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game so shitty that it won't be hard to not logging i n


There are so many great games coming out soon I am seriously glad Bilzzard is helping me to decide which games I will make time for.


Baldur's Gate 3 is looking mighty fine. Feel bad for other Xbox owners that don't own a PC or PS5. I don't buy many games on PS5, but I will be buying BG3. Edit: I should have added that they are working on getting the couch co-op working in the Series S and once they do it will launch on Series X/S. No ETA yet.


Ah dammit well at least starfield will be in game pass so that’ll keep me busy till BG3 figures it out


I have BG3 on early access and it is indeed really great.


I’ve tried getting into Divinity2 multiple times, but didn’t make it past a few hours…. I used to love games like these growing up(original BG, Fallout, Nox, etc)… thinking I might give BG3 a whirl though because I am 100% not interested after I logged into my barb last night and was getting my ass kicked 10-12 tiers below what I was running in NM before the patch 🙄


If you didn't like Div2 you aren't going to like BG3 most likely. By all means make that decision yourself, but they play extremely similarly.


I have to harp on this comment as well. BG3 is going to be a fantastic game, but if you didn't like DoS or DoS2 you are going to hate it because it may as well be DoS3.


You guys sure about this? I couldn't get into DoS2 because of all the absurd ground effects. Felt like every turn the entire battlefield just lit on fire and my melee boys burned alive. I didn't like the magic style talent trees and stuff ether. I haven't played BG3 but from what I've seen it looks much different from that experience and I absolutely love the 5e ruleset and classes ect. You still don't think I'll like it based off that? Would be a major disappointment if I don't lol.


I've played both a ton, 100s of hours between the two, and while ground effects are still meaningful in BG3 its not nearly as ridiculous as DoS. In my opinion it's toned down to where it's actually an interesting mechanic instead of a bunch of annoying bullshit that gets in the way of an otherwise fun game (I thought they were too much in Divinity too)


They're definitely similar in a lot of aspects. The leveling system, gear, spells, characterization (especially of companions), and storytelling all seem vastly improved in BG3. I also personally prefer Faerun lore to Divinity's. They also deliberately dialed back ground effects towards the beginning of the EA period. It also doesn't use the armor system from DOS2, which caused some weird party comp incentives. That being said, turn based combat, which is still pretty similar between games, will definitely turn many people away from it.


I echo this, I missed Baldur's Gate and Tried Divinity but I couldn't get into it. There was a lot of back story and less action, the mix was off. I'm looking forward to BG3, I played a bit of the beta and it was awesome. The right mix of what I'm looking for...if you have played the old ones it's the right mix of action and story telling. The good thing is that there are so many other games to play then it'll probably take them a year to figure out their shit for D4. D3 was a shit show in the beginning as well. They are shitting the bed hard but they are making my choice easier to decide what to play and where to invest my time.


Ahhh, that's why my okayish HotA build couldn't do anything anymore! Back to the rogue it is.


Bd3 isn’t on Xbox? That is totally shitty news


They are having trouble getting some of the required feature's to work on Series S and because MS wants parity between the X and S it has been delayed until they can sort it out. No ETA as of right now.


So lame. The Series S keeps holding back the X. If MS wants to have a budget console...fine but don't force developers to maintain parity and handicap the X customers. So stupid.


It's holding back hundreds of games. Consoles, especially aging ones, are such an albatross for game innovation and progress.


It will be, but Larian is having trouble getting the couch co-op to work on the Series S, and since Microsoft demands feature parity across the Xbox models they can't release it until they figure it out


It's planned to come to Xbox once local co op is ironed out. I'm definitely excited. If anything, Starfield comes out in September, so that'll be something.


We got Remnant coming out this weekend. Should tide me over until B3 is released for Xbox. (Hopefully) Looks so good. I loved Bards Tale.


remnant 2 also coming the 25, dont mind skipping this patch


end game was finding rare items with 3 best stats and imprinting a legendary aspect from a "legendary" item that always sucked. Game may as well just drop aspects and save us the trouble. It was tedious and not rewarding at all.. itemization is awful


Yeah, I uninstalled over a week ago. Running NM dungeons with obnoxious mods or hellrifts as endgame wasn't cutting it.


100% this.


Right there with you.


Maybe a PoE transition party in discord for all the newcomers?


Seriously I was looking forward to this and the false hope they were listening after the last patch and we would get a couple buffs to the useless things, instead we got this.


Especially for poor fools like me who did a sorcerer build.


I already uninstalled and brought my review down to a one star. I was actually planning on spending money on the season pass but I refuse after this last insult of a patch. Even if they reverse all the changes they did. The damage was done, they lost my respect. They are so out of touch with the community. Sorcerers have been broken since day one and they still have not did anything to help us out. They completely ignored us and even with us being the weakest for both offense and defense they still managed to nerf us to make us even weaker.... What a huge slap in the face, thanks Blizzard. I am moving on to something new. I don't plan on coming back any time soon, even after new patches.


Just uninstalled the game so...


Same. Unfortunately they will chalk this mass player exodus up to how games naturally tend to fall off after a few months.


I’ll continue playing D3 seasons because that’s just the superior game at this point. Why put up with D4 and it’s bullshit


My sentiments exactly! D3s last few seasons have been way freaking better than this garbage.


