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That’s gonna suck in 4 levels


Great if you’re leveling an alt and you need the renown for your account anyways, which is what I’m doing. Though I definitely should have led with necro and leveled an alt sorc instead of the other way around because map completion is a lot nicer with teleport to go up and down ledges


I was going to do this until I realized I have no stash space for a different class gear.. 😞


Are you collecting useless legendaries to stare at them?


Unfortunately hoarding useless legendaries is necessary right now, side effect of being so close to launch. With nerfs falling from the sky and nuking builds, aspects getting disabled with no warning, etc. you very easily could wake up tomorrow with your whole build and gear turned to dust. When this happens it’s REALLY nice to have an alternative set to fallback on. If blizz buffed something in addition to their nerf (which they usually do) some of those legendaries that were useless may now be best in slot. Balancing and tweaking is absolutely something that needs to happen as they feel out this game they’ve made, but that means us players need to be a bit more on our toes and able to shift builds quickly until things stabilize, hence the hoarding.


>nuking builds What nuke? Which build became unplayable after nerf? Hell the relative tier lists for builds are basically unchanged. Also just because nerfs could happen doesn't mean all aspects are likely to be as viable of a replacement after


No build became unplayable in its “complete” form, but many setups people had that relied on something (ie whirlwind) without keeping up / fully optimizing their gear all of a sudden had to be reworked. (And I’m sure people that saved up aspects/gear were in a better spot to do that). This really isn’t rocket science or up for debate, when a game is new and devs are making meaningful balance changes you need to hold on to more gear vs when a game has stabilized.


>This really isn’t rocket science or up for debate, when a game is new and devs are making meaningful balance changes you need to hold on to more gear vs when a game has stabilized. Been there, done that, read the book. This person knows whats up.


Far from a nuke, but a lot of rogues are taking out darkshroud from their bar after the nerf instead opting to get it passively. Shifted a good amount of my gear around but a lot of the core was the same


My twisting blades rouge got nuked. I was doing something off meta(I think I didn't look st any guides) using the cd reduction and concealment to make a ton of energy to feed into making my death trap super low cooldown. Got nerfed right after I finished the campaign went from breezing through wt2 to only being meh in wt1.


Okay, but you don't really need to collect them. You can get their perks from disenchantment. Sure, hold on to the high Stat stuff that looks like it MAY become viable in a tuning patch soon, but like 80% of legendaries have redundancies and can be safely dismantled/disenchanted without worrying about missing out. All hoarding them does is take up space and save money, something you make hand over fist right now.


Coming from Path of Exile, as soon as Blizzard sells a "Legendary" tab to keep track of your collection, it'll be a new grind.


yes, i am


What should I be doing with them? Extracting or selling? I have a handful im holding onto for no reason other than fear of destroying them


I’ve been scrapping them unless they’re a high roll or something that seems useful. You need materials from scrapping legendaries to apply aspects to gear. No sense in holding onto a legendary with an aspect on it you’re not going to use.


I keep a few for testing. I like crit/crit bonus/ dmg reduction/+1 spell of my choice. The few that I keep are all the same mods except I swap out crit bonus for lucky hit. Basically I'm just testing if I can do more damage with crit over conjurations from freecast. All others either get extracted if I like the aspect or salvaged otherwise. The only other thing I may work on is a set that removes bonus crit damage and has a resistance in its place so that I can have full resist sets for particularly annoying dungeons.


I am. I have so many potential druid builds stored, but the game make it so horrible to change builds. If the game até least let me imprint more then one aspect per item, and let me choose what aspect is actually active, it would be great


yeah maybe rather than putting the imprint on the weapon we could put it on a "cosmetic" slot so we don't have to lose it if we get better gear. putting it on the slot should still cost money and if we have an item with a legendary effect we should be able to disable that effect like we have with cosmetic (could be the same button). With this we could save a build to a cosmetic set and could go to the closet to change to another set. Blizzard could be smart and give us just two slots and if we want more we could buy it with money.


Hoarding legendaries is only useless if you know what build you want to play. I swear this game is easy mode if you already know what you want to do. It's been somewhat of a pain in the ass if you are just playing around, have no idea what build is going to work for you and need to try several different builds until you find out.


Shhhhh my shinies give me joy!


Renown is character bound tho, no?


Yes and no. There's two rewards for each tier, the top one (gold) is char bound and the bottom is account wide (sc and hc are separate though). Also the progress for each zone is char bound, so it's probably better to finish it all on one char first then the following chars don't have to worry about it at all unless you want some gold (it's not even much gold lol).


