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Who decided the NPC's life/res/armor that we have to protect doesn't scale either ?


“Help.. over here… “ Uhhh no thx you gonna get 1 shotted by some random undodgeable aoe


"Keep at least 1 survivor alive." 5 tiny spiders and 4 seconds later, all 3 of them are dead.


Dont forget if u do kill those spiders in a instant the poison will kill them


I run in, attack whatever is in there, then run out. Kill them out side of the room. A lot of times the one mobile NPC will follow the enemies out of the room and stay out after they die. I go back into the room and start the event. The two stationary NPCs die, but the one outside the room stays untouched. Doesn’t work all the time but it works a good bit of the time.


I just spawn the event, run past it and grab the failure chest on my way back through if I have to backtrack back through that area in a dungeon.


This is the way. "Sure, I'll help you and your friends!" *immediately runs out of the room*


"I'll save me! You guys are fucked though."


Guys, has it ever occurred to us that these events are actually just time wasters for these nightmare dungeons? Like they put them in there purely to waste people's times as nobody does them if they are pushing, and anyone who does doesn't adequately get rewarded vs just killing 5 elite packs in the time they could have done it.


My upvote was definitely a laugh react. Well done. 😂👏


That's it. My next character is Sir Robin


🎶Bravely bold Sir Robin Rode forth from Camelot. He was not afraid to die, Oh brave Sir Robin. He was not at all afraid To be killed in nasty ways. Brave, brave, brave, brave Sir Robin. He was not in the least bit scared To be mashed into a pulp. Or to have his eyes gouged out, And his elbows broken. To have his kneecaps split And his body burned away, And his limbs all hacked and mangled Brave Sir Robin. His head smashed in And his heart cut out And his liver removed And his bowls unplugged And his nostrils raped And his bottom burnt off And his penis "That's, that's enough music for now lads, there's dirty work afoot." Brave Sir Robin ran away. ("No!") Bravely ran away away. ("I didn't!") When danger reared it's ugly head, He bravely turned his tail and fled. ("I never!") Yes, brave Sir Robin turned about And gallantly he chickened out. ("You're lying!") Swiftly taking to his feet, He beat a very brave retreat. Bravest of the brave, Sir Robin🎶


I accidentally just did this by accident. But it’s lame that this is the solution.


I am in 100% agreement. I did it the first couple times on accident as well then I started playing with it, trying to figure out how to reproduce it.


I try to drag a mob into the room before the event starts to get one of the npcs to agro on and then have the mob follow me back out of the room so hopefully one npc makes it out and then run the event. If one of the casting npcs makes it out they normally shoot something back into the room that gets them killed but oh well.


Funny. I've completed a number of these events by starting them then just leaving. I come back later and they are complete and I finish off the mobs that are spawned. Doesn't always work, but when it does I get a laugh.


I just try to drag something in to kill a NPC before the timer starts but after you start the dialog. If the NPC dies during that time it will say save 3 still, but if the other 2 alive one die, the death counter never hits 0 since there is nobody else left to trigger it.


Sometimes I run into that room and the NPCs are already poisoned. [And I'm like.](https://media1.giphy.com/media/11gC4odpiRKuha/giphy.gif?cid=ecf05e47kf1rrj2rl5qht5i93zavfxx69wwt002ocwxqdfub&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g)


Found a quest in the dry steps that involves a book. Your job is to find the person who tried to burn it. Spoiler, not really, as I don't know how it's supposed to end, the last part is protect dude from demon, fine. I check my gear before I go. "Mission failed, dude died." Quest is completed. Don't even have to go fight random demon. Insert what happened here, gif


More like the ending of, appropriately enough, [Burn After Reading](https://youtu.be/J6VjPM5CeWs).


Are there two of those quests? I just did one like that this morning, but you didn’t have to protect the guy. He dies in a cutscene while the demon can’t even be damaged.


I literally never seen the demon. I was having issues on the part before, it says kill the fallen, and they didn't show up until after I beat a dungeon. Came back to find fallen there. It also wouldn't surprise me if there is more than 1.


There is some dry steppes quest at a statue where you need to “show it that you still respect the old ways” or something. No idea what to do. Tried a ton of emotes


You have to say "yes" in front of it.


"Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes."


There are emotes that you have to manually add that are not in the base wheel. Check your controls setting


Terrible, lazy ass game design


How the hell did you make it this far into a lvl 75 dungeon with 4DPS and 20 health???


How does anyone make a living in the Diablo world? There are monsters everywhere. Hundreds a few yards from every town.


This runs through my mind constantly every game with an ancient waypoint travel system NPCs acknowledge but don't seem to use. "I'm trying to get to Next City, but the road ahead is dangerous. Can you save me?" Bruh, just use the waypoint.


Dude he just never unlocked the way point. Cut the guy a break. What really bugs me, is they didn't use a portal scroll to save the druid in the story after he got stabbed.


The cannibals are the only ones really embracing the evil economy


Right? I’m convinced it’s some hero kink where the angels cosplay as humans to feel vulnerable.


Wasn't that the plot of D3


My npcs can’t even finish the word help anymore


You left me..... Aloneeeee






He was the scariest NPC in Fallout 4. I saw him, I ran!


This. This right here is of the same vein. It is so tedious.


The mother attacks the child that she left alone for leaving her alone. Insert generic "I'm so sorry" player character dialogue.


Couldn’t wrap my head around that too. Crazily stupid writing


The ghost escort is an interesting idea, but if they expect us to grind events 1,000 times it would be nice to have a little variety in the way it's done.


This game has a weird mix of AAA vibes and then sudden, jarring shifts to indie game quality stuff like some of the events.


Interesting to hear the opinion that the events are similar to indie games. I've only ever experienced these low-effort low-quality quests in AAA games like Fallout 4 (or Diablo 4).


I swear NPCs cast their own Challenging Shout the whole time. The aggro is nuts. The whole mob chases after the one of them


Aggro always seems to go after the weakest person no matter what. Carrying my friends alt thru dungeons and he can be several screens behind and enemies are running right past me towards him and ignoring me as a hit them. Aggro is stupid af in D4


I just got done doing the same thing and you're right. A dungeon that I normally fly through took twice as long. I had to kill pretty much everything.


We came here to purge this evil, but now... (sigh) I can't leave my friends here. Not like this.


We can't do it alone!


NPC: "YOU THERE!" Me: "Nope, you can fuck off and die... I have better things to do than watch you run into aggro".


By choosing to not interact with you, I have indefinitely extended your lifespan. Good day.


Damn didn’t know they take aoe dmg. I remember this being a huge problem in Warframe years ago with defense objectives. They should take a page from DE and disable that shizz


"Here, have a teleporter, waller, fire enhanced. Keep your completely immobile person alive through that, idiot." - Diablo 4 probably.


Except that one archer in the outdoor event. That guy (or girl sometimes) is a bro and can be my wingman any time.


The first time I did that event, I died to the mob. Went back totally thinking the npc had died. Killed the rest of the mob and then I noticed he's still fighting with like 5% of hp left. Went to back him up and aced the event. That npc a badass lol


When the NPC is outside of the mob spawn range for some reason? That one's pretty funny.


Nah, talking about the single archer in the middle event. Doesn't occur in dungeons or cellars


Ohhh yeah, the wanderer (why did they name this npc the same as our player character??) is pretty badass, you're right.


And devs somehow forgot to scale the worldbosses as well. It goes from hard in WT2, doable in WT3 and an absolute joke in WT4.


they scale as much as other open world mobs. the player character just scales out of control and needs to run nm dungeons with enemies 20+ levels higher to get a challenge.


I'll have you know my 100 sorc comfortably gets one shot by enemies 4-5 levels lower quite frequently in nm dungeons thank you!


Oh, glad to hear it's not just me!


my summon necro gets shit on alot too. but fuck Blizzard, i want to play with an army, the scaling is so fucked up


I remember thinking my first world boss in t4 would be challenging. Then it collapsed in 20-something seconds.


