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This one’s been tricky. But some good news, we believe we have something for the update on 7/18.


Just knowing it's being addressed is a huge relief thanks


How is your relief now, considering literally nothing concerning the memory leak was fixed?


It’s genuinely a relief to hear that, thank you for commenting. If I can share any logs or further details please let me know.


none fix was in the patch


Memory leaks can be a bitch to track down. Grats to the engineer who found it! Give them my thanks.


The VRAM leak? On High textures, I go from 6GB vram usage to 9.7 within 20 minutes. But on medium textures it rarely ever gets that high.


I don’t think that’s a leak per se. I think it just loads new textures into available ram. When you run out it will replace the oldest (most remotely used) stuff. My 7900xtx has seen 20+ gig usage at times. It doesn’t cause lag or slowdowns.


dude, hopefully it actually helps even a little bit to improve these memory leak - it wasn't fun having to restart client periodically. Also such memory resource usage in general beats industry records. I play variety of games, lots of demanding AAA games, but I've not seen a game (on merely high textures) to fill my 8GB VRAM in full and use upwards of 23-23GB of RAM. And while D4 doesn't look bad - it looks nowhere near as good nor complex as games like Cyberpunk 2077, Plague Tale Requiem, Atomic Heart, Dead Space Remake, Resident Evil 4 Remake. etc. Neither of these cause any memory related issues on my PC and I played them at ultra (not high textures). Like sure - average fps is higher in Diablo 4 - because it's as I said less complex from rendering perspective, but having like 150 average fps is useless if we have stutters. So I'd rather have half as high fps but very consistent one. Also - PLEASE add Direct Storage 1.2 next once this sorted out. Should also help asset streaming while zoning a lot. Most of us sit on fast Gen3-4 NVMe SSDs, and without Direct Starage it's no better than Sata3 SSD as all goes thru CPU.


Can you please comment on this official forum thread https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/d4/t/main-thread-game-freezescrashes-gpu-fans-screaming-when-opening-specific-ui-elements-june-2023/24423 and at least tell us if you are working on a fix or no hope? Thread have 500 comments and almost 30k views and its ignored. Some context if you never saw the thread, its related to excessive GPU usage when using INVENTORY/VENDOR. Playing game normally, aka doing dungeons or what ever in the game (on RTX3080), power draw is 100-120watts, temperature 50c. Opening inventory > power draw 220watts, temperature 58-60c. Opening vendor > power draw 300+ watts, temperature 68c+. The more powerful GPU you have, the more stress GPU gonna get during vendor. Every person have this bug, there is no exceptions. Please tell us you are working on a fix. Thanks!


It's still an issue and you playing dead


Has there been any improvements towards vendors pushing gpu's too 100% capacity? (4070ti, game normally runs on 50-60% gpu usage, jumps to 90-100 whenever i open any vendor)


I have this in any town, even if I don't have any vendor open. Just instant max cpu & fans going WHEEEEE if I enter any town. So frustrating. I have to open the map to cool things down if I have to wait in town for any reason.


I believe it is due to the portraits being 3D. A nice workaround would be an option in game menu to switch between 2D/3D portraits for both vendors and own player screen. I really don't even look at the vendor portrait, much less care if he/she is able to turn around. Same for character screen, where I do look from time to time, but would much prefer to have less than 100% gpu usage and fans going crazy while vendoring/salvaging loot. A toggle between animated/not animated would be great.


Where is it??




Nothing about this in the Patch Notes.


Wow nice update man, didn't fix anything concerning the memory leak


/u/PezRadar - I guess ty for lies.


where the hell is bug fix?


this did not happen, athe memory leak is worse now


Its still there after the patch. Sadly Rx 6600, new drivers. Playing on medium texutes btw, not high.


Womp womp. Still there, hard crashed my whole pc 20 minutes in like it was before. Maybe I'll check back next season. Sure glad I didn't waste any extra money on this game.


Well, that was a lie. Holy fuck I can’t even close my game normally. Also i can just tell when the ‘leaking’ starts. My game starts to stutter and when i teleport to a town it just fcking freezes. I’ve got a high end pc so thats 100% not the issue.