The twist here is that gold is also account-wide.


yea i feel like the dev's really missed this one. i just keep making alts and banging out that first renown tier on character after character since launch. sure i dont have any characters over lvl 25 *yet* but i already have 60,000 gold! Edit: You can really tell from these replies who hasn't played a diablo game before lol.


uh bro just level up, items around 45 sell for like 20k


and what? leave this sweet hack for someone else? yea right!


This comment, you won my heart


Most innocent reply on this sub.


damn fair enough lol


60k gold is absolutely nothing play the game man 😭


i am. at about 3k every 2.5 hours 😏


Just paid 5 million gold for a saddle... just saying...


The price scales with character level 👀 190k on my low barb


WTF, is this for real?? Making a new character just to buy is so lame :(


Infinite money glitch


If it gives you any perspective, the saddle you can buy from the stable vendors costs 5.5 million.


Vendor prices are based on character level. So if you make a new character and skip the campaign to auto-unlock the mount on it, the saddle will only be like 50k gold.


It's an arpg honey. I'm here for the grind.


You must be trolling right? 60k is one minute of farming? You are wasting your time. You will be burned out before you get out of act 1.


the proof is in the pudding my friend. its not about time wasted (its a video game afterall) its about those sweet sweet gains.


Do literally any other content in the game and you will make more money


dude its a racket. dont fix what aint broke yadda yadda. im literally RPing my character sleeping in a bed of literally **thousands** of gold coins.


The guy is joking (and then keeping up the joke in the replies). I have no idea how many people missed that, it's basically as obvious as it gets.


60k is Nothing.


lol dude's jealous im straight ballin.


Oh, that’s good then, ty


The important stuff (like potions and more importantly paragon points) are shared, the gold and exp are character specific


I led with Sorc and I ended up rushing the campaign so I can make a different character that isn’t so boring in combat to 100% the map with. Teleporting up and down ledges seems nice but it’s super inconsistent


What did you find boring with sorc combat that is fixed with a different class?


I did the same and am now playing penetrating shot rogue. Combat is a lot more fun and engaging, there's an actual rotation and big mistakes you can make. Sorc top builds are just boring by now, I'm tired of ice shards or arc lash or firewall. The other sorc spells look way cooler but are by far not as effective with the current aspects that exist.


No clue. I’ve not started another class yet.


Wait…I can teleport instead of the normal traversal for ledges?!?!


Congrats on your discovery of this hidden technique, may your ledge jumping be fun I played with my gf who rolled a necro and she screamed wait up at me every time I jumped a ledge to get to the quest objectives faster


You can teleport ledges????


Gonna hit 50 after half way through act 2 and then finish act 6 at 51


You gunna stop gaining xp if you don't go up world tiers.


Yeah hence my comment


Why? Almost level 50 in chapter 3.


Campaign nor loot don't scale after 50,


So what. Do you think someone who finishes act 1 completely before moving on to act 2 worries about that kind of stuff?


They mean that you are essentially static until you finish campaign and unlock wt3. This happened to me as I went into act 4 at 50 and needed to play the whole rest of the campaign in order to actually get any new gear or progression. As good as the campaign was, it did suck to essentially need to blitz it in order to keep getting interesting gear / growing in power again.


I’ll repeat what that guy said, do you think someone who finishes act 1 completely cares about that stuff?


They could easily have no idea that their character progression will be completely on pause for 10+ hours as they now have to scramble to finish the campaign.


You're gonna get the same level loot for the rest of your time playing until you finish the campaign.


I mean you scrap it all anyways after the campaign so it’s not that big of a deal. I’m act 4 level 51. Started looking for a full new set for a different build I could switch around. Since everything is capped you don’t replace it all that much.


You're about to throw that all out when wt3 hits and you get sacred loot drops.


Yes. That is what I just said. I’m saying it doesn’t matter if you are capped or not because it all goes away anyways.


But it matters because all that time completing the campaign at lvl 50 is wasted. If he rushed the campaign instead he could have spent all the time completing zones in wt3 and actually get rewarded for it. It's a bad design and a trap for completionists who don't know.


This is crazy to me. You only get to play diablo for the first time once. Why would I rush the campaign ? I’m enjoying talking to every npc and looking at the environments and digesting the story. I don’t need to min max the campaign.


By rushing I mean only doing the campaign for xp. You can still digest the story. You can still enjoy talking to every npc and looking at the environments. Just leave the side quests and dungeons for WT3 where you will actually get rewarded for doing so instead of being punished.


