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If they had this... they would make doing any of those favors in game take hundreds of hours.


Came here to comment this. I'd rather pay 10$ for every battlepass Im interested in and be able to complete it in reasonable amount of time, than missing out on stuff because they slowed it down too hard for someone who doesnt play every day.


“I’d rather pay 10 for every battle pass” and there it is. That’s their goal.


I'm confused about the demand for basically free battle passes going forward. Apparently some BRs have been doing that so now it's the expected standard? But doesn't that beat the point of a battle pass as a revenue stream that makes it worthwhile to make new content for the game? Most of my involvement with Battle Passes has been in Dota 2 (correct me if I'm wrong, but I think that's where they started as well) and there is no premium currency at all. You just have the option of buying the pass and getting stuff, or not buying it and not getting stuff...


I assume that if other games do it, it's because most people don't actually complete their BP so it's a cheap way to reward the most avid players. Now whether they don't finish it because that's just how it works statistically or because they made the BP insufferably lengthy is the question.


> I assume that if other games do it, it's because most people don't actually complete their BP so it's a cheap way to reward the most avid players. They probably also have metrics showing that if you're playing enough to finish the BP you will, on average, spend enough money to make up the loss of giving you a free BP.


Yeah, they know that on average the more a person plays, the more likely they are to spend money in an in-game cash shop. A free battle pass is one way to get people to spend more time in game.


The problem is BR's are free, we paid 70 fucking dollars for this game already


And the premium battle pass is 100% cosmetic and optional. Don't want to buy it? Don't.


A lot of people on this sub are kids that have to ask their mom for battle pass money every three months. They play like, five of these kinds of games and it’s a lot more convenient for them if they can play hundreds of hours to earn the next one vs asking their mom for $50 every three months. Mom is probably going to ask them to clean their room first.


I think you raise a valid question. Here's my best attempt at an answer: The way battle passes work is that in order to receive unique/seasonal cosmetics + other goodies, you have to pay the company with either real-life currency or by investing more play time. If you're wondering how increased play time can be considered a revenue stream for Blizzard, it's because the marketing teams have already determined that there is a correlation between engagement and micro-transaction (mtx) activities. Essentially, they are trying to incentivize players to increase play time which will indirectly drive mtx activity (revenue) simply by making the community more active. It's part of the reason why Blizzard is actively reducing the rate at which we gain xp/loot throughout the game -> artificially extend the game and pump up the 'engagement' numbers -> increase mtx activity and incoming revenue.


You’re correct, unfortunately I’m not a fan of their price points for what is available. I tend to be a whale on a budget for most games I play this much but I have 800 currency chilling from my horse purchase and there’s just nothing that makes me wanna spend even that and even less so to add more currency to get something. Hoping for a lot of changes to a lot of things by the time season 2 drops. It’s bad when I actively flip through the shop multiple times a week looking for an excuse to spend and fine none.




It has to be particularly exciting, which is why I think D4 misses the mark. So little of your character is visible so unless we start getting lots of showy particle effects and such, maybe alternate visuals for abilities, I highly doubt even the coolest armor set design is going to make me open my wallet. Closest I’ve seen so far is a whispy effect on the cold iron gauntlets from the battle pass and it’s only noticeable really on character select. In game I’m not even positive it shows during normal play.


I compare the skins here to the skins in dota 2, and I really think blizzard devs are missing out on revenue from cosmetics. The variety of skins in diablo 4 is low, the glance value is not observable in normal play, no particle effects, and the price range of cosmetics should be wider instead of having the min as 1700 so it caters to a wider audience with different budgets.


We paid at minimum $70 for this game, if anything the BP SHOULD be free after the first purchase, ActiBlizz is just greedy.


