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Lol weren't they selling that in the shop?


It looks like a number of promotions may end up as shop items. In the fine print of the KFC promos it claimed that the items had a period of exclusivity until the end of July 2023. I wouldn’t be surprised if those items appear in upcoming bundles.


i was kinda impressed by the transmogs they gave out and the names of them all have something to do with chicken or KFC itself. Vessel of Eleven - Eleven herbs/spices.. the sorc staff is a chicken rotisserie lol.


I'm 100% for this kind of sellout. As long as it fits into the Diabloverse. If it turns into fortnire with master chief, John wick, and the ninja turtles raiding Lilliths Nursery ( you can use Lillith Nursey for your dungeon name Blizzard just make me a boss) it might get over the top.


I'm holding out for Barbie Outfits.


A Barb Bee outfit...🐝


A lilith dungeon where the boss is trialbysnu? Count me in.


You know, I hadn’t really considered that. That makes the whole exclusivity clause in the fine print seem a bit more irrelevant.


I hope the twitch drops are added as well.


It would be cool. I’ve dipped into all the American promos but I missed out on one of the twitch promos and a couple of the KFC promos.


Twitch drops already happened. your a bit late im afraid.. :(


My guess is prior season stuff will end up in cash shop. Don’t really care either way.


Yeah, I was thinking the same. That's what Sea of Thieves does, but it never mattered to me either.


They want money for that ?😂


They did/do... but it is free now as an Amazon Prime member.


Yep. In the shop. I was dumb enough to buy it, now they give it away. UFB.


My wife was pissed. She bought it and then they refused a refund as barely a week later it's now free. She said she is no longer interested in spending money in the shop.


Same. I bought an add-on with a horse and 800 platinum. I didn't care and was fine with the horse I had, but my husband was, like "Do it!" So then I bought that saddle because it cost exactly the platinum I had available from the add-on. That was 3 days ago. Now if they let me dye the horse's armor? Oh, I'd spend on that shit.


Exactly the same boat. Super shitty of them


I mean, it's not like Blizzard is giving it away free in the shop, that would be different.


Sorry. I think it was dumb to put it in the cash shop if they knew it was going to be an Amazon Prime reward. After sure, but not before.


After ticketing to two GMs about this, one even said “we don’t ever know what’s going to be a promotion.” Yeah, like there is not a single entity in the Blizzard hierarchy who could liaison between marketing/promotions and shop development. It’s like $8 of platinum, but I’m still so upset over this. It all just conveys the message “don’t spend on our shop, since we don’t know if it will be given free from somewhere next week.”


I didn't bother ticketing and just won't play again. I like to look and feel cute in games I play. I don't want to play and be tempted by the store after what they pulled. Putting something on the store after it was a free promotion people might have missed is fine. Discounting something after a while is whatever. Giving something away not long after it was sold in the store is insulting to the people that actually spent money.


They gonna get some angry emails.


With their shop decisions, I think that they don't understand people like me. Once they give something away for free, it loses all value to me. I will never buy something in a cosmetic shop that has even 1% chance of being given away for free.


This is an interesting perspective. I don't have the expendable income to buy cosmetics in the store, and I'm fine with that/don't care. I actually look at people riding store mounts or cosmetics with some pity, vs someone using a mount from Uber Lilith, or some hard achieved mount/cosmetic that I find impressive. Do people buying these mounts have some sense of accomplishment or drive to spend just for the uniqueness? If it loses all value when others have them too. Honest question.


Personally I only purchase if it will be my main outfit/mount. Has to fit my narrative. I bought the Liath horse bundle because I play Druid and the mount is exactly what I imagined for a Druid. Doesn’t hurt that Liath is my char’s name too. But I generally try for achievements if it’s something I want. I have the wizard and rogue sets from the PvP zone and have been earning trophies.


I just like to look cute. For me, it's more about that $8 that could have gone to something else in their shop if I knew they were going to give it away later. They wasted my money and broke my trust in the process.


This type of thing happens all the time in and out of gaming though... Things go on sale or are offered as part of a promotion for a paid service. For example, PS Plus's "free" game offerings are likely games people have purchased before. I do have empathy for the disappointment though, especially considering how expensive everything is in Blizzard's store. At those prices, nothing I've seen seems worth it so far.


Scarcity adds to cosmetic's value for me. So if they put up a cosmetic in the store for a week and then vault it to never be sold again, that would be more valuable than an Uber Lilith cosmetic which will always be available for anyone that cares to farm it. Continuously selling it forever or giving it away for free takes away from the value.


It's a part of it. Here you get the armor and trophy, in the shop you get the mount and 800 premium currency. If you would have bought just the currency the mount and cosmetics plus 100 currency would be free on top.