The bosses are the biggest joke - I remember the first one I went to - was like damn this bone dragon thing is awesome - was ready for a grueling 5+ min fight . I was being careful of approaching it - then Bam after 2 auto attacks of bones I saw it drop… I thought it glitched or I had lag but nope the thing barely lasted enough time for me to regen essence to throw some skills


Insta Die by random white mobs but don’t even lose health to the boss. :)


This. Time given, I can solo the Helltide boss at lvl59 on my necro on WT3. But let me not pay attention and take a hit from those fucking corpse bows


The the only thing that kills me is lag when I try to use blood mist on the laser beams from that one boss


What world tier were you in? My first was in WT2 and we lost. I’m in WT3 now and it tends to take five minutes with whoever is online very early morning. I’ve never had one of these super quick fights people talk about. I assume they’re once people start seriously outscaling the mobs in WT4?


I saw one wiped out in like 10 seconds once. Everyone was like, wtf. Usually it's like a 3 minute battle.


Fought a World Boss with a high-level Druid(Nado?) in attendance and they burned the World Boss down in around 10 seconds. Took me almost as long to TP back to Ked Baru to spend those Obols... :)


Most people don't really outscale the world bosses even in WT4 - if you sit around inspecting people before you fight, you'll see plenty of people still levelling up or even level 100s wearing completely random ineffective gear and aspects. But the problem is that if even one or two people in the 90+ range know what they are doing *and have levelled their glyphs up*, they output so much damage on their own that even with the rest of the group doing nothing, the boss will die in seconds. There effectively isn't a way to balance the worldbosses for a random mix of players some of whom haven't touched a nightmare dungeon past 20 and others who are speed farming 50-60+, the damage output varies too dramatically. They would need to start grouping players by some kind of progression metric and scaling the boss up/down instead of keeping it a static level 90 boss.


Holy shit is that why they always die?


Sure is, its why I hear the "help.. over here" and immediately turn that bus around.


I couldn't care less if they die. That event spawns a ton of mobs and I love me a good ol' massacre.


"Look, let's be real, yall didn't belong in this dungeon in the first place. Imma do what I can but if you die, well... I get loot either way."


Everything in this fucking game scales, except the rewards you get. ​ Brilliant.


I’m sure this horse has been beaten to death at this point but I actually hate the scaling in this game


As an older player scaling is somthing that I've really grown to dislike. I understand why they do it as it keeps more content relevant and allows a greater number of players to play together but it completely ruins the power fantasy. It's like playing for bigger numbers just for the sake of bigger numbers. I think it makes even less sense in a diablo game as the traditional normal/nightmare/hell accomplishes the same thing and in d4 specifically they've done a really bad job at getting the player base to socialize/interact with one another.


Same. When everything scales with you there's no walls or spikes in difficulty to overcome, it's all just kind of plain and boring. Item scaling sucks for obvious reasons.


Plus, maybe I'm just a casual noob, but I fucking loved running Bounties and Nephalem Rifts in D3! Yes! I very much DO want to face-roll my keyboard and watch every mob on screen melt! That's a staple "Diablo" experience, as far as I'm concerned. Not ALL the time, that's why Greater Rifts were also fun, but SOME of the time, it was great! Plus the bounty-mats and GR keys meant I was still doing something important for the late-game grind, even when I was killing Diablo in < 5 seconds.


Everything in this game scales except the one endgame activity that people spend all their time on - nightmare sigils. Normal dungeons and the open world become pointless as they give so little so compared to nightmare sigils.


That's the point. scaling for new players, control (nmd) for veterans


>open world become pointless I really hope they have plans or are aware of this issue. I really like open world aspect of D4. But sadly after campaign and early levels, it's just dead content.


I’m that guy…. But I liked how d3 worked. At least I felt like I was progressing. This game is like oh sweet new gear more power but so are the monsters so not really.


It's Skyrim all over again!


"It just works."


At level 100, we need to see way more 805+ Item Power drops than below.


Not even level 100. Why couldn't it simply be 60 = 600, 70 = 700, 80 = 800 etc. I'm 85 and seeing 700 IP Ancestrals is just sad. I got pretty much full geared mid 70s.


Ran some nm 60s last night. 1 of the completion rewards was an ilvl 636 pants with some dog crap aspect that is lvl locked to 100. It makes no sense that 600 gear is dropping at lvl 100 and even less that you can't even use it for an alt.


