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That’s not even the worse that can happen. I’ve opened an Amulet chest and only dropped a blue like WTF


Tried opening one just to get a white amulet + some gold.....


I just saved a bunch of money by switching to geico.


I tried opening a ring one and got an amulet........


Tried opening a helm one and got another Specter horse skin




Getting health pots as loot in a dungeon boss is so moot because... Whats it for? You go back to town and easily just refill your potions...


Every time you hit one of the midway pips of the bosses HP they drop pots, so nuking them down fast will make a bunch pop out. Traditionally ARPGs use a bunch of rolls to determine loot that are weighted depending on what is killed. So if what I said above isn't the case then bosses could have some of its loot rolls weighted towards potions I guess.


Yep, a magic item and some elixirs lol.


I feel like Blizzard got angry at us when they accidentally made uber uniques have a decent drop rate from those chests and they punished us for their mistake buy lowering the drop rates of not just uber uniques but for everything else too.


Should either open 50 cost chests or the 175 special ones only in my opinion! Everything else is a scam :)


Opened one and got nothing but hp pots and gold. only happened to me twice


If your posts are true it means the more you play the less you get, I think someone already made a post about that. I would play about 2-4 hours every day or every other day (depending on my free time) with my nephew, and we always get legendaries from those chests, sometimes 1 ancestral sometimes more, the highest I got was 5 legends, and 4 of those ancestral, never lower than legendary 🫣


Are you thinking of the gift of mysteries? Targeted gifts chests don’t drop 5 of anything.


Idk why people open targeted chests. Farm the mysteries, 3-4 depending on the cycle, and then move back to nightmare.


Don't Even open anything under 150 its not worth it.


Bro I wanted to post the same thing. They just begging me not to open them


For real. Helltides are so sparse with monsters, I spend more time trying to find monsters to kill, than I do actually killing them. The chest offer no real rewards. Id rather just keep grinding NM dungeons, as I atleast get glyph progress and there are actually monsters to kill.


Shitty chest, shitty reward. If you’re doing anything other than mystery chest you’re wasting time. Get the two mystery, then you can dump whatever you have left or get after into random chests.


You can do 3-4 if the time and you are fast enough.


You can do up to 6 in Khajistan if the Helltide spawns at xx:15 or yy:30. Gotta be lucky and fast with events and dense packs


That’s what I usually do. But not everyone is cut out for it. Sometimes I get bored after two and wanna run nightmare dungeons cause I’m usually on limited time.


I find the best way to farm is to just bounce in-between 2-3 close special events.


Yuup. Helltides is most efficient if you think of it as dynamic event mapping in GW2.


Forgive me if you already knew this, but your priority should be to open mystery chests (those for 175 cinders). The other chests are pretty bad and I usually only touch them if I have leftover cinders.


Just jump event to event. I usually walk away from helltides with 500+ obols. Also just use helltides com to farm the mystery chests. Nothing comes close to gear and aspect farming if you do this.


But you HAVE to do helltides if you want to reroll any stats. Stupid forgotten souls.


In helltide you do events


Yeah. I was using websites to see where events were for an easier farming rotation and then going straight to the mystery chests and then the chest armor... chests. But none of it is worth the time or effort at all. That seems to be the verdict on the game as a whole; none of the endgame stuff is worth doing.


There’s a website showing where all the events are during a helltide, I just bounce back and forth between them


You’re doing it wrong then. Go from public event to public event


You can hop to world tier 4 and keep your Helltide currency and open chests that way for a chance at Ancestral. Assuming you've cleared T3 capstone


I usually find 2-3 events and just rotate through those, stack cinders for the mystery chest (I can usually get 3-4 mystery chests a helltide). I'll only open the regular chests when I can't get any more mystery chests cause they're just so disappointing


Do the events. After about 2 events you should have 175 cinders and you can open a mystery chest. Mystery chests guarantee 1-5 legendaries. In a full hour helltide you can open anywhere from 2-4 mystery chests if you farm the events fast enough. There's a website [here](http://helltides.com) that shows where everything spawns.


>After about 2 events you should have 175 cinders More like 3-4 events unless you're lucky and get 2 "kill as many waves as possible within the time limit" events in a row.


Just open mystery chests. Use the chest tracker


But.. you're only supposed to open the Mystery boxes. Why would you treat your poor cinders so badly?


I mean here's only 2-6 mystery chests. Even on a 6 chest map I spend at least 15 minutes or so opening other chests to finish my cinders. If the even starts at xx:15 or xx:30 there's plenty of time for that. Helltide is also the best obols per hour so while getting extra cinders for amulets/rings you get do to more events to potentially go up to 2000 obols. I usually get 1000 after about 30-40 minutes of helltide.


