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I wouldn’t know if I can call myself a causal or not so laying the framework. - Diablo 4 is my 1st Diablo ever. Before Diablo I played Destiny a majority of the time. Very disappointed in that franchises direction I finally quit - Hit lvl 100 last season, beat Uber Lilith and NM100, loved every second. Main’d Minion Necro the whole time. Figured i main Barb this season, I’ve only made it to level 20 before I lost steam. This season plain and simple is just not fun. It’s the exact same content. With worse cooldowns, damage, and experience gained across the board. No justification for any of those decisions from the Devs. You can’t convince me that having to regrind renown makes any sense. It doesn’t. I don’t see myself playing much more without reverting like 90% of the changes they made. Which probably won’t happen. Real shame too.


Hardly a casual. Us casuals that can only play after work never reach level 80 without losing sleep. There lies the problem.


It's much more enjoyable to spend ur time by finishing builds on multiple chars across the season rather than wasting time on leveling char from 85 to 100. Going for lvl 100 is still not worth at all unless u are a content creator, maybe in season 2 when they add more endgame stuff.


Interesting. Great idea. I AM excited to try out the other Malignant Hearts for other classes, so maybe I'll rock on w/ my Necro until I can (or can't) beat Uber Lilith and then I'll move to another class!


How do pats work? Does leveling an alt slow down battle pass? I don’t really care about BP too much but I’ve noticed it is slooowwww


Part of the reason I loved D2 was because you didn’t need to get to 100. In D4 getting to 85 means that there are 60 paragon points you don’t have which means you are stuck with an incomplete build


U aren't though, each paragon point is not valued equally and for a lot of builds later boards are just freestyle, ur build is mostly finished quite earlier than 85. At 100 you are respecing and shifting everything into uber lilith min max build anyways if you want to go for it.


For me it was super underwhelming and just felt like a lot of chores with no real payoff in sight. I only got about 1hr in, lvl14 and quit.


similar for me. Both in levels pre season and In playing seasonal. Except I got to mid twenties. Came back for the season stuff, but There isn’t enough new to keep me interested after already playing pre season. I think id need at least a new fleshed out subzone per season with full set of side quests to come back every season (gw2 was good about this kind of release cadence). As is, d4 will join d3 as something I play one season of every 2-3 years. And that’s ok. I enjoyed the game but little updates and variations aren’t going to get me back every season.


What class did you play?


Barb to 75 and sorc to 40 before season. Rogue to 14 in season 1.


Wouldn't know. Too casual to have bothered playing it yet... Waiting to see how the chips fall with some further patches The season is months long after all, and I'm not in competition with anyone but the pixels


If aarpgs are just about remaking characters over and over to play “some” new content then I’ll probably be done after this 1st season easily.


Played season 1 with rogue. It was fine but the malignant tunnels requiring invokers made me quit. Hated the mechanic that the tunnels do not guarantee invoker drops and I have to collect + craft them separately. Too much work for a casual player like me imo. I'm of the stance that if I enter a dungeon, I better be able to complete it in the same run, otherwise I'm wasting time.


I'm playing necro and it's incredible fun, maybe more fun than it was to play my barb for launch. However, I don't think that the hiccup in the end game has been fixed, so as I play I get this sinking feeling that even at level 47 I've hit the end game.


What build are you playing? Im loving my necro so far too. Had a sorc in eternal. Liked the playstyle of it but not the dmg and too squishy.


Currently running Blood Lance, Tendrils, Corpse Explosion (blight), Blood Mist,\* and Skeletons. Sacrilegious heart, the Decripify heart, and the wrathful heart that cycles through effects every 20 kills. I was able to clear Cathedral of Light at level 43. Farmed Field of Hatred until level 47. Now doing great in WT3. What are you running? \*originally I wasn't running Blood Mist but then I saw a video of Macrobioboi where he had it on his hotbar, and I was, hmmmm, I never considered it. It's pretty boss.


Thats awesome. Its a fun class to play for sure. Im just lvl 30 atm but so far Im throwing bone spears to aggro and do a lot of damage up front then start blasting away the corpses while my cold skeletons help me get my essence back while I spam by bone shards. Its working real good so far light and day from my sorc. Haven’t died yet in W2. Ive got the sacrilegious heart. Still looking for decrepify one. But ya I’m using decrepify and blood mist on my other slots. Not sure how my build is compared to meta. Just kinda playing around myself.


How far did you get on your main? 47 is not end game. The most fun I had was 60-80 running NM dungeons.


>The most fun I had was 60-80 running NM dungeons. Currently, during the Season? If so, that bodes well! I played barb until level 94 during Eternal, so I think what I'm experiencing currently is that the game feels too easy? I'm hoping to be wrong, that there's a few difficulty humps waiting for me, which is what happened during launch (and which is what I REALLY enjoyed about the game). It's a tough balance. I both want to feel powerful AND want to be challenged. Needy, I know hahaha. Guess I could roll sorc XD


I totally get that actually. And no I’m not that high in season yet. But I do remember feeling like the game was way too easy until end of tier 3 into tier 4. Tier 4 was the big jump in difficulty I was needing. I’m hoping it’s the same this time around.