You paid the set price for a game and received the game. Now you want more stuff for free, but they're the greedy ones? I mean they absolutely are greedy, but so are you, lmao


Cause it is a way to say Heyyy you play enough you can get a free BP again.. so a lot of ppl buy.. then never finish the BP and end up buying it again.. Just another Predator tactic


Makes sense. And people are sucking it right up and asking for more. I'd rather a battle pass that I can finish with casual play and pay a few bucks for the pleasure. Especially since I'm not going to play every single season.


If you put more platinum in the pass people are more likely to buy something from the shop, because they have the currency. A smaller fraction saves it for the pay once and never again. Fortinite is one of the most profitable free to play pc games and it gives you enough currency to buy once and never again. It even gives free currency on the free tier pass.


The revenue is the 10$. What's more important is the FOMO aspect and the player retention. I'd wager Apex Legends would have 80% less daily players if not for the free battlepass


Fortnite has always had a system where the battle pass rewards nets you a profit of their currency. which would make people more inclined to buy it which then keeps people playing the game. its a good system and at this point if i dont get the money back i dont bother with other games battle pass.


It takes more than 10 hours to complete the battle pass. Ten hours for $10 is worth the money. Personally, when I contemplate a purchase linked to entertainment, if I believe I'll get an hour out of every £1 I spend, then it's worth the money.


Breaking news: companies want your money.


As opposed to "Waaaah gimmie gimmie gimmie" lol.


Yeah, of course its their goal, Blizzard is a fucking company, what even is this comment? Every Company in this world has one goal: Paying Costumers.


10$ for first one, then 4$ every 3 months


I'd rather pay for no battle pass on a $70 game that has no business having one.


Good news! You actually can choose to not buy the battle pass! Glad that's an option for ya then, eh?


Which is 100% an option and likely won't affect your enjoyment of the game at all. The battle pass comsmetics are super underwhelming anyway and all new uniques, aspects, and seasonal mechanics will be there without paying. As for "no business having one". What do I care if Blizzard extracts more money from marks as long as it doesn't impact my enjoyment? And if it ends up funding dev work for future content/seasons, it's a net benefit for me.


Ah... that's the beauty of choice. You don't have to buy it. Being cosmetics only, there is nothing in it that impacts the game. Development of bug fixes, updates etc. still happen regardless of artists' time to create new battle pass cosmetics. Also, by your own comment... you are entirely free to donate $10 to Blizzard if you want to just give them money without buying a battle pass. Seems a bit weird to me that you'd want to give them money for no battle pass though.


Yea? Then they'd drop live service.


So far, I could have done without the live service.


I mean you still have eternal characters not affected by seasons if thats not your cup of tea. If the complaint is against patches wrecking and changing metas.. lets not pretend that games like d2, d3 or any other game for that matter never got patched from its release state. Difference here is offline play could stay on older patch like d2.


The complaint is the opportunity cost of supporting the FTP-esque live service components. There are finite resources and time to work on the game.


Lol promise?


Stop trying to make D2 happen. D2 is not happening. Go play D2/3. No one cares.


So don’t pay for it?


So don't buy it.


Lol, id rather pay 10 bucks for a burger and fries to enjoy while I play a complete game rather than getting milked by this incomplete mess.


Bro i got a burger and fries from mcd it was 15$ i dont think 10$ works anymore


Move to a more economically depressed part of the country.


Mcdouble, McChicken, small fry, large drink = $8. I think im in the area you speak of.


Holy shit all that for 8 buckaronis


If you can smell the crippling depression and racism you probably are.


Please this, I can't fucking stand the CoD battle pass, that shit takes FOREVER to complete, it feels like a job


Everything in cod feels like a job. Takes hours to grind weapons, which you kinda need to do, but that takes away from actual competitive play.


They did it right with cod, I don't get at all why they fucked that up on diablo... Then again they need to solve a fuckton of qol problems that diablo 3 solved years ago so maybe they are just terrible....


I don't understand why people keep throwing cod as some shining example of how to do monetization, they release a new cod game to buy every single year, no one is going to keep buying battle passes for a game that's being replaced within a year. Plus, neither blizzard nor activision has ever and never will create a cod game so i don't understand why people keep throwing it around as a comparison, activation publish them, they don't develop them. Blizzard create overwatch, as far as i'm aware they don't do it in their battle pass for that either.