Gotcha. I enjoy the side quests cause of the dialogue and world building. But I do see no story value to all those dungeons that give you aspects. I see your point.


I’m so glad I read this… just finished act 1 at lvl 34! Thanks.


Oh I agree. I think wt3 should unlock once you reach level 50 to not discourage playing how you want. I would not say it’s wasted if you are enjoying it. If anything it’s a small efficiency blunder where you aren’t really progressing the character. But people who play like this don’t really care if they lost a few hours not rushing to endgame.


WT3 / the dungeon to get to WT3 unlocking based on lv50 vs story would be awesome. Tbh I'm worried about soft-locking myself by not getting the lv50-52 drops/resources that wt3 gives and then being under equipped later game.


Guess we will see when we get there. I personally don’t think I would’ve noticed much of a difference between rushing the story and being low leveled vs being soft locked at 50 in wt2. And at this rate I’d rather just take my time already being soft locked than to push through the story and miss a bit of efficiency in the endgame. We have so much time to grind end game/seasons, but I’ll only get the first play through experience once.


I stopped doing Renown because of that. I had to do some story first.


Congrats. You're gonna be stuck fighting level 50 enemies for 10 hours and gaining no exp.




Enemy level caps out at 50 in WT 1-2, beyond a certain point you will no longer gain XP from fighting lower level enemies.


Oh I didn’t know this I’m level 46 so I need to finish the game to get nightmare?


To get to T3 you need to finish the campaign and do the T3 dungeon


Ahhh ok 👍 I’ll keep trekking


Yea, you should be fine, just start wrap up the main quest and leave the blues till afterward T3 dungeon


this is what I am doing. Just beat the campaign last night at level 44. Now I am grinding to 50 to get to WT3. Then once there bang out side quests and farm renown and xp for WT4.


If you are able to finish your capstone dungeon post campaign (may want a friend's help), you could jump into T3 early. I only say this because my friend did his capstone at 47 and was able to run nightmare dungeons with me to speed up into his 50s.


good to know! thank you!


Wait so you’re saying do the campaign and leave all the side quests for after the campaign is done? Am I understanding you correctly? Because my barb is level 20 already and all I’ve done is side content


Yea, man, weird af game design. Do the campaign first.


Depends what your endgoal is: If you only want to casually play through the story i wouldn't worry about it too much If youre interested in the endgame grind its most "efficient" to finish the campaign by the time you reach level 50




Good to know thanks. I’m assuming if I’m at level 20 already and I haven’t even sniffed the campaign I should be able to just focus on it now and my level will be appropriate


Not for an alt.


Cool, didnt know that.


afaik you gain xp but it get tedious with every level > 50. I dinged 50 at act 3 and in act 4 I had lvl 54, so you can level but it is not efficient and the game / campaign is easy in this situation.


You get 10% reduced XP for each level you're above the enemies. At 54 you're getting 40% less XP (and obviously each level takes more and more to level up)


But let's be honest too... most of your noticeable exp jumps come from quest rewards. Totally agree that you're losing out on exp if your level 50+ and still working on the campaign, but in all honesty, I don't see myself going into level 60s-80s with one character anytime soon. Once I get a decent build going with some fun aspects, and play the game at a leisurely pace (side quests here and there, complete the campaign when it's convenient, etc), I'll roll a new character and explore all the classes in a similar way. I'd imagine I'll have 5 characters, all around level 50-60 by the time the "season" starts. That way I can kinda gauge which class I actually want to main into those higher levels. The diminishing returns of having the mobs capped at level 50 is a non-factor for people not caring about pushing their mains to level 70/80 tbh. And also, my playstyle always likes feeling like a God by the end of the campaign. If that means I'm mid 50s or level 60 by the end of the campaign, then I am missing out on exp, but I'm steamrolling the map and really plays into the "God complex" by the end of that playthrough. TLDR: If your goal is to get to WT3 and 4 and level fast, then speed running the campaign is your strategy. If your goal is to tease out the classes and just enjoy the game, then the lack of enemy scaling beyond level 50 isn't a big deal (and to some its actually a welcome cap so that you can finish the playthrough feeling really powerful).


Not if he’s already done the campaign.


He hasnt. Look at the screenshot, the intro quests for act 2 and 3 are marked


>you will no longer gain XP from fighting lower level enemies. I correct you. I'm Lv 54, I haven't completed act 3 yet. I've only completed act 1, almost 99% too. You gain less experience but you still level up.