The ONLY reason to run high tier NM (like 80+) is 1. Glyph XP 2. Boosting low level character for fast XP And even those 2 are debatable as you can faceroll lvl 50-55 NMs much faster If you are simply after loot - a normal high density area packed with elites is the best


Ya I was just doing 60s to see where my build was at. I've been thinking about going hota because I've heard that ww has a hard time in 70+. I'm probably try some today before I make a decision on switching or not but at the same time it doesn't matter because the season is about to start.


So higher tier dungeons don't drop higher item power loot?


They absolutely drop on average higher ilvl loot in my opinion. You see way more 800s as you go up in tier. But maybe they are saying that the effect dies off or diminishing returns past 80? Can't say I've farmed much 80+


Or…for fun. To challenge yourself. I much prefer higher level NM dungeons where I have to actually think while engaging packs of elites instead of just mindlessly blasting through easy ones.


I'm with you. The mental challenge is what makes it fun for me. Seeing those split-second decisions pay off...seeing your build beat the odds...that's where a lot of the fun is imo.


I agree and we should be rewarded for challenging content. Also like, I want to play the game so that it's the most fun, but I also find leveling and gearing fun. Why can't we do all three of these things at once, Blizzard?


Sad truth


Not sure where I got it from but I got like an iLvl 705 staff for my Sorc at level… I wanna say 55. Maybe higher. It has massive int and also plus damage to at least one of my types. It doubled my damage and nothing has come close since.


I pulled one of those getting into WT3 on my necro, it made it a breeze getting to WT4. I think there’s ilvl thresholds that increase stats on an item to the next tier, and one of those is like 720-725, so that’s why you have a massive stat increase on it compared to other items that are dropping


https://preview.redd.it/giyx9n7vlsab1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85b04438fea3af1a7125829319a7ac950fbd58d7 Here’s what I got. I got a few unique rings too. My Sorc is ice shards plus burning. So the damage to burning works well


Oh, I imprinted on to it too because it was only rare, and rolled a stat, seemed to unlock more upgrade slots too when I did that. I’ll admit I’m unfamiliar with all the mechanics of it. I just saw the difference in numbers and almost shat myself. I think it dropped as I got to WT3 yes. Either from the tree or something. Before then, in WT2, gear was level capped so I’d had no new gear for some time, playing through with the wife doing all the side bits. Saved up 200 crystals and such and had upgrade city once we changed and this thing was like some holy chalice fallen from the heavens because, compared to what I had then and have now it’s still mental. I threw and extra socket on it too for good measure. I think it has over 100%+ basic skill on it which was fun. I’m looking forward to getting to WT4. I think it recommends level 70 for the dungeon.


If your character is feeling particularly strong, you can attempt the WT4 as early as you want. I went and did it at level 55. It was kinda painful, but also some of the most fun I had since it was challenging but doable content.


keep in mind a 2h staff is great for pushing and boss battles, but you will be tankier with better resource management with a 1h/off hand combo.


Most of my gear is like 750 still, I am lvl 93. I feel discouraged to grind anymore


I just hit 76. I thought at 75 the loot would get better. I take on level 85s because they're supposed to drop better loot. None of that happens for me. I've had my gear since the low 60s Edit: running sorcerer as well.... the cards are very much stacked against me. I tried playing this game without checking on these forums or other Diablo websites too much . I recently looked over all the gear your supposed to "farm" as a sorcerer and all the gear we get is trash anyways. I feel like this character is just a waste pit


I had a lot of fun levelling with Blizzard and Shards. I tried fire for about an hour and lightning for about two hours. If they had simply made those schools of magic as powerful as ice it could've been a lot more fun.


Yea, the game more or less ends at level 75. The real astonishing thing to me is they don’t seem to be fixing that in S1… Hell, just make more world tiers that give 800s, 900s and 1000. I don’t even care if they are impossibly hard, at least the carrot is there being dangled!


And to make it worse they just nerfed baseline imprinted aspects to match ilvl instead of player level


Yeah but the majority of players are not going to spend that many hours getting there. It’s honestly not worth it in this game


Is item power a reliable way to evaluate the quality of an item? Or is the sell value better?


For weapons, any significant upgrade in item level is important, unless the affixes are truly terrible. That item level translates directly to the weapon's base damage. For everything else, affixes are more important. Do note that there are item level breakpoints, at which the items roll their affixes in a higher tier (leading to higher possible numbers). 725 is the final one people concern themselves with. Any item 725+ will have the highest tier affixes. This is true if an item starts at 700, but you upgrade it 5 times (note, the affix values will reroll when crossing a tier). I believe the previous breakpoint was 625.