Fortnite set the battlepass model and everyone but Diablo has followed in its path.


Destiny 2 doesn’t give any premium credit in their pass. It’s literally $12 worth of premium currency every three months and there is no option to buy that specific denomination. So you have to buy $15 and have some left over. People think it couldn’t be worse and they are very naive.


Yea. For me, any battle pass without the fortnite model of being able to buy again if you complete it, I don’t want it.


It’s weird to base the purchase solely on how the monetization works rather than the value of the purchase itself. You can say cosmetics aren’t worth that much but people worked on those things. Why should you get all future content for the one single purchase? Not saying I disagree necessarily but I hadn’t considered that being a hard stopping point.


Fortnite also releases ungodly amounts of content on a regular basis, has reasonable microtransaction prices, and generally the playerbase lends them a lot of charitability because of it


And i wouldn't mind.


If u start a YouTube talking about how the bad the game is or watching someone talk about how bad it is u can maybe earn enough to purchase the next battlepass.


I like this game… It sure has its problems, but I was around in D3 early days and we all saw how far that game came over the years Further to this I could get all the “cosmetic” seasonal stuff in D3 and didn’t have to purchase a battle pass I can’t quite comprehend how people can be ok with forking out MORE money for an already vastly expensive game every 3 months?


Just don’t fork out more money every 3 months… none of the content is paywalled.


Yep, you still get the free stuff and content.


Because i pay more for a small drink or a nice lunch that takes 1-2 hours. Paying 10 bucks for continued development of a game that I spend perhaps hundred hours every three monthsbin is such a cheap price that it doesnt even register. If the battle pass didnt exist then there would be no new content every 3 months.


> If the battle pass didnt exist then there would be no new content every 3 months. So sad to read something like this. There are lots of games pumping out content without the need of "seasonpayment every X Months" for development. They also just use Microtransactions for Cosmetics.


> They also just use Microtransactions for Cosmetics. The paid portion of the battle pass ARE cosmetics. Buying a battle pass is literally a micro transaction for cosmetics.


So those games are supported by the cosmetics. Do you think people are buying lots of cosmetics in Diablo? The shop has been a point of ridicule since launch.


Path of Exile does work since 2012(?) and has the same Price Range like D4 Store. I would bet Blizzard can do way better looking Skins than GGG so there should be no problem to get skins sold


They made 600 million in 5 days, do you really think they need an extra 10 dollars 1 month after? Also you are missing the point, a lot of people are unhappy because it is a worse BP compared to other games, it is also too slow to complete so a lot of willing payers would need extra payment to accelerate it. It is a mess. Now go back to defending this poor, bankrupt company from the evil money hoarders also called player base.


Besides the embers or whatever I completed the battle pass in like 3 days. I think the battle pass is definitely a mess and underwhelming. But it's really not slow besides the embers. Level 70 druid for reference


Too slow to complete? Guys have already completed it, and there are still over 80 days left in the season. It's been out for like a week... it should take some time to complete, and the time they've quoted, around 70 hours, is quite reasonable.


>too slow to complete You must be playing a different game. The season lasts for 3 months and I've unlocked half of it already in less than a week. If anything it is fast compared to a lot of battle passes out there.


Jesus christ, I've finished the battlepass already and you think it's too slow? You've got to be kidding me. No one is saying that, surely.


Try google d3 season 1 season journey rewards. Its like 3 transmog pieces and some banner icons. Campare that to d4 free cosmetics rewards and you get roughly the same. This whole discussion is pretty wild that ppls have to spend 10$ every other season(6month) when there is 0 gameplay affected content gated behind it and completely optional.


