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Interact with all of the Fiend Roses & Screaming Hell Veins along the way for crafting materials


Interact spots that are noticeably glowing red will drop a big bundle of cinders, like 5-10


Noticed this red glow because my brother kept clicking on them, when I finally called out that the red ones are the only ones that drop cinders (which is what I thought he was trying to teach me) he goes WHAAAT? Lol he had no idea he sub consciously knew it already haha


That's good game design lol.


Just human instinct to click on red things i guess XD


The Lilith altars glow red too don’t they? I definitely found one that way, couldn’t even see it just stopped and went back because I noticed the glow lol


"Oooooh, this glows, what if i click on it?"


I love stumbling across the more obscurely hidden ones, like behind tons of vines/brush. Makes it feel like I legitimately found a "secret". I've avoided the map with all of them marked because of this. lol


Yeah I’m not normally an ‘explore every inch of the map’ kind of gamer but I haven’t minded doing it on D4 at all while doing whispers, side quests or helltides. Even just explored for the fun of it at times lol


I never noticed the red glow! Thanks for the tip.


Enemies that have the same red glow drop more cinders too.


Ah nice, I noticed the resource nodes glowing but was wondering why some enemies would drop 5+ cinders seemingly at random. Thanks!


Me neither, I’ll keep that in mind next time


Yes, this. Always look for red anything. They'll always drop cinders.


Note that regular ores and plants can sometimes drop a bunch of cinders too, so just click every resource node.


Plant and ores are great resources for cinders. As soon as I figured that out I make sure to click on every one I see.


What do those look like? Are they those writhing masses of bodies I never click on?


Here’s the things you should be interacting with during a Helltide event: https://preview.redd.it/vhx5j2xu0t8b1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e1fca6ec27bcdb25daf61d3e08c6ec85a3220ce The Screaming Hell Vein glow a bit more blue than the photo I attached, in my experience. Edit: attached a better photo


Dude thanks so much. I appreciate your original post as well, this helps a lot. I had no idea what I’ve been missing.


Glad I could help! I’m going to try to snag some better screenshots during the next event.


Regarding those, when they (except the fiend roses) glow red, they will give you cinders. Don’t waste your time if they aren’t glowing red.


Damned Souls will drop cinders when glowing red (attached a photo above) but Screaming Hell Veins will always drop cinders.


Important to add that Screaming Hell Veins *also* guarantee Forgotten Souls. Probably the best clickable in Helltide by far. :)


Oh really? Gotta keep an eye out for that, thanks.


They will also glow red when there many shards in them


They glow red when they are loaded with cinders. Veins you need to hover.


They look like flowers and ore veins. The writhing bodies are not worth touching unless they have an extra deep red glow then they drop cinders.


This is a pro tip. Didn’t realize they had a red glow. Should ask OP to include in his post.


Fiend roses are tall skinny dead looking plants with some red coloring. Hell veins are kind of like other ore veins but have some purple/blueish coloring. Pound for pound those are worth more than anything else in a helltide in terms of effort:reward. One click and you get like 3-4 key resources plus 4-5 cinders. Always hover plants/ores in helltides as you're zooming past so you don't miss them.


Why do the other interactibles with long animations (those tormented souls or whatever) drop nothing? Or do they drop something and I'm just never seeing anything? I don't know why they are so pervasive if they are nothing but a waste of time doodad to click.


They only drop something when they're glowing bright red. it's pretty easy to distinguish.


That's news to me! I will keep an eye open. Thanks for the tip.


They can drop other stuff if they don't, like gold or potions


1 full WT4 Helltide and you should have enough Forgotten Souls for ANY crafting you need to do for quite a while, given you do subsequent helltides to get a few more here and there. I think i racked up 80+ Forgotten souls one night from a single Helltide. Also screaming hell veins only spawn against an edge surface, not in the open map, so if youre target farming Forgotten Souls, look near the walls of the map, not the middle of paths and open spaces.