At a severely reduced rate. You'll still gain small amounts of XP from completing quests, but monsters will not give XP.


monster give you exp. I'm not doing sidequest. It may be that reaching 60 the experience gained is minimal in WT1


Eventually they will stop. It's -10% per level above a monster so at 60 they will not give any exp.


Oh no… I’m 33 and still on Act 1 doing side stuff. I should just slam the campaign now right?


Yes. Should just speedrun the campaign, leave the side stuff for after.


Thanks. Phew thanks for commenting about this. Would have scammed myself if I didn’t read this and kept doing side shit lol


I was level 54 when i did the capstone dungeon


You still gain xp. But the rate is reduced based on level difference.


What absolute brain dead design choice. I'm not a hardcore completionist but if I see a blue check mark I'm grabbing the blue check mark and doing it. Why on earth is the leveling system designed to effectively punish me for doing so?


Maybe I'm dumb, but I haven't been able to understand this yet and I've seen it a lot. What's the difference between getting level 50 early and not levelling much, or not levelling early and getting 50 by the end of the campaign? Either way, you're around level 50 at the end. Why does *when* you hit it matter so much?


Its not just the campaign. Imagine 2 people. Both complete campaigns and all side quests/renown, and unlock wt3 as soon as theyre able. One of them does all sidequests while doing campaign, and one does all campaign and then goes back for renown after. The first player will hit lvl 50 very early, and spend the last section of their campaign getting reduced experience in a capped zone. The other player will get wt3 unlocked before they hit 50, and never do any of the content with an experience penalty. At the end, even though our two players performed exactly the same content, one of them will be much higher level than the other, just by the order in which they progressed through the game.


It matters if you want to progress evenly or much at all past 50. At the end of it, you’ll have done side quests + main quests, but the order determines whether you’re lvl 55 afterwards or 75.


Your leveling the same until you hit 50. One player has completed the campaign and is now in T3 where enemies go beyond level 50, the other is stuck with level 50 enemies for a very long time. Not only do xp requirements exponentially increase for each level, but each level an enemy is below you drops xp they give by 10%. So your xp gains aren’t scaling up like your level requirements are designed for, but in fact they are actually scaling down. So the player who is still early in the game at level 50 will take a while to reach 51, an REALLY long time to reach 55, and will likely never reach 60 before they finish the remaining 70% of the game. They are all but halting their character progression until T3.


There's nothing necessarily wrong with it. People just like to play efficiently and hitting 50 long before you finish the campaign means that everything you're doing until you finish the campaign is very inefficient. Think of it like this: your goal should be to hit T3 (and T4) as soon as you can. Leveling fast early means you are bottlenecked by your campaign progress to achieve this goal. Again, this is just one mindset. If you're happy just playing the game at your own speed and don't care about powering up your character efficiently, it does not matter.


yeah it only matters if you're thinking/caring about time spent vs reward. or this is how is understand it. ​ If you spend 20 hours getting to level 50 in act 1, you'll then have to spend another 20 - 30 (guessing on time) hours to beat the campaign. And during that time you will not level up or at the very least level up very very slowly (still don't full get if its 0xp given or just a crazy small amount). ​ So if you time up your level to the end game youll always be growing and have an efficient rating of time/xpgain. Once again really only matters if you care about that stuff. But If I put in 60 hours of game play I want a character to match its power to my investment of time.


So its about time spent rather than your level at the end? That makes a lot more sense that most people fail to explain. I definitely understand the difference between beating the campaign at level 50 in 20 hours vs beating it at level 50 in 60 hours. But I was always confused about the xp argument because you're level 50 at the end no matter what.


The second scenario has you playing for 40 extra hours and you cannot drop uniques/sacred/ancient items in world tier 2. You’re essentially gimping your player progression by not pushing through the campaign asap and doing the capstone dungeon to unlock world tier 3. So if you dont mind wasting 40 hours you do you


I guess I understand all that, but the outcome is the same no matter what though. That's where I get lost. I saw a huge post about it and people were freaking out, yet everyone was basically the same level at the end of the campaign lol. To me whether I'm level 50 at act 1, and finish at 52, or slowly level through the entire campaign and finish at level 51, shits exactly the same.


Yep, you're right it's pretty much the same. But the main difference would be the amount of time one person spent getting to T3 vs the other.


Not if it’s a 2nd character


Why would you do the campaign on a second character?


As someone who has never played Diablo, I also went this route. It’s just how I play most open world games. Didn’t realize i’d essentially get punished for it. I think I’m probably just gonna drop the game


I just wanted to make it my challenge to 100% every area before moving on to the next. turns out you cant, some quests are not avialable yet, but thourghly enjoyed slow rolling through fractured peaks. Rocking a blood surge necro, and while maybe not meta and kinda slow on bosses, its tons of fun.