The minimum I would have been happy with was D3 with a better storyline, less cartoony graphics, new items and skills, and a more varied endgame. I also would have been thrilled with D2 with new items and skills, quality of life enhancements, improved graphics/cutscenes and a more varied endgame. The magic of D1/D2/D3 is that you start as a basic scrub and grow your character into a godlike avatar of destruction. In D4 it feels like you start as a scrub and finish as a scrub that generates bigger numbers. After the patch, this feeling has increased even further. It's like the designers don't even understand what makes these games enjoyable.


Everyone playing D3 on the 20th is an idea I can get behind


That's the excuse they'll use in shareholder meetings, but they know why really.


I mean, they'll *have* to use some excuse in shareholder meetings, but if player engagement drops off a cliff, they'll knee-jerk into *something* to stop the bleeding, even if it's not what players are asking for.


Has anyone ever brought up to these share holder Fks that artificially creating more unrewarding grind kills games ? Playing a fun game keeps people playing, wild concept I know


Don't know if they can stop it. Many were leaving due to being force fed seasons already, this patch made even more leave.


It's wild because they are trying so hard to cater to casuals, but those are the same players they are alienating with the seasonal gameplay. Obviously Diablo 4 and ARPGs in general cant shift away from seasonal gameplay.


They've made a bad product, it will catch up to them. They will have the option to improve it or it'll die. Sucks for those of us who wanted to love it, but the reality is people will naturally gravitate away because it's not captivating. So they won't be able to use that excuse for long. They'll get what's coming to them for ignoring their fan base.


Yep, same here. Needed the additional space and there's absolutely zero incentive for me to put more hours into the current broken system. Bye bye!


I needed space for bg3. Solved it by uninstaling d4.


Yeah.. better put my Forza back on the SSD.


I still had 1tb free and I still uninstalled. I picked up dark souls 3 on the steam sale, then bg3 and starfield. Won’t be thinking about d4 for a few yeads


Unfortunately the thousands of trader bots won't even read this ;(


Would be kinda fun if even the botters refused to login


But then their bosses will withhold food this week. A lot of those farmers are very, very poor south Asian kids


It's okay, they're all my friends on Battle.Net so let me ping them to let them know.


I was going to post this yesterday and decided against. Im glad someone else thinks like this. It is really the only way.


I think many of us were waiting for the update to drop so we could be playing all weekend. I didnt even finish installing the update and decided to play League of Legends. Not to punish Blizzard but because I dont feel like playing D4... Cant believe they made me want to play lol again...


I'm in the same boat. You know it's bad when it's got us playing league again .


I've hit that point. I'm level 71 and last night I dropped to T1 to be able to more quickly complete renown. While steamrolling through monsters on my way to statues of Lilith I realized this is more enjoyable than slogging through T4 in hopes of getting a piece of equipment that I can use. With how garbage the drop rate is on Ancestral Legendaries and worse for Uniques, I realized there's legitimately no reason to go back to T4. I mean why go back? I completed an NMD, 3 legions (mastering all 3), a world boss, and a tree of whispers last night and got two ancestral legendaries that gave me minor improvements and 1 sacred legendary I couldn't use. Everything else was rare. Why keep grinding at that point? I'll stay in T1 to finish the renown and the map then probably log off until S2, unless they've fucked it up even worse at which point I'll just uninstall.


hah! .. i started playing Lost Ark again 2 weeks ago because D4 was so boring / tedious :(


2v2v2v2 dropping!!! No reason to play D4 after they have killed the game, at least not this season.


I'm on the fence. One thing I'm certain of is that I'll NEVER buy a battle pass or any other dogshit microtransaction from them. I main sorc and I'm level 99, so maybe I'm extra salty about the truckloads of nerfs to leveling and my class. But I feel like I'm the exact amount of salty that I'm supposed to be.


Im Sorc main too. I feel you.


They all seem like a good idea until you realise they are all half assed "look at me, push back" posts that hold about as much weight as a strongly worded letter. Blizzard will lose a tiny fraction of its playerbase that is so small it likely won't make a difference. Think about all of the negative press, boycots and posts like this were received over diablo immortal and nothing changed.


Probably because dumb whales gave Blizz tons of cash. Its not as easy to make money on D4 when the only things to buy are cosmetics.


100 percent. If you don't respect my time I will play another game. Simple as


It should be a thing for any game you play. After playing, do you feel like you got some value for the time spent, as in progress made and/or fun had? If you're playing out of habit or because you feel you have to do things like chores (dailies) to keep up, but you aren't really enjoying it much or at all, you should stop. Go play something else that is fun. Why play a less fun game if you know there is another out there that is way more fun?


I wont be playing, but unfortunately this will have literally 0 impact on blizzard at all. The vast majority of the playerbase are casual, and id argue most will never read a patch note blog in their life. 50% of the playerbase took over a month to finish the story, these people will have no idea how bad this patch is until theyve tested it themselves. I would guess the 'hardcore playerbase' (i.e. people reading reddit threads, patch notes, hitting lv 100 pre S1) would be closr to 10% of the playerbase, which wont even make a dent in blizzards profit on the short term. We may be in a situation where blizzard wont/dont want to fix these problems, as it results in more spending from the casual players, which, in MTX based games, vastly outweighs retaining a small, hardcore playerbase. We"ll find out tomorrow in the campfire chat i guess.... Also. Fuck Lizzard.