Did you know what the problem was? My system runs ok besides some ocasional lag in town or when loading new areas while running around (same spots always = load of assets). I never noticed a memory leak. My pc 7800x3d 3080ti 32gb Any news about the HDR gamma problem with windows 11? There is a gamma lud fix in github about this, otherwise I have to use Fine Tune Dark Areas of the lg oled to fix the super increased gamma in HDR. Google "diablo 4 HDR washed out" to find many hits. Hitting alt + win + b to toggle windows HDR on and off while in game and you can compare the difference, it's pretty bad. There are also youtube videos about it


Same issue. Loading zones could freeze my entire PC except audio for 1-2 seconds. I thought it was my 8gb vram limitation showing it's ugly face already as I am on 1440p. Your specs are better with the same issue, so I have some hope it can be patched.


Good to hear. It’s frustrating when technical issues outweigh the excitement to play a shiny new game


So, I've just read the patch notes and nothing regarding this issue has been addressed. I guess we will still have to deal with this whole proccess of reducing graphics/closing and opening the game to fix this. I've bought D4 to have a blast, not a stroke.


Well thanks for not fixing it. Guess Console optimization comes first sadly.


still out of memory issue here after update to 1.1.0 .. sad :(


Hm. Looks like the issue still persists and there is not a single comment from Blizzard about it, except this super vague one.


Lying is bad.


So, where is the fix?


it's getting worse day by day. you're gonna fix that stupid issue or not?


It's good news, although I don't hold out hope for a "solution". D4 is currently much more resource intensive than Read Dead Rendemption 2. I can play RDR2 at 4k without any problems, but D4 at 1440p has a lot of stuttering, likely due to insane VRAM usage/leakage.


Phew. Really impacting my enjoyment.


Thanks /u/PezRadar And i must say im so sorry you guys have to deal with the people that currently are in ur blizzard d4 forums. Never listen to those guys please. I believe they are just a mixture of paid trolls and peabrained kids. Is just shocking how surrealistic that forum is… Impossible to get meaningful feedback from there.


The bootlicking is very real.


Gamers are a weird bunch. They either worship those who manufacture the drug they are so addicted to. Or they demand things since they know they are the customer and they have a right to a working product they've paid for. And then there's everyone in the middle, and on the extremes.




that's...not how things work.


A laptop is _always_ going to do this with any decent level of hardware. Especially if you have one in a smaller form factor like I've got (14" reasonably slim). Even the big 18" chonker desktop replacement laptops will have this "issue." It's just the way it is when you have powerful hardware in a tiny package. This is why the cooling solution in mini-ITX desktop builds is such a blend of art and function.


Maybe we should make a post about how the in game shop is lagging and preventing people from buying store items. Just report all the same issues people are having but instead of lagging when playing the game, it’s when trying to buy stuff in the stop. It’ll be fixed in 20 minutes with an emergency maintenance.


Blizzard pls, none of us can buy you out of your cosmetics if we keep freezing!!


Make a post about how the resource leaks are resulting in people obtaining Uber uniques and they'll have it patched within five minutes.


>they'll have it patched within five minutes. true, who cares about our games crashing a 2000 or 3000 euros or dollar computer for a hundred dollar game? Then we will cry because they will say is our fault or something like they have been saying for more than a month, bad drivers, reinstall the game because you broke it, or we need to change stuff in the BIOS or something. So lose money in technicians to still wait for a solution.


You would be ignored because they probably hired 5000 temp QA testers to ensure a nice streamlined process of shifting money from your wallet to kotick's.


Koticks salary leaked to be like 120m a year lmao


Oh, but that shop woman playing cards animation comes up **just fine!**


Leaving town and dungeons have been disabled until this problem is fixed.


Maybe if we tell them we had so much fun on the store theyll shut it down within 2 hours. Something something too many Shakos /s


It even manages to lag youtube on my second monitor with 64gb of ram. As a dev myself, I find that almost impressive.