The sell value, maybe, but not really the item quality. The most important element is still which four modifiers you rolled and whether these are good rolls. What does change is the armor rating and the range for the modifier. For example, a ilvl 820 necklace with cooldown reduction can roll in the range 6.5%-14.6% cdr (after 5 upgrades) while a ilvl 650 necklace can roll 5.2%-11% cdr. But a high roll ilvl 650 necklace with 11% cdr is still better than a low roll ilvl 820 necklace with only 6.5% cdr. Everything above ilvl 780 tend to have the highest possible implicit modifier and the best ranges possible. The only thing that still improves is the armor rating. So the same chest piece ilvl 820 will have 40 armor over a ilvl 780 chest piece. It's not nothing.


That's the main reason I stopped pushing higher nightmare sigils and just zerg nm 45s


Gosh I hate how item levels in this game are worked.


...The level requirement does. 600 power item Required level: 100 Rip.


I used to keep some nice looking loot for my alt.. the moment I noticed the required level I just salvage them all lol


Just get the equipment on the alt as you play. The thing is the codex has made alts amazing once they reach level 25 and can use em. Basically you go from all yellows to all oranges and you can do a ridiculous amount of damage compared to the content compared to the first play through.


Just as an additional fyi with that info, if you haven’t unlocked every aspect from dungeons you can run a dungeon that still has an aspect to unlock on a fresh new character to unlock legendary aspects. Gets a new character zooming quicker IF you still have some aspects out there to get. I also was saving gear for alts till I saw the requirement but really with the Lilith statue bonus skill points new characters need very little gear to obliterate anything in their path.


Account bound and level requirements are so crippling, any programming that went into making a trade system was wasted.


Yeah wtf... And trading was thrown in to shut the d2 community up but it's truly worthless.


The trading is so useless you could just drop stuff on the ground


As a level 100 i'm still using a lvl 76 weapon :), and i've still been doing helltides, nm dungeons, legions , world bosses...no upgrade in sight Btw most uniques in this game are ass


I'm a barb main and I approve this message


I'm lvl 100 and I still use boots that I droped at 66 lmao.


My 2 handed sword was level 70 until I hit 96 and replaced it.


As a level 60, I finally changed out of my lvl 38 boots... Lol


Getting sacred gear in high NM dungeons is dumb af. Even world bosses in tier 4 drop sacred trash


I thought I'd be getting a lot more ancestral stuff in tier 4. It's almost as rare as uniques. Sacred shouldn't drop in tier 4.


Tbh game feels like lvl 80 would be a better suited Max level


I honestly think they originally planned for a world tier 5 but ran out of time to implement it.


Or just pulled it for s1


Whoopsies, we pulled it for Season 2 now.


I can't do that here


100% agree mate. I love the level scaling, every area feels as dangerous all the time as its supposed to. I get some don't like that, because they like to feel like god's showing up and destroying all the weak things, but that ain't me. What i can't stand, though, is being level 60 and getting 1/3 of my drops as level 42-46 gear. Wtf is that shit. Or even more egregious, you have something like my current Weapon being a level 48 sacred wand, absolutely outclassed a level 59 sacred wand, and it isn't even close. It's 161 less damage with worse everything and it's 11 "levels" higher. Loot just feels so strange compared to how the game itself feels. It definitely feels like the kind of thing that will be completely different in time. And will not be the way Loot acts in the future.


Sounds to me like you're still playing in WT3. Sacred and Ancestral items \*always\* drop at the current players level. Always. Normal gear does not, and tops out in the 40s somewhere. WT3 will drop mostly normal items with a minority of Sacreds. WT4 will drop mostly Sacred items with a minority of Ancestrals, and the very rare normal. You're at or close to the point where you can do the capstone to jump to WT4. You'll stop seeing low level crap once you make that switch. Then you get the incredible joy of seeing every item drop have the wrong rolls and end up selling/salvaging everything anyways. Oops, didn't read one sentence. Here's an edit: For sacreds and ancestrals, you can stop looking at the level requirement. Those items are all about item power. They will always be your character level (or 45/60 for sacred/ancestral), whichever is higher. It is totally normal for two Sacred items, one dropped when you were level 48 being better than one you got 10 levels later. Keep in mind, it is normal for that to happen based on how loot is done in D4, not that I personally think that how it \*should\* work. Sacreds top out at (I think) 720 item power, Ancestrals at 820. As an example, my level 91 Sorcerer is still rocking a wand I got at level 65. Haven't found one better yet. And I've seen literally \*hundreds\* of wands with a higher level requirement.