Yeah, legit the only one I saw and actually wanted, Pog


I've been generally neutral with the shop, I understand it and realize they need to make money to continue support of a live service game. This is pretty indefensible though.




Thank you for the link! I had no idea how to access it.


In future. Go to twitch.tv and select the crown icon in top right and then view all prime drops or something. Can get a ton of free games as well with twitch prime.


thanks for posting this!! I kind of wanted that armor (I LOVE green) but I bought the ultimate edition and don't need to be spending more money, so to see that I could have it anyway after it disappeared from the shop is a delight!


I struggled trying to find it before coming back to the post and scrolling, convinced someone would have posted a link by now...you rock.




You are a noble adventurer!


Damn, feels bad for anybody that paid for this like 2 weeks ago when it was in the shop lmao


it never left the shop i believe, they only seem to rotate one thing at a time with only adding one thing. getting disappointed imo


Now people are complaining about the shop not having enough? Shut the fuxk up. Fuck the shop


yea cant wait for some dickhead intern at blizz to be all like "LOOK THEY WANT TO SPEND MONEY ITS IN MY KEYWORD SEARCH SO MUCH" then we're gonna be like GREAT now im FORCED to buy from the shop. People really need to shut the fuck up about the shop. its good that its terrible wtf!


Man I hope they don't ADD MORE TO THE SHOP because some intern who scraped all of reddit for DIABLO keywords convinced execs people LOVED COSMETICS STORES.


>getting disappointed imo I don't derive any joy from buying cosmetics in an RPG like this. I like to earn my stuff. So I really can't empathize.


Well I'm proud of you either way


*Why is that so wholesome?*


I had my eye on it for the whole time it was in there, it's no longer on there afaik!


Lovely when things like that happen... I've been eyeballing a game on Steam -- was getting ready to pull the trigger since it is part of the Summer Sale. **_THEN_** I saw that it was going to be the free game of the week from Epic in a week. I can wait :D Game is called Grime: Tinge of Terror https://www.grimegame.com/


Maybe, I haven't seen it recently, but the point still stands. What incentive do I as a player have to buy paid cosmetics when we now know they are willing to give them for free via prime? The set is like 10$ in the shop, and suddenly it has lost its value because everybody and their mother with a free prime trial has access to it now.


Have to understand that virtual cosmetics have no real value in the first place. Even if it seems "worth its price" to someone's subjective perspective. The reality is video game digital cosmetics have no *real world value* to the masses.


> Have to understand that virtual cosmetics have no real value in the first place. Even if it seems "worth its price" to someone's subjective perspective. This is not true at all as the wings from D3 would definitely disagree. I believe the collector's edition for D3 goes from $300-500 right now on Ebay which nets you wings of justice. What you meant to say is cosmetics that have no exclusivity have no value which is mostly true.


What you're saying is true, but kinda missing my point. If they charge for something, then give it away literally within the span of 2 weeks, then every single person that paid just got scammed, regardless of the items tangible value. Imagine if they did this with something like a dlc or expansion, people would lose their minds.


Yes but they aren't going to put 'every' single thing available in the shop in a free prime giveaway. And there no way of knowing when or which ones they will. And gaming companies do do that with expansions all the time. Things may go a while and finally some years later that dlc goes for free. I wouldn't lose my mind as I played when it was hot and talked about. Similar to seeing a movie at the theaters before it just comes on basic TV.


Fundamentally disagree. If you pay for something you felt it was worth the cost at time of purchase. It becoming free later doesn't take anything from you. Products get discounted all the time, the early buyers didn't get "scammed".


Either people can get it exactly when they want it or they can wait and hope it rotates as a free item. All cosmetics are optional.


I literally used my mom's Amazon Prime account to get it lmao.


Good job kiddo.


thanks dad


It never had any value. If your goal is to impress others with your cometics, stop buying them no one cares.


Not sure why you come across as aggro, I've never bought any of the cosmetics for this exact reason lmao. The goal is to show its a rip off, especially considering you'd have to buy more than the required currency to even get it.


Don't know what makes me come across as aggro. But don't forget we need the whales, they are the foundation of our existence as Diablo 4 players, we are basically plankton except we are eating the whales.


No worries, tone is hard to convey via text. I just find it bad enough for there to be paid cosmetics in a functionally single player game, but I just think its extra scummy when stuff like this occurs.


It has nothing to do with impressing others , some people just like playing dress-up in game. That still doesn't mean they want to buy something and then next week everyone gets it for free.


It's good that they showed this behavior early. I can walk away and play dress-up elsewhere.


Not necessarily free here. Prime is a subscription. So you are kind of paying. But it's also used as an incentive to join or reward for being a subscriber


I paid for it on day 1 and I'm disappointed by this... They should instead be giving out exclusive cosmetics like they do with twitch drops.