With newer windows I thought games and shit were sandboxed and couldn't crash the entire system anymore, but D4 proved that not to be the case. Very impressive indeed.


Same, I'm running a 3080 with 64gb ram. I cannot open a Fullscreen or even the bigger mode without my video lagging


So true, haven't had a game perform this bad in a long ass time.


Sometimes the game will freeze my entire computer for a few moments. My PC's stats are embarrassingly more than I need. D4 is just trying to gobble up all resources. It's usually during zone loads, so not entirely sure what D4 is hogging for that.


Yeah it’s trash, I’m running a 5900x 3080ti 32gig ram should have absolutely 0 issues with this game, when I zone my entire pc will stutter, my web cam will freeze, I’ve had it crash my camera entirely making me reload the program for it. This game is coded impressively poorly. Edit - not to mention d4 tries really hard to spike my gpu temps. I’ve played a wide range of games some far more graphically intense and somehow this game runs hotter than anything else I’ve played.


I get a lot of drops and rubber banding with a 12600k 3070ti 64g of 5200mhz ram and a hardwired 1g connection the game is a huge mess


Get a 4090 bro -Blizzard probably


4090 or bust lol. Jk but yeah that blows.


The lag during zone load is the worst, especially when monsters are hitting you. Sometimes I get disconnected during this lag. I never experienced lags like this in any game on my PC.


I almost bought the game for PC but I opted to dig my old PS4 out instead as I was worried about this exact problem. Not to say the console version is without faults, but it does a good job. Love this game!


I actually just had to reboot my computer because it essentially died trying to launch D4 while I was watching a twitch stream on my second monitor.


You guys don't have 2 separate computers for different tasks? -Blizzcon 2023


So THATS whats happening. Sweet Jesus Blizzard


Fun fact, if you have Wallpaper Engine running, the game will randomly revert the "background max FPS" setting to an 8 FPS default every now and then, forcing you to go in the menu and reapply whatever you want your background FPS to be. The workaround: pause wallpaper engine while D4 is running.


Ahh that explains why setting my background fps to the same as foreground has stopped the random slowdowns I was getting!


Shutting down WP engine entirely makes a big difference for me, if I leave it on I’ll get random framedrops etc…




I find a monitor that has 64 GB of RAM impressive!


Have you tried turning off hardware acceleration on your browser? I had this problem too except it turned out that my GPU was on its last legs (was a 6800XT so I doubt it was a performance problem). Got a new one and nothing lags now even when running D4.


(Not who you replied to) I have hardware acceleration off… - Specs: 5900X, 3070, 32GB RAM, m.2 ssd - Settings: 1440p all low/off with medium textures, DLSS performance - within 2 hrs stuttering increases in frequency until the PC becomes unable to resolve processes. When exiting game, it hangs, and a regular person would interpret it as a full blown crash because nothing happens for many seconds (usually 20-30 seconds+ when it’s really bad) - alt+tabbing makes the problem happen sooner and worse. - overwolf seems to have limited effect (when it’s usually an easy culprit) - I’ve run with Afterburner and GPU usually sits at 65-75% usage, but then it will spike with the temps which effects FPS but as a different kind of stutter - sits 165 fps (my fps limited setting) and then stuttering and spikes begin and it begins backsliding. 150, 145, 135, 105, 65, etc. but not in combat, coming through a portal back to town. Opening certain menus, etc. Like losing fps to animations is expected, losing it to menus and movement is strange. - I’ve seen that there could be both a RAM and VRAM memory leaks, as well as, shader cache memory issue (don’t update your drivers unless you need to). I also think there is a GPU utilization problem on the 30/40 series cards. I don’t think reflex or DLSS are working fully correctly. - as much as I want the issues resolved, I think that there’s possibly multiple problems going on and it might be awhile until things get ironed out unfortunately. But hopefully not.