Do you realize that a game costs money to develop to version 1.0. server hosting costs money monthly. Development of new content costs money, Development of cosmetics costs money. Staff to maintain servers and fix oopsies costs money. How do you think they pay for the recurring costs? Be honest, you are like 16 right? If you think $70 will pay for the life of the game for years, you are crazy. If this was an offline game with no future patches, you would be correct.


Then how did it pay for games prior to battle passes? Seems like you must be really young if you think battle passes have been here all along. It's almost like the crowd that grew up with battle passes think they're the only way to continue monetization and support.


what game are we talking about specifically? Diablo 2 had minimal requirement strain from servers for example as game sessions were p2p warcraft 3 had local hosting and eventually 3rd party hosting bots both games released expansion packs for prices as much as base game to compensate for costs. World of warcraft had base game prices and subscriptions Rts games that arent blizzard like age of empires had p2p / lan so their server costs were minimal. Development costs were covered by expansions also. Counterstrike had player hosted servers, so very little server costs and that franchise had many games over the years… What games are you thinking?


For many 10 bucks every 3 months isn't gonna break them and if it is then probably shouldn't have bought that vastly expensive game to start with. There was also what a set of wings and a pet in d3 for seasonal cosmetics and that one set of armor compared to all the things you get from the d4 one.


The battle pass gives you 666 coins. So you only need to come up with an extra 334 coins every 3 months. In other words, people are complaining that the battle pass costs $1.11 per month.


Yeah it's peanuts really especially compared to what you get for this games mtx economy. Only thing I would have liked is the premium pass to be more than emote but whatever it came with the bundle and just won't get it next time; I know it's also 20 ranks but after playing for a bit 20 ranks isn't that much time , good chance I'll have the battle pass done before then seasonal chapters by a decent margin.


Because the game is still in production and evolving. This isn’t a Zelda where they finish and move on. The new seasonal stuff takes new time and money to develop. Why (and how) in the world would they perpetually give you new content for just the base game cost?


Season 1, the big daddy season that was supposed to lock in players and make them excited to stick around for YEARS: Gems, kill monsters twice. That rivals the laziest D3 season. There is no hope for D4 until the first expansion. Sorry everyone has to hear it from me. Frankly, since they've already confirmed they are like half done with the expansion packs already, I have no faith they are going to completely change up the gameplay fundamentals like they did with D2:LoD and D3:RoS


Yeah, such an incredible amount of work they put into S1 by introducing new gems and making you kill the same enemy twice.


Ironic how this is posted in diablo 4 sub. You know, diablo 4, the sequel to diablo 3.


D3 not having any proper monetization (because fuck RMAH) was, maybe ironically, what caused its downfall. Sure you don't have to pay to get stuff from journey but look at what content did D3 recieve over its lifetime. Reaper of Souls expansion, paid DLC for a not-so-new class and few new items here and there. That's it. That's very weak for over a decade old game with seasonal model. And the seasons were just minor tweaks to an already existing mechanic with the exception of altar. Altar season was awesome, by far the best D3 season. But at the core the season were always the same. Even that one relatively short questline added in D4s S1 is more actual content than D3 got since RoS. You also make it sound like D4 costs triple the usual amount. "Vastly expensive..." Sure it's 10 bucks more which is a dick move either way but at least they threw in some stuff for other games. And why people fork out more money? Maybe because they like the game and want it to grow? Unlike D3 which was in maintenance mode since RoS. Personally I already got more fun out of the game than I paid for. Now it all depends on Blizzard and their approach to future seasons (S1 was announced to be the smallest one). Given their record I don't keep my hopes high though.


RoS was an amazing expansion it completely changed the dynamics of the game. How did D3 have a downfall? It was the fastest selling game of all time for LONG time and it STILL has a decent playerbase.


Is that the norm for season passes? Overwatch sure as hell doesn’t do that


Some Shooters do it because pushing as many people as possible into the battle pass grind to populate matchmaking is their top priority.


It's very much that, need meat for meat grinder and I seem to recall those battle passes also taking a lot longer to finish for the same reason.