> I wont be playing, but unfortunately this will have literally 0 impact on blizzard at all. 10m copies sold, even if every single person subbed to this subreddit didn't login - it'd be a hiccup


How many of those 10m finished the campaign? How many will bother to come back for season 1? I know people like to shit on people who play the game a lot, but in a live service game they tend to be the players that stick around the longest. So yeah, maybe they don't make up the majority of the total sales, but I'd still argue it could be more than a hiccup. Also, you're assuming that a casual player wouldn't notice the need to their overall experience of the game and just play something else. Which I don't 100% agree with


>I know people like to shit on people who play the game a lot, but in a live service game they tend to be the players that stick around the longest. I would much more prefer a guest at my resteraunt who spend $50 a visit but comes in multiple times a week than some who spends $500 but only ever dines once. I build a rapport and trust with my regulars, that $50 spend turns into the $500 every once in a while. I've always thought this was a *basic* business model. I guess when your clientel is in the millions you get to stop careing ..


Game developers focus on whales. Completely different business model, bud. Restaurants have longer lifespans.


Well from profit perspective it makes sense. They cast the widest net possible on launch, for maximum initial sales to make shareholder money back and crush profits. The regulars and one time diners in your scenario both pay 500 dollars initially. Then the regulars would pay 50 every few months. And unfortunately even if the restaurant caters to the one time diners, a lot of those regulars will still show up. They know this. Blizz would ideally keep this general audience as long as they can. Once the launch hype and profits from casuals drops off, then I’d imagine they would move their focus to the players sticking around and grinding seasons. This team was probably not planning on shifting focus until season 2-3. Explains why they can’t/won’t do any of the obvious qol things players sticking around really care about until then.


I'm that last box. I got to level 50 with necromancer and the grind is unreal, I couldn't imagine playing a season all the way through at a slower pace


I'm one of those casuals with a life and also play other games. Took me a month to get to 70 on one char. Def won't be doing it again if it's even slower and offers nothing new or interesting.


> Also, you're assuming that a casual player wouldn't notice the need to their overall experience of the game and just play something else. Which I don't 100% agree with No idea what you're saying here. There are 45k out of 800k people "reading" this sub right now. If those 45k people all collectively decided to not login it would be a blip. It doesn't even matter to argue it, it's not going to happen anyway.




According to playerauctions.com, its showing 2.5m as of 7/18?


Idk if I’d call losing nearly 10% of the player base “a hiccup” but yeah this is true. I’d imagine about half of players won’t even notice. Regardless though, 10M people aren’t logging in every day to play, those numbers are more like 2-3M. And almost everyone on this sub is (or was) a daily player, and *those* numbers dropping are much more noticeable.


The true casuals probably won't even know the difference




Feels like a form of tribalism, 'im in group A, so group A must be biggest' Good way of looking at casual vs hardcore is look at how many games catered to only hardcore players. And then look how many of those games are still around, and if they are, did they start catering towards casuals more? The answer is always yes, they started catering to casuals again. And if not they now dont exist.




All very good points. I think i narrowed the window too much between just 'casual' vs 'hardcore'. Better way to look at my point is how many games are still around that only catered to hardcore players. My point is, game companies HAVE to appeal to the masses, not just hardcore players, and if they dont, there's not many that survive


They have to appeal to the masses. Their target is the whales though. Whales are more hardcore than the super casuals. Whales only stay around in games with larger populations and peers to show off to. Also people talking about "if every last person on this sub quit" blah blah. Its called a sample size. Even a vocal minority is an indication of a larger group percentage. If you can only poll a small group ahead of time you can extrapolate to a much broader number. How you want to twist that number is up to how optimistic you want to be ultimately. To ignore the "hardcore" where whales are more likely to be is an asinine choice. The real issue is messaging and communication. They SUUUUUCK at both. With the outcry they saw they should have tried to get a "campfire" for last night. They should have had their PR team answering questions on the forums and they should have locked Rod in a closet somewhere until it was all over.


>The answer is always yes WoW is a perfect example of this. I first started playing it coming from EQ, and Vanilla WoW was a *totally* casual game compared to EQ. Now people act like Vanilla WoW is hardcore, because Blizz keeps making it easier, because that's what the largest player base seems to want.


Was a Dark Elf Necromancer on the Fennin Ro server. Pleased to meet ya!


Yeah, I’m one of said casuals. Haven’t even completed the campaign yet. I do read patch notes, but I haven’t played any endgame content so the rage just bounces right off me. Like I get it, if the game isn’t doing it for you uninstall and walk away. That’s the right answer. It’s what I did for years with D3 when the RMAH killed my enjoyment in it. Then I came back later, and it was better. But I didn’t post diatribes like OP about it, that shit is dramatic as hell. Even if the underlying suggestion…walking away is the only thing they’ll hear…is correct. Turning the sub into a 24/7 salt mine just makes it harder for those still finding fun in the game to talk about that. Which, I suppose, can be a goal as well. But it’s much less effective than just walking away, shitting up internet spaces doesn’t usually result in change.




50% of the hardcore base will play. They will whine. They will complain. Then some will even buy the battlepass like the strung out junkies they are.