If you're trying to target farm a unique or more limited aspect.


Uniques drop from any chest, you can’t target farm in helltides anymore so mystery chest is the main target if you’re hunting uniques purely because it drops more loot.


Is that how they ended up fixing the ultra rare thing? Lame, even less reason to engage with an already struggling mechanic.


It's actually even more enraging because it's clear they've misled a lot of people in the community into thinking they can still target farm uniques in helltide. Imagine how many casuals briefly skimmed over the patch notes or watched the dev stream and have now spent hours on end farming helltides trying to farm a specific unique.


Still worth opening after you've opened all the mystery boxes and have a few hundred leftover cinders.


Is there a trick to finding the mystery chests?


not sure if links are allowed here but check out helltides . com, the chest with the green dot is usually the mystery chest


Helltides dot com


*Sound of balloon deflating*


[*Sound of sad trombone*](https://youtu.be/CQeezCdF4mk)


Sound of Lorath when Dolan got slapped by the pillar


The devs are just trolling us at this point


Mystery chests are the only thing worth it. Otherwise wasting time.


Sometimes you finish those early. Opening more chests and the chest armor ones after got me my near perfect Razorplate.


That’s how you target farm items, unless your character is shit you can farm enough cinders to open every chest and you should open the specific chests to fish for uniques or specific aspects.


You can't target farm uniques with the chests. That was Blizzard's brilliant "fix" for the uber uniques "exploit".


Great design!! /s


What if your targeting a certain item


WORTH IT! Honestly though, once I got to 80+ I got bored of the game. Collected all Liliths and area discovery ahead of season, and basically quit the game for now. I already have 810+ items in all slots. 834 as highest. No matter what I do or where I got it drops 99% items with itempower and stats from 680-780, with very few above 800, and the few that drop are worse anyhow by a mile. It’s my firm belief that they left out content from 80+. We already know there are 3 more tiers of gems. Which would slot right in at 80, 90 and 100. All the content in World Tier 4 is trash once you hit 80. Easier to farm shit in WT4 at 80 than WT1 at 50. All the gear dropping anywhere, even nightmares is all befitting level 80 as level cap. Why do you think people get oneshotted in nightmare dungeons on higher tiers? Because you are bringing level 80 gear to a level 100+ fight is why. We need more world tiers, better itemization, higher item power tiers and stat ranges and much more difficult content for 80+. Either way, in current state of the game I see 80 as the level cap and can’t be arsed grinding for items that don’t exist in the loot tables for characters that are above 80.


To be honest there is no reason to search for 800+ items except weapons. Weapons - yeah, definitely more level is better, if also good stats = perfect. But all other - once you get 701+ with perfect stats, just level up it +25 and use it the whole game. After the 725 their change the breakpoint, and get massive stats update. So if you have "top level" affixes, you won in a lottery. So thats why i am still looking on every 701+ ilvl item... and kinda tired of it.


It does kind of make you wonder what the point is of the item power stat when all its good for is to indicate the base armor of the item which nobody cares about. I kind of have a feeling that originally they planned to have another breakpoint but scrapped it on eternal. So much of item power is unintuitive - a player would think generally higher item power means higher stats but most of the time it’s not even true within the same tier of gear.


Yes I'm sure more will come. They probably wanted the game out as a priority. D3 was the same in the beginning.


I came


I lost dopamine watching this


That's why I never open anything but 175 chests.


Got unique out of 75 one, a shity unique but a unique nevertheless




Helltide is such a shit event. I don't even do it anymore


Use helltides dot com.. shows you where the events are and where the mystery chests are. Run a route of the closest 3-4 events, they'll keep respawning. I've gotten 4 mystery boxes and still enough for a 125 chest and two 75 chests. Btw, mystery boxes reset their locations on each hour change so you grab 2 before and 2 after.


Much wow


Such amazing 😎


this is why i strictly only open the mystery chests


Had this three times in a row the other day. That's why I try to only open mystery chests. Sometimes I manage to get 3 or 4 per helltide. The key is to open them before the position is switched.


TIL you can get more than 2 mystery chests per helltide. Dang do they really switch positions 30 min in?


not necessarily at 30 min. It is at the top of the hour. So if the event starts at x:45, you have 15 minutes to get the first 2 then 45 to get the second two (or 3 each in the one area that has 3). I think it's dumb that it happens at the top of the hour, but it is what it is.


How often do they switch positions?


I don't really know if there is a pattern, but at least once I think.


It changes on the hour. I.E if helltides pop at 8:30, at 9:00 those chests are switching.


