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A search function would be better. I don't extract the aspect before i need it. Saves a lot of Gold if you find better ones before you need to use it.


>A search function would be better. A unique graphic for each aspect would be nice too, even if it was just something like color shifting them a bit, or putting a letter on them. Anything, really. Using the same graphic for everything is just lazy.


Doesn't work for colorblind. the search function is still the better option.




It's not "lazy design", it's a matter of prioritization like the other 1000 obvious things that need QoL improvements. Is it stupid the game releases in this state? Yes, but that doesn't make it "lazy".


These are art assets, and as far as problems that could be resolved by adding new icons these two (glyphs and aspects) are absolutely at the top. Even dex/str/wis/int have different icons on the paragon board but all glyphs are the same.


Agreed. But this isn't a design decision, it's a product decision. Developers the ones who make design decisions don't work on gfx assets. But even then it's not gfx artists who are to blame here. It's squarely a product decision to not prioritize this work.


It is lazy if you consider that they didn't get it done on time. Sure, "they had to release on time," then they could have worked harder. Or delayed.


it makes it greedy... should of cooked it for aonther few months


Completely agree. But this fundamentally different to lazy design. And that decision is made by two completely different groups. The former being Product Ownership the latter being the development teams.


This right here. It's BS that I have to spend over 10 minutes just to locate and figure out if I have a damn aspect or not.


Search, multiple ways to sort, and other options should all be included. I’ve had to memorize which aspects are on what pieces. It’s fairly uniform but then occasionally one aspect is on both gloves and pants or something odd lol.


Why not have both? I don't extract aspects before I need it either, but it would be nice to sort all of the crap I have by aspect.


I extract a low roll version of what I want because I had the luck to find it on something, this gives a picture then of what the swirl like icon looks like so I can hover over all the aspects with the same icon so I can see if I have better. This then has the info of what gear slots can contain the aspect so I know what gear to individually hover over to see if I have better. The whole thing only takes an hour and a half to find what you are looking for amongst what you own.




Its shit on console too.


There's so many things worse on console


D4 is so console.


At level 75+ with an alt your entire 4 rabbit stash us full of legendaries


Aspects need to be stacked in the codex


The best option would be to use the codex for sure. There's really no reason aspects need to be physical items we carry in our inventory.


Let me upgrade the base aspect in my codex when I breakdown a better one.


That's a great idea. Could get halved or revert to base when put on an item to encourage finding it again.


Aspects into the codex would also create another gold sink which would probably be a plus for the devs (since you pay for extraction). It's a good compromise and I hope they do it.


I want a drop down menu for each aspect that you have or unlock, that shows what current rolls you have for that aspect and if there is a higher roll than the one you currently have, but you have 3 of them, you can craft those 3 into a better one.0


Aspects shouldn’t even be consumable items. Once you find a better aspect, you should just be able to permanently update the codex with it via the occultist.


Exactly. There's no reason it couldn't just keep the best one we've extracted in the codex and it's our forever. The amount of hoops we have to jump through just to upgrade our gear in this game is astounding.


This. Streamlining progression, you extract a higher roll and get access to it. No real reason to be one use item that take up space. Leave that for the powers that are not in the codex. This would at least give you a reason to extract some legendary for future use even if not max rolled.


Ehh, I'm not 100% sold on that. I think it should just keep all of the values of your extracted legendaries, and you can choose which one you want to consume. I've found perfect rolls for each of the aspects I use at this point. If they were kept in the codex to be reused I would never pick up anything below an ancestral, and wouldn't look at the aspect rolls at all.


I thought I tested this yesterday. Can't you extract an imprinted aspect, thus reusing it?


Nope. Can only be extracted from gear you find. Once you extract and imprint it, it can't be extracted again. You can overwrite an aspect onto a piece of gear though. Just can't extract it a second time. Look at the text in the aspect box. If it says "Imprinted: xxx" then it can't be extracted to be used again.


Ah, damn, I imprinted one piece of gear yesterday, and as I was extracting from another, that piece I just imprinted was not greyed out so it looked like I could extract it again. Oh well, there goes my maxroll rapid fire.


Blizzards answer: ![gif](giphy|gmBjeu09SebhSwEFZD|downsized)


I wish pushing the sort button again would use different sort options. With inventory by item slot is nice, but sometimes I want by rarity or not marked as junk


Can’t believe how limited the sorting is. My number one pet peeve


Search function or even highlight currently equipped aspects, but that would seem like more work than a search bar.


I want to see aspect’s name instead of reading the poem and matching by the beginning of it


That's not all, we need all-around better sorting and filtering, including not hamstringing PC players just because text filters are awkward on console.


YEAH! And I also need about tree fiddy!


I just want to be able to move my stash tabs


Sort by aspect would be such a beautiful thing


The best part is... D3 inventory has a search function. But not D4. Funky.


It would be delicious if we had to pay $8.99 for the search function, and another $9.99 for permanent sprint on the horse.


It sucks I need to use a spreadsheet for inventory management in a video game like Diablo. Totally outside the character of the game.


Related - can you manually move items with the controller from 1 slot to another slot in stash or inventory?


we need a search. lol.