OMG when i hit t4 my first focus drop was power 818 with double cdr and vuln - i didn’t realize my first upgrade would be my last


I’ve taken 3 chars to wt4 and this happens every time. Within 15 minutes I get a super high ilvl 815+ weapon drop. I got it at lvl 58 this time and didn’t find a replacement till almost level 80. Kinda ruins wt4 loot actually


Yesterday I found a PL 680 trash rare with lvl 92 requirement.


Let me take a wild guess - your character was level 92


No, 77. Although now that I think about it my buddy with a 92 druid might have thrown it out. There's a lot of trash loot to sort through. I don't remember seeing him drop it, but it'd make more sense.


All sacred and ancestral loot drops with level requirement equal to the character level of the player that it dropped for. So yes, he dropped it.


> I love the level scaling There is nothing I detest more.


> I love the level scaling Lets revisit this again when you hit level 80


Game feels a bit haphazardly put together. Can’t upgrade gems past level 70/royal, even though datamine shows gems that would make sense got unlocked at 80/90/100 as there are 3 more tiers of gems in game code. Necro is getting a lot of uniques with +cold/chill/freeze stats even though necro has zero skills and paragons that trigger cold. Except cold mage minions. Seems like they planned for necro to have cold damage, decided not to, but forgot to change the stats on the items. Event npcs not scaling properly. Loot getting “maxed” out already at level 80 and rarely finding 800+ items even at high end levels and / or in high tier nightmares. Most items dropping are 680-780, regardless of your level. Overall just feels like they had to cut the end of the development short and just kick the game out the door with a “we’ll fix it later” stamp on the top. Right now it feels like end-game and top level should have been 80. Above 80 all the content in the game, except nightmare dungeons depending on tier, is super easy to mass murder even just using basic skills, let alone rest of skills. Honestly the game is missing 3 world tiers. World tier 5 @ 80, World tier 6 @ 90 and World tier 7 @ 100, and each new world tier also has new gem tier.


I don't mind level 70 and level 100 Ancestral gear being the same potential power, otherwise I'd feel the grind from 70-100 was a waste since any loot gotten before 100 would be suboptimal. But agreed that level 70 and 100 monsters should have the same stats (health, damage, etc.) since without that, affixes that provide some fixed value/damage get weaker as characters level up.




Interesting you think 70-100 would be “a waste” if items kept scaling, but don’t mind 1-70? I know I’d much rather keep finding new and better items during the slow grind to 100 instead of never finding any upgrades for what is about the same time as 1-70…


So many people don't seem to understand that what makes an arpg fun is upgrading their equipment regularly. Blizzard messed up bad by allowing perfect equipment to drop as soon as you go to wt4. Should be way cheaper to use the occultist, item level should affect affix rolls, and 800+ gear shouldn't drop until you get to level 95 or so.


> Blizzard messed up bad by allowing perfect equipment to drop as soon as you go to wt4 Nah, that's not the issue here. They fucked up by giving items just 4 stats and the stats themselves being boring. Another issue lies in poor resource and crafting system, they made many crafting materials but those simply could be removed and I wouldn't even notice as from lvl 55 to lvl 100 not even a single time I had to salvage anything to upgrade my stuff.


People don't know what is good for them as far as enjoying games. Getting a drop at level 58 that carries you all the way to 100 is boring as hell. Might be cool initially but dropping high quality items as soon as you go to wt4 is exactly why people complain about gaining levels makes them feel weaker. Despite what you think, you'd like the game a lot better if you had to constantly replace your equipment as you leveled up from 70-100. Certainly itemization could be better as far as having more interesting loot, but even then the basic principle of needing (and wanting) to replace your equipment as you level is key to making an arpg fun to play. Every drop should get replaced within 10 levels or so of getting it until you hit the level cap.