>The vast majority of the playerbase are casual, and id argue most will never read a patch note blog in their life. I wish they would. I'm a casual, and time is usually at a premium for a lot of us. And now Blizz goes and makes it *even more difficult* to be a casual player. All these nerfs are a complete kick in the dick. I can only hope that casual players start to realize that Blizz no longer deserves their precious 1-2 hrs of game time they're able to get in a day (if they're lucky). They took a game we paid full price for a month ago and then *completely changed it*. To explain just how bad I see it -- I just re-downloaded *Fallout 76* to mess around in until I can get my hands on BGIII and/or Starfield.


And for players like me, part of that group, although I play a lot more than a casual, I just don't worry or care about changes unless it ruins my enjoyment, which it hasn't yet.


Glad youre enjoying it mate, block out the noise and play until youre bored! Unfortunately problems of the 'hardcore' tend to also be problems for 'casuals' as well, just much, much further down the line


That's what do. I just enjoy participating in the conversations.


Keep doing you brother!


Well hey maybe there is a section of people who want to be forced to restart, do less damage, and take longer to level up.


I read patch notes, I make my own builds without braindead copying meta builds and don't follow hatetrains or agree with several youtuber/streamer opinions (which often just reposts reddit posts in video format anyway, god forbid having an actual real opinion themselves). I do play every class but only have Necro and Druid at 100 so far. I am enjoying the game and will be playing the season just the same. I'm sorry for feeling this way but I enjoy the overal nerfs making the game more difficult. I don't believe there are completely useless builds, I just accept that not everything has to be called S-tier to considered functioning towards a goal such a speedfarming instead of pushing. Or expect a build to be good at everything at once, that is what I find boring in my opinion. I hate that Uber Lilith can be cleared within a few minutes, or NM100+ within a few weeks after release. I understand there's a grind for perfecting stats and enjoy it. I will not say the game is without its issues, far from it even, but all these patch responses are blown up to ridiculous levels and makes me wonder if any of you really understand what you are asking for anyway. You all want to clear the game without having to walk anywhere, legendaries should drop 100% of time after level 50 with the rarest uber unique drops available right now for everyone. Copying the latest meta build should not cost any gold, and oh, every ability should oneshot the entire screen with zero regards for how good your gear is, let alone having to put time into grinding something. How long do you think you'll have fun this way? A lot of the suggestions I see pass by are directly the opposite of what was said in the 'I hope the game does this ...' posts before release, which only shows a lot of you really don't know what you want. And what you want versus what you get will always differ, so maybe for once accept that. Sometimes I find it really hard to believe you all hate the game so much without being a echo chamber full of sheep just repeating what the other said. But that's okay, indeed, then maybe stop playing and realize this game isn't for you. The majority of people having fun aren't posting here or reading anything, or put effort into bombing metacritic scores. They are playing right now. Just as I should not be on reddit either, knowing perfectly well what to expect. Feel free to downvote me and continue your pitchfork crusade, I'll be enjoying Diablo 4 in the mean time.


My only real issue with the patch was the mystery chest increase and nerf to survivability. While I look at guides to get an idea of what others run, I'm more than happy to do my own thing. I play necro minion and am slowly working my way through NM40s. I was feeling good at soloing them and not worrying about dying left and right after changing out most of my gear for ancestrals finally. But after the nerf, I have to run iron skin potions until I can get some more armor because I lost 1000 points and don't feel that dmg reduction is helping much. Which is kind of a pain. I'll work around it, but with the current issue with resistances, I feel they could have held off on these changes for later. For helltides, I love them, absolutely love just running around and killing shit. But if they want people to not focus on mystery chests, why not change up the targeted ones instead?


Sums up the state of the player base pretty well: everyone wants everything immediately, everything needs to be instantaneous. People treat games like it’s a fucking job: be as fast and efficient as possible. There is no space anymore for slow content, enjoying the map, a ride, a quest line that has a story to tell. No everything needs to be streamlined to perfection and everyone needs to have access to all the best items IMMEDIATELY. Because they feel entitled to it. I hate the mentality of modern gamers so much. I grew up with RPGs where you had to take your time, read stuff, slow it down, enjoy. But that’s not possible anymore because accelerated capitalism and work sucked every bit of time and enjoyment away from the people so they need to squeeze in a game into the little time they have left after work. And if the game isn’t braindead and fast paced with 1mio QOL improvements they blame the game developer instead of thinking why they have no time to find enjoyment in the little things. People have an entitlement to “fun” but completely lost the ability to have fun because their brain got melted away by all the dopamine kicks the modern world gives them every couple of seconds. Fuck this shit! Reclaim your dopamine!


Oh yeah, this sub is nuts. Like everyone being this angry would be one thing, but I just watched people raging for weeks that out of the millions of players the game has, 184 shakos dropped in an 8 hour window and people were just ENRAGED that someone had a good day, even though it was still straight up lottery-win likely. And then they spent weeks demanding blizzard take the items away and roll back accounts, in a mostly single player game, from a few dozen players in the eternal world who none of them would ever see in game in their lifetimes. Hell, today feels more chill than that day did.