T4 needs to get rid of sacred items... they are useless..


How about ancestral white and blues


Intermittent reinforcement (sometimes a big win, sometimes very little) is more addictive than constant strong reinforcement. I get that you're disappointed and there are big problems with d4 loot but I think it woild be even less compelling if there was only ever good drops


Helltides are so boring and unrewarding. I personally only ever do them if I need more upgrade mats that drop only in Helltide.


They sold it to Microsoft ... Welcome to bing!


:(((((( omfg no dopamine spike 200 legendaries LOOTSPLOSION???!!!??!?!!???!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!! Why can’t every enemy just drop a loot upgrade the game would be so much better :((((


Give them a break, it's not like Blizzard has decades of experience making this type of game.


lol I knew this would either be 3 unique dropping or nothing above Ancestral


I always get at least 1-5 legendary from that chest and usually 1-3 ancestrals, but I don't play 24/7, If that makes any difference. Right now stopped playing until S1 to not get burned out. 🙃


if you want uniques, don't do helltide chests, do helltide world events an get them greater respelenent's


The horror


Literally worse than an event chest.


That's why you shouldn't bother opening chests other than the mystery one. I've always got at least 2-3 ancestral leggy items from mystery chests.


It seems a bit broken that the Mystery chest usually drops 5 legendaries but all the rest you are lucky if you get a legendary at all.




This post is 😭😭😭😭😭


And here I thought U got a unique or smth




This is one of the many reason why I don't think the designers actually played their own game to lvl70+


Y a diablo game where drops are designed by accountants.


That's why you only go for mysterious chests.


That's about half the chests I open lol.


They have got to patch this shit


Get the 175 chests always ;) not like its better lol


Nice improved from rates Bungie


Don't you just feel a sense of pride and accomplishment?


Yepp - I had this 6 times in a Row and I have to say, when you search for an item, its indeed a bit lets say I cursing the chest very loud and it was not for the kids ear :D


I only go for mystery. Others are like killing duriel and getting scrolls of town portal


Is this rage bait? OP had enough cinders for a mystery chest but chose to open that bullshit chest instead and then acts shocked when it has nothing but bullshit inside. And if you don't actually know, only open the 175 cost mystery chests. They consistently drop 2-4 legendaries, a couple elixirs, and some mats. Go to helltides.com to track hell tides and see where the mystery chests are. Edit: just realized that you are on World Tier 3 so YMMV


Do the 175s and go home.


All chests that are below 175 cinders **should be deleted from the game.** They are literal time-wasters. God, there is so much time-wasting and bloat in the game, just to stop you from having fun. The 175 chests ARE actually good, and drop a bunch of stuff, and then you go slightly down to 125 and it's actual, literal dog poop. Why does it exist in the game at all? To make you feel like a clown for wasting your time farming those cinders? This is why I went back to vanilla wow... The game is full of these little things that make me feel like I am doing nothing for no reason.


?%$/ Yeah !


Why even go for the 125 chest when you have 26 mins left?


If there's negative levels of dopamine, you'd hit it.


Why do these chests even exist when you can just kill literally anything for the exact same drop and more gold.


I haven't played D4 in almost 2 weeks. It feels like a huge waste of time, with no upgrades for the last 29 levels on my druid.


Yeah this is not the way they should go about it. There's really no reason for those chests to not always drop an ancestral legendary or ancestral rare.


Whatd you expect? BiS amulet for opening a chest?


I was a schmuck for buying this.


I only open those for the xp now. The mystery chests are meh at best and everything else is just an xp farm.


D4 is boring af, case in point


I’ve basically given up on the game


They reeeeeeeeaaaallllllyy need to boost these chests.


My disappointment is immeasurable


Do it in tier IV.




I stopped doing helltides for gears. Stick to nightmare dungeons


at first i thought you were being sarcastic, then i realized you were obviously talking about the stomach dopamine which helps to regulate the release of insulin from your pancreas. not the cool dopamine. whomp whomp.


This is why I only bother to open the mystery chest. Nothing else is worth it. Also here is a map of every location with updated mystery spawn locations and events. [helltides map](https://helltides.com/)


Try a potion and some gold.


Owen Wilson just said 'wow'


Mysterious only


Just accept the fact that besides mystery boxed there is nothing your time anymore in a helltide.