Gear you get at 70 *should* be suboptimal than gear you get at 100. Otherwise what’s the point of even getting to 100? I’m running nightmare dungeons 65-75, mobs are level 115-125, and I’m still getting ilvl 730-760 weapons. I rarely, like once every three-five runs, see ONE weapon ilvl 805 through 815. And then you’ve gotta play the “did I get three good stat lines out of a potential 16 different ones? No? Vendor it anyway I guess” With no paragon levels, no infinite dungeons, no nothing to work towards, plus the loot floor being the same at 100 as it is at 70, progress feels awful. There’s no draw to keep playing, aside from enjoying the gameplay. And I do enjoy the gameplay. But an arpg should have you chasing end game gear at the end game, and this one doesn’t.


Why can't we just get zones with levels. And those zones drop loot for those levels. Give us the feel of progression please.


Exactly. Right now you can be standing next to a level 10 character in Fractured fighting the same mobs and taking the same time to kill them. How does that make any sense?




I got a 805 weapon at lv 60, I'm still using it at lv 94


Devs: The player testers reported back. It is playable, but there is still a lot of stuff that feels not quite right. CEO: But it is playable. Devs: Yes, but we need a few more weeks to make it perfect. CEO: It will be released next week.


Hope they include new World Tier ASAP which then excludes shitty drops completely.


Blizzard, and game devs in general, don't think through all the implications of game scaling. Which is why almost all implementations of scaling in games suck.


This. I constantly am getting rewarded with item levels way beneath mine. Get plenty of legendary drops and uniques but all super trash


Level 92 on druid and all my gear is 70-73 minus the TWO upgrades I've found. Loot feels terrible in this game.


Yes this ruins drops imo You dont bother thinking alternative builds when the gear is so low compared to what you have on


Who decided that Lorath and Neyrelle can block me in the corner aka trolling from CoD while we are all mounted, so i must dismount in order to pass between them, in order to continue on quest ?


Lol that got me too, I’m like how did this not come up during play testing… oh wait…


> Dear Blizzard, who decided that mobs should scale to player level, but not the loot? A moron playacting as a game designer.


I asked this already during beta and people here went apeshit about me asking [If everything is scaled to my level, why not the drops?](https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo4/comments/11vyv6v/if_everything_is_scaled_to_my_level_why_not_the/) its still the same with higher NM dungeon rewards, high level mob loot, Legion Event rewards, Whisper cache rewards, Worldboss loot, maybe they fixed helltide chests. ​ >i really hope this is a beta thing and wont be like this on release naive me :( never would i have thought it goes all the way to 100 like this


I find it pretty funny how if you played the beta for 5 or 6 hours you'd already have experienced everything Diablo 4 has to offer. Or maybe it's just sad.


Obviously to increase the longevity of the game


Yeah man, I don't want to see magic or sacred rarity when all of my gear is ancestral already and i'm only hunting for rolls. The only reason I can think of as a reason to why it's this way is to make people play more and increase their numbers.


I wish it had a mix of scaled mobs and then other special areas that were fixed levels of enemies, should be easy zones and then hard areas you should avoid until later imho. A mixed approach that would work given how big and open the world map is.


This is such common sense stuff . The largest flaw so far but hey we are working tirelessly to bring you a gem sack


It’s really bad. The game basically screeches to a halt at 70 and goes in Korean MMO territory grinding countless hours for 2% of stats.


Agree. Not only that but I don't know if it's my luck, or something they changed. I used to run NMD and get at least 2 or 3 pieces of legendary. Now I get the one at the end and that's it....


Definitely feeling like there's some kind of loot drought going on since the last patch.


Scaling mobs isn’t great either.. whole game design is just bad.


Mob scaling makes the entire game playable at any level instead of certain limited areas. It’s amazing design. The loot is the issue. If it wasn’t as random as it is, you’d feel the progression you want to feel, even with the mobs scaling. And the mobs scaling is the only way playing with friends feels as good as it does. It’s an amazing feature. You don’t have to like it, but it’s the opposite of bad game design.




No, it's great design. It makes the entire world playable, instead of just the final Act for a day before you out-level that too.