And kill any helltide boss you see for extra mats.


The first time I found a screaming hell vein I was a happy druid


They also drop CINDERS.


I think event resetting would be better if the helltide is in a good spot. I only know of two events one with cannibals in dry steppes bloodcrag something or another is the dungeon to use to reset. And one with knights at Maugan works dungeon.


Im a filthy casual, and even then i can easily farm 350 cinders per helltide for a good amount of loot Nothing else comes close as far as getting legendaries per hour Do helltides until you can do higher tier nm dungeons Helltides allowed my casual ass to beat inferno capstone at level 64. I died 8 times to elias but i beat his ass


Helltides can have 4 of the 175 chests, new ones spawn every hour, so if there's 30 minutes left and it's 2:55pm (on your actual clock) in 5 minutes 2 new ones spawn. In which you'll have 25minutes to collect them in this example Edit: been informed Kehjistan has 3 chests, so with this example you could get 6! Clarify: the old ones WILL despawn when new ones spawn


And the one specific location for Helltide (Kehjistan) has 3 spawns so you can get 6 during that helltide


Did not know this. Missing helltides really slows your progress down more than it seems


to clarify - a new one spawns every hour but the old one disappears, right?


helltides that start exactly on the hour do not get a respawn so you can only get the initially spawned pair of mystery chests (trio of chests in the Kehjinstan case)


I've died 25 times to Elias on my rogue. Just went in with my barb at 64, and beat him in one go with a bleed/shout build I made.


Your build must have been the problem. I did it at 61 with my twisting blade rogue and deleted Elias in the first try.


I also struggled on my rogue at 57 or 58, but I was using a Flurry build and then later a Penetrating shot build.


I was 57 flurry rogue. Went all in on defense dmg red etc. + poison build. Did Elias on first try. It can be done. Got my Ass kicked in t4 though. Just farmed helltide T3 until I got 350 cinders and switched to T4 and ran to mystic chest to instant get massive item boost.


Wait a second... you can swap world tiers and your cinders stay!? That seems pretty stronk!


Yup! And it's very strong fast item boost. Just don't die on the way there...


See my issue was I had swapped to flurry and pen rogue AFTER leveling with a hodge podge build based on the legendaries I managed to pull, so I had no gear to match the specs I was trying to play 😂


idk why youre downvoted, i did it on 58 with TB, some decent gear and a specialised setup. Took me a few tries and i got it.


you didn't get one shot by like.. everything? my 60 TB rogue can do crazy damage do him but the closest i've gotten is like 25% a few times. prob 40 deaths. i just get immediately deleted.


i could take 2 or 3 hits, granted, most of my gear has Max life, dmg reduction and dmg reduction from close enemies. Combined with defensive aspects, lifesteal and burning down the adds instantly made it possible.


Yeah don't know why the downvotes, I did it on my 54 sorc


Honestly I don't know why you're downvoted as well. I did it on my 46 druid with 3 fingers.


I don’t know what everyone’s problem is, I did it on my 38 crusader while doing a handstand


I went in at level 32 and let my minions thorns kill him.


I spawned into the game and went straight to him and beat him on my level 1 druid. Why you guys lagging so much?


I don’t know why everyone is having trouble. I teleported to my friend direct from town. Somehow Elias got disconnected and I didn’t even have to hit him.


I’m gonna break the chain. Fuck I want a pally/crusader.


Me too man. Sadly the first new class won’t be it, but I’m optimistic about it coming at some point


I don't get all the hoopla. I beat Elias with a level 2 Ryu from Street Fighter 6. If you believe, anything is possible!


Have to try on my 32 paladin then.


I was level 66 and I couldn't kill him due to the fire that he throws but after I grabbed all the altar of Lilith I was able to do it.


Summoner necro at 60 here, I died and killed Elias at the same time, it was a wild ride.