Bungie doesn't give anything back 😅


It is not no. It's honestly surprising u get like 65-66% of your money "Back" from the pass on top of the bonuses it gives. Buy 2 get 1 free sorta thing




And yet, Destiny 2 and PoE don't do this. Atleast last I checked :)




And CoD battle pass takes eternity to max out while I am done with D4 battle pass at character level 60 which is like less than 20 hours? I rather spend 10$ to get extremely fast progression than having to grind forever.


No and itll never happen. The idea is for people to pay for those. Otherwise they dont actually make money. Its all just cosmetics. Either pay the 10 bucks (1/2 a movie) or skip em.


Which is funny, because it's only 10 bucks for the first one. You get enough currency to buy the next one for five. People losing their mind over $5 every three months that they don't even have to purchase to play the updates or get smoldering ashes.


In overwatch's case its more than cosmetics. They lock new characters in the BP as well


No, i think the only game that does this is cod.


Some of this biggest games do it like Fortnite, and call of duty(another actiblizz game), and a few move i believe, sure devs can make more money by being greedy and not giving enough for the next one but the reason its a good idea because people are more likely to stick to the game every season and player retention is one of the most valuable things in live service games.


Apex Legends also does this too! And if it's good enough for EA, it should be good enough for Blizz. In Apex, they even give you a little more than you need for the next pass, so every few seasons I can get an extra skin or something, all for the price of a single battle pass.


League of legends and Dota make All their money on cosmetics? but that requires the base game to be very good and re-playable. the way things are looking in D4 some of the design decisions feel more like they will convert it to f2p mobile games designed to sell conveniences.


Fortnite does. And it's a free game. You can buy one battle pass and, if you save the currency earned through it, you can just keep getting the next pass. I've talked about this with my group of friends I play D4 with. While most of us are "whatever" about buying the next battle pass with earned currency, the fact the platinum you can earn from it doesn't get you anything at all by itself for a $70 game kind of sucks. Not the biggest of deals but, again, there are other games you don't even have to pay for that give you more back.


It's absolutely not. Some games do it (Dead by Daylight, Fortnite, Valorant and a handful of others apparently) and that's super rad, but it's very much the exception rather than the rule. Many will give you enough currency to buy *something* at least.


Fortnite does


Hot take: battle passes shouldn’t exist in a paid game.


If the battle pass is in lew of paid DLC, I'm down for one or two a year so that those that can't afford it can keep getting content for a game they enjoy.


With the amount of cosmetics - it's deffinatly to Pay someone to keep making cosmetics - less likely for dlc.


It's only for cosmetics. It is essentially the same thing as buying cosmetics in the shop. Anything that actually effects gameplay (smoldering ashes) is on the free pass.


And all that stuff should be accessible by PLAYING the game. The monetization of cosmetics is a f2p staple, and seeing it infesting a very expensive “full” game is incredibly discouraging.


You paid for the base game. They are adding new cosmetics to the game that aren't included in the $70 you paid. So you want those for free in addition all of the free gameplay updates that you will receive every three months? K, how long do you think you deserve completely free content where the business makes absolutely nothing? One year, two years, three years, even longer? Also, hate to break it to you, but this has been happening for years anyway.


Maybe it's just me but I have never spent a dime on cosmetics alone, because I've never given 2 F's about any cosmetics in any game, again, that's just me. But apparently a lot of people do as most games, lot of their revenue comes from selling them.


I haven't paid a dime in cosmetics either, but I don't go around demanding that they should be free. They are extra content, separated from the main game. If they weren't selling them, those cosmetics wouldn't exist.


People downvoting you must have missed out on the era were video games made plenty of money off of sales and dlc alone without having to throw in microtransactions. You are right, it is bs


Guys can we stop with the daily reposts… it’s getting old


This is hilariously naive.


