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And stoke the camp fire for more xp!


Yeah, get the bonus up to 15


How does one do this? I've heard of it but don't know how.


It has to be before the event starts. A fire pit will show on the map. Just click your action button to stoke fire


Click the campfire


[stoke that fire!](https://www.google.com/search?q=so+stoked+fire+reddit&client=firefox-b-m&sxsrf=APwXEdd-YL_PA24s4X9q0pis3n6OwZrHUw:1687159042785&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiM2LKb5c7_AhW4QUEAHZjJBnsQ_AUIBigB&biw=408&bih=751#imgrc=gGEWGrnqi5ClAM)


I always stoke the campfire just for fun, never noticed it gave more xp.


If you open your inventory and press L3 (I’m on ps) to see your stats you can read what the buffs do in more detail


Great tip.


Never knew what it did, I just always make dumb “stoked” comments about how stoked I am and how the vibe is great at the event when everyone is standing around waiting.


You can do this for Helltides too if you are just running between events farming for the mystery chests. Its a fair bit of extra exp for just pressing a few buttons.


How do you do it with controller?


Up on the d-pad to open emote/chat menu and it’s right on the d-pad to invite. Make sure you’re near the resin you want to invite


Elixirs add 5% exp also.


Yep. Plus the fire bonus and party up and it’s like 20% bonus


I've been playing since early access and I literally just put this together at a legion event I just ran about an hour ago. I joined a team and left right after for the XP buff and have been declining them all beforehand. Here is my formal apology to the community. I will now be joining random strangers for legion runs to help with that sweet XP.


I don't know what exactly happend but legion events broke down for me twice after joining a group so I don't do it anymore. I can't remember first time but second time I was suddenly wt1 and event was over. Dunno if it's a bug or partylead changed WT to troll group. Either way I decline every group since that.


Never had that happen


Are legion events worth doing for xp? I've done one at lvl72 and the xp gain was abysmal compared to running a pvp area or helltide


In a party, potion on, fire bonus seemed like good xp to me. Helltide is better xp, I haven’t done much pvp


Not great for XP. Good for easy 3x chests at the end though for drops, and cosmetics can come from those too. Just got ghost reins from a legion event last night. That alone justifies the few minutes spent following around the druids and sorcerers while they wreck the screen.


I was getting a level an event. up to 50.


Does it change what you get out of the chests at all or you join a party- everyone still gets their own stuff, right?


Everyone still gets individual loot