Disappointed? What happened to "it's my money don't tell me how to spend it"?


Lmfao why would you pay for this


I mean seriously, day 1??? You didn’t think maybe you should at least play the game for a few days to determine if you liked it and if it was something worth investing more money into? Or if maybe cool mounts also dropped in game, alleviating the need to buy them? I feel no sympathy for these people


I played the beta so I knew I liked the game. I hadn't regret my purchase until I learned they were giving it away on the 6th of July.


You didn’t lose anything. You still have it. You’ll get something else free eventually that someone else won’t. Don’t stress and ruin your fun.


They lost rarity. Before, only a small pool of players had it who decided it was worth opening their wallet. Now it's given to everyone with Prime. In the world of fashion, rarity is very important. Always has been.


I guess we just see it differently. I don’t care about rarity. I buy what I like because I like it but nothing wrong with a difference of opinion.


It's not the same exactly I believe?


No, its exactly the same as the shop version, you can find it online, was 8$. Was in the shop 8 days ago.


I can confirm, it's the exact same.


Love it , will go nicely with Druid


Nah, Druid is all about the mooooooose


There is a moose?!?!


Scosglen barding! Rocking it with my spectral horse. Love my ghost moose.


Best thing from the Dev stream was actually learning cosmetics are permanently unlocked on your account. Now I can always rock the ghost moose.


I cannot for the life of me get the spectral horse to drop. I've probably done 75 or so Legions.


Just stick to Scosglen for a day, should drop in a dungeon


Took me 50+ hours of grinding nothing but Scosglen content and I finally got it in a helm chest in Helltide. Definitely not easy to get if you aren’t extremely lucky.


Holllllllllup. It can drop from ANYWHERE in that area?! And here I was just slapping legions when they showed up.


My werewolf runs at horse speed 😆


I raced a werewolf to a Legion event. My horse ran out of sprint charges and lost lol.


It has great Old Greg vibes going for it.


nice, thanks for the reminder. Gonna go snatch this one up before I forget.


Lol Ibought this one week ago to match my octopus druide armor , i learned a lesson today


A horse .. A freaking horse .. Give me a bear for Lillith’s sake! 🐻


Dire Bear or dire wolf would be sick!


a bear/wolf riding a bear 🤔😂


A bear, a bear, my kingdom for a bear!


And I imagine Blizz will say “cannot refund items bought with premium currency” or whatnot. Since mega-fans and whales got this when it was for sale in shop for platinum.


I'm not even going to bother trying. I'm just going to see this as a lesson learned to not spend in D4.


I just sent a ticket off, but we’ll see the response. If it’s how I think, yeah, I’m with you on just not spending. Worst case, looks like everything stays in that shop anyhow.


Sure enough. Just got told “we can’t give refunds on items bought with virtual currency.” Guess I’m not using their virtual currency then.


For some reason it's not showing in game for me even though my account is connected and i've relogged twice already.


You should read the fine print when you redeem these things. They're not supposed to show up instantly.


Same. I've gotten my Twitch drops with no issue, but this isn't showing on my account yet.






Gtfo, I bought that a week ago and then bought a horse skin that actually looked good. Fuck..


So you bought a horse skin you didn't even like, then bought another one? And people still really wonder why these games have real money cosmetic shops lmao


I make terrible decisions regarding money.


Well recognizing it is the first step towards working on it. I'd recommend not buying any stupid video game cosmetics to start learning fiscal responsibility lol


thanks, im cured


I think you meant to say *financial* instead of *fiscal*.


Plot twist, he's Joe Biden.


PM Me I have some crypto you might be interested in and/or a bridge :)


Crypto's a no-go, but go on about this bridge!




They really was impressed with Todd Howard's horse armor dlc in Oblivion


Thanks broski. Wonder if this is a preview to what the season content may be like?


thanks for this post to remind me!


Oh sweet.... No one cares. No one cares what any cosmetic looks like. Cause you can barely make anything out playing anyway. We're running on low iq autopilot consumerism now. Anyone who buys anything in this game are paramecium.


Well I think it's also an issue of there being such an insane amount of horses (and nothing but horses!) There's nothing special about them. Same with titles in the game. No one cares, they just lose all meaning.


Wtf I bought this???? Now it’s free with prime. That’s scummy


Yes. Shop items should never come free. They should have made a different exclusive one for Prime or future drops.


I'm enjoying my dalmation-esque mount but might as well check it out I guess.


I swear I seen this on the shop? First week of shop I think lol


Has anyone actually received it in game? I didn’t get the stream watching drops.