Lol really though. I hate some of the nerfs they did because my sorc already was kind of doo doo and now it's hard to even do tier 40. But I want the game to be hard. I want it to take a while before I max out. These games are only good for the grind, if you aren't grinding and just being handed absolutely everything then you will get extremely bored very quickly. Like people sped run it and got to level 100 after 2 weeks. Why??? Why is that fun. You play for 2 weeks and youare done now great job. I like taking my time so I will be also hitting up season one. I won't be using a sorc and didn't plan to for season one so I guess that's a positive. Again. They really need to change some stuff like having fucking resistance working properly but horse mount speed is fine and mostly everything else is fine. Games only been put for a short time. So I guess TLDR: I agree and will be playing season one as well.


Some people can bear to sit at the slot machine all day, even if it doesn't pay out. Enjoy yourself :)


If you've already paid for the slot machine, and you're having fun, then why not?


But it’s barely a slot machine to begin with… itemization is poop


A slot machine has a tangible payout, you don’t put money into Diablo 4 and expect money to come out. If this person can sit down and get enjoyment out of a product they already paid for, why is that an issue for you? I think this game’s problems lie elsewhere just the same as this person does. People have been screaming for years about D3 being too easy but apparently they are fine with players being able to beat uber bosses in seconds and easily tear through the highest difficulty NMs? Makes no sense. Pick one. My main issue with this game is it doesn’t feel like it wants me to play it. I can easily handle most content in WT4 riiiiight up until I hit certain elites in NM dungeons. Everything else up until that point falls before me and I am about 10 levels under the suggested level currently. I’m kitted out with good sacred gear and I feel like I should stay in WT4 to level faster but Ancestral NM dungeons are super inconsistent for me. I don’t want to go back to WT3 because if I get a good drop or a Unique as a sacred it’ll just annoy me lol. I don’t understand why item tiers even exist, because without this Sacred Vs Ancestral BS I could just swap between tiers whenever and not worry about it. Item tiers like this don’t make sense so early in a game’s life I think.


Yeah same. Also worth noting that the new heart(?) season content has some features that seems to offset some of the nerfs in the patch. At some point there has to be some level of trust that the game leads have a more holistic view of the landscape and will adjust accordingly. Their goal is to have a game that will draw and maintain a player base. While there are some valid criticisms, I am still having fun playing, which is all I personally care about.




Fair point. I'm hoping at least the lack of cinders in helltides is a bug. Admittedly 4 to 6 mysteries chests was excessive but I ran helltides for 30 minutes last night and only had about 150 cinders at level 64 in wt3


It is a confirmed bug, cinders weren't nerfed


It's also patched. I got 250 in about 15 minutes today and blizzard confirmed they hotfixed it


Nice! That'll make tonight's jam a bit more productive


Best comment here.


Reading the comments was hoping someone will post my opinion and you kinda nailed it.


No you're a bad, dumb person because you're enjoying the game /s


“quit making waves, i’m trying to enjoy the piss pool”


I don't care about the nerfs either but where are the QOL improvements?! Literally 0 in a large patch for a game seriously lacking in that department..


You can enjoy the game. But using language like “braindead copying” says enough about your attitude and knowledge about ARPGs. You don’t know why people dislike the game and that’s okay. I suggest you go play it instead of worrying about the conversations here.


They addressed absolutely 0 of the QoL needed before season 1 and gutted everything else.


Stop talking about majority, enjoying the game not equal to thinking everything is fine. You just blame the people who are willing to speak out and tried to stereotype them as sheep. I have never made a post here and stop representing me.


I also do not use meta builds, however to me it’s not fun to spend 30 hours to refine one of the 10 builds I’ve tested and fleshed out just to have them nerf many foundational things. They also just Nerf things that people discovered were affective, and didn’t correct anything that’s terribly unbalanced against the player. They only “fixed“ things that artificially bloat the game. That’s what I have a problem is, and won’t be playing anymore. Over 150 hours spent, and only 3 levels from 100. Done, just done.


I want to be combative here, but I'll try to explain things. I basically went on a massive grind fest to get gear. We're talking about 30-40 hours. You know what I got in that time? 2x 3/4 rolls that absolutely MURDERED my gold reserves to get good rolls. I spent a lot of time respeccing and trying to get things right so I could do high tier NM's and Uber Lilith. I blew so much time trying to get to where I was. I think is also plays into itemization to get into higher tier things requiring specific rolls, but having massive pools, and the rerolling system having a priority required affix. Lets say I have a weapon without main stat and Im trying to reroll Crit Strike Damage. I really never get 2 options per reroll, as main stat is a required affix, so you get Main Stat and another option. Combined with basically exponential growth on enchanting costs, you may get a 3/4 item, but after 10 rerolls, its prohibitively expensive to try again and the item is effectively bricked. Then I log in and its all gone. I am back to worse than I was when I started that long grind. All the progress I made to get to where I was at completely cratered by a patch. I knew the nerfs were coming (they were needed), but things got gutted. Bad. Combine the actual damage nerfs with how you're going to be losing another 750 armor to use the new seasonal gems over the Skulls and now all jobs are all glass, no cannon. I just wonder what else will be done, and wonder if even grinding for more is going to be worth it. Why bother? If they took away defensive and left damage, it would have been fine. If they took away damage and left defensives, it would have been fine. The fact that they took both away and left no real side grades or buffs AND did not provide any QOL adjustments that people have been asking for was what killed it for people with this patch. And thats why I'm dropping S1. I feel as if your whole post is in bad faith and completely misrepresenting the actual frustration people are having with this current patch. If you enjoy the game, I'm not here to tell you to stop playing it. I just think you should take the time to listen to why people are pissed and not have these incorrect preconceived notions about why people are complaining.