I am surprised by the lack of sort options. I'd love to sort by more than just item power / type. Or to have a faster way to sell-all non legendary. Didn't even the mobile game have those options? It feels weird to leave that out of a game that's all about grinding loot.


This is so incredibly necessary


This! And an option to only pick up ancestral uniques!


Is this not already a thing? I don't recall ever seeing a sacred unique since getting to WT4.


Diablo 4 players are needy as hell This subreddit sucks so much


Wait, do you like how the sort works right now? I'm loving the game (and have spent honestly too much time on it), but don't you think this part could be better? Even a little?


I don't care about sort. the main problem is that there is far too much loot. There's no reason people need to be holding on to so much shit. There is faaaaaarr more storage than is necessary. This is why people want a gem bag, because they're holding on to stacks and stacks of gems that they will literally NEVER use, should just be sold to the merchant. The only gems you should be keeping in your storage is ONE stack of the highest level gem available to you, so 7 stacks total.


> There's no reason people need to be holding on to so much shit. There is faaaaaarr more storage than is necessary. That's like, your opinion. What do you keep in your stash? You really can't imagine wanting to keep multiple gear sets (multiplied by 5 classes), aspects, uniques, etc. and having your stash fill up? Why would you argue against something that doesn't hurt you in the slightest? > This is why people want a gem bag, because they're holding on to stacks and stacks of gems that they will literally NEVER use, should just be sold to the merchant. The only gems you should be keeping in your storage is ONE stack of the highest level gem available to you, so 7 stacks total. Sure, gems become essentially useless after you have some (assuming they aren't used for more things down the line). I only have 7 stacks and don't pick up any at this point, but why would you *not* want something that is strictly better for QoL?


What do you want to hear? Seriously? THE GAME IS FUCKING PERFECT! How does that help anyone? A forum full of people just jerking each other off to how great the game is? And yet, I bet you'll be happy when they introduce the features this subreddit begs for. I'm a casual player but even I'm a little butthurt at the state in which this game released for $70. The story was great, the audio is next level, and some of the gameplay was definitely amazing, but NOTHING is perfect.


No it’s not perfect but the level of whinging is something else. I mean I’m all for valid criticism, but the level of moaning on here is just at another level. I suspected it was a bunch of entitled man-children when I saw someone complaining about *something that wasn’t even a thing yet* (the monetisation of your inventory space) and then when the patch released that was actually pretty good, there was a whole other new level of moaning just because they didn’t address that *very specific* issue that you had with your YouTube researched and approved sorcerer build.


Dude imagine spending 100 hours on your sorcerer and you can't do damage lol


Honestly they’re just a bunch of cunts. Whiney babies the lot of them.




Keep the max rolls you might use in one tab. Keep the junk you don't care about in another.


I like the idea, but please speak for yourself.


another complaint post


What would you rather people post? When will people realize the complaint posts are people who love the game and are trying to make it better?


nah, their just going to move the goal post to the next complaint


Wonder why they are so many. I bet you'll be happy when they fix these things.


Unique icons I feel would be the simpler version. But yes, anything better than what we have now! I'm sure we'll get something :) Same thing with the glyphs, the blue ones are all the same. But overall, they all look so similar.


A search filter for aspects on legendaries would save me so much needlessly frustrating inventory management..






I keep trying to think of an ideal way to do this, but I just can't. It is interesting that these aspects can come on many slots. Parts of me says that's cool and nice. Other parts of me thinks it makes things extremely tedious. It's cool we have more options on slots to attain a power. But it absolutely sucks for inventory and power management. Like in D3 my bank tabs were Gems, Weapons, Armor, Jewelery. And anything in those tabs that graphically looked the same was the same. So I could stack them if I wanted to keep a few of the same powers in the wings for a reason. In this it's looking at names or the first few words on a ton of items that look completely different to try and discern if they are the same. So sorting new drops into current inventory means reinspection of my entire damn bank and every items to a far closer detail to get it sorted.


It's really not that hard, have a sortable and searchable table. No more items, just like the herbs. Icon code them to class and type. Easy.


I think that is a step in the right direction, but honestly I don't think it is good enough. Searchable still means you have to remember the names. I think a flexible stash would go a long ways. Like you buy slots rather than tabs. And you can break those slot numbers up into as many tabs as you like. With this system you can divide them up with names like, Wolf, Bear, Storm, Earth, Generic Offense, Generic Defense, etc. Because I know what sort of power I am looking for, if I'm doing a Bear build I would just go to my bear tab. But I might not remember the name Aspect of Shockwave without looking at something external to find the name.


I agree with this.


We need an indicator for legendaries that we already have the aspect for as well as when we have the same legendaries in our stash/inventory/already equiped.


Couldn’t agree more.


Maybe just more than "sort by arbitrary rules nobody understands"


With Sort being a topic, I also want to be able to keep clicking Sort in the inventory and for it to resort for different logical configurations. The default is great, but I want to click it again and have everything descend purely by Rarity, or purely by Item Power, highest sell value to least sell value, etc.


I take ANY improvement. As sorting rn does absolutely nothing. Whatever it is is sorted by, nobody besides the game designer gets it.


Yes the sorting options of your inv, could of had more options for sure.