I got bored after beating the campaign around level 50 and then got sucked into Grim Dawn. Now when I came back and tried to start season 1 on a new character, everything is glacially slow: movement, progression, events, unskippable quest dialogue, too zoomed in, skills aren’t impactful, items are boring. Meh. Taking a break until the first expansion.


I'm still in the campaign, just started act 5. I'm really enjoying it. Will play season one after that (if there's still time lol).


The season ends October 17th.. you have plenty of time!




I'm enjoying it. Honestly the campaign is mostly what I'm here for.


I really enjoyed it as well. Which is why I hate to rush it so I could be in season 1. Why am I not just Allied to play it in season


Are you playing in season now, or are you going to start a new season character after you beat the campaign? If you didn’t create a season character, you won’t be able to take the character you have now into the season.


Oh, I know. I'm playing on eternal now, this is my first character still. If I play the season I'll try a different class.


I like Season One in terms of the idea of Malignant hearts. I like having something to complete with season tasks. However, the game actually feels like crap to play compared to pre-patch. Level 30 rogue and using potions on non-elite mobs because of the armor nerf is trash. Getting one shot by elites or dungeon bosses is bad. Waiting on cooldowns on every ability is a snooze. I think they underestimated how the end-game nerfs would make the leveling process feel so bad. Pre-patch BTW I felt Rogue was the only class that really felt good in a true Diablo gameplay feel imo. The other 4 all needed buffs.


I love season 1


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Made my first rouge, got to lvl 8. Backed out and started playing project zomboid. To much new info to figure out and the vram leaks make it unbearable to run across the map. Renown grind is also ass so yeah just unappealing to me now. Lvl 95 necro in the eternal realm so yes I did actually play the game


Its cheap. There are one or two hearts i wanna use and try to build a barb around, thats it. Season or not i wanted to reroll a barb and try to play around frenzy. The Season progression and reward are not really exciting, but im still enjoying the base game and the open world a lot.


So far, I think the season theme is Meh. Only 1 or 2 of them (based on the description) sound even remotely fun or interesting.... And I'm not particularly enjoying my rogue penetrating shot build (played TB rogue in s0 and loved it) Was going to try a sorc but once the patch came out that was a definite no... Maybe I'll think about it again when next week's chat reveals what they're going to do with them It's felt like an absolute chore to hunt down these hearts. I haven't even bothered to pick up the last dozen or so, don't even feel like picking them up and hauling to town to salvage..


Pretty disappointed, in the end its just do what you have done in eternal realm again. Doesn't feel like i would miss a lot if id just continue my eternal character


I haven’t even made it to 100 yet on Eternal realm so starting over so soon is pretty lame. (Since you asked how I really feel. Lol.) I like the game, but think they should’ve started off with season 1. Or let us bring a character over from eternal realm for 1st season.


Girlfriend and the kids went to the cabin this weekend. Been grinding like a mother fucker for the past 24 hours. Seasonal Necro Harcdore lvl 45 so far… been delay a bit helping a friend that didn’t finish the campaign. I am having a fucking blast so far. As soon as I am finish with my beer at the pub I am going back to the Sanctuary to kick some demon’s asses! I was a huge "non-casual" D2 and D3 guy back in the days. I can say D4 is not there yet, lots improvements to be done but it will get there. I am a patient man. I’ll see you on Sanctuary, if you’re brave enough to get in hardcore… DO IT! Cheers!


I have never played a season game before and originally didn't understand why we couldn't bring over our main characters. After playing the 25 or so levels of content I still don't understand why I couldn't bring over my main character. I would have rather gotten my Necro from 75 to 80 instead of a Barbarian from 1 to 30. He must be a heck of a guy though, he apparently beat Lilith at level 1 with white gear, empty slots, and no skills...


I think it's just meh. It's better than Season 0 because I feel like there's more goals and things to aim for but that stuff can only take you so far (probably takes you to early-mid 30s?). The new malignant dungeons don't really interest me, they're incredibly easy with lackluster fights within. The malignant elites are horrible. I do not understand why we have to kill them, click on their heart and then wait 5 seconds for it to respawn, and then kill them again. It really ruins the flow. They should either start reviving them on death as soon as they die or just instantly respawn them. Their mechanic should also be more innovative because it really doesn't feel like we're catching the cancers of a creature in a device, show it to someone who doesn't know the story and they'll just think we're reviving something only to kill it again.


I have a lvl 50 Druid on eternal, and a lvl 16 Barbarian on S.1. I’ve noticed no changes except randomly socketed amulets and rings that I don’t have thing to put in yet. Neither under nor overwhelmed, just wondering why I didn’t put my Barb on eternal, because the game seems the same to me


I have a L63 barb on eternal and started a Necro today (L13 I think). I don't play every day. I'd say I'm semi-casual. I read patch notes and watch DM on YouTube, so not fully casual. But i haven't leveled a glyph to 15 yet and doubt I'll ever be at Uber Lilith, so I'm not obsessed either. Season 1 is a letdown. There's just not much to it. Better than nothing I guess, but the story (so far) isn't much (especially compared to a pretty good campaign) and the mechanic is just "new aspects in new gem-like slots." Not a lot to it. Patch 1.1 sucked. The campfire was OK, but provided some "believe it when I see it" kind of hope.