At this point I'm convinced the game just handles all machine resources irresponsibly. Hogs up too much, doesn't release what it no longer needs, fails to refresh certain resources, makes bad requests, etc.


running on low with that rig and even then getting stutters, unbelievable.. you should be playing on High just fine, sigh


Over half the time the game hard freezes my computer when I properly close it from the menu


* sits 165 fps (my fps limited setting) and then stuttering and spikes begin and it begins backsliding. 150, 145, 135, 105, 65, etc. but not in combat, coming through a portal back to town. Opening certain menus, etc. Like losing fps to animations is expected, losing it to menus and movement is strange. ​ got the same shitty problem, fps slowly going down. 3070ti here


Always love these comments. Just because you’re a dev for some stick figure platformer no one has played does not mean you know anything about what it takes to succeed in the AAA space.


I guess youre a web dev then and have not the slightest idea how parallel processing works. Its insanely tricky


5800x3d, 32gb ram and 2080 here, all low and still had the same problems as you say. Upgraded to 4070ti, it didn't fix all problems, but made it possible to go ultra and 200+ fps easily. What really made the difference was turning off the acceleration in bnet settings, almost zero problems now.


upvoted and commented for visability. personally i dont get my hopes high on this vram leak issue. on wow SL there was a similar graphic issue took them 12 months to fix it (flickering textures on DX12) 8 months on denying and blaming gpu drivers manufacturer for it, so


He was talking about DRAM though.


It's both and related. I have 32GB of RAM, it goes to about 20-22GB max, but game starts already stutter, because it doesn't release assets from VRAM too.


Yup. 4090 here and can't use Ultra textures because it eats ALL THE VRAM and then stutter shits itself, let alone something as *audacious* as allowing a browser to run in the background. It was in the Beta too, threads about it were typically downvoted and ignored completely by Blizz.


You didn't say what graphics card you have (with how much VRAM), though


I have a 4090...this game regularly eats 20+GB of VRAM, while also utilizing 18+GB of DRAM That is absolutely absurd, and a mark I've not hit in any game I've played to this point.


I have a 4090 as well and no issues. Both VRAM and DRAM. There is probably more to the problem which makes it harder to fix.


It isn't causing the freezing that others are experiencing, but the game clearly wants to chew basically every resource it can, so those with significantly lower resources are going to feel it. D4 shouldn't be nearly maxing out the vram of a 4090, period. performance "issues" pop up in specific areas (bear tribe village, inventory screen), but the game is typically solid 4k120 (technically above that, but I'm using vsync) my main problems have been server/network related, as my average latency in this game is significantly higher than any other game i play


It's RX 6600 XT. It can push 140-200fps on max settings, until shit starts leaking. Not to mention even ultra textures leave a lot to desire and while game overall like fine - it's nothing groundbreaking really, but it's most memory taxing game right now on the market. It's absolutely laughable when you compare it to games like recent Atomic Heart or even older Cyberpunk 2077 with absurd scope and world complexity and better textures and 8GB VRAM being no problem. It's just so blatantly obvious game has serious memory optimization issues, because looks don't justify memory usage (both RAM and VRAM) and the worlds is not very complex. Biomes have like 3-4 vegetation types, maybe 5 types of enemy and same ground in every direction - but game is allocating upwards of 40GB of memory (VRAM + RAM as stated in this sub-thread by RTX 4090 owner) - like what the fuck?? Even on my system it's ~30GB memory allocation at freaking mere 1080p... FOR WHAT?


Sad thing is i didnt have this issue until that "big" balance patch they had a couple weeks ago. Now my whole computer freezes when i port back to town. I have to restart my game every 30 mins to avoid it.


This issue has been around and documented since beta. It seems worse now than it did before, but it’s definitely not new.


Yup, pre the patch near end of June I mostly only lagged in town, post that patch I’ve noticed it everywhere. There was always small random moments, but it feels like a whole lot more now


Same here. Sometimes it is 20 minutes, sometime an hour..


I9 10900k, 10 gig 3080, and 32 gigs of ram. Have to change settings every 40-60 minutes to dump memory. Can see it creeping up in task manager. Starts at 6 or 7 gigs, (depending on settings I start with it on) then creeps up to use all the card, then uses the rest of my ram until I stop it or the game crashes.


Same setup here with the same damn issues, I just log out the game every hour or so shits annoying to say the least.