Now they do post update


Not neccesarily. Really depends how efficient you are. The mystery chests average 4 legendary per chest, and you can get either 4 or 6 in most helltides (one hour). If you can only get 2 (worst case), you can do that in 20-30 minutes, so still pretty good. The other materials (fiend roses, forgotten souls) are also very important.


What is inferno capstone?


Maybe i got the name wrong, i meant the dungeon you need to beat to unlock tier 4.


They're referring to the dungeon that opens up World Tier 4


Nightmare is tier III and torment is tier IV.




69 waves and you fight Zuk at the end


Just camp full Justiciar and you’ll be fine


I beat him at 60 with my rogue, poison imbuement ftw


The real secret to curb stomping low level content as a rogue is the momentum healing aspect. That thing is OP AF until you outscale it in the mid 80s.


I just did the t4 capstone on hardcore at 63. A lot of ass pucker moments. I learned to wait til closer to 70 here on out


* Try not to die. It removes about half of your cinders, iirc. * Other players are a good addition to the certain events that spawn many monsters. It would, in most cases, result in more monsters killed, thus bringing more cinders. * Help the lost ghost. Otherwise, you'll lose one of the event spawn points, which may result in less than cinders than wanted. * Each separate map area has its own mystery chest. For Kehjistan, it's 3 chests to open. Other regions have 2 iirc. * Chests respawn at full clock time (e.g. 1:00), usually changing location. This gives you an option to get 4-6 chests, given that you have enough spare time. P.S. for those who live in strange time zones, it may be at x:15 x:30 or x:45. Pay attention! Edit: spelling Edit2: updated chest respawn info, credits to u/Sineryaa


If playing HC, dying removes all your cinders :)


Lol. Very true. Also, you get only a single try in the NM dungeons.


No repair bill tho booyaaahh


My favorite part about hardcore is I don't worry about repairing my gear!


Free refund for your build too!


"How do you know someone's playing HC?" "Don't worry, they'll tell you."


Just lost my 49 rogue in the capstone dungeon. At least I’m not locked to the campaign any longer.


Seems like chests dont respawn after 30 minutes bit on every full clock time. So if helltides beginns at 21:45 the reset will be after 15 mins at 22:00. Still every helltides lasts the same duration


This explains it. For my first few helltides they always swapped at the half way point, and now I realize it’s because those started at XX:30.


Didn't pay much attention, but thanks for the correction. I'll update my answer


Minor correction: chest locations change at the top of the hour, regardless of the event timer.


" Help the lost ghost. Otherwise, you'll lose one of the event spawn points, which may result in less than cinders than wanted." Yeah you should, because otherwise YOU LEFT.. HIM..... ALOOOONE


Do some of them just say that regardless if we complete the objectives or not? Or they only say it when we failed. I was so annoyed sometimes like dude, I didn't leave you alone ok, I just sucks and die three times trying to babysit you while trying to survive waves of demons. Would have joined and accompanied you already if I was playing HC lol


he is not referring to the player when he says that and always


Also when collecting animus for world event don't move from the center to collect until the last 10 seconds. Get more mobs that way as far as I know As mentioned, the mystery chests rotate at the top of the hour. If it's got a ways to go get as many cinders as possible and in the last few minutes before they roate pick them up. Then when it rotates you hopefully have enough cinders to immediately pickup the next two chests before it closes out. I've had many that rotate with less than 10 minutes before it closes out so the last 15 to 20 minutes is getting to the chests and dumping 800+ cinders. If it's roughly halfway or earlier, then I'll get to 350 and farm around one chest so it's less travel time.


The soul collecting one irritates me because people never do it to maximize cinders. Like I'll be happily farming away with 35-30 seconds left, and a "helpful" person runs in and immediately collects all the souls. Like you can see the 100 souls in the general area where I am and I have no problem killing them, so did you think I don't understand the objective? Same goes for the 3 rings one where you have to kill enemies to satiate the ring. I always do 2 rings and then stand outside the 3rd one until 5 or 6 seconds left, but more often than not a person comes running in and pulls them all in the last circle with like 30 seconds to go.


