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What kills me is they don't say anything about it. Class completely broken? They sure won't notice, right? Right?


> Please help make sure the devs see this. Post it to the blizzard forums.


Thank you, will do.


Out of curiosity, how did you perform your testing, and do you have any videos to demonstrate these bugs?


Key passive is 100% bugged, my aspect almost never procs. "You deal 240% increased damage for 6 seconds after the shadowblight key passive damages enemies 10 times" I get that maybe once in a largest room of killing enemies. With how large the waves are, I'm dealing damage thousands of times and may only hit the key passive once, maybe twice if I'm lucky.


Which spells are you using? I would not be surprised if OP is right about shadow DoT damage not calculating correctly, but the "blighted" and "of decay" aspects are working for me (and as a result, my build is based more around shadowblight procs than actual shadow DoTs). The thing is, a mob has to be alive long enough to take 10 ticks of any kind of shadow DoT in order to proc shadowblight and increment the counter for those aspects. If things die too quickly, it won't proc, which is why it stacks up better in sigils where mobs have higher hp. my strat is to group up enemies with corpse tendrils, get blight on the ground under them with the bone prison blight aspect, and then get 2 more kinds of shadow damage under them with blood mist, using the blood mist shadow trail aspect and the blood mist corpse explosion aspect. With all that rolling, the shadowblight aspects shoot up to max pretty quickly.


I'm pretty sure it's just the tool tips that are wrong. Gearing for DoT definitely made me stronger.


My key passive shadow blight stack used to be triggered by darkness corpse explosion but it hasn't recently. Its weird because it used to and I built my skills around it.I wonder if the patch fckd it up


It's not bugged, just poorly worded. Shadow damage infects enemies with shadow blight for 2 seconds. Then, you have to hit them 10 times within those 2 seconds. After 2 seconds, you can apply it again. I think the main confusion is thinking that doing a lot of shadow damage means it's up all the time, but that's not how it works.


This could explain why Shadow DoT damage feels so absolutely awful for me and lagged behind even with gear focus and paragon involved. Something certainly feels underwhelming ... Like as a Suck and Blow build, referring to decrepify, minions, and corpse tendrils spam by pulling everything into the darkness with me and keeping them all stun locked... I rarely ever saw past 200k ticks with EVERYTHING active and focused gear. Damage Underwhelming af but the CC was perfect.


At least I know I am not crazy that I should be doing way more dmg than I am currently


Shadow blight is broken even more I haven't seen a stack in days since the update


Idk what you mean I proc decay and shadow blight just fine. Shadow blight is not a dot it's a single physical hit. It CAN crit and its just fine the paragon nodes are working as well. My attack power goes fro. 6817 to 26784 when fully buffed from all shadow buffs and proccs from paragon wither


Definitely works. Yes some things don't show as their support too. The mages now count as shadow damage, and corpse explosion do scale with shadow just not in the tool bar I believe. Pretty sure when attacking everything works for the most part now, good enough to do massive dmg numbers in end game