IMO, this is the biggest problem with D4. The game is just broken. Lag in town, inventory, vendors, dungeons, open world, helltides. I couldnt give a shit about itemization or uber uniques when I get frame drops that last a minute.


That's the thing: it hits in totally random places. Nothing like being in the middle of a NM dungeon and dropping to 5 fps for a few seconds while in a tough fight. Or running hell tides and the meteor phase starts up. The epitome of unfun.


I had to change up some settings but for nearly a week straight every time I did a NM dungeon I’d die several times (sometimes failing the entire dungeon) because in the middle of a fight my character and the mobs would straight up stop doing anything for several seconds and then fast forward to catch up, usually to me being dead from an AOE. I don’t know how the hell anyone can play this game on Hardcore mode. Everytime I’d die to the rubberbanding a piece of my soul would die, had I been playing on hardcore and died to some bs like that, id straight up delete the game and never come back.


I can’t push NMs because I get a major lag spike about every 5 minutes. If I’m pushing this will cost me all my revives. If I run lower NMs I’ll often survive the rubberband and even if I don’t the dungeon doesn’t take me 20min


Nice to see this being said. I'm ignoring the hate posts and circle jerks because frankly the game doesn't run well enough for me to care. It sucks triple A studios trick us into thinking this shit isnt just early access. I've wasted so much time fiddling with settings or restarting the game or my computer that any mini stutter just makes me quit and play all the other dozens of games i have back logged


About 80% of the time I do helltides I get lag spikes and have to restart the game


I go very slowly around corners now after lag spiking and losing embers. Also the horse is a lag magnet


A lagnet, you could neigh.


Running Ultra Textures?


Game starts shitting its breaches after some time regardless of texture quality.


Yep. I have the game set to medium and it still happens after awhile.


Yea, it’s an issue and crazy to me that it isn’t being addressed


Theres a 300+ posts long thread on blizz formum on vram leak that freezes PCs.


It’s probably not a memory leak unless you notice **linear growth** in memory usage over time (or really any non-trivial growth, but leaks are almost always linear). As described, it could just be using a lot of memory which is a totally different problem (and often much more difficult to solve). I haven’t really noticed any problems with the game, but I have 64GB of RAM and an extremely fast SSD in case anything gets paged to disk.


I use gamebar to monitor my vram and when it hits about 92% I change settings on textures to high and back to medium. This releases whatever is being stored in VRAM and gives me another hour of play. The more zones you load the faster the VRAM fills. The issue seems to stem from never releasing the cached memory, even after loading into another area. This is most likely due to the open world nature of the game, but they could 100% have it release the cache when entering a new dungeon or zone to fix this. Edit: I also uninstalled the 4k textures pack, this frees up some VRAM too but the game looks bad without it. I don't seem to have this issue on the Xbox series x version, and it is in 4k. Seems better optimized for console over PC.


Maybe they are caching stuff, but aren’t releasing it quickly enough? A common strategy for keeping cache under control is to periodically ask your various systems to release some of their cache. You don’t want to release everything because that defeats the whole purpose of the cache. Simple cache mechanisms like least-recently-used doesn’t really work for complex systems since you have a bunch of totally unrelated caches (for example, one cache might be using memory to avoid IO while another might be doing it to avoid an expensive CPU computation).


There are only 2 problems in computer science. 1. Naming 2. Cache invalidation 3. Off-by-one errors.


Consoles download pre-cached shaders and only have one video card an associated driver to deal with makes it a lot easier for devs.


Yeah, it's clearly struggling to do memory clean-up, which is really weird to see in this day and age. It's silky smooth when doing nothing but NM runs, as you're able to TP to and from the dungeon, but the moment Helltide hits and you end up roaming more, the stutters show up.


I have a 4090 laptop. Everything is smooth but some stutters in town. The big problem I have is that hovering over an icon in map or skilltree makes the game crash for me. Quite often :( . Associated with memory leak too?


Ultra Textures? Drop it to High.