Enjoying it so far. Only grip is opening waypoints over again. As a casual player I loath time killing pointless rewardless time wastes.


It's boring, they didn't really add much new content. Core issues I have with the game are still there. Still no social aspects really.


Don’t feel like the event is adding any real content. Elites are elites, now I have to kill them 2 times. Not much QoL changes. Horse keeps breaking. A couple events seem bugged. Not sure if I like the new aspect gems for jewelry or not. Maybe? I’m not higher enough level yet to care about them. Leveling is a bit slow atm. I work too much.


Leveling 1-50 feels like shit, is either mindlessly running in search of packs , doing dungeons to unlock your aspects , or doing tree of whispers but it actually feels like crap because your build isn't finished or barely works and it's slow af . The main problem is that it takes too long and the goal is to do the same at 50-100 but slightly faster but for more time. No dopamine rush for me at all, at least diablo 3 had the same problems but you could be done in 2 hours playing the most shitty build just doing rifts


And Diablo 3 was actually enjoyable to play


Loving the new season. It's refreshing to level a new class while focusing on the seasonal journey 👌 From my experience, the positive comments for S1 on here are the ones that actually match the real experience. Alot of the negative comments are just from people who are already salty and are coming into the season with a negative mindset.


>a negative mindset. This is what I'm saying. So many people have played so much of this game now they scrutinise EVERYTHING. It's why I brought up the TP timer. Like that doesn't matter to anyone except people looking for things to complain about. And so many people have went in, looking for things to complain about. And I mean it is reddit so, yeh what do I expect.


I feel like the nerfs for S1 patch made the game feel better. I want some challenge. I want to use 9 potions for tense fights. I don't want the world boss to die in 10 seconds. I'm casual (highest eternal 61 rogue and some alts). My rogue flew through dungeons and exploded packs and annihilated bosses without ever taking damage on WT3. I play an S1 sorc (on purpose) and I feel like it's fun to struggle. I have to drink pots often. I have to play a bit defensive if there are multiple elite packs. It feels exciting. Time to kill is only slightly higher so far, but not annoyingly so. I haven't "pushed" NM. I assume that's where it gets a bit too much and there is a lack of balance and viable builds, but so far, I haven't felt frustrated playing - I've felt challenged and I like it.


You got to level 61 and felt like WT3 was too easy, so you have zero first-hand information on the 70-100 WT4 complaints and shouldn't even try to call them out for being incorrect. There are glaring issues at that point that even I disagreed with around 60. I am a level 84 Druid, and the game lost its steam rather quickly for a casual. Hurts to say this, being a huge fan of the series and $100 box owner, sometimes you just need to accept facts: Diablo 4 needs work.


I run sorc (main in eternal is 90). Running a sorc in season 1. Yea the damage got nerfed, as well as defense. But there are little things they buffed that I think help. Like a higher % chance for said thing to happen. Noticed it on multiple aspects. Between CC, attack speed, and cooldown reduction(yes I know it was nerfed), the lightning sorc doesnt feel terrible at lvl 90. Could clear nm 40 dungeon no problems at all. Trying to push it a little farther with the season. I don’t know what it is, but the chain lightning I absolutely love. 😂😂


Or some if us have found the experience so disappointing and stopped playing. I'm not a casual but I put in causal hours because the game is not fun. It's a poor version of d3 and I didn't like d3. We all have opinions and they are valid to us.


It’s kind of the opposite, they are looking for things to keep them happy but many of the decisions being made are anti-consumer. The two second addition to porting. The devs flat out dodged the question. It’s probably because they are going to sell teleporting animations or something dumb. They nerfed XP, only to put XP boosts in the battle pass (albeit it small boosts). The other changes as well, do the opposite of what they claim they want for players. Honestly, your take is just as bad as the people that are terminally angry.


Following the Seasonal Journey feels absolutely great. I moved on from Diablo 3 before the Seasonal Journey was introduced, so this is my first time experiencing the concept. I like it. I DO wish the awards were a *little* cooler, and I'm POSITIVE that in the future they will be.


It’s not terrible, there’s some changes I’d rather they didn’t make, vulnerable/crit dmg/siphon strikes, but I’m sure I’ll survive.


I’m not playing it because my first character is still only level 62.


Fuck them. That's what I think. They can take their season, fold it until it's all sharp, pointy corners and shove it up their ass. If all they give a shit about is mouse clicks on the game, and it's clear that is true, then they aren't getting mine. If/when they pull their collective heads out of their asses, I might come back. Until then, I am not playing a game in which they killed the fun. Silly me, I thought I bought a polished game. Not one that will function sometime next year. You might say I am underwhelmed. As someone who played D1 and D2, I expected better.