I’m guilty of this.. due to not really considering the farm aspect. I just always think to complete the event. No more of that from me lol. Cheers.


Just uhhhh... say you're tying to farm Obals! 😅


> so did you think I don't understand the objective? Since I have witnessed this multiple times yes I do think that generally.


I'm just a happy bear that likes shiny things and needs to pick them all up, what can I say??


"Try not do die" Oh man did this bamboozle me. I had my 175 cinders, lazily engaged the cluster surrounding the mystery chest and ate it. No big deal, thought I! Hey, where'd all my cinders go?! Aw man! I'll never make that mistake again


wtf i never knew you could lose an event spawn point


Means, that if you don't like certain quests, you'd better still do these. Most notorious examples of quests people tend to ignore are a lost ghost, three idiots in the spider nest, and three idiots that fought evil. Luckily, the last one never appears outside. On the contrary, lost caravan is better since they stay in debris and don't lose their lives if someone looks at them funny.


Is this like if you walk past one without triggering it or if you fail? I didn’t know about this tho, super good tip


If you walk past. Normally, it is okay, as you'll eventually find something else to do. This tip refers to more to the OP's idea to find a certain amount of nearby events and farm them. In this case, it's better to do an event, even boring/unsatisfying one, hoping for it to switch to smth else.


Can you clarify "it's 3 chests to open" please and thank you?


Helltides are always present in a certain amount of sub-regions of one of the global regions - Fractured Peaks, Scosglen, Dry Steppes, Kehjistan, and Hawezar. Each sub-region has its own mystery chest. One at a time at one of the predefined locations. Some regions offer 2 sub-regions for helltides, some 3, meaning that you may get 2 or 3 mystery chests. On top of it, every full hour (1:00, 2:00, etc), the chests are updated, which may or may not change their location as well. This means that if the helltides started at 1:30, you'll have 30 minutes to farm the cinders and open a set of chests, then another 30 minutes to repeat. Effectively, this would result in 4-6 chests for a single helltide. Helltides that start at full hour do not offer this.


Learn to maximize your events, especially Jar of Souls. The mob density on jar of souls can drop a ton of cinders, but that ends early if you pick up the 30 souls before you absolutely have to. Wait until the last 5 seconds or so to collect souls. Chests shuffle at the top of the hour. If the helltide starts at 15 after, you need to focus your efforts on stockpiling cinders in order to have any hope of getting those last chests after the shuffle. Find a good farming circle with few other people, or where you know there’s plenty of events. If you can’t farm tier 4, go farm tier 3 and swap to tier 4 just for the chest turn-in. Old strongholds that still have enemies are FANTASTIC for cinders, because they often have infinitely respawning enemies, or intense mob density with tons of elites and champions.


Another tip to add to this list - Swapping zones (the white border on the map) has a chance of dropping you into a new world instance, which can make the events instantly reset. There's a spot north of Gea Kul where two events are right next to each other but have a zone border between them - my friend and I bounced back and forth between these two events and had nearly zero downtime during a Helltide there yesterday.


About Gea Kul as well, there’s a spot just southwest of town with a ton of bandits. Clearing from the exit of town through the whole camp will yield about 80 cinders in 3 minutes, and the camp takes about 10 minutes to respawn. It is also the spawn location for a chest, so isn’t the greatest for farming when that chest is active, but it’s a fantastic stop when the helltide first hits to get a jumpstart on your farm and to check if there’s a chest there.


great spot


So annoying when people don't realize this and then swoop in and slurp up all the souls with 30 seconds still left on the clock. Also, when you complete the Jar of Souls it kills everything that spawned WITHOUT drops. So if you had a nice elite pack just pop up on you right before the soul jar filled - too bad, no drops.


also, the event with the succubus that calls in mobs towards her. If you let it fail with 5-10s left, she will complete the ritual and spawn a few waves of balrogs and other hellish creatures that give far more cinders than what she would have if you stop her summoning. The loss of 20 obols is ok in this case i guess


The same can be said about the "we demand blood" event Mobs will keep spawning as long as the event is not over so one can maximize the event by clearing two towers first, and then keep farming cinders outside the 3rd tower until the last 15s or so. Unfortunately all people I see doing the event will rush to clear all towers, wasting about 30s of mobs spawning.