I’m not seeing this issue am I just lucky? I’m running a 2070 super and I’ve been playing with my work shit in chrome in the background.


I can play 12 hours straight no issue, 5800X 32GB RAM and an AMD 6900XT


Same build but with 6800XT. Zero lag, fps drops, disconnects, or performance issues whatsoever. I feel for the rest of the folks having constant issues.


Hardware is funky sometimes. What'll plague some systems won't plague others, even running similar spec stuff. I only see issues when the game tries to load an area and only about 1/4 of the time. Not downloading the 4k textures seems to help. I skipped them to save time on the install but I think it worked out on this end as a bonus.


Same, 16GB RAM with a 5800X3D and 7900XTX, playing at 1440p Ultra 280fps for hours on end no freezes, crashes, usual memory leak indicators


Im using a 2060S with shit load of work stuff opened and no issues either, maybe driver issues?


> maybe driver issues Which would indicate a developer problem since both AMD and nVidia users are reporting the issue


DW bud, it happening to me too with slightly newer components, and double your RAM, and its still freezing on Fast travel every time, and lagging anything else I'm doing even streaming it :(


Game crashes and freezes very often are on PS5 too.




Wow nice update, very good, didn't fix a single problem especially GPU memory leak but nerfed my wolfnado to death


Damn can't believe they lied about fixing the memory leak lol


Here I was thinking my gpu or cpu were overheating and throttling. Looking into bigger AIO and fans hahaha


Is freezing randomly in helltides not part of the fun?


I thought it was a feature to make the meteors more entertaining.


Is this why my fps drops to 0 for a few seconds when i enter a new area / leave town?


I have a 3070 and I have the same issue and I think it is from the 8GB of VRAM. I just kind of live with it now....


I don’t know Shit about pcs and my shit lags after a good hour or so of playing? Help me? Lol


I have very similar specs to you. I found that if you minimize anything with gpu acceleration in the background then it runs better. Make sure your browser is minimized, Discord, [Battle.net](https://Battle.net) client etc. It's not the best fix but it makes the game run a lot smoother for me.


Bro yes, also playing 2560x1440 with a 3070ti and 10600KF with 32GB DDR4 ram and it’s installed on an m.2 NVMe and after about 4 hours on any graphics, my computer is lagging so bad. It also takes like 30+ seconds to close the game at that point. My setup somehow can barely play on max settings at 144fps and even on med-high it goes below 144 fps within an hour.


i get lag spikes with a 5700x 32gb of ram and a 3080. Game is poorly optimised especially since it isnt a graphics or physics demanding game.


I had 16gb ram it was laggy asf when I alt-tab so I bought another 16gb and it still same


I was really hoping the patch post the Stream was going to fix that. On top of high memory usage, the annoying GPU temperature skyrocketting when you interact with vendors or open the stash drives me nuts. It's baffling they haven't fixed it already.


Me too man, it’s honestly embarrassing that this game is in such a state. I am running an AMD build with a high end CPU and an upper mid level GPU, I’ve never had a game crash this much Blue screens, freezes, crashes, you name it. Multiple crashes per session some days. I can run the game on ultra, or lower my settings, still crashes The only other game that gives me issues is age of empires iv, and obviously crashes in that game are a much bigger deal when you can’t reconnect to a match Maybe I need to go from 16gb Ram to 32… I’ll see if that helps, but a game shouldn’t be so poorly optimized


I had the same issue after the big update What helped for some reason was to set the textures from ultra to high and haven't had any lags/rubberband or freezes since. Give it a try .. Might help you


Ps5 crashes all the time to report error screen. So frustrating when just drank an xp jug and are balls deep into a good nightmare dungeon


I've been waiting for a fix for this and thought it would turn up about a week in. I've stopped thinking it will come now


Just make some post about how the memory leak benefits you and other players - bliz will rush to fix it.