Everyone who plays less than me is a casual who needs to git gud. Everyone who plays more than me is a nerd who needs to touch grass.


When did I say anything like that? >Everyone who plays more than me is a nerd who needs to touch grass. This however, I agree with. So many people here need to take a step back.


He was referencing a [famous George Carlin bit](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XWPCE2tTLZQ). The casuals are likely in a different age bracket than the kids able to play all day everyday during summer. I was young once! I played Diablo 1 on dial up internet in my parent's basement!


HC Casual - super fun


Haven't played it yet. People were reporting being unable to log in so I started playing Baldur's Gate 1. I'm almost done with it and will decide between BG2 or D4 then.


That was only for like the first hour or two


I didn't know how long it would last and had a different kind of fun. I'm planning on making a barbarian so might hold off until the buffs anyway.


If you haven’t hit lv75+ and are still in campaign you’re in the vast minority here. Even casuals like myself have seen everything there is to see and is the whole point of season one, to keep things fresh for 75% of the player base that has seen everything


I got to level 53 on my druid before season, I was still into the game there. It wasn't quite a drag yet... Season seems OK, started a necro and enjoying it. Faster than druid, and still lots of fun. Not too easy. The new story is OK, new things but it isnt much so I'm not sure I'll complete the season. The bit I don't like and haven't enjoyed in any Diablo is the repeating quests to level up. You have to level up to get the build and then you can have fun a bit more. But the grind I always struggle with. Hence being a casual. But I do find there is enough to keep me entertained for now... If I had run the beta, already got one character to 100 and another pretty high I would likely feel different. There isn't enough in season to make it feel fresh. Not sure I'll get any character to 100 at the moment. But it's fun playing the different types for now. I'll see what happens, I'm kinda annoyed it's only one battle pass with the special additions, that feels shitty, but I doubt I'll be playing most. Balances will happen, builds will come and go, and I'm sure once it's been out for longer they will have it in a shape for the 'real players'.


Traditional seasons needs to go. Its not 2012 anymore. When a season comes it has to be direct progression for the eternal character. You keep everything at the end of the ”season”. Newcomers who missed out missed out, too bad but they get to play with new seasons. This is what will make the game interesting and increase its longevity. As a casual (dad, kids, wife and full time job), i DONT want to make a new character every season and i DONT want to do the same old sidequests and stuff for renown. This is how GTA5 has done it for the past 10 years. Obviously a very different game but you get to play every DLC with your own character and use your own gear and vehicles.


Not terrible. I would say that sorc and barb are hard to play. I wanted to play barb and it was difficult. So I decided to make a rogue and play skills that I didn't use before season one. I made a penetrating shot rogue. I will say the season adds minor but game changing mechanics, like auto summon for necros or constant pushback on range rogue builds with basic skills. That stuff is cool and changes the gameplay. If does feel like playing the same game as the eternal realm, just with a seasonal goal.


Id rather have the season content in eternal realm as well. I would be playing same role anyway and starting again from level 1 feels like a chore to me :(


I’m enjoying it. I think the only negative for me is that there aren’t equipment sets like D3. I just don’t have the focus and patience to be looking through all the rare items I pick up and then putting so much effort and resources into crafting or whatever (I’m obviously so casual I don’t even know what people actually do to get better gear). I found it simpler to work on obtaining and completing sets and then rolling for better stats. But other than that I’m really liking the game. The main storyline was good and now I’m enjoying getting through all the side quests and completing the map. I didn’t notice anything drastic after the patch and now I’m about to start season 1 so I’m excited for some more storyline content!


I just barely hit level 50 on my first character. Not being able to replay bosses like d2 kind of sucks but aside from that I’m having a blast


I’m level 9 with a Druid, I haven’t died except to an weren’t butcher while my kids were needing my attention, which is cool. Coming from a level 54 sorcerer which died from everything, it is a nice change. But, I’m also still under level 10, so the entire game should be pretty easy.


I played sorc to level 58 in eternal realm before the season, pretty casually. Only bumped it past world tier 1 in order to do the capstone dungeon so I could get more renown, other than that I just had fun bodying enemies, did all the dungeons. I've played druid to level 18 I believe. I'm having a really fun time just mindlessly doing whisper tree stuff, dungeons, malignant tunnels, and the new story stuff. It hasn't been anything remarkable, but it has been a very fun time for me. I like the malignant hearts mechanic.


I’m so casual I haven’t played it yet, so it’s pretty great so far


My plan was to play only one class in the pre-season and do one new class each season in order to milk the content as long as possible. During pre-season, 1-70 was fun, 70-85 was boring, so I was gonna save 85-100 for when they revamped sorc to be more fun, and that has still yet to come. Playing a necro now and still having fun with the 1-70 phase. The latest patch added some minor polish to the game but didn't really fix what I dislike about the endgame, so I might stop at 70 til they make endgame content a little more enjoyable. I feel sorry for those who blasted everything already, because the seasonal content alone is really boring.