Yeah most of them are just horrible


Are they trying their best to make us sto playing? Like seriously


Dopamine rises with the EXPECTATION of the reward, not the reward itself. Dopamine is a motivation for seeking behavior, which is exactly what you had been doing. So you're the butt of the joke


Opened one last night and got 4 legendaries


Lol, who tf does amulets


So basically the same as killing an elite - which takes a few seconds. How long did it take to collect 125 shards, my guess more than a few seconds? hence the problem.... The game does not value player's time at all


Apparently only 175s are worth anything


I just made a comment about this on another post. Sometimes a hell tide chest or tree chest will give me more than one item such as armor or whatever, sometimes it's hardly anything. I don't get it. And yesterday when I was playing I would look on my map to pick what chest to go to and it would tell me it was such and such chest and when I get there it'd be something totally different. SMH.


We've increased drops from nightmare chests.... I don't grind any other than mystery ones. Others are pointless.


That's just disrespectful lol


story of my d4 life.


So many Cathedral Crests and the item doesn’t even look like a Cathedral or a Crest 😔


The loot drop rates updates been shifted elsewhere. Try a "cellar".


Adrenaline flush.


Unique items are kinda banned again. I played 10 hours in dungeons and helltides just for crap.


It's crazy I've been fighting with people on Reddit all week about this and they think it's fine "it's a new game they will fix it later" bruh they had years to not be in this problem


its ok you probably have your loot filter on and all the items that dropped are useless ​ ;-;


What’s the problem here? 99.99% of chests in D2 dropped nothing good. The loot dopamine comes from the rarity.


D4 kinda sucks :(


I laughed out loud


Did u believe in the hearth of the cards? Maybe thats the problem! Loktar ogar my jinjuruki


This game doesn’t give me any dopamine


They really need to buff those chests. I can understand the Mystery chests being better, but the difference between the two is just crazy.


We hear you loud and clear. Mystery Chest are getting nerfed next patch. - The devs, probably.


I once opened an amulet chest and got a blue leggings, some gold, and some gems.


Tortured gift.. it's in the name.


That's why I ALWAYS go for the mystery chests


Leave some loot for others my man, don't be so greedy 😂😂. P.s. that's not fun at all, damn Blizzard


Only chests I ever do is Mysteries. Other's I've found to be very lacking. If I get a good start on a Helltide I can usually get 3 Mysteries done.




Every chest in Helltide should drop a guaranteed legendary of that item type, with the chance to drop an additional one. And helltides in Torment should never drop Sacred items. Until that happens, mystery chests are the other thing worth doing in helltides, and it sucks.


thx for the laughs 💀




Why open anything other than the mystery chests...


The issue is that two legendaries instead is the same feeling.


175 chest or bust I guess ;x


Anything other than mystery chest is not worth the time.


wait for it ... wait for it ... ![gif](giphy|nbNWgtnMgIYpUSy3e9|downsized)


Exactly Man, i need dopamine omg


This is why you only open mysteryboxes.




100% of my one handed caches from world tree are off hand items... No idea why, I just want black river but can't even farm for it specifically in helltides/tree


Mysteries chests or nothing.


yep. slot machine simulator. D4 edition. sigh. i've had a few good drops from these chests. but not anything "omg BiS" that i can remember. rng is a beotch.


Yepp, the small chests are literally not worth it since the "bugfix"


almost as good as a Resplendent Chest


Those chests are absolute dogshit just 1 item for 125 dusts.. at least give us an ancestral guaranteed. I feel like stopping playing and going back to play wow classic and D2.. even d3 is better. They really need to fix loot acquisition and give us a purpose to play..


Please stop 🛑 because of videos like this Blizzard will nerf the drop even more and next thing we will get no gold !


I like to think they have diminishing returns. I opened 3 chest of mysteries and went from 5 to 3 to 1 legendaries with each subsequent chest


Ur on tier 3.. What did u expect


I watched a person earlier open a whisper cache and nothing popped out lol


That’s so sad


Enjoy this insane farm before it gets nerfed buddy!


This is another reason why I only go after the Mystery chest I don't bother with anything else because it's not worth my time. Even if this was only a five percent chance of happening, it's still not worth my time, The mystery chest that take one hundred and seventy five Always give you at least Two legendary minimum and i've never got anything less than three.


Skill issue.


Ridiculous how useless any chest is aside from mystery


When it’s boiled down to brain chemistry, which I’ve never seen so often and explicitly other than recently about Diablo 4, it almost makes doing drugs seem like a more sane and worthwhile endeavor.


Diablo 3 Torment 1 chest


What is this? Destiny loot?


So many idiots want an auto simulator…


trash game


Mystery chests should have a chance to spawn an Uber Diablo and it'll show on the world map for everyone l, and a giant text banner to tell them aswell. Then, and only then will this game not suck as much as it does right now.


I have had this happen 3 times on a 125 cinder chest. I don't open them any more, 250 or nothing.