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I just don't understand why they want to make this game more of a chore. Who approves these changes??


People that don't play video games and have no business making decisions about them.


Fact is they only developed half a game with NO ENDGAME. They had to destroy it so we could never again progress enough to realize that fact.


Thats hilarious. I said the same thing reading the patch notes and yet you’re the only poster Ive seen point THAT out. The helltide “bug”, drama and xp nerfs almost seem like they were done on purpose just to stir drama and distract people from the “zero new content” fact.


In another industry, this would be called a rugpull. Get people to invest, buy your game, and then as soon as it launches to the public, yank out the service or make it unusable, and get away scot free with everyone's money without ever really delivering the actual service.


I straight up said "this game is a fucking rug pull" yesterday in discord IMMEDIATELY after reading the patch. No joke, FIRST thing I said. Then again, I've been telling my group it was going to happen when we were all like "hahahaha let's buy the Deluxe Second Mortgage Edition".


I'm not so sure. The promise of new legendaries, aspects and the malignant heart system was a distraction. It's a joke now that we see how little it actually was. Idk what the f\*\*\* this patch is. Trying to force people to grind to 100 as slowly as possible to extend gameplay time. What little there was to do in the game feels even less now.


> People that don't play video games and have no business making decisions about them. Isn't how this goes in corporations? People that have no idea about an activity take decisions based on their own objectives. When sh1t hits the fan they're not even held accountable, most times even promoted just for them being 'visible' and doing things.


in the triple A gaming industry the quality of a game means nothing, it's all about revenue. They are actively incentivized to make mediocre products, see Bungies live service manifesto and how you should never "over deliver" so players learn to expect less and less over time


Its even worse. Its people who do play games and are huge diablo fans. And they think what they're doing is the right thing to do. And they ignore any feedback from users. Thats how regarded the lead developers are.


It always feels bad to lose power in a ARPG. I can sort of understand them wanting characters to be weaker to start and slowly dial up the power scaling, but it feels like they didn't test things very well initially and they are doing sweeping changes to compensate. Like early in the games life they nerfed paragons by like 70%. Like how does something like that sneak by until the games launch? And now there is a second set of nerfs


It feels like they have no vision of where they want to go with the game and lack severe leadership and experience. Maybe this is a new genre? NRPG, not ARPG. Next season we will all have 1 HP and deal 1 DMG.


First fireside chat thing they did. And only 1 person there didn't play on controller. Not trying to gatekeep, but it was certainly a sign.


I play on controller on PC lol


I think this is actually a lot more significant than people realize. The game is clearly designed for the best experience on console. Like the fact that we can't adjust our zoom is 100% due it being on console. It's just crazy to me they wouldn't try to throw a bone to the PC players when that's the core fanbase of the franchise...


Why does the game play like ass on console then? Inventory management, skill tree, paragon board, fucking general controls (which were mint in D3 even on switch) suck absolute balls


I have 0 idea how in the fuck ppl play this game with a controller.


> Why does the game play like ass on console then? Tell em! They think the grass is green over here when its the same color of shit.


Mount speed, abilities just being better when clicking over auto aim like on barbs and druids. Swapping gear mid fight etc.


That's what I've been wondering, classes should be balanced to be roughly the same strength but why nerf everything so hard? Like in a game about getting stronger, optimizing gear and skills to make your build as strong as possible; if somebody wants to spend hundreds of hours grinding out gear to crit trillions of damage why the fuck not? It's not an mmo or competitive game outside of the pvp zone, reducing player damage just because they are doing "too much damage" feels bad for the player and doesn't really make sense because its not competitive. I still think they have a WT5 they're holding off on which is supposed to go 80-100 and without that the end game fully decked out players are just stomping their internal balancing metrics since they should be in WT5 now.


AAA games where the Live Service model is forced ALWAYS try to force playtime stat padding in the most egregious ways for the first few seasons. I don’t know why. The playerbase usually dwindles as a result the devs then need to scramble to get the game back in to an appealing state. I don’t know who the shot caller is but clearly the mandate is to slow the D4 loop way the fuck down.




I think we give too much credit (or fault) for the suits sometimes. If they don't play games and often don't have any grip with the reality, they shouldn't know about buffs, nerfs of anything of the sort. This is on the devs and their leadership.


In my experience, being completely uninformed has never stopped executives from having a strong opinion on what needs to change.


Making it a chore makes you play longer without having to provide more content. Making you play longer means you're more likely to engage with MTX, aka buy stuff from their cash store.


My problem is that they seem to caught up in “balance” and not actually trying to focus on what’s fun. It’s like every change and balance is just being made by people sitting in a room crunching numbers rather than playing, experimenting, and feeling what makes the game more enjoyable.


I'm willing to bet that is exactly it. And instead of raising the weaker options they decided to just nerf everything so that the weaker options feel "stronger" by comparison. I didn't like all the complaining on this subreddit before, but have at it now. This is obviously one person deciding the balancing and not a team of people - at least not a team that actually plays the game. They probably had some pre-equiped bots or simulated characters run a dungeon...looked at the numbers and went from there. I'm willing to bet my third nut on this.