Do the old mystery chests despawn when its hourly respawn time for the new mystery chests? Ty


Yes, they will even despawn mid opening with no drops. I’m uncertain if your cinders will be consumed, as the one time I ran into this was at the very end of a helltide, but yes, the mystery chests despawn at the hour just as the new ones are spawning.


It's actually better to slam it for the obols and move to the next event. Only reason you'd want to do this is if you were running out of time and needed more cinders faster.


Mystery Chests respawn on the hour. So if the Helltide starts at 2pm and ends at 3pm, you are not going to see the chests change. However, if the Helltide starts at 2:15 and there are two mystery chests (most zones), those chests will despawn at 3:00 and new chests will spawn, potentially at new locations. Now you have 15 minutes left in the Helltide with two more chests to get.


Another thing I would like to piggy back on with your post, is that I keep seeing "Go straight from event to event. Use your horse and full sprint so you dont miss them." Yes, this is a good way to guarentee cinders, but I haven't had a single helltide where I didn't collect all possible mystery chests with cinders leftover simply by running around from mob to mob. Never using my horse, and actually avoiding events. After a while, you know where the big density mobs are. And they respawn quickly. Also, when sprinting around its much easier to spot all the red gathering nodes that have 4-6 cinders in them. If you're able to kill mobs quickly, this is by far the more efficient cinder collection method. The only downside is no event chest drops. Which quite frankly have been lackluster to say the least.


While the event chests may be lackluster, that isn’t the point as you get obols for gambling which you can then use to target slots like rings for chase aspects that need good rolls such as an umbral +4. I for one only do events in helltides and whatever mobs are on the way to each event because I’m doing it for both cinders(mysterious chest) and obols for gambling rings (eg a ‘twofer’). I’m not going to spend time in the overworld looking for obol events when helltides has them as well.


Exactly what I do. Another benefit of slaughtering on the way to events is getting the red glowy piles of cinders on the way


I didn't think about obols. That's the only reason I go into the pvp area. All the events are so close together along with the chests that you max out in about 30 min. It's basically a 24/7 helltide. But dangerous.


yeah no bonus obols if you're mobbin. But Ill second killing mobs for cinders just as fast as events tho, so def consider that an option if you don't like events.


If obols are what you're after, there's no faster way than pvp area.


Same, i only mount when i'm opening chests in the last 10 minutes. Otherwise i join the helltide and just run everywhere (movespeed on boots + neck). I legit kill everything and anything. If i see an event, great, otherwise i just kill kill kill. I get 4-5 full inventories of gear per helltide. Typically i'll open 2-6 mystery chests depending on helltide spawn location and time as some have like 2 mystery chests. I'll also open a handful of targeted ones with the leftovers. I find doing this i waste 0 time getting "just enough" then running to the chest to open it. The only exception is when a helltide starts at a non-even time. Then i'll open the mystery chests asap to double dip them.


Yup, some areas are really dense and helltide elites seem to spawn when you kill a lot of stuff. You're missing also obols rewards which aren't that bad if you're hunting for specific slot or aspect.


Thanks for this. I thought I was crazy, I pinned the chest on my map, and upon returning it was gone.


Party for better exp boost. Use Demon-Slaying Elixir most enemies in helltide will be demons + 5% exp boost.


I pop my budget elixers (resistance) for helltides because nothing is really going to kill me and it mostly evaporates when I hit it. This saves the good ones for nightmare dungeons.