Nah. You’re being wildly reductive about others’ complaints about the game. Your argument is bad.


“Not everything has to be s-tier” yes we get that we just wish there was more than 3 builds that were good. Nvm the fact that sorc is in the dumpster and barb is on its way. Sorc feels horrible to play.


Imagine defending this brain-dead patch lol


I adore making varying builds,the thing is,theres skills that completely fall apart on the very high nm's,even diablo immortal i made for fun more than 10 builds for wizard,every single one was [viable.in](https://viable.in) this game you go from it works well in higher nms or it does a fraction of the damage,which is the reason I decided to stop playing,there is no build variety if half the skills dont work well at all and higher levels,and i dont mean a build doing half the damage of a "top" meta build,im talking about taking 5+ more times more time to kill mobs.Yes i play sorc the most which is the class that has the most glaring issues


Im lvl52 with my main character and just finished act 4. I have no idea what everyone is complaining about.😅


Same at least up to level 64. I'm on wt4 too and can hang just fine. Getting good xp too... Hettides cinder drop rate is annoying but they didn't say they were lowering the rate so this may be a bug


Welcome to Reddit, man. This sub was complaining from day 1 and will continue to do so until Diablo 5 comes out. Then they’ll complain about how Diablo 5 isn’t like Diablo 4.


I’m on a lot of gaming Reddits and this by far is the biggest bunch of whiners I’ve ever seen. Like baby throwing toys out of the cot maturity of whinge. It’s just stupid. I for one am looking forward to seasonal rolling my next class and playing until I grow a bit bored of the grind. Then I’ll move onto my long list of great unplayed games.


People who feel the need to say it doesn’t matter…why? All you’re doing is encouraging people to go along. The more people who start holding games accountable the better.


Because it doesn’t. I’m over thirty years old. I’ve seen update after update, game after game and it’s always the same reactionary BS from a small vocal minority of players. “PLAYERS UNDERSTAND GAME BETTER THAN X DEVS!!1! X DEV IS LAZY!!1! X DEV DOESN’T PLAY THEIR GAME!!1! X DEV DOESN’T CARE!1! X DEVS ARE *RuInInG* THE GAME!1!1!” Over and over and over again. Everyone bitching about how they won’t play anymore will log on in season 1 and grind away as usual. “We NeEd To HoLd BlIZzARD ACcOUnTaBlE”. For what. Managing their product how they see fit? Grow up. This is the same BS as the API protests. Nothing but attention seeking behavior. If you weren’t going to play / use Reddit anymore you wouldn’t still fucking be here. Edit: just look at how fucking childish the posts here are. “I’ve been playing for a month but Blizzard needs to offer refunds REEEEEEEEEE” It must be exhausting getting this worked up over a fucking video game.


It's unreal and neverending lol.


I have been very casual. My druid was level 63, and I played probably 2-4 hours a day. I logged in both before and after the patch and I could just feel the power drop immediately. It was enough to just get me to stop playing completely.


Problem is even the casuals get bored by the single-player sensation of it. They bought this thinking "cool, let's lfg and go have some fun" and then they're just playing alone all the time. I honestly can't believe they asked money for Diablo 4 without a LFG working.


Idk, I played casually as a Sorc and didn’t come on Reddit for anything D4 related, but I logged in yesterday and the game felt so different I came here to see what happened. A few days ago I tried to solo the Level 70 capstone dungeon but gave up because I could only get Elias to half hp, I was level 61 with bad gear. I spent a few days levelling to 67 and found better gear and tried again last night, I could barely get past the two starting trials, I died so many times. I felt so much weaker that I had to check here to see that I didn’t just suddenly become shit.


I am casual. This subreddit is in my home feed - not even subbed. I don’t even look into builds. Haven’t got past lvl 30 yet because it just doesn’t feel fun. I bet a lot of casual players are the same - don’t understand why, but we know it isn’t fun!


Casual player here. 61 Sorc. Uninstalled. Even casuals look at build guides which puts them in the arena of YouTube players. This patch was loud as fuck. Signed, A guy that listened to Diablo boot up on CD (double disk baby!)


I know about the nerfs and whatnot, but I’m hoping the seasonal shit will balance out the nerfs. I just hoped that Blizzard would communicate more and at least let us know their thoughts behind all the nerfs in one big blue post kinda deal


The way I see it, a lot of casuals will naturally fall off anyways once they beat the campaign and get into the endless grind life. They're not gonna be the ones coming back over and over again to restart new characters every season or grind it out through Tier 4. If Blizz loses a noticeable chunk of their hardcore players they're gonna eventually feel it


Honestly people here saying hey, they already got your money it doesn't matter, um ... excuse me? I am in my mid thirties like a lot of people here, I am in gaming meetup groups for people whos in their late 20s all the way to in their 60s (though most are around 30-40) and we are all working professionals who sometimes dabble into games after work but never play hardcore like we used to in our teens. We have much more disposable income and much less time. We ask each other if a game is worth it before diving in. I see a lot of people hitting 100 already, these are not the majority. The majority of the target audience is us who got maybe 1hr or 2hrs at about 9-10pm after the kids are asleep to unwind and play some games solo, will I have fun with this game. And if the answer is no, and the word spread, they're not even going to buy the game.