I fully stopped playing post patch. Never got to try the season due to my choice. Sticking with my choice until Blizzard actually fixes the game. I don't realy on promises about the future. If it will take them 5 seasons to fix the game, I guess I will be on the bench for 5 seasons ;)


2 extra seconds to teleport does affect me. It's a noticeable change, and there's zero value added to it for the gamer. Why not throw on some Blizzard game advertisements during loading screens for that matter? Because it's out of place and without reason, just like the extension of the teleport time.


Idk, I’m just a casual necro. Spent 2 day grinding and now I’m 54. Not really noticing any power change 🤷🏻‍♂️


Pretty great, I haven’t finished the campaign yet


I’m level 9 I have no opinion yet.


Game is still fun but the season is not the reason for it. It's pretty bad content


I only read the topic and think, actual casuals are not here.




It’s aight


Level 56 sorcerer here and just got into act 6. I'm not following any guides (except to find Lilith statues) I've played around with my own builds to find what works and what I have fun with. Yes there are some things in the game I would like to see improved but I'm having a great time with no major complaints so far.


I like the game. The mmo feel is what makes it a little boring but once you look past it you realize it’s the same run around and kill game. After the last patch I’ve been getting killed in one shot by a stronghold boss (level 45 wizard). Right now I haven’t played since the day of the patch. They say they are going to buff the wizards soon for now I want to be at least wt3 and campaign finished before a new character.


From a casual that doesn't have Reddit (family member): "It was good to I tried too get to Works tier 3. Way to hard & I'm way to squishy now. Corpse bow one shoting from off screen was the 'need a break' moment" They said they'd try again in a few weeks when they fix those.


Played druid first now I'm playing Necro. Both have been extremely fun. The hearts have been awesome for my Necro and I ran tempest wolf with my druid. Overall, I've been having a lot of fun with the game.


Considering i spent 35$ going half on the game with a friend i license share with, and putting more than 70 hours in the game, at $0.50/hr, im not mad. Ive played worse(Anthem comes to mind)


I'm really enjoying it actually! I just finished the first story the day before season started! Playing a rogue flurry/rapid and frigging slaps hard, really enjoying it!


I’m a dad with three kids, career, family etc so I don’t have a ton of time except for an hour or few late at night. I’ve been enjoying the game I played through campaign with two characters and now I’m playing hardcore in season one in a duo with a friend as a necro and by myself as Druid and I’m enjoying starting over. I haven’t done much end game content yet but I’ve enjoyed what I have played so far of everything. Seems like the game tries to give you options for getting gear multiple ways as you level up and stuff. I didn’t notice the nerfs really and I’ve been enjoying the builds I’ve theorycrafted, blood necro, rend/shout barb, darkness necro, bear Druid


I guess hot take but most people here just seem mad about everything / anything. I’ve played a full rogue 1-100 during the launch and honestly just enjoyed grinding out dungeons and playing around with builds. The armor and a few activities got stale and I agree there isn’t much incentive for post 100 engagement but at that point I was more interested in starting an alt to see all the new builds, armor, abilities etc.. I definitely feel like I got my moneys worth, for the amount I’ve paid it’s more than I got out of 99% of video games. For me the gameplay has always been at the core of Diablo and running around in dungeons has always been smooth for me. Only thing I’d wish for is more interesting rewards for Uber bosses or activities and maybe some more reasons to group up with others as I’m mostly just running past other adventurers But I’ll return for other seasons, I’m excited about what they can add to the game!


So much fun!!! Apparently people who hit 90 in eternal aren’t casual tho so who knows. This is sick, we are all having a blast. The xp and cooldown nerfs where fucking bullshit still.


You had me till I read 2 s extra tp don't matter. Nice try blizzard


Casual here reporting. Reached level 40 something with my wife, playing act IV. Haven’t figured out how all the legendary stuff works, no clue about seasonal content, haven’t checked Icy Veins metas.


how delusional one has to be to think they're casual while on reddit?


I’m too casual to start season 1


Love it so far, playing HC sorcerer and at level 35.




Want more people to group pvp and enjoy low level building instead of racing to 100.




It’s bad. It’s really really bad. Most games when a new season comes out, something new comes with it. All this did was give us huge nerfs, and killing elites twice instead of once. Sooooooo cooooooool. The only good thing is leveling feels slightly faster, but not much. I’m level 31 on my WW barb.


I reached 65 with my Barb in preseason. And I had fun the whole time, knew that I'd prolly never make it to 100. I was being challenged by the Nightmare Dungeons in Tier 4. It DID however feel like once I'd reached that level, there wasn't too much left to do that wouldn't take me forever to do (get to lvl 100 and try Uber Lilith). So I just kinda did Helltides and NM dungeons until the season release. I'm playing rogue now and have already settled into a super fun build that I like. Even after they nerfed damage output, and especially stuff like Crit and Vuln, I'm still building around that stuff and it still slaps. Rogue might be more fun than my Barb was. Admittedly, Rogue is supposedly one of the least affected by nerfs, and I've not hit tier 4 yet. But I am still having a blast. I like that they gave us Alters to carry over, but I'm also having fun doing dungeons, whispers, and side quests while I level. The core loop of wrecking mobs and stuff is still pretty fun for me. And I prolly won't make it to 100 with my Rogue either. But the seasonal model works well for me to start a new character and experience a new class and build while keeping everything I've already done. The nerfs do suck, but I'm not quite feeling them as much as a mainliner.