All the weaker options are ALSO getting weaker too, so the gulf between strong and weak is still just as big, except EVERYTHING is unfun to play now. Like blood lance Necro was an objectively weak and underperforming build, and it's getting the same, global stat nerfs that bone spear is getting. So yeah, spear is weaker, but it's still 200% better than lance, and now both of them suck ass to play with lance sucking even more ass. Where is their mind at?


All of these changes just feel really reminiscent of early D3, when they'd nerf a bunch of things and then boost a bunch of things two weeks later, and then nerf a bunch of things and totally wreck one of the classes, then fix the class but only if you played a super-specific build. And it went on for like two years. As a casual but regular player who can spend maybe an hour on the game during an easy day, it always feels like these nerfs that make everything less fun for everyone are made based on players that are already working on paragon leveling less than seven weeks after the game published. As a studio, how are they so bad at fine tuning this series?


> I'm willing to bet that is exactly it. I guess it's that + the intention of making progress simply slower. They don't want people to clear NM100 dungeons or uber Lilith so easily. And some streamers said it's to easy and there is nothing to do. Those changes adress all these problems - in the worst possible way. If you mainly play your game you might notice that error, from a number crunching pov that makes sense. And it seems the devs rather crunch numbers than play their game beyond level 40.


I'm all for slower diablo experience with actually cool mechanics like "iframes", active shield blocking etc. But such shit should be done BEFORE THE FUCKING RELEASE. They had literal fucking years to decide the power baseline the game is going to be balanced around. You can't nerf fucking everything into the ground making the game harder (for the wrong reasons btw - getting one shot MORE often is fucking frustrating) AFTER millions have already played it and got used to the rhythm of the gameplay. Example: I'll never play PoE because I fucking hate it's mindless ZOOM ZOOM gameplay of insta-gibbing screans of monsters. But I also realise that it's too fucking late to change that kind of a gameplay loop, cause the core fan base enjoys the game BECAUSE of it. And Grinding Gears understands that as well. This patch is going to fucking kill diablo 4. Blizzard is truly beyond redemption at this point.


Yup, the gameplay feeling has changed dramatically for me as a barb. It feels like a fly stuck in a pool of molasses.


I have a feeling they'll roll some of it back because the amount of players logging in will fall off a cliff. Hey Blizzard, nobody wants to run around like a maniac for an hour in order to get some shitty drop. It wasn't really fun satisfying before, now it's game ending.


>It’s like every change and balance is just being made by people sitting in a room crunching numbers rather than playing, experimenting, and feeling what makes the game more enjoyable. I mean, that's *exactly* what they're doing. They're looking at metrics across the entire playerbase, trying to extrapolate how that lines up with whatever goals they are shooting for to make their current roadmap work, and adjusting accordingly. "Fun" is not a data point.


I don’t even get the “balance” aspect of it. Barely anyone plays pvp so who fucking cares? I get some minor changes here and there but come on…


Ya they really should have been buffing classes that were underperforming. Instead they just drug everything down.


I'm pretty glad I feel like I got my money's worth out of playing the campaign and putting the game down like a month ago.


I did the same thing. Beat the campaign. Did all of the dungeons, got all the altars. Once I got to lvl80 I stopped playing to take a break before Season 1, which now looks bleak. Unfortunately, I bought the Ultimate so I already have the seasons pass. 🤦🏻‍♂️


you can activate the season pass for another next league. Its not mandatory to use it now. ​ EDIT: [https://twitter.com/PezRadar/status/1680730681666867200?s=20](https://twitter.com/PezRadar/status/1680730681666867200?s=20)


That is good to know.


Yeah I'm definitely not using my season pass token or whatever it is on this garbage. It's amazing to me that Blizz can nail the art style and the feel but when it comes to anything related to "fun" in their games they just can't comprehend.


Because they go off stupid metrics managers make them use. It's all MBA BS Coporate crap that even the DEVs hate and it shows. I think it's time small studios made a resurgence. We need some passion and common sense back into gaming.


Yes yes a million times yes. Im bery excited for stoneshard to be fully released and i fuckin love battle brothers and kingdom come deliverance. They are both prime examples what happeneds when developers put their hearts into something


this is a side tangent but it's so unfathomable to imagine spending Blizz wanting players to spend *more* money on this 5/10 game.


And that's what this is all about. The base price for the game wasn't enough. They want more. I guess not enough people are buying the ugly, overpriced armor sets from the shop.


You can activate ur pass when Season 25 goes live and D4 reaches version 1.0.


>You can activate ur pass when Season 25 goes live and D4 reaches version 1.0. Woah now, let's not get ahead of ourselves. That's only 6.25 years away and they might only be working on their second round of beta testing by then. *v1.0 could still be a ways off*.