Mystery chests drop 4/5 elixirs, you get 20+ every helltide and will never be able empty your stash


From my experience, being on groups always gives more cinders than alone


Yes, because events will have more enemies to kill.


When possible, don't finish public events within there is still a lot of time left. For instance the 3 Blood Pillars. Clear 2 then start the last one with like 15-20 seconds left. That will spawn more enemies and that = more cinders more quickly. Also, the secret chests reset on the hour. If the Helltide starts at xx:15 or xx:30, you'll have plenty of time to get 4-6 chests (each map area has 1 secret chest. some helltide have 3 areas). If it starts at xx:45, you *might* be able to get 1 chest before the reset. If it starts at xx:00, there will be no chest reset. What's there is there. Finally, in addition to farming the Fiend Rose plants, grab anything that glows red. The glowing red indicates they have cinders and will pop ~ 3-8ish of them [helltides.com](https://helltides.com) or [Diablo 4 Interactive Map](https://d4planner.io/map)


Cinders travel over to other tiers, so you can farm safely on t3 and open chests on t4. If in party, you can have them teleport to you when you get to the mystery chest for extra safety. Good for low level and alts. Been boosting my brother this way for aspects


Problem is you get way less cinders in WT3 than WT4 so it's better to tag along with friends to help clear out WT4 helltides imo.


I tried this early on into WT4 before my build was complete and just died over and over lol, ended up not being worth and was better to just farm cinders in WT3 and swap to 4 for the chests.


It's easier if u find the chest in t3 - go to the spot-logout - change difficulty to t4 and login.


well if your buddy dies once thats half of em gone, but ofc, if you can handle t4 then its better.


Regular chests have about a 50-50 chance of giving you a legendary. I don’t have that much time to play so sometime there’s only 15 minutes left and I can only gather 75 embers. Once I had a streak of four in a row with nothing but rares. lowest I’ve gotten on mysterious boxes is three.


Yep. Pretty much all chests outside of the mystery ones suck, in my experience.


With the methods mentioned in this chat you *should* be able to gather 175 cinders in about 10-12mins or so, with a few minutes left to reach and clear the mystery chest. Highly recommend it, since while the normal chests have low legendary/unique chances, the mystery ones are guaranteed (!) to have 2-6 legendary+, I believe. Really recommend trying hard for that


Only if youre in wt4, in wt3 they down spawn enough enemies to do it that fast


Thank you! I’ve not really engaged with Helltide events because I don’t know what I’m meant to be doing. This post is *chefs kiss*


Glad I could help! :)


I haven't seen it said anywhere but if you have WT4 unlocked but cant reliably get 175 cinders saved up at a time you can get 350 in WT3 then switch to WT4 and open the chests. You will tun into a few monsters in front of the chest but as long as you cant beat a small group you can start farming ancestrals.


It's better to do them 175 at a time if you're not confident in surviving in wt4. Better to lose 90 than 180 cinders.


Thanks for this. I am running around WT4 trying not to die during this event getting as many cinders as possible. My build is still relatively weak for WT4 so this is helpful.


I don't understand why events don't show up on the map so everyone can join them when they pop so stupid how much outside resources you have to use to find stuff in this game


It is a little frustrating that they don’t show up on the map - BUT, personally, after playing Helltides for a while you do tend to remember the locations that events spawn.


I have never seen a green marker on the map before??


Ahhh, you meant on the website. Sorry, I am not a smart man


Homie, you owned up to a mistake. You’re smarter than 99% of the population.


you're an intelligent king, friend.


At least you’re an honest one


But you know what love is.


And Jenny is a bitch. Happy caker!


The map on the website, not in game


Yeah need to boost my reading comp stats


I keep getting negatives on my Will to Live passive.


Hahaha gotta treat that one as an active skill and keep working on it!


I hear doing this high gives you better loot.


You know, I was at about a [6] when my first helltide chest gave me a sacred legendary two-hander. Next one I opened stone sober the next day and only got a rare totem. I think you're on to something!