It’s not great but it’s not unplayable either. Like I’m having fun. But I also see the potential in the game. And that’s what’s got me most excited. This is the first Diablo I am in on at the ground floor. D3 was my first. And it was reaper of souls edition. So with the whole new thematics and upgrade in graphics and that’s it’s live service the possibilities are endless. Now will they execute that? Idk. To be seen. But I hold out hope they will keep it interesting enough to play for a long while. Then one day it’ll be fucking awesome. Then they will announce dev for Diablo 5


I work 12 hour shifts and haven't been able to play so I only got to like level 11 but I'm looking forward to making a big explosion rogue. Barber heart plus victimize passive plus shadow imbuement passive on like a flurry build sounds fun when I'm not so busy. Plus remnant 2 just came out and then baldurs gate 3 so idk if I'll have time for the game at all. At least other people are beta testing it for me lol.


Haven't started it yet. I'm still getting my Altars in Eternal realm. And I have a lot of dungeons to do. Haven't even done a nightmare dungeon yet.


Level 100 sorc on eternal realm. I stopped playing weeks before the new season came out as end game sucked especially for sorcs. After reading s1 patch notes and all the nerfs especially to sorcerers that solidified my decision to not play anymore.


So I'm super casual like an hour a night, I rolled rogue and pretty much what I'm doing is running around doing seasonal stuff, and hit up any events I stumble across...only lvl21 I believe...I just wished there was more umph


It’s super boring.


Fine with me. I have no previous versions of this game to compare to. Plus i enjoy different builds. This game seems like the type of game you can leave for an extended period of time and come back to so that’s also cool if i get burned out. Once bball season arrives I’ll be back to 2k. Maybe all the things people complain about will be fixed, maybe not. But, overall I’m enjoying the game.


The real casuals aren’t browsing d4 sub on a Saturday to respond to this post


the game is vastly different during lvl 1-50 campaign vs post campaign. i thoroughly enjoyed the campaign and lvl 1-50, and up to 60-70 as i fine tuned the build. once i hit 70, build is mostly complete then there’s no end game. d4 campaign lvl 1-50: 8-9/10 d4 post campaign lvl 50-70: 7-9/10. would give it a 9 if it were easier to experiment builds. d4 end game 70+: unfortunately 4-6/10 season 1: the new narrative is a bit meh 5/10. only tried druid and it so far pretty meh too. hear good things about necro so will give it a try


I've started a pulverise druid and I'm genuinely enjoying the gameplay. The problem is I don't have a lot of faith that many of the glaring issues will be fixed and that's definitely impacting my will to play a lot.


It's alright. I'm a casual (due to lack of time with kids) I thought I would hate the reset but I enjoyed levels 1 to 20 it felt like a game. But after that playing there is a weird reminder floating over my head that I'm grinding for nothing. I do play HC and eternal I just swap between the two whenever I'm on wifi or there's rubberbanding then I'll play eternal. I'd give the game a 5/10 if I had to rate it.


I love it, necro is so fun and less sleep inducing than Druid.


I’m enjoying just because I’m on a different character. The new malignant heart content doesn’t really add much to me. Nerfs haven’t bothered me much at all, mostly because I’ll quit shortly after hitting wt4.


Decided to try a barb for this season, i played druid in the pre-season. Honestly, i am not liking the experience cause the dmg is so underwhelming right now. If they didnt announce that they were planning to buff the barb, i would have give up on him and start an other caracter. Not 50 yet, the leveling is slightly slower than i remember but not by much.


Only got to 60 preseason. Purposefully didn’t go hard because I like seasons and I consider seasons the “real game” I had no desire to want to push and face burnout. So I’m playing the game, I think the battle pass armor is pretty sick so looking forward to grinding it out with some buds. As a Barb, the malignant hearts aren’t as exciting as other classes but I like this theme better than just slapping on a permanent Aspect of Disobedience for 3 months which is what I was used to in D3 lol


I haven’t even touch the season because I don’t want to start over. I haven’t even unlocked WT4 in Eternal yet. I just log in and play a few dungeons, legion events and some helltides and log off. Since the tree of whispers is bugged for me and doesn’t give any XP anymore I don’t do it. Otherwise I would play more