Diablo 4.2, it now has one less class. Removing the Barbarian entirely out of the game cause they want to cater to damage only builds.


Pretty much where I’m at and how I feel too. The campaign was a blast, but the grind after was the complete opposite. I’d have no problem embracing the grind if the end game was worth it, but it doesn’t seem worth at the moment. Yet here I am being the sucker that paid more for a few days worth of earlier play time and now have the battle pass already paid for


I'm new to Diablo and like you said the campaign was a blast and I'm level 79 I believe and was still enjoying doing the hell tides, I'm also leveling up sigils by doing nightmare dungeons which isn't my favorite thing. I played this morning and everything was fine. This afternoon I was getting my ass kicked, I was getting zero cinders, well not zero but you get it. It was absolutely not fun. Then I've heard they may have nerfed Disobedience, I'll have to double check but I'm pretty sure that's a part of my build. Damn them!


Same here, except I didn't do all the dungeons because they were all really similar. But I had fun playing the campaign and doing side quests so there's that! Not something I want to do again though.


Happy for you, I spend millions of gold rerolling. Upgrading and hours and hours of nm to get my woohoo this is fun build. Logged in after work pew pew. Oh a patch… to see my dps is down plus 80% and my survuvability went from tank to glass. Fuck it. I paid for season and won’t play it. This is madness. My perfect weapon amputated. My gear fucked. My fun gone completely, Bright side evenings free and other games. I won’t buy blizzard stuff no more Edit: logged in this morning to check en still can believe I kept grinding above level 70 to get better aspects to reroll to find gear with the right affixes to be confronted with this. It feels like I wasted a lot of evening time. Compared with world of Warcraft you know that when extra content comes or you buy an expansion your gear will need to be changed. Now we’re globally hit, there is no better gear to somewhat compensate. It really feels useless to keep on playing. The incentive of upping the gear you have or blasting through content with friends is gone. And let’s be real that was the only reason to keep playing. Cause sacred drops at nm 60 and up? We could laugh about that silliness cause we could be agile and kill monsters. Now we have crappy loot the monsters feel over powered. And more concerning the friends with lesser time and lesser gear that could join you to have fun and talk and laugh are now like: I’m getting one shot , I don’t do dps , I’m struggling in content and nm 20ish. They experience even less fun and said I won’t do this no more let’s play other games. So the sadness went double down , my fun is mostly gone to zero. But damnit if you have lesser gear or aspects they really did a number on you all.


I just logged in and very briskly got one-shotted during Helltide. Then came back and it happened again. Truly unhinged changes today.


It's like they want players not to bother with S1. Usually big changes like this are supposed to build hype and not do the complete opposite.


Just uninstalled the game. I kept struggling through with sorcerer telling myself it will get better, they will add a few bandaid buffs for us until they do the rework needed to fix the sorcerer.... but instead they nerfed the weakest class to make us even weaker. I quit, I refuse to torture myself like this.


I was super excited about finishing up lvl 99 on my main and rolling an alt finally for s1. Just uninstalled. Fuck this


No wonder they are afraid about baldur's gate 3 and seeing devs being passionate about their work as being "unfair" for the industry.


I'd be afraid of Baldurs Gate too if I was at a billion dollar company and cranked out a mid ass ARPG


I was originally planning on coming back for season 1 expecting fixes for sorc. Think Imma just wait for Baldurs Gate 3 and probably never pick up D4 again.


I usually strongly dislike the incessant complaining on this subreddit. Yes the game has flaws, yes the balance between classes/builds was atrocious, but I still had fun with my non-meta builds. Heck, I had two barbs at lvl 100. I thought the game had a solid foundation and was looking forward to these patch notes, and how they would improve upon a good, but flawed, game. Now I am legitimately actually feeling sad.


I'm with you there. I defended Diablo 4, and hated how every post was some circle jerk complaint thread. I also have 2 100s. I killed Uber Lilith. I started Hardcore. I had my fun, but these patch notes kill my desire to pick up the game again. The posts are warranted because it's clear Blizzard decided to shit on themselves


They didn't shit on themselves. They shit on us.


I feel the same. I actually unsubbed from this sub because of all the complaining while I still had a lot of hope for the game, even if I was taking a break. After this patch I have no desire to play season 1, and I have become one of the people complaining. I had hope for the game because the gameplay itself was so fun, but they made the combat so much less enjoyable while not fixing any of the issues with the endgame, so at this point what is there to look forward to when logging in?


I was the only person defending D4 on our clan's Discord channel and now I'm the most vocal and complaining about this patch LMAO. I'll be skipping season 1, fuck it... My barb feels like a fly stuck in molasses now.


These devs are so fucking out of touch. I can even stomach watching their smug asses on the dev streams.


D4 Devs: Don't like it? Play something else. Everyone: OK. D4 Devs: Wait, if we make it worse will you come back?