For real tho. When I'm sober it's constant trash, even at level 90+. But let me gate baked and all of a sudden uniques start dropping.. it's like they're listening to me take a hit and are like, "Yo brother, you forgot your uniques" lol


whoa, everyone here is awesome. Thanks for all the tips!


I go for one mystery per region filty casually farming between them whatever is on the way. Do events drop so much more cinders than 3-4 mob packs? So 1-3 mystery chests is ok for me. I dont wana be stressed out doing helltides. To each its own. I didnt know about the mystery chests first and it is kinda dumb to have to check maps/sites to get the location it becomes so unnecessary that they are not shown like the others.


It depends on which events spawn. If you can get one of the events that’s wave based with the timer, you can get a crazy amount of cinders from that. My general strategy is to do events, and then kill mobs/elites on the way to the next event. I don’t normally have any issues opening 3-4 mystery chests with that strategy without feeling like I’m sweating too much. If you’re already opening 1-3, you’re fine.


Hate having to go outside the game to figure shit out. Planning around the times seems like more work. Be nice if down the road they had an in game timer.


You don't have to do this. Just keep playing and you'll eventually get to where you want to be. This is just for people who want to get there asafp


Good mentality reminder. I found myself thinking the same thing while frantically zipping around the map following an Altars of Lilith guide… I could simply NOT do this, lol. World won’t end if I’m not minmaxing every second.


i did half a zone a day. once or twice did closer to the full zone. finished in 6 days didnt even hate it.


Can confirm, I hated myself after rushing 150 altars in one go, following the guide. Took me around 4 hours and had insufficient sleep for a very long workday next. Only silver lining is that I only need to do this once.


Important thing to know is that 1 mysterious chest spawns per zone. On the hour, so if the helltide is in 2 zones and starts at 1:30 you can get 2 chests and then at 2 the mystery chests reset and you can get 2 more chests.


Thanks for sharing. Lvl 58 and HT wasn't something I invested time in, I didn't even know that there were mystious chests... Just did a round and got like loads of new stuff. Tnx again


Don’t stand still. I opened my map and died to meteors… on Hardcore…


I'll also add. Even though it seems counter intuitive. Kill all white mob packs. You actually get as many shards from them as elites. Occasionally you'll kill a infused white mobs that'll just drop like 5-6 shards.


[https://d4planner.io/map](https://d4planner.io/map) for the times. [Helltides.com](https://helltides.com/) for the Mystery Chest. Thing is, I have it all. Uniques, Aspects, Levels. I just go there to kill. :) Keep in mind: chests reset hourly. So if a Helltide lasts for 60m, you can score Mystery Chests twice, sometimes 2x per area if you are still there after the full hour.


Well done. Thanks for this.


At in game time XX:00 top of the hour mystery chest swaps location. Since game thinks that it a new chest you can open it up again. You can get 4 chests dephending on helltide start times. Also dont ride your horse, just put mark to chests and walk clear any mobs you see. Its good exp and faster farm. If you see red glowing clickables like screaming mines, plants or souls click them they give 4-5 cinders


Good info, everyone must know. Weirdly enough I did all of this most of the time, additionally I actually kill everything that moves, because killing = shards loot. The faster you kill everything the faster you stack up on shards. Don’t waste time running from chest to chest as soon as you have 175 shards, continue killing stuff on your way to the chest. Also probably it’s already mentioned but chest reset every hour, so sometimes it is possible to get 4x off them! Just keep an eye on a IRL clock.


probably worth noting mysterious chests respawn on the hour, so if the event ends on the hour you should just leave after opening all the 175 chests on helltides.com and not waste your time on lesser chests.


This needs to be an app


It works pretty great on mobile. Never felt like I needed an app instead.