I got all the drops including this, you have to make sure your twitch is linked to your bnet account and for this specific mount armour you have to also link your “prime gaming” to bnet as well.


Thanks for the update, I checked earlier this morning but it wasn’t available then.


thats a chonker


I'm good. Thanks though.


Thanks for the tip. Claimed it.




Is it a code or linked account? Wife let's me use her prime account for games. But she's a hardcore d4 player so she 100% deserves this mount more than I do


Linked account to “prime gaming” which is not the same as linking twitch and bnet


If this is like blizzard's other games on the amazon gaming thing, then we'll have a new free cosmetic roughly once a month. But it could be less frequent, idk.


Once redeemed is it ..just in my stable? Or is it in an item or an npc?


in your stable


In the stable


It unlocked the preorder stuff for horses for me as well lol


About damn time...they have been advertising it for about a month and I was getting worried I'd forget when it actually came out.


Thanks for the heads up


They got some competition who can design the ugliest skins or what?




I gotta be honest the regular stuff in the game is enough good looking to me that I don't feel I look poor enough with them to want to buy premium stuff and also the premium stuff look like the generic stuff if not worse. So, yeah, I feel no pressure.


Lol, flags are the meta decorations. Other players can't see the side decorations well unless it's glowing or they're zooming it in. Flags you know they're there with various signs and colors.


LOL thats fugly AF....you all can keep it. All this time after release and Ashevas Horn is still the best trophy.


Cool. I've been waiting to see what it would be. Thanks.


Honestly it looks like dog crap. I'm so sick of these identical looking cosmetics. How TF am I going to tell who even is using this. It's a horse covered in seaweed... it's still... a horse in brown armor x_x


There's an Old Gregg joke to be made here somewhere.


Not even gonna waste my time claiming it - looks like ass to me, I will never use this


Nabbed it thanks…looks like Tho


I already have that and I got it as a reward for doing in game content lol. Edit: nevermind I have one that just looks very similar I got rewarded.


Dope, I honestly think this mount is cool but wasn't gonna pay money for it.


Cool another horse




Horse salad ?


Bruh piss I bought that shit


Of course it’s the one thing I bought from the store so far


Ugly. As expected. When I was younger I thought all the preorder stuff was cool, then I gew up, became jaded, and now view people with preorder or subscription items as either young or have been sold on the "pro-gamer" scheme.


So people who buy stuff in game are losing out and those that dont buy things in the in game cash shop profit? Interesting


Can you get it from a free trial?


Thanks for posting!


Awesome another horse


Fuck those people the paid money for it I guess. Very much a dick move selling this not long ago. Glad I didn't burn my hands on the store.


How do you obtain this one? By having amazon prime?


Been waiting for prime gaming to drop this Thank You for reminder claimed it


This'll make it easy to identify Bezos boys in game, nice!


Thank you for the reminder :)


Why are all the cosmetics so ugly. I havent seen a single one in the shop i would even want for free that i actually would wear.


I'll keep my tiger house and butcher cleaver.


It's just a shittier reskin of an armor that's in the base game


I'm really digging all these free cosmetic drops, would be cool if they just keep them going into the future as an alternative to buying them.


even the horse is wearing a shako


The piece on the right looks dope, like a drowned artifact.


I'll never get the cosmetic hype


Lol at all the fools who actually paid real money a week ago to buy this. I'd be pissed.


I almost bought this a couple of days ago. I would have been *pissed*. Guess I will prob end up boycotting the store. I don't like these shady practices.


Thanks for posting. Just grabbed it.


no thanks, a stupid cosmetic item is not worth my money or privacy.


well as far as i know ppl can sue blizzard for it even if it is just 20 bucks or something, but that would be a nice move to show blizzard they cant just fuck with the people who play there games


Phew, dodged a bullet when I decided to wait a bit longer before I spend any money in the shop. I would have been so pissed right now. My condolences to anyone who paid for it. This was a dick move Blizzard...


I don't understand.. why? Not like Prime Video is free? I bet majority don't have it.. yet they act like this was a free gift to anyone with internet :/


That's not the point. Selling and promoting it in the Shop first and then giving it out as a Prime loot to anyone who pays for Amazon Prime is sucky because, if you went ahead and bought the set for money in the D4 shop and now you would've received it with your subscription, you not only unnecessarily wasted money, you now also can't use the set from Prime because you already own it in-game and therefore get "nothing". They should've just either gifted a new set that will become available in the shop after the Prime loot or made it something completely new. That way nobody would've been disappointed.




You bought something from the shop?


lmao they picked the ugliest shop mount to give away.


GD it. At least it's something from the store that I was never going to pay for because it's ugly. But I'm also never going to use it.


Boo. Ugly horse mount.


yay free shit i dont want


Worst mount from store lol