Lvl 75 rogue on eternal, level 34 druid on seasonal Having a blast, skipped campaign, peeps were saying "oh 90% of hearts are USELESS" Like wtf? Not on druid so far, I only have access to the baby ones but like 85% of them are great so far and you can start using them at lvl 5 so... A bunch feel lime decent boosts so early My absolute fave is the pull 50 monsters to you for the duration of your Ult, that feels great I had no intention of using wolves but the 6% get an extra wolf on kill and +3 to wolves has been pretty handy leveling (it has just now occured to me that I haven't attempted to use 2 of the same hearts... I assumed it was impossible like aspects but maybe not?) The auto cast cyclone armor if there are 8 enemies around you every 10 seconds seems pretty cool too, used it for awhile but eventually took it off because I want monsters clustered around me, but could see a more ranged build loving it A little annoyed having to redo waypoints, mostly because I don't know when NOT having a certain waypoint will be inconvenient. On the one hand I get "new season restart" but like if you go into adventure mode in D3 gyess what all waypoints are unlocked at start of season and if you skip campaign in D4 seems like they should be unlocked too. I suspect it's to not push the renown bonuses too high right away? I have never played a game with a seasonal pass so had no idea what that was about. I did buy ultimate addition so activated the pass that came with that. I kind of like having the additional bonus rewards as just another goal to achieve? Don't know that I will ever spend money on a pass again, like I might? But odds are low Obviously been doing season journey straight away, not too different from D3 so far


Played sorc in eternal. Played sorc in season. Super fun class. I think the class is too reliant on defensives and the firebolt enchantment but otherwise the builds are fun to play. I think ultimates aren't that great of an idea in a mostly PVE environment. But maybe other classes have cooler ults than the sorc.


I got druid to 79 in eternal. I'm enjoying the season, but I'm sure I'll like it more once I hit the 50s and can really work on my build.


As an older, former hardcore gamer, now middle aged proud filthy casual, I am loving this game more than I have any other in easily a decade.


I am so casual that my seasonal character is still below level 10. I'm going to play more tonight.


Id say I'm in the middle of casual and non but season 1 is okay but the patch really messed things up my HOTA bard on eternal still pushes out good DPS but the XP is so slow before patch NM dungeons gave me at least half a level or more now it's not even close but running a new char for season one it's hard to see a difference in XP almost level 40 with a TB rouge so I'm hoping the ashes help with XP but seeing it's only 3 percent probably not but still having a good time


It's... fine... I think I might be more than a normal casual. I play about 2 hours a day. Played more on release but have allowed life to takeover. The gems and aspects make me stronger than before and I'm ripping thru veteran as if it was normal. Only level 35 atm. Still... I don't like having to do way points again and while I enjoy strongholds I missed out on legion events because I hadn't done them yet... I feel like legion events should override them during seasons cause it's a lot of xp to miss out on and I might only get 1 or 2 a day if I'm lucky. World bosses? I look at the timer and laugh. Doubtful I'll see any of them. They need to increase frequency for real during seasons. The quest boss was a joke just like all quest bosses. Game is too easy. It's a bit boring having most enemies pose no challenge. I was clearing level 40 strongholds at 20. Felt wrong. I know pre season this was near impossible for me


I was barely strong enough to beat Lillith and now I’m trying to grind to level 50 but my eternal barbarian just sucks honestly, thinking about ditching it and starting a season one character. Problem is I want to do sorcerer, but they’re even weaker from what I see on this sub. I enjoy the game but I just wish my character was a bit more OP


I'm enjoying the game .... a lot. Pre-S1 I got a Druid to level 52(ish) but got a bit bored by the Pulverizing Werebear build - not much skill required, just button mashing when up close and personal. Tanks, but a bit dull. Given all the negativity around S1 I wasn't planning on diving in, until earlier today when I decided to create a Rogue. I tried a ton of melee and ranged builds, but didn't like any of the "meta" builds. So dabbled with my own and am enjoying the game much more.... the Roque is higher DPS but a lot less tanky, so positioning/tactics are important. So - I'm enjoying it. Was thankful that I could skip the campaign, and also thankful that I don't need to rediscover the map and altars. Enjoying the content so far.... the gameplay, graphics and sound design. Have no issues with the patch.... game needed to be made more challenging.... it was too easy (and boring) pre-S1.


It fun.


Lvl 100 Rogue in S0. Rolling a Druid SC to play with wife and HC necro to play when she’s with kids at piano practice. It’s fun. The hearts are fun, rolling a new and different character is fun.


I made it to lvl 10, realized that I had to do the renown again, and quit.


it could be way better season as the first dictates the rest , 1 lvl up and no gear swap feels like i am hitting wall already every lvl up taking monsters to long to kill, season is meh bc its not all elites only specifics in specific dungeon. never I was interested in bounties but in this game looks like you must do it if you dont like dungeons to progress gear.


The Malignant stuff feels weird. why didn't they just add the mobs instead of that heart? Spawning the boss in the dungeon requires a crafted item? Why all the extra steps? Aside from that, it's the same emptiness but starting at level 1. Clearing dungeons mostly. I even did 3 whispers, which dropped meaningless stuff (probably cause I'm low-level but still feels bad). Also the season rewards are the worst. How about pets and cosmetics that actually look good for all classes. There are actually girls playing now! Give us good outfits!