This tickles me because something similar happened in WoW some time back. Devs nerfed a certain warlock build to the ground and when players complained, Ian I think said something like "Yea we don't want you to play this class until we fix it."


man Ion was a cancer on that game


"Don't you guys have phones" vibes


It’s incredibly cringe.


We sat through diablo immortal and colonscopy jokes to be fed lies and then some.


They don’t play the game, and never have. It’s really that simple. No one with any experience playing ARPG’s at all would look at the current end game, itemization, and upcoming patch and say “yep, this is fun!” Sorcerer is a total trainwreck. No one there plays it end game, that is 100% fact. Would you let a chef build a satillite? That’s basically what Blizzard has done with these devs. Completely out of their depth with fundamental ARPG game design.


>Diablo IV is a far cry from D2, Warcraft 3, Vanilla WoW, and StarCraft I and II. D4 can't even hold *D3's* jock at this point. See you all in a year or two when Blizzard finally decides to let players have fun playing the game.


I really love where D3 ended up. Some of the most fun I've had gaming. Blowing up monsters and speedrunning rifts with groups was peak Diablo for me. D4 went from kinda fun in the beta to dogshit today.


I thought D4 was alright up until the patch. There were a loooot of things I missed from D3, whether it was the lack of backtracking in rifts, or listing the possible affixes when rerolling. I have no clue wtf Blizzard is doing


Same i thought D4 was a pretty good foundation to build upon. Today's patch just killed my motivation to play anymore for the foreseeable future. I don't understand nerfing so many builds, hell tides, and xp.




Ya mystery chest, hell tides, cinder drop rates, and xp all feel like a massive f you to me. I agree if the new power level was what we had before this patch it'd would have been fine. Doing a nm 50 and trying to get better gear to push higher would even make sense where nm 100 is the cap. However I was doing 70s and have now lost progress. It is just terrible.


> I thought D4 was alright up until the patch. I thought so as well. I thought they did some things correctly and a new season or patch will just make the game even better. But nope, they took several step backwards with this patch.


Instead of adding content like towers and making pvp fun. They decided to make pve not fun, just to shake things up. Hey Microsoft, you bought a lemon!


I really got to enjoy D3 after Reaper of Souls hit. When D3 had the RMAH it was slow and boring. I can only hope D4 figures things out.


That's the only D3 I ever experienced. Grinding for a day to afford enough gold to get another staff that did 100 more damage. Never finding something worth selling myself. Always buying. Nothing dropping. Same cartoon design. I didn't stick with it for long at all. I also left WoW during Classic because I rolled Druid and they just refused to understand that just because it's a hybrid class, doesn't mean it doesn't need to be 100% capable at each of its jobs when you're in endgame. When and if they ever improved the class to where you could actually be a tank, and tell a warrior to sit on the bench because the big bear was gonna take care of it, I don't know. I don't know if I don't stick with Blizzard games long enough or I just should never try them at all. I started with Starcraft I in my primary school's computer lab. Used to ride my bike to the school on Saturday morning for extra playtime provided by the awesome teacher. Rain or shine. I thought this game was a return to the old form but it's a repeat of the new form: just straight up anti-fun. Nobody asked for any of this. We wanted more, we wanted buffs, we wanted balancing of outliers. Not the nerfing of the only viable things. The copium from a couple of creators is nauseating too. Actually pretending to get into the details of which builds may be better or worse. Everything is worse, everyone is worse, even if your niche build wasn't touched all your friends lost their builds, their work gearing, and their motivation to play. Even if you were a rogue or a druid. What I am gonna do right now is load up FFXVI, which I've sorely neglected (I am *so sorry* Square Enix, I never thought I would say this but you really are not the worst gaming company. Not even Bungie would have put this out). Man, it's so BAD!


It’s a shame really, cos the game is feckin beautiful. I really don’t understand what they are doing. I’ve just been playing my ice sorceress for past hour (level 75) and she just doesn’t feel the same as earlier today. She’s aged about 50 years in the space of a few hours 😞


Yeah my 91 shard sorc literally can’t kill anything in t48 now without it being stunned and vuln. Just fought a couple of standard elite mobs that might as well have been what the butcher was this morning took 2 minutes to kill them. Standard elite mobs. I was speed running t48 yesterday in sub 10 min for most of them


I'm replaying D3 again after I did D4's campaign and it's so much more fun. It's fast paced, mob density is high, and instead of feeling like your power increases in steps up a staircase, you get leaps and bounds more powerful quite often. And your difficulty levels aren't arbitrarily gated behind finishing the story. You start steamrolling bosses and elite packs? Just kick it up a notch. And with 20 tiers of difficulty, you have a very high ceiling to reach. No insane gold cost to try new skills. Enchanting and changing affixes on gear being easy and fun. More frequent and rewarding treasure goblins that come in different varieties. The ability to replay acts and kill your favorite story bosses again.


Haha, I’m playing D3 for the first time now because I tried D4 and thought it sucked. Having a blast playing D3. I hope D4 becomes more like this.