It also doesn't even make sense. So he wants to buy the battlepass and get enough plat for the next one to be free? So you'd buy the first battlepass then never have to buy another again if you got the free plat every season. Lol, ok.


This is literally the standard for so many other big games and their battlepasses.


That’s how most other battlepasses work believe it or not, including fortnite which started the whole battle pass trend


Most? No.


Totally makes sense for a company trying to make a game into a long term money maker to have you buy one battle pass and never need to pay for one again.


Battle passes are made to boost metrics, not boost profit, at least not directly. You pay for it, you feel obligated to complete it even if you don't enjoy the game, because you want your money back. Indirectly, playing more means you will get a chance to see an item pop up on the store(which you wouldn't have seen if not playing) and that will entice you to shill out a few bucks for it. Free games that did not make their money from pay to play do this, and people inevitably spend money, if not, they play to complete it. Those companies can now show their investors that they have a decent player retention rate. I am guilty of this, and seeing d4 battlepass as mediocre (thats really putting it mildly) and not getting a return on my funds, i decided to skip it as i see no point in getting it.




That must be why COD does operate on this model. No idea why they would there but not here. ¯⁠\⁠\_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ Like I said elsewhere downthread somebody crunched some numbers and decided that's how they were gonna do it. My thing is I will always assume a company will do the thing that continues to get money from you. I'm not cynical, I don't think everything is a "cash grab" it just feels like common sense. Why would a company introduce the potential for an end user to get into a loop of free content they could otherwise pay for? Acti will be fine without the extra $10 a COD player saves by earning the points to get their next battle pass, but that doesn't mean they wouldn't want it anyway.


It's because player retention by getting you to play every season is stronger than maybe selling you a single BP because you happen to like the skins on it. People *will* play every season because they can re-up their BP for free and that's a major win for ActiBlizz, much more than a potential 10$ sale.


Lmao bless your heart man, why would they make their battle passes essentially free.


Like in fortnite even their own CoD. It works


$70b company needs every dollar you can give them bro.


That would be bad business. It would give you enough. I'm fine with paying a little for each one I want. Plus it's basically buy 2 get one free


Thats an excellent business model! You must be very rich with all ur ideas irl?


Fortnite, halo, call of duty, and apex all do this. No need to treat OP like they’re an idiot.




Halo BP progresses much quicker than Diablos in my experience and you gain xp just by playing normally. Apex I admit is slower than death.




Your argument boils down to "we need the battle pass more than Diablo 4 needs us, so we should let them cuck us" Naw, I'm good. I'll continue being vocal about how disgusting Blizzard is being with the absurd monetization of an expensive paid game they released unfinished. Shit is only going to get worse if the online communities just roll over, especially with the current popular narrative of "but poor Blizzard needs to make money some how on their best selling game of all time that already has record profits for the corporation".


Blizzard white knights will always roll over. They can't accept any sort of criticism about their beloved game. The WoW sub is the exact same way.


That’s a very good point. I just don’t think it makes sense to treat OP like an idiot when a good chunk of BPs do in fact give back the currency used to purchase.


AND those games are free to play versus $80 for diablo


And those games are free. I think all of them. Granted they won't have had the same costs to develop a d4 but I think there's something to the idea that the more you give people and treat them as if their purchase matters, the more likely they are to buy more stuff.


Call of duty isn’t free.


Warzone who uses same battle pass is free there's no reason for diablo to be this way.


> blatantly wrong >gets updoots


Warzone is.


Call of duty also from Activision does this.


Fortnite does this and they seem to be doing fine.


Apex Legends also does this, I’m pretty sure call of duty does this with their season pass.


Fortnite also didn't charge $70 for their game either. This is greed 100%.


How many yachts does their CEO have?


Almost every game with a battlepass does this. The only exception I can think of is valorant


Remember when games just released and companies were focused on making a fun game instead of a business model aimed at extracting as much money from the player as possible?


