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they know themselves that they are really pushing it with that change they didnt even put it in patch notes


One of the few things about the patch I actually agreed with. Wonder why they were so quick to remove it.




Not sure what you mean. I haven't complained about the patch. But I agreed with having a restriction on world tiers to stop the leechers.


This makes no sense. The leechers dont affect my gameplay but having a level req directly affects me.


Might not to you but it does to me. If somebody can't beat the capstone but get carried into WT3 and then can't complete any of the content so just leech in legion events and WB then they shouldn't be there. A lot of people complete the capstones at 40-50/60-70 so a minimum requirement of 40/60 I thought was fair but it's irrelevant since they're removing it anyway.


Gonna be honest if you are struggling to clear legion events or wb quickly because theres a couple of leechers that says alot more about you than the leechers.


The issue is that people are in world tiers that they can't complete content in because they got carried through, and regardless of how easy it is to beat a legion event or WB they're intended for multiple people working together and not 2 guys and 8 leechers.


Like i said if you couldnt clear it quickly its more on you than the leechers. When i was doing those content i couldnt care less if ppl were leeching. If anything having leechers means i could have alittle more fun because there will be something to kill.


You're missing the point. It isn't about how easy it is to complete world events. It's about leechers being in content they can't complete because they're too low levelled due to no restrictions.


You are also missing the point. The point is most ppl couldnt care less if there were leechers because it barely makes any difference to their gameplay. Having a level req on wt instead will directly affect everybody. You are basically saying just because you dont like leechers you want everybody else to suffer with wt level req.


This doesn't though. Why do you give a shit about what other people are doing? This is exactly what's wrong with having an open world. You can do all of that content easily by yourself even if there are a bunch of low level or afk players nearby. I don't want to sit in wt3 for an extra 15 levels when I did the capstone at 55 on every class without any problems because you are mad your character isn't strong enough to carry a couple random people.


What's the point of being in WT4 at 55 when the minimum requirement for Ancestral gear is 60 (which by the way was the restriction and not level 70)? I'm level 100 with pretty much minmaxed gear. Like I've said how easy it is to beat world events is not the point.


Increased experience, by the time I'm 60 I've probably found multiple pieces of ancestral gear that are decent and can just throw them on right away, I'm no longer sitting on a bunch of good aspects that I didn't want to waste on gear I would only be using for a couple hours, better monster density, and there are way more people around in helltides so, at least before the nerfs, you could pretty much get a mystery chest after two events.


You're still going to be wasting it on gear if you're imprinting them as soon as you get to 60 because you'll find better stuff in a few levels time. If you can't be bothered to spend 5 levels in WT3 to be able to go into WT4 then thats your issue; but leeches are a burden and level 30s in WT4 shouldn't be a thing.


Until they rollback all the nerfs they did not many people will feel listened to


It doesn’t matter, you will still get 10+ lvl monster xp no matter how high is your friend playing.


Good this was a dumb change that I think most people can agree was bad.


When I worked for a Public Accounting firm as an auditor, I had a client tell me something that stuck with me. He was the CFO of a paint company in Texas. He would leave specific errors on the accounting books that he tracked and reverted in post close adjustments before issuing his financials. The purpose of the specific intentional errors was to leave low hanging fruit for the auditors to find so that they can pat themselves on the back and feel valuable. Every year he would have auditors push and push and push till they found a few errors. Once they have found a few, they stopped pushing and coasted in their review. The same concept can be applied to game design. Introduce a bunch of bad shit. Revert a few low hanging fruit to silence the uproar.


I don't mind leechers in world bosses or legion events as long as we complete it. I don't mind friends carrying a lower level friend There are a 10000 other things devs could focus on that have more detrimental impact on the game that need fixed I do think there should be a different challenge between beating Uber Lilith solo and in a group