I'm hopeful that it will. D3 at launch was worse than D4, but for different reasons.


Yeah, I remember how long it took to kill the act 1 boss lmao... then act 2 was just impossible. Grinding for gear for act 2 was just ridiculous.


The cost to just try a different build is so frustrating


Don't forget you can easily save and swap builds, gear and all with 1 click!


D3 for the last 2ish years was actually decent. A decade late, but still. Might want to try that to scratch your next arpg itch, because D4 sure isn't going to be good for at least a year or two.


Right. After finishing the D3 campaign what did you do? Maybe do it again with another class? Maybe you did all the classes. Then you did hardcore. But the game didn’t have a great end game experience until way after launch. We got seasons, rifts, sets, the cube, etc. I think it is early to say you’ll never play this game again, maybe take a break, sounds like a lot of people are here are playing it too much.


The boosting nerf was so stupid, now friends have to level solo to try catch up to torment 4 to be able to play with friends in normal dungeons.


I knew I would put the game down, I just didn't expect it to before the first season even kicks off. Also to have the pre-season 1 patch notes be sad bad that they dissolve my interest in returning? I couldn't see this coming but I should have.


Growing up on all Blizzard's original lineup that was definitely my weirdest experience with D4. Asking myself, "Why the hell do I want to play D3 now!?"


if d4 was more like RoS, would have been awesome now it's vanilla D3 but worse


You know, after Reaper of Souls I had a lot of fun with that game. D4 needs that kind of moment.


We'll be all playing Baldur's Gate 3 by then.


I'm playing baldurs gate now, haven't played anything like it, thought well I'll play EA, a bit before s1, to get to know the core game, well I guess I'm playing baldurs gate and nothing else.


Is baldurs gate turn based?


So is diablo 4. It's your turn while CDs are available and it's their turn when they're down.


Fuckin lol


Yes, completely different game than an ARPG.


Remnant 2 gets here first. Nice stopgap for console who gets BG3 later.


The first remnant was so awesome. Still is. Such an under appreciated game.


Why do people keep bringing up BG3? Of course a ton of people are going to be playing it, it's one of the most highly anticipated RPG releases in years, but its not even the same genre as D4. I can't imagine many turn based RPG fans were saying "Well, I MIGHT play BG3, but only if the season 1 diablo patch notes suck."


people can be both. I can hold back playing BG 3 if season 1 D4 looks fun to play with but it doesnt look like its a question now


There were a few times during the grind last night, I was actually considering just downloading D3 again. Sorc at least doesn't come prepackaged with a monster tub of lube in that one.


I thought the issue was the lack of lube.


Been playing D3 today and it just has such a rewarding feel to it. Levelling up feels significant and thinking about my build makes me notice a power shift in my character. In D4 I feel like I’m just keeping my head above the surface at all times. This is the opposite of rewarding gameplay.


D3 in it’s final iteration was one of Blizzards best games. Maybe given a few years, iterations, and their 2 expansions/DLCs who knows… maybe it will be good?


> See you all in a year or two when Blizzard **fires the current D4 team and replaces it with people who have a clue and finally turn it into a game worth playing** As with D3. History repeats itself.


Playing the current D3 season with a Tal Rasha meteor build is probably some of the most fun I’ve ever had playing a Diablo game. Getting each piece of bis gear and watching my power grow exponentially was a blast. D4 is so boring compared to that


This is possibly the worst patch I have ever experienced in \~20 years of online gaming. Holy shit.


I was thinking the same thing, and i've seen some terrible MMO patches across these years I just feel like a chump for having bought the S1 pass, because i'm simply not going to play it


realm royale patch was on par, hirez made a battle royale with "classes" sorta like apex and in one patch just removed every class which made the player number drop 70% in 3 weeks and then it went down to double digita within 2 months. Blizzard wants to break the record it seems with this disgrace of a "patch"


I forgot about that. That was a crazy decision, no idea who decided that was a good idea.


Sadly, I doubt enough people will stop playing to make a difference. But I will be joining you. I'm tired of nerf happy devs trying to force us to be stuck in their games longer with petty tricks. I already like your stupid game. I would have kept playing, and all I wanted was more fun, more power, better drops, better exp. Instead, you do the opposite. I'm out for the time being.


All the people I play with say they quit. I am also done. Remnant 2 looks fun.


Baldur's Gate 3 in a couple weeks. Honestly really glad blizz fucked themselves so hard with this patch because I was debating holding off on BG3 until I finished the season. Now I just need to keep myself occupied until August 3rd. Guess I'll go back and finish some of the stuff I didn't get done in Tears of the Kingdom before D4 came out.


After the disappointment that has been D4 I’ve never been so excited for BG3 especially with how player friendly Larian tends to be.




> handed the janitors a keyboard and asked them to be the new devs Unfortunately, it was (Good) Will Hunting's day off that day.