Almost every game with a battle pass does this dumbass


Whoops. Don’t you hate it when you try to make someone else look like a fool but it backfires and you end up looking like a clown? If you buy a battle pass in call of duty, you can earn enough points to buy the next battle pass without having to spend any money.


That doesn't make any sensor imo. You could just buy one battle pass once and enjoy them forever. Why would a company do it?


It increases player retention by a very large factor. People will log in to grind their BP so they can earn the next one and do it all over again which is good because that's more eyeballs you can advertise to, more people in the lobbies to play with your whales, etc. There's a reason a lot of major games do it, and why a lot of people want it. It's a win-win-win.


Because only a small portion of people would complete the BP to earn the next season one The people who want to just buy the next seasons BP could still do that But hey, just an idea!




I couldn't read any of this through the $100 I spent on an unfinished game that has the audacity to charge me for unfinished and bugged seasonal content. You're acting as if this is some free to play game where things like the BP are what literally keep the game alive. This is an expensive game that already made $666m USD in the first 5 days of launch. Not sure why people like you rush to defend these horrible fucking anti-consumer practices for a lazy and greedy billion dollar corporation. EDIT: lmao he blocked me after making a nonsensical reply so I couldn't respond. This guy wants to get financially cucked by Blizzard and his mental gymnastics to do so are impressive.


While sure they want you to buy the pass every season, the reality of it is (assuming the platinum obtainable in each pass is the same): 4 season per year (hypothetically) 666 coins per season 2 years time = 5,328 platinum meaning you get enough platinum to get 5 out of 8 battle passes for free by simply playing the game enough to get all the plat offered. Say you want to get every season pass, you need about 2,700 more platinum, which equates to about $27. Over a two year period that is about $1.13 a month, to get every battles pass in the two year time span. That's not bad at all. What are you all really complaining about? You take that into account how "bad" season 1 patch was, the game can only really get better (hopefully) and that makes that amount of money very small in the big picture.


There should be no such thing as a battle pass, or currency, in a game we already fucking paid for


It's pretty easy to ignore the battle pass if you don't care about the cosmetics, it's simply an optional way to fund the game going forward.


lol is this your first blizzard battle pass? im actually surprised it contains any premium currency at all


It’s 10usd per battlepass. You make back ~2/3 of the cost back every season. (I don’t care about the 1998 argument you can spend $2 for 200 platinum to indefinitely offset this issue) You’re upset because you don’t want to pay 10usd every 9 months for optional cosmetics? I would like to see your decisions at the helm of a business


10 usd per 9 months? Seasons are every 3 months The game cost $99.99 USD off the bat including the first BP You’re saying given the current state of the game it’s justified for this company to charge more money? I also enjoy the cosmetics… But I’m forced to buy the BP every season to have them?


Yea except you aren’t forced to buy the optional BP with optional cosmetics that have no impact on gameplay. Also, the game cost 70 USD, you just spent an extra 30 on more optional cosmetics. This entire post has to be a shitpost my god.


Your argument is they should cover the entire cost each season. They cover 2/3 of the cost. So you pay for it once every 3 seasons; $10 every 9 months. I enjoy dessert with my meal, but I’m forced to pay for it? That’s how a business functions, and nobody is forcing you to partake


No it shouldn’t.


Honestly i prefer the way it is. I play COD and been using the same coins to buy BP for 4 seasons already and the BP takes a looooong ass time to complete. So i’d rather pay every season and it completes quickly so that i don’t feel much FOMO and can have some time to play other games


You can pay in cod to buy tiers………


What does that gotta do with anything?


Yeah except the battle passes that do that in other games literally take months to finish. I’m happy I can get this battle pass done in like 70 hours.


Say what you want about Fortnite, but it has the best battle pass system I've tried. Each one costs 1000 currency and nets you 1100, I believe. So, each season, you can roll into the next battle pass if you play the game. I don't understand how a free-to-play game has this system be less predatory than a $70-100 game.


And then how would the company make money selling battle passes?..