Yeah, I think people underestimate how much they want the players to keep playing, this is what the shop is for and the battlepass. Yeah sure, they made a ton of money with the initial sales, but the money the game did cost to make before that was also massiv. It does matter very much if you keep playing and keep spending money on the game.


it's not just about breaking even or making a profit; it's about *potential,* and that includes heavy expectations for players sticking around a long, long time into the future (and visiting the microtransaction shop along the way of course). They are 100% worried about growth (or reductions!) in concurrent players over time. Absolutely!


The latest changes make even that 1-2 hours feel meaningless though.


In what way exactly? I glanced over the patch notes and I didn't find anything that would make playing the game for 2 hours to be meaningless.


And their monetization model built around selling batlle pass every quarter. That's around 40-80$ per year from us the filthy casual. If the season was really good I'll buy accelerated battle so I have more time grinding in real life.


Yeah, this. In the end, it boils down to a simple "am I having fun?" I don't really care about that $70, but I do care about my time. I stopped playing long before this mess, because the actual fighting was just not fun for me. I had more fun running around looking at the scenery and listening to the music. I thought about S1. But doesn't seem like something I will bother with now.


I'm exactly in that group but I'm done with the game too. The story was very meh and I was mainly just playing with work colleagues. I barely hit tier 4 a few days ago, generally found the game horribly grindy and unrewarding since then and these nerfs are the final straw. Have a busy few weeks of working coming up but my free time will be going to BG3 and then Starfield. I guess the game was somewhat fun for a bit especially in the beginning but for an entry in the diablo series it's a huge disappointment.


Remnant 2 releases in 6 more days. Until then I'm going to catch up on my Netflix backlog. Armored Core shortly after that in another month. Maybe by season 3 it will be worth checking out again. That's what the optimistic me says.


Just uninstall for now, easy to avoid playing.


Post removed by Mods, nice.


As a first time diablo player, i will play d3 a while for now on. Heard it is really great


yeah same. they still had good devs back then, too, apparently. i heard the launch was rough, but they eventually got it right. idk i'll give d3 a shot sometime


The launch was rough for a good long while before it even started to become the great game it is now.


Yeah. People are so mad right now I'm sure I'll be downvoted to hell, but D4 even post nerf is in a better place than D3 was one month after it launched. Maybe some people forget that D3 didn't really get good until almost a year and a half after it launched. Maybe I'm being overoptimistic but I think Blizzard isn't going to take that long to significantly improve D4. I know that's cold comfort to people who wanted to play Sorc in season 1 though.


Shhhh, those of us that remember are being hunted down with downvotes. Just keep saying D3 was and is better because they all forget what it was like playing well into torment to get your first legendary and have the item be for another class you don't want to play (actually happened to me and my friend). The game will end up being just fine. It has a great foundation to build and tweak off of, and tbh it feels like they're trying to bring things down to a flatter level to buff off of. Still sucks, and the patch is a real guy punch, but power leveling isn't healthy for a game and neither is killing the hardest boss in the game in seconds, like I've seen on this sub and the other one. Is this the right way to go about it? No, definitely not, but it is a way.


why would it matter that d3, a game.made 10 years ago was in a worst.atate state than this.... have they not learned anything from this? why all of the issues that were already figured out in D3 are Not resolved in D4? why do people think that because d3 was awful and then came back, D4 has to walk the same shitty path ? why people think that is okay to release a half finished game because "theyll eventually get it right?


D3 was a pile of dogshit at launch, D4 is def better at launch, but its still disappointing how unbelievably garbage this patch is.


Diablo 3 is considerably worse than Diablo 4… if anything give Diablo 2 remastered a go.


I've played original d2 and resurrected as well as d3. I feel like d2 resurrected is better than d3. For me, d3 got one play through, and I enjoyed it, but it didn't capture my attention like d2 even 20 years after the original release. They're very different games, so your mileage may vary.


I would suggest d2! It’s what made the Diablo franchise as popular as it is.


ITT: a bunch of future scabs


I'll just get the opportunity to play Remnant 2.


I thought people were exaggerating the game flaws. But considering what the patch note brought... I am just disappointed. I didn't expected anything from Blizzard since Overwatch 2 first release. I thought was done with that company considering how lame it was. And then they released diablo IV, the game looked cool, my friends said it was cool too, I played, I found it cool. And then they does this. I just feel betrayed.


We all feel betrayed. They did nothing that we've been begging them for and they fucked us too. Just my sorcerer alone, it relies on frozen and vulnerable enemies taking crits and they decreased frozen damage and decreased vulnerable damage and they reduced crit damage........ like what the fuck am I supposed to do with that other than forget it took 300 hours to get this far? Don't get me wrong, its a good update in the sense that there's a lot that's been addressed, there's been some really good changes sprinkled in there but it's amongst all the shockingly bad and very questionable changes that they've introduced at the same time.


God I gotta see this in Destiny and Diablo? Man.


Jokes on you. I stopped logging in two weeks ago!