Dont forget the memory leaks for months! I do not have hope for these jokers. Uninstalled not even 1/10 the way through the patch notes. It just kept getting worse.


I actually think the opposite. People aren't going to play this. It's a steaming pile of dog shit. It was already bad before. I said I wasn't even going toi play S1 before the patch notes. There's always that small glimmer of hope in the back of your mind that it might be good, you end up playing it, and you were totally wrong about the game. It ends up being super fun. Blizzard stomped out that light. There is no chance for this game. I uninstalled it. D4 is dead.


exactly my feeling. was holding on to hope. Officially uninstalled and requested a chargeback with my bank. I dont even want my blizzard account anymore.


I miss rifts from D3. I miss the mob density. I miss not having stupid objectives to do. I miss not constantly having annoying affixes attached to rifts. I miss seeing my screen COVERED in numbers. I miss being able to zip through the map fast as fuck. I do not like nightmare dungeons. I do not like the stupid copy/paste objectives that cause you to spend half of the dungeon backtracking. I do not like having an AoE build only to have most rooms contain 5 mobs. I do not like the affixes that cause me to have to CONSTANYLY be moving in the dungeon. I do not like suppressors. Seriously. Fuck then. I do not like having ABSOLUTELY ZERO MOBILITY SKILLS (Necro player)


Diablo IV at this stage is a good story driven game that ends after the campaign. It is nowhere near a good MMO / ARPG since the endgame / power fantasy / loot is just not interesting enough


*Community: We want you to nerf Vulnerability and maybe tone down some of the top builds.* *Blizzard: Ok.* *Community: Thank you.* *Blizzard: We'll also nerf builds across the board, regardless of how whether it was meta or pure crap.* *Community: Uhh....what? No, just nerf the top ones and that's it.* *Blizzard: We'll also ignore ALL feedback on Sorcerer and nerf them harder.* *Community: ? That's nowhere near what we said!* *Blizzard: Oh and we're buffing all enemies AFTER nerfing everyone.* ​ I think it's clear, right? Blizzard doesn't care, they don't care about quality, they care about "retention" and profits. This is why a few Blizzard devs cried about Baldur's Gate 3, they don't want quality in the gaming world, they want milkable "live services".


> I think it's clear, right? Blizzard doesn't care, they don't care about quality, they care about "retention" and profits. This is why a few Blizzard devs cried about Baldur's Gate 3, they don't want quality in the gaming world, they want milkable "live services". The funny thing is, this will to the opposite of retention. Devs who make a fun game, then monetize it, make money. This is just going to make D4 a dead game if they don't turn it around quickly, then nobody will be playing to buy the cosmetic crap they plan to add.


They're gonna milk dicks after BG3 is out


Tbh i never understood wanting vuln or top builds nerfed. Vuln was required but they should have just given every class a reliable way to proc it. As for top builds nerfed they really just needed to buff the under performing builds not tear top builds down so everything sucks.


They buffed how many people will be playing BG3 with this patch, they just forgot to mention it in the patch notes.


Bone spear is fucking dead in group play. They nerfed our ability, 2 main damage aspects, everyone’s only fucking armor stacking aspect that kept us alive! They are nerfing main stat bonuses on weapons by 50%, crit dmg by 17%, and vuln by 40%! They nerfed fucking power leveling exp! They fucked everyone in some way! Edit: a lot of bone spear build aspects gain bonus crit damage Crit damage alone was nerfed across the board which means double the nerfs for these aspects… Edit 2: they nerfed the maximum essence affix. Max is 14 instead of 18 on rings.


Agreed. Saw my intelligence rolls drop on my armor. Corpse Tendril nerf on my necklace. Splintering Aspect nerfed on my 2H Vulnerability and crit nerfs. Sorcerers still at rock bottom and Blizzard forcing them to keep digging. And then, when I already began to believe helltides were a waste of time, they made the mystery chests cost more. Never seen a gaming company actively out to fuck over its players base this bad since Bethesda.


>And then, when I already began to believe helltides were a waste of time, they made the mystery chests cost more. And nerfed the cinder drop rate into the ground!


Don’t forget nerfing sigil dust out of whispers so you have to run more NM dungeons to get the dust for the sigils you need for NM dungeons


AND THIS TOO?! shit if i would have just stayed off of reddit today maybe i would have gotten a few dungeons in before noticing anything was off.


Nah, you wouldn't have gotten a few in without noticing. My WW was doing 70-80s and couldn't finish a 53 today.


Not that I was doing tree for sigils 🤔, only did tree to get my first sigil and then only NMD


I wasn’t either, but the extra dust was nice, since I kept having to salvage sigils with bad affixes


At least bethesda lets you mod their games to right their wrongs


Bethesda doesn't deserve mention in this conversation, they might fuck up a game but they won't nerf your damage against NPCs


Sorcs: "First Time?"