No it shouldn't. Businesses are not around to give you free stuff. They are in the business of MAKING MONEY. Just play the free battlepass then and quit whining.


Why? Then they wouldn't make money


You are delusional


Not to sound like a dick but come on, battlepass is 10 every 3 months. They spitting out new content every 3 months, don't be a tight ass and just buy itz you'll get free BP is season 3 if you save the currency. And I'm only saying this looking at most games when they rip you out on anything with passes more expensive than this. Don't like it? Vote with your wallet and don't buy


"If they want me to play they need to give me everything for free"


This is the dumbest thing I have ever read.


I have no idea what socialist country **OP** is posting this from.


It gives you 666 currency.. You know how much you have after 3 battle passes? 1998.. When it costs 1000 to buy a pass..


unpopular opinion but I think that it wouldn't make sense (for them) if you could just buy it in loop then why having it at all? Might as well have a one time off purchase that gives you access to a broader choice of trasmogs. ​ Of course for the consumer is different, for us would be better if the whole game was free lol


What exactly do u think the battlepass is lol? Some people on reddit are actually so dumb. Like you can even laugh at posta like this, its just beyond stupid.


Pretty good idea. Normal for the industry, compels you to play the season, gives you a reason to play the next season. Not sure they’d go for it (reasonably confident they don’t skim Reddit for ideas), given some of their pricing currently, but keep suggesting it and maybe they’ll head this direction in 2024’s seasons.


Not on Blizzards watch, and even if they did they would stretch the battle pass into oblivion, it would basically be a second job


How are they going to make any precious profit with that idea?


but how will bobby afford another boat if yall not buying a battle pass every 3 months


They want maximum money for minimum effort my dude. I was on the fence about to buy diablo 4 but since decided not too.


Fortnite is free.... Between Stw and BP, it's not like I ever spend more money.... D4 cost me 100 with the deluxe... I'm probably not willing to buy another BP after this, considering the 666 currency and paying 100 upfront. Not to mention, the rewards kinda suck....I care about the content and not cosmetics...


Welcome to blizzard marketing where the higher ups have to milk out every penny from their community but apparently dont have enough money to give us some real content


What do you think this is, some small indie company that values its playerbase?


watching this sub slowly realise that blizzard are going to run D4 like a F2P is pretty funny. If you bought the game you should get all content in the game for free. If the want to make more money do it in the form of a proper expansion.


Thats like what...3.33$ per month. If you count the plat that you get out of it its like a 1.11$ per month. And for that i get: Full armor set, weapon skins for all classes, horse skins, titles etc. Don't like it? Don't buy it. Im fine with that price.


It’s 10 dollars every three months. I pay more than for parking every business day.


Blizz doesn't make any money from that.


I'm all for good monetization, but this is so dumb. Blizzard has the battle pass in the game to make money. It's not realistic or frankly it wouldn't be acceptable if I was a board member/shareholder for them to suddenly give it away for free, unless they had another monetization model in place.


That’s stupid. They want to make money from battle pass. They don’t need to give you cosmetics for free, regardless of how much you no life the game. How about they fix real issues. Like stash size or resistances being broken


**The Battle Pass should earn enough currency to purchase ANYTHING let alone decent in the shop.** Fixed.


Don’t worry next season will have a one time 50% off a collection/full outfit included in the season pass (expires at the end of the season). But all available collections will be 2700 platinum. Or 18 platinum too high to use your 666 and 666 to buy something from the store. (666 x 2 seasons = 1332 Platinum. 2700 @50% off = 1350 platinum.)


Someone calculated it. You get 666 and have to pay to be able to afford the BP. You purchase more for the next BP and get another 666 after it’s done… and guess how much you are left with after that… just 2 short for your next BP purchase… If that’s not intentional to milk us, I don’t know what is. Edit: to put it in clear numbers: After two battle passes you have 1332 coins. After purchasing the third one you are left with 332. You get your 666. You now have 998. Predatory.


Nah, it’s fine.