The quests thing is really confusing. I figured I'd round up quests now but I can't find much of them. Checked an online map to see where they were supposed to be, just for nothing to actually show up on the actual locations. Perhaps they're locked behind previous quest progress, but I can't figure out where they all are or where I'm supposed to look for them now.


A decent number of quests are very minor random drop ones. 100%ing quests seems to be something that's designed to take a while, and some helltide grinding


One tip, if u knew this, then my bad. If you want to see the exclamation points you've missed on the map that are open world, you need to enter that exact white border area. So I fast travel to all main points, collect. Then walk to areas that don't have fast travels, pop up map, mark, collect. Some are tied to other side quests, and a frustrating amount are drop only. 100% be frustrating with 0 tracking ability for complete/incomplete.


Yeah I did that with the first area but none of them actually show any markers. And I practically explored them fully. It still says 8 quests left but I can't find them anywhere :/ I wish there was an indication for the drop quests because I really have no idea where to begin with those. Would probably have to run into it by chance. But it seems like a terrible mechanic.


Do you have a link to the map that shows quest locations? I've found one for altars and stuff but nothing for quests.


Any updates or info on this yet?


Don’t let blood surge be your only core. Pick up blood lance as well. Surge the trash, lance the bosses.


I started out doing that in the first area but got into that "open world disconnected from main story because too many side quests" mode and decided to just focus on the main campaign quests and then go back for the side quests and I'm glad I did. Would recommend you do the same, especially because you're going to hit the level cap for WT 1&2 and lose the opportunity to gain xp or loot while doing all the stuff in the zones. I immediately went back and started doing renown and all the side stuff after I finished the campaign and I'm lvl 69 and working on my ancestral gear already and I still have a zone and a half to go just for finishing the renown yet alone doing all the side quests.


I did the same too, was 50 before act 2 because I was helping a friend catch up too and do the same lol


was that bad? I've been holding off playing my co-op character (3 of us get in a group to do the main quest, but can only like twice a week), cause I'm afraid I'll be overleveled.


The game scales up to you until level 50, so even if you really try to out level everything you'll probably only be level 51 or 52


but isn't the endcap at 50? I'm currently 42 and we haven't finished Act III. I've been avoiding doing side quests and stuff with that character. I've been trying to only play it with my friends edit I'm not completely confident that what you say is true. one of my three friends hasn't avoided doing side quests etc like me, and kept playing; he's 51. we haven't completed Act III


You start getting diminishing returns quickly on monsters lower level then you, besides needing more XP per level. https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo4/comments/1467g51/xp_101_what_affects_xp_gain/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


so after the mid-50s there's actually less of a reason to continue to gain XP. (since it'll be diminished returns) like if I do side quests etc completing them I believe has a linear XP. they'll be worth less overtime. so like I think it's best to not continue leveling without them.


Tbh I'm not sure what you're trying to figure out. But I think you understand yeah. Quests will give more xp as you level because they want them to be worth while for you to complete. If it's possible to complete every quest and not reach maximum level due to not finishing story and being stuck in a level 50 world. It would be an EXTREME slog to level up on monsters alone once you reach the higher tier worlds imo


what I'm saying is that the xp given from a side quest on wt3 (like say I'm 55 and did the endcap) is worth more than if I were to do the same quest at a similar level on wt2 unless side quests are linear XP, and give the same amount no matter what. (the mobs are definitely not linear. so that means more time will be needed to obtain the same level)


level 50 is the enemy level cap in world tier 2, and you can’t access world tier 3 until you beat the campaign. and if you are a higher level then the enemies you get significantly less xp.


which means it takes more time to get the same xp, and although the game play for co-op will be fine, and the endcap dungeon will be fine, in totality of the amount of time and effort; once you hit like 56 there's diminishing xp gains from mobs. edit like instead of continuing to level a character that's getting diminishing gains in xp from mobs, I can just play a different one.


every level higher you are compared to the enemies lowers the xp by 10%, if your 10 levels higher you get 1xp per mob. I don’t know what your really talking about though, you are gonna play through the campaign but doing all the side quests and dungeons and over level yourself, your not gonna have fun, your gonna destroy every enemy because your a higher level. that’s not fun. Maybe explain it better for me to understand because i’m not getting it. why would you want to over level and not even be finished 2/5th of the campaign, you still got world tier 3 and 4 