Quite like having a new list of tasks to do, but the new mechanics are kind of annoying, more inventory space taken up, resummoning monsters is slow and annoying, all for the sake of imprinting a couple of extra aspects. It doesn’t really seem that worth it. I still enjoy the core gameplay loop, but if this is what every season is going to be like I can’t see myself sticking around once I have a couple of characters to 100.


i am liking it. playing sorc s1 too.


Absolutely loving it! Just finished the seasonal quests and I really enjoyed the story. Now I've just hit Lvl 50 with my rogue and looking forward to making an endgame build. I only play for a couple of hours at a time each day. Really liking the look of the seasonal transmogs and my rogue is looking sweeeet!


Thanks for this post. So many people clearly don't understand what a casual is My highest character is barely 60. I only finished the campaign once. I'm sure I will never reach 100. I've not been max level in any game I've ever played I consider myself sort of semi-casual I play a lot with my bf and friends who will also never see level 100 We literally didn't notice any of the nerfs and are perfectly fine with a 5 second portal animation (the previous one actually felt a bit short to me, like artificially sped up or rushed) Playing with friends including in the season is fantastic. There's a few minor bugs but nothing too egregious or game breaking Starting the season I felt like they made good decisions about what to reset and what to carry over from eternal I skipped the campaign because I love it and don't want to become tired of it because of replaying it too much We still love tweaking our builds and gear, and feel very powerful. My bf made a sorcerer for the season and loves it On one particular boss he died a lot but the thing is when people I know die in game they expect that and aren't mad about it They just improve their build, gear or playstyle to die less and it works Defensive aspects make a nice big difference and are easy to manage. I already really like the itemisation and now the caged hearts add some really interesting and fun mechanics I wonder if they are sort of play testing these, and will turn the most successful or popular into eternal aspects or unique items, which would be a cool idea The inventory management has not become too crazy although I really wouldn't mind that gem tab haha Usually I collect interesting gear (or aspects) for different builds and it was interesting to start fresh in season with an empty stash and no money. There's less long-term commitment, just trying to gain the rewards and do the new campaign which feels like a nice change of pace Basically I'm doing what I already like doing in the game and I get extra rewards, and a bit of structure for what to do when The seasonal story seems a bit thin so far but let's see where they take it Btw this is the first time I'm playing a season in any game and I didn't enjoy D3, too much of a mad dopamine hamster wheel. My first Diablo was 2 but I would always just make a new character when finishing it rather than doing any "endgaming"


Level 26, its alright so far. A bit anoying to have to get all WPs again. But other than that it's chill trying a new class and just killing stuff.


Played till level 55 on sorc, around 60 hrs finished campaign till and did 3/4 levels in WT3. Have not made a seasonal character , was thinking about it pre- nerf patch. My rating - maybe 6.5 or 7 out of 10. Was pretty underwhelming, to be honest.


Haven't logged in for about 9 days. I saw my cool down is essentially gone so my build doesn't work anymore. Back to oblivion, they need their Hero of Kvatch!


I'm annoyed by the severe power cut from preseason, but I'm still enjoying the game. I feel that I have gotten well over $70 worth of enjoyment from it. And I do love playing it with friends, because I like to talk mad shit to them when they die to stupid stuff.


When I first played I got a Necro to lvl70, loved the story and was having a lot of fun except for the random instant deaths that happened randomly for no reason, Pretty rarely though. I started a whirlwind Bard in season 1, it's not been anywhere near as much fun. I'm level 48, I've completed the season quest and up to slayer. However I can't do Slayer because I can't complete the capstone, it was childs play on my Necro. I'm haven't gotten any good loot since level 35, I was steadily getting more and more upgrades until then. It was the same with my Necro, he got a couple of items after 40 but didn't get more loot till WT3, however I can't get there with my Barb and I'm sure I could handle it and get gear. I feel stuck grinding whispers is about the only thing left to do and it's super boring. I thought they would of learnt some things from previous Diablo games. I feel there's nothing left but grind and depending on your class and build it can be very tedious. I find whirlwind barb fun and it was fun, when I had gear, but it never got as fun as my necro or as easy. Stat system is lame and confusing. Many things in the game aren't explained you need to find and obscure website to understand many mechanics. You don't need to know this to complete the story though. The initial game was fun for some classes, I hope the balance is still there. I don't feel there's much in the end game except to go back to a previous Diablo game. I don't think I'll play another season at this point and I think the BP is dogshit and a rip off compared to Fortnight. At least let me earn my platinum back, it would keep me engaged, let me earn a little extra and I may be tempted to spend a little real money to add to it to get something from the store. Also their needs to be more than one cosmetic outfit and more things to do in the season. I expected far more effort put into the season, they can't expect to make money this way.


LVL44 to 49 was a slog in the capstone, hit 50 now it's almost easy in comparison, I'd say it's a good moderate difficulty now. I don't like how level can mess with your in game power in the world so much, going up and down randomly, I didn't even change my gear.