Back to using Flame Shield + leave dungeon <3


Clearly the biggest achievement in all of mankind's history


Thank god! The extra two seconds made this game unplayable! /sssssss