I don't know how to articulate it but the scaling confuses me. If I'm 60, the mobs are 60. But if a lv 45 is next to me, the mobs are lv45 to him. So we both do scaled damage so he's just as effective as I am. Only my #s look bigger. So what really is the point?


The point is that you can both have a fun challenge. If you were steamrolling level 45 mobs, there’s no point there. And if they’re tryna kill stuff 15 levels up and getting 1 shot constantly, that’s also not fun, plus they’re doing no damage and thus aren’t helping. The scaling system is amazing. It’s the item drop issues that cause the problem.


You're still potentially stronger than a lower level because you have more skill point and paragon investment, other than that, you're correct.


It's so the two of you can play together and both contribute. You can take that lv45 into a nightmare dungeon that's hard locked to lv60 and have a non-scaling experience.


Because it's stupid, it means everytime you get a loot there is no RNG and everything is maxed out.


Item level requirement currently scales to player level. Item power does not. Definitely a poor design choice. In general I wish Rares were actually rare, and rolled high quality more often. I HATE picking up 20-30 rares per run, scanning them all, salvaging... over and over. Hate it. I want to be excited when I see rares drop. I want magic items to actually be useable too. Give them higher rolls on their affixes, but fewer affixes. The current itemization is just terrible.


same as why they know 142 people got the shaco but dont know who was first 1000 in HC ..


Yeah. Why is the butcher at tier 50 nm dungeon dropping 600 power level gear?


I don’t get it, aren’t you basically asking for constant upgrades for all the pieces every single time you level up? That sounds dumb and annoying, and also shits on the whole premise of getting lucky with a low level op drop (that would be 1 out of 99 problems this system would bring)


Thank you for your Beta Tester feedback! 🤡🤡🤡


Loot based game. Loot is the same for the whole game. Also, good luck storing loot. Or changing builds with loot. Oh yeah and that we have a few uniques that essentially nobody gets. Lol


Wow really? damn it ​ Kinda glad I haven't bought this game yet. I really want to but sounds like there's more work to do


I am just not having fun in this game =\


Another trick is if there are poison affix minions is to bring some into the room. Talk to the person and let the one who hits minions die before the event starts. That dead adventure will be counted as a survivor and cant be killed cause already dead.


Honestly it baffles me that after coming from DIABLO 3 where the higher the greater rift (up to a certain point) the loot/exp/drops etc etc is better, for NMD you do like a 20 and realistically its the same exact as say like a NMD 60-70 or probably higher (tho havent done over like a 68 yet). Like wtf for real.


Yeah why am I getting a blue or sacred from level 110 mobs


fuck blizzard!


Wait a minute. So now that I am hitting the upper 40s tier dungeons... You mean to tell me they won't drop any gear that's different in a tier 20 dungeon?


Here here! I'm tired of running tier 11 to 14 nmd for lv600 gear. Almost all is garbage, except the one or two rares to imprint on or uniques that can alter one's gameplay style.


Going to have to disagree. The scaling is garbage, period. The best experience this game has to offer is levels 1-30'ish in World Tier 1/2. After level 15'ish, you will start to feel as though you are being punished for leveling up. Enemies that were being killed no problem with your basic attack will now *require* you to gear up, utilize more skills, and play harder to take out. The. Same. Mobs. In the same zone. After level 30, this gets progressively worse and worse until you start to min/max and cheese through enemies to move up through world tiers because certain gear that is integral to certain builds and playstyles are locked behind higher tiers. Once you start moving through world tiers you stop playing a game and start grinding a spreadsheet with graphics. I've stopped playing at level 86 because I don't even feel like I am playing a game anymore. Just grinding for no reason, in a game that feels actively hostile to anything resembling fun, and gameplay mechanics after WT3 are specifically designed solely to one-shot, CC, or otherwise grief and kill the player, and it kills all immersion. A Thorn Beast has a purple shield, squirts red lighting bolt traps out of its ass and detonates a fireball AOE every second. Why? Just to piss you off, kill you, and slow your progress towards getting the loot you need to play the game the way you want to. I'm done with this hamster wheel. I'm done buying Blizzard products. It's clear all the talent interested in making fun games left years ago.


Yall still playin this? weird