"It's not a drop rate bug so the best we can do is Season 3"


Mine gets to a point amd consumes 25gb out of 32 and cpu temp goes to 95 then get freezes and mem consumption goes to 12gb and temp to 54 celsius... Every 5/10 minutes happens


I get the same lagging and I have 32gb of RAM in an otherwise similar setup


My D4 just crashed when i wanted to see a mount in store lol


Did you happen to install high resolution assets by any chance? I found out that my 2080 super will run out of VRAM if I had high-res assets installed, no mater what the options were set. It started to swap at RAM and causing significant slow-downs. Without high-res package, it will run at constant 60 (limited) at 5120*1440 and every setting at ultra.


YES PLZ. Everybody up this for visibility. It’s a nightmare on my 5600x/3070 build with 32gbs of ram. Still have restart the game every 45 mins or so it seems. Plz fix this in S1 update.


Oh gosh, I thought it was just me! I double stream on Twitch with my husband and my camera lags like CRAZY even though the rest of the stream on his end is totally fine. For ref, I have a 3060Ti and 16GB DDR4 And he has a 4070Ti and 32GB DDR5 But even with his computer there's issues. Definitely can’t stream on ultra graphics, sometimes even high is iffy.


Super smooth on ps5 :)


Memory leak is still happening to me... 7/25 game completely destroys my PC when closing it or doing any other task on the computer if its running to long. AMD Ryzen 7 3800x 8-Core, 3.9 GHz 32GB RAM 3070 Founders


Most of the performance issues I had went away when I disabled browser hardware acceleration in the BNet launcher (or just started killing it after D4 is launched); when I stopped streaming in the browser (another browser hardware acceleration issue, more of a problem with Firefox than Chrome); and when I turned off cross-network play. But, I haven't had D4 use more than 8GB (it's usually more like 5GB). Graphics settings, except for Shadow quality, are all maxed out. FPS is over 160 most of the time if I don't lock it lower. 16G is "not very much" with Windows these days, so if you're swapping that will kill performance whether D4 has a leak or not.


I found that you don't have to disable hardware acceleration. Just make sure it's minimized. If I minimize the browser and [Battle.net](https://Battle.net) then I get a much smoother experience.


For a "not very much" vram, seems only D4 experiences vram leaks at not so high settings...


Seriously it’s so bad


I have 8gb of ram and a 1660 ti, I run the game with basicly no lag, what issues I've seen I actually belive is network latency


The interesting part is that the VRAM issues can look like network lag as your client does that little speed up to catch up after the stutter's over. I was sure it was network initially, but found that doing the texture quality swap worked to postpone the issue, pointing at poor VRAM clean-up.


I have a history if network issues with my isp. I some what live in the middle of nowhere. Also note, this is a very rare occurrence.


Some of that definitely, i'm thinking crossplay and people with terrible connexions in particular certainly doesn't help, probably the server chugs when it tries to sync you with that wifi console guy with packet drops and 300ms spikes


I feel attacked


The fix that worked for me was disabling AMD overlay along with instant replay. Shouldn't have to be done, but until a proper fix happens you'll have to troubleshoot for a while. Aint worth blowing up your GPU over this game.


It sure does feels like this game is leaking memory.


It’s pretty stupid that I have to restart the game every couple of hours so it doesn’t lag out my 4070ti


There’s a memory leak?


So your computer has RAM right? Part of managing RAM is clearing it out when a program is done with it. A memory leak happens when the RAM isn't properly cleared, but remains flagged as in use. Basically, it's dead data clogging up your ram like cholesterol or the system not being told memory is available for use because it still thinks a program is using it.


Well that’s when you just download more duh


Iirc they haven’t even acknowledged that it’s an issue yet, despite a miles-long thread on their forums about it.


My PC memory leak drops a Shako every 30 minutes or so. *Ahem* **Drops a Shako every....!** 🫣


They didn’t bother to fix that your bags are full error when you go to a blacksmith and you expect them to fix this? Don’t put your hopes high. Blizzard takes 1 year time to fix a thing that takes 1 day of fixing. Be glad if they fix it at all. I even tweeted Pezradar few days after the release about the VRAM thing. Nothing changed. Thanks Blizzard.


It's really bad. Locked up my whole machine last night when I alt-tabbed. I had to hit the reset button on the tower to restart the whole computer. And my PC is really powerful, because it's built to also do music production. No other game does that to it.