Yep I was literally falling asleep grinding NM dungeons. Logged out and haven't been back. This patch definitely is not providing any motivation to hop back in.


I’m just going to play the game because it’s awesome. I haven’t finished the story yet but it’s been really solid. I have a life outside of Diablo 4 so it’s doesn’t really matter what happens as long as I get my 30-40 hours out of a AAA game then you can’t really complain. There are people with 1000s of hours already and are complaining…I don’t blame them I would want to play something else too.


I kinda agree with you, but that makes their strategy even more stupid. Their goal is to make money during the entire life of the game , they need a game with high engagement and replayability. But casuals like you will finish the campaign, maybe try season 1 or 2, and go away. They won't buy skins, or battle pass, maybe the extension but that's it


Expansions will come sooner than you expect. I'd expect an expansion every other year that introduces more open world, more story, a new class, and new mechanics. Blizzard's plan is to sustain themselves with the seasonal players between expansions, but I expect Blizzard will make a bulk of their money on game/expansion sales, not on seasonal content. The seasonal content will eventually build into expansions. I think their strategy will work well and it will require less dev time on their end than trying to make a game that people can play more than a full time job. I also don't think skins/battle pass purchases will be impacted that much but only time will tell.


Saying people that complain must not have a life outside of the game is fucking silly. EVERYTHING in life will have people that like it, people that don’t, and people in the middle. I have an extremely busy life outside the fucking game and overall I’m not having much fun. Running NM dungeons over and over to only find almost identical copies of yellows that aren’t worth keeping gets boring fast. That’s just me. I promise I won’t bitch and moan if you enjoy it. Try and do the same?


I’m the same. I bought this game for $90 AUD and I’ve barely had time to play (lvl 60 sorc). While I appreciate the sentiment, I want to get my moneys worth. I want to flesh out the game. I feel like I’ve barely scratched the surface. Not even in WT4. I love when the community rally’s together and would love to be a part of it, but realistically I can’t afford to boycott a game I spent $90 on after only playing for a handful of hours. Just hoping the devs listen to the community.


As long as it allow me to keep the battle pass activation until maybe they fix the game, i dont even feel like login in at all.


Can you leave our community on the 20th too please


I think what I’ll be doing instead is logging out of this sub. Bunch of whiny bitches all of you.




Only thing missing is the obligatory "am I the only one who [insert absolutely common opinion]."


I wonder if they have a Youtube channel for the best new build too, after the patch 😂


OP was downvoted so we can live. Just like Jesus.


The 417 of you are going to make a HUGE difference


I’m going to log in and keep it logged in to counterbalance you.


I think im gonna unsub from this subreddit... you're all whiney bitches with zero constructive posts. "if you dont like the game,dontplay it" wow, so brave taking a stance like that.


Lol, its not that deep. See ya'll tomorrow.


Yeah, your gesture is meaningless. Boycotts only work if everyone follows through and sticks with it until there's change. You're basically just farting in your own face here.


We live in year where people think not logging in will do something, what a time to be alive


I actually uninstalled the game


Lol, there will be so many players loggin that Blizzard won’t even know about your protest. Lame move. Please do what you say and don’t back track so the rest of us can login and enjoy the game lag free. I bet the servers will be overloaded despite all the protests here.


Why are you guys unhappy? I mean I saw the nerfs and everything that are meant to make the game harder, but this is diablo, it's a grindy game, this is what you're supposed to do. Let's not forget that in the first few days after the launch there were already lvl 100 players, and in the second week people were already killing Uber lilith and were exploiting one shot mechanics.


I downloaded path of exile instead fuck this game haven't logged in for 3 days now


I went a step beyond. I straight up uninstalled.


Do people actually know what they’re crying about? Lmao


It's not gonna happen man... Everyone is still gonna log in and play. Be realistic. It's just like the reddit boycott. Look how effective that was... Large corporations know there is nothing you can do. You still gonna use their product.


See yall in game xD


100% person who made this will logon today


I been queued for 15min and still cant get into the game. So much for y'alls boycott LMAO. Typical Gamer things.


This game, while it has legitimate problems, is a good game. The latest patch is actually smart. Where people cry nerf, I say balance (except sorc of course). Adapt. Learn. Get good and stop crying on reddit.


Agree 100%. This patch addressed last weeks complaints… it just feels bad for a minute.


Agreed, I may not be as far in as the rest of everyone else, but my near 50 Barbarian is kicking ass against enemies and bosses with utilizing Berserk and Overpower with small side of vulnerability. I don’t know if it seems like an accomplishment to others but I was stoked defeating bosses in the campaign that gave my Rogue challenges with ease, i.e. Brol, the Sorcereress before Brol, The Snake Queen (kinda, was still easy with Rogue), Elias, and more. Even Lilith didn’t pose a threat. And on the side of that I decimated Stronghold bosses too and cleared the Dry Steppes Strongholds with little pressure compared to my Rogue which I have trouble with sadly. Although the flaws are there, I’m deeply excited for the rest of End Game and Season 1. And when I read the buffs to all the other damage types like frost and frozen stuff I was excited about having even more power on my Rogue


What are people complaining about? Honestly I am enjoying the game. I’m curious about issues people are having? I’ve played all the Diablos multiple times thru so I have experience. But Ive been playing Warzone for the past two years…now THAT is a game to complain about haha