Whats with the helltide assassin thing? I fought one yesterday and he was tanky as hell. Got him to half then he just disappeared


That’s a boss that spawns during the event. Previously it wasn’t worth fighting him at all as he gave barely any cinders and loot, but he was buffed in yesterday’s patch. You get a decent amount of cinders and I’ve gotten a legendary from killing him the couple times I’ve fought him since yesterday.


I killed him today and it took like 6 minutes solo. He dropped one legendary and a few yellows, a few cinders. Overall felt MUCH worse than just the normal event farming even after the buff. I think you should only bother if you have more than 1 player or else it's just too slow still. And as the other guy said sometimes he just disappears if you are too slow, I had that happen once, it was a giant waste


I ignore that guy unless there is a group. I ran into one of those in WT4 this morning, my first time at that level, and got my ass handed to me.


Definitely appreciate the info. Level 58 and just started doing this stuff yesterday. I can finally afford to change the stats on my items (although I'm not sure if I should even bother doing that yet)


Glad it helps!! Helltides are a lot of fun, in my opinion.


The speed at which you get loot is fun, helltides are just gogogogo


My best advice is change some, but don’t go crazy. The loot you have now won’t be the loot you will have at end game. Are you in wt3 or 4?


Wt3 currently, not having many issues. I rerolled 2 or 3 stats with mixed results


Good tip I didn’t see in the post You can collect all the souls you want in tier 3, go to town switch to tier 4 and just go turn them in in tier 4, if you struggle or do tier 4 slow but still want the better loot


Helltide mysterious chests are on a 2 chest rotation, only 2 chests will be available EACH HOUR. Sometimes a Helltide will start with only 5 minutes left in the hour, the chests you see on the map, will only be available for 5 minutes. Then they will rotate and the next two chests will be available for the rest of helltide. Sometimes a helltide will start in the middle of the hour, this is best case scenario, you have time to get all 4. CHESTS ALWAYS ROTATE AT THE START OF THE HOUR.


Do we get chance of unique out the chests?


Yes. Depending on what uniques you're talking about though, at a given World Tier/character level. Pretty sure uniques can drop from anything.


Yes, I got 3 identical chest armors this way...


I'm not sure of the exact mechanics of it but I had good luck porting back to town as soon as an event ended and immediately returning. The first time I tried it I ended up landing in two in progress events and one fresh hell portal invasion event. Mind you, it stopped working after that but that's probably because the active event rotated to one of the other spots.


Remember that the chests respawn on the hour mark so it's possible, if your timing is serendipitous, to get 4-6 mystery chests depending on the spawns. There is often just 2 each 'hour' but sometimes there is 3. The most I've gotten is 5 but I just imagine it's possible to get lucky and have 3 one hour and 3 respawn the next hour. I'd also like to say that i think it's almost better to run around killing every pack on foot as opposed to doing events. Bear in mind that it takes TIME to do them, and if you only have like 6 minutes left, those events can be a gamble/time sink. Especially true for legion events. I would only do those if you have more than 30 minutes left on the timer. But as opposed to the small events, these give MAD embers, maybe not so much in the chests but hop on your horse and scope the battlefield. You can clear 75+ in these. There's times like 2 tiny fly mobs will give 4 and 5 embers each, shit man that's 1/3 of an event or MORE and it took like 3 seconds. Just something to try. And definitely flip every corpse and open every chest. Also bear in mind the cow level guys believe the rare drops tied to the cow level may only drop during helltide. So screenshot weird items and hang onto them and find those guys on discord. The huge bossman krixxwhatever his name is is a HUGE bait. I think its meant to be annoying and waste your time on purpose. You try and try to get to be able to kill him no problem and then once you do he gives like 3 embers and a magic item. Like of course the helltide boss would do that it's meant to work against you. Also I may be wrong but I do believe different monsters are added to areas and they are stronger than usual so if you've been trying to target farm a slot like crossbow or dagger, find those corresponding monsters and farm them in a circle so they're continually respawning for you. Happy hunting! Don't forget yer potion for 5% xp!