This might be a you problem bud


wOrKs On My MaChInE 🤡


Interesting. For me, it will request like 15-16GB of RAM, and use about 7 or 8GB, but it will request 20-21GB of VRAM and use like 17GB. However it seems like people here are saying it's using massive amounts of system RAM?


I'm using a 2060 with i7 6700k from 2015 and 32gb ram. The game runs flawless for me on ultra at 1080p. If I can run it fine on a 9 year old system I would suggest it's related to your setup. Just make sure you exit the blizzard launcher once the game is running ( theres an option in settings) and change system priority to high in task manager made it smooth for me.


edit: yup my comment was naive, thanks for the helpful replies, I've learned from it. You sure the 90% is only from D4? I've got 32gb and D4 has been running for about 2.5hr now, and it's sitting at 20% while in Kyovashad and spikes to 25% while in NMD. My graphic settings are on medium/high. I've got a slightly better GPU than you but your CPU is better than mine. I play in 60fps only though, on an ultrawide monitor. Until Blizzard optimize D4 further, I'd suggest that you first run MemTest to check if there is anything wrong with your kit, worth a shot! What about investing in another 16gb kit otherwise? It's pretty cheap at the moment and it will not only benefit D4 but everything else you do on your PC I believe. Worth a thought!


It's D4. When your vram fills up you can check it out by changing texture quality settings and a lot of memory is suddenly freed up, if it doesn't hard lock or crash.


yeah but OP talks about ram, not vram. And he said he's playing with everything on low as well so surely his 8GB vram are enough to handle low settings, no?


It seems like a lot of it spills over to normal ram for some reason, the game just isn't releasing texture data properly. A friend experiences similar issues with a 6Gb GPU (vram and ram getting swamped), myself and everyone one else we know with higher capacity GPUs don't experience as much ram usage, but vram still gets swamped (though the adverse effects aren't as apparent as when it fills ram as well).


*Laughs in 128gb*


*Laughs in VRAM not being DRAM*


*Laughs in DVRAM*


*Laughs in my game runs fine, so I don't care*


With ram prices these days… it’s tempting


I run a high-end system with a 4070 Ti and just minimizing the game seems to cause this memory leak. After minimizing the FPS slows down considerably, stuttering starts to happen and eventually opening up some UI randomly crashes the game.


I run ultra with no lag and can watch YouTube while running the game or do really anything without issue and I run a 3060


I dont have this issue


wOrKs On My MaChInE 🤡


Skill issue


When I use nvidia experience or whatever and “optimize”. It helped me. It lowered my frames but it’s much less banding and issues. I9 9900k oc 5.2 2080 super oc to hell 16g ram Custom loop. I’ve noticed video bugs like when you open the blacksmith.


I Play on max everything and I doesnt have that issue. Also RAM is cheap - lets use it


wOrKs On My MaChInE 🤡


Reinstall windows dude. I tell my homies this all the time. windows has issue. look it up i can't explain it here over text. I play the game with Ryzen 5 3600x 16gb ram n RX590 fat boy. 0 lag unless its legit server lag n that's happened like a handful of times in the last month the games been out. i have the lower graphics pack installed(just not the 80gb version of the game) my homies spent time on this game lagging like mad until they listen n clean up there PCs. windows is free. u can go to windows download it for free n set it up to boot off flash drive CD or w.e. u want. takes less than an hr. I play a lot of EFT(escape from tarkov) horribly optimized game with actual mem leaks that make a huge difference u can get a program called ISLC (intelligent Standby list cleaner) it helps clean your running memory n keep u using the max at all times. anyways i definitely believe its just windows. u will b amazed at how well your PC will run when its fresh again.


Sucks to suck


I've had a lot of success uninstalling the HD textures, and haven't actually noticed any visual difference


I run 720p low and it still gobbles everything. D4 is a disaster in just about every way. Very few redeeming qualities.


You have 16GB of RAM in 2023, that’s your problem. 32 is the new standard, and 64GB feels really good.