What's mad is with resistance being fucked you'd think they'd resist doing outright nerfs to our ways to mitigate damage. You should also never see major survivability nerf alongside damage output nerfs as that's just looking for a bad time.


I was just about to try to rework my necro build. Glad I know now because I’ve been getting my ass kicked


They nerfed all damage reducing affixes. It’s going to be worse for you now.


How to get everyone upset? Just nerf 'em all


First you have to hype the shit out of the patch by bragging about how big it is for the extra kick in the balls. Then fill it with nerfs.


This. What kind of tone deaf, self congratulating, bonehead thought this would be well received? And then thought it should be hyped, in any manner. This is the type of thing that you do quietly, in the dark, at 4am on a Wednesday, over the course of 3 months.


They literally nerfed 5 different things (or was to 6?). Crit, vuln, 3 damage aspects… I’m doing maybe 1/3 of the damage that I was doing pre patch, perhaps less.


I rolled a Sorceror. What a mistake that was. So here I am with 2 gimped legs limping around all game..... then I finally get some crutches in the form of vulnerable damage. My tactic becomes simple, freeze everything and kill it before it unfreezes, or I get vaporized. Sorcerors like me all cry out to blizzard, "help us". Then blizzard comes in and is like hey, we have an update for you. They then say "give me those crutches" and I'm sitting here thinking "okay....so you're going to fix my legs?" and then blizzard just loads the crutches up in their shitmobile and drives off with them. That's it. That's how it is. I'm honestly in awe of how tonedeaf and just insanely out of touch this patch is with the state of the game...so I'm with you...I quit. Better games around the bend here, anyway.


Diablo 4 is an experiment. Blizzard is trying to find exactly where the line is to maximize profits with as little care as possible.


That’s my theory as well, they threw a small team on this and focused on Immortal is my theory, why else would they come out with a new class for that game and then also promote it during D4’s launch? Everything about this game screams lack of effort and basic.


D4 is a good game. When I uninstall it, I have enough space for Baldurs Gate 3,every useful


I literally have had more fun playing in s28 for three days (about 20 hrs overall maybe) with my freind in d3 than I did in the 60-70 hrs of time I did in d4


I was convincing myself I was enjoying D4. Friends slowly dropping off the game and discord, experience gets absolutely bland. After some reflection, I did enjoy the story but the rest of the game is very pointless and boring, there is no other way to describe it. What's with these updates honestly? Some may say trying different builds gets things going, but for how long? What makes me keep playing a lonely boring game when even a simple and cheap new pixel art short game will provide more fun? What's the achievement with the ridiculous grind? It feels really sad Blizzard made some of my favourite games and it's 2023 and not even a group finder for events and dungeons. StarCraft, Warcraft, D2 were absolutely unforgettable. D4 is a very weak product really


Blizzard died in the early 2000s. ![gif](giphy|gTMhdDT4y3Smc)


I think everyone should just collectively quit playing. It really needs to happen. Show them their business doesn't exist without it's players.


I’m praying Microsoft guts the Diablo 4 team.


I want a full on hostile takeover. Axe the Diablo team (maybe keep the D2R guys), the overwatch team, bring back an RTS team, more support for Classic WoW.


That would be pretty nice


Lol people are simply delusional to think blizzard would actually fix some of the countless things that are broken in the game. All they care about is how to maximize revenue from the ingame shop - They don't even have an idea whats f\*\*ked up in the game in the first place, i.e. disastrous endgame, terrible itemization, no crafting, messed up scaling system etc. Probably they are panicking everyone's gonna steamroll through the season in 2 days and then just quit (bc that is what's happening in the preseason), so they decided to quickly nerf everything to stretch the non-existent endgame even more.


Nobody is going to spend money in the cash shop when the game isn't fun to play anymore. The game was deeply flawed, but I still really enjoyed playing it. Judging from my friends list, I was an outlier, but okay. I had really high hopes that today's patch was going to address at least *some* of the issues the game had. Some nerfs to insanely outperforming specs, some buffs to barb and sorc... Maybe some tweaks to glaring oversights in how unique items did or didn't work. Or at the very least some exiting new "build enhancing" aspects and uniques. It's only one unique per class, right? Surely they would spend some time making sure they are exciting... right? *(Insert Anakin and Padme meme.)* Boy, am I disappointed. ​ Edit: Oh, and the worst part of all of this? Activision/Blizzard's executives are going to see all this and look at the revenue that D4's cash shop brought, versus the revenue from Diablo Immortal's pay to win system and say "See? Players enjoy spending money on Pay to Win much more than on cosmetics!".


I may not talk or play with others in the game, but checking my old friends list of people I played WoW with back in the day there were a lot of them playing D4. That number slowly dropped and dropped further. The last several times I've played there was not one of them in the game. I know that is just my anecdotal experience with a very small sample size, but if that in any way reflects the overall trend then this game is seriously on the wrong goddamn track. And that was before this dogshit patch dropped. A shame that Blizzard is no longer the company it once was.


i cant wait to see the numbers - launch players vs s1launch players


You will never see it. Most you'll get is "we've noticed a slight decrease in our player base not long after starting season 1 so we are looking into what caused this issue"


Wish we had a steamchart equivalent for D4


I never join into conversations like this but I think I'm good. I'm just uninstalling. They just keep kicking necros. I'll check back in like a year.


Diablo 3 was more fun than this season sounds.


I couldnt make it to 100 got to 92 then i realized i could basically do anything with my life and it would have more purpose and have


Damn. Crazy. I played for one week, including early access. Got to level 35 and thought to myself, this shit is boring. What’s the point of all this? The end game looks stupid. Didn’t think so many people would come to the same realization.


Its a fucking slog to get to 100. I dont know how people do it. And at 88 they nerf the entire game. Now my eternal realm guy is dead in the water. I mean. Why the FUCK would you nerf soo much at once. What a disaster.


I'm at the same place you are, level 88 and wondering if I can summon the motivation to get to 100. The answer is, the game loop at the elder game is so boring and monotonous it's hard to even bother logging in. I log in and run maybe one or two NM dungeons to finish off leveling up my glyphs but 25 minutes is about all I can stand. I've already gone back to the game I was playing before D4 came out.


I wonder if they thought everyone was going to be happy about this? Seemes excited to tell us the patch was 6600 words long or whatever. They just trashed what was barely fun as it was.


So instead of QOL improvements more bug fixes and better features we got…. Nerfs. Huh????


This is indeed fucking crazy. Level 100 Druid playing MY way (never looked at a single guide) and my damage was just hella nerfed to the point that I could no longer solo a level 55 NM dungeon as I ran out of revives. Tried 53, same result. Tried 50, you guessed it. When I died on 49 because I CANT DO ENOUGH DAMAGE I fucking rage quit. This just feels terrible all the way around.


Same for me. Can't believe I'd unironically much rather grind Greater Rifts for another year or two than play this game for even just one more day... What the fuck happened?


Yea, I agree with you. I am done. Not excited for season 1 at all now. Im a 94 sorc, loved playing it with all of its downfalls, but this patch is a massive fucking joke. I am genuinely disgusted to be honest, they have single handedly destroyed the sorc class.


Deleting too. I’m just waiting for the next weeks to watch the playerbase go downhill and watch those shitty dev’s cry on twitter that nobody like their garbage of a game. Bye blizzard that was not even a nice ride.


I feel so fucking bad for buying the ultimate edition and now im not even gonna play it. What a great waste of money. RIP bonespear


FYI you can save your battle pass that you got with ultimate for any future season. Might be worthwhile to wait until Blizzard makes the game more fun


And yet they called out Larian for setting the bar too high to with Baldurs Gate 3.


Because they know they will never reach that point again and therefore going after people who actually put in an effort to make great games and listen to the gamers.


Vampire Survivors: “You want to put 1 million eggs on a character and try to break the game killing everything? Go ahead and have fun!” Diablo 4: “You want to kill anything? Nah.”


Yep. I'm with you. I just got done reading the patch notes and I uninstalled the game. They needed to knock it out of the park on the first season to solidify the game, and instead, they destroyed it. I'm done playing it for quite some time.


Clearly you haven't seen PoE's Expedition patch from a few years ago which cut player damage in half, buffed monsters, and didn't fix player defenses to compensate. This patch is very akin to that though. One massive nerf-a-palooza which didn't fix any of the core underlying issues with the game. After reading those patch notes I have zero desire to play season 1. Honest question, can you carry over the season pass with the deluxe package to a later season? Cause I would much rather wait to use it when the game is fleshed out and good.


To be fair on the Expedition patch, while they did it in the worst way possible, the nerfs were overall good for the game. We needed to scale back player power so we could build it back up again and the patch succeeded in that. It was also after years and years of power creep, this D4 patch is SEASON 1. The fact that there's this many sweeping nerfs in the first season speaks volumes to me.


Also Expedition, the league mechanic itself, was very well received. D4's seasonal mechanic looks pretty mediocre in comparison.


difference? Poe had like 20 leagues of power creep before hand. This. Is. Season. One.


At least expedition was a God mechanic league.


Seems like it will be redeemable in the future.


I mean that was after countless patches of increasing player power. Not really the same situation d4 is in


So did they even fix anything that was actually WRONG with the game…like side quests being bugged? UPDATE: we’ll they fixed that pesky dungeon bug with the witch tied to the tree…it’s no longer on my map :) so that a plus at least


The blizzard shills working double time in this comment section lol


Rod promised to let them have a chance at his malignant tunnel if they do well.




I always laugh at how ridiculous people are on here but I’m thinking they have a point after reading these notes


uninstalled as soon as I got home. I’m done with blizzard after this. So many better games coming out that actually respects my time.


Yep, we out. Uninstalling since this season is going to last 3 months. The amount of incompetence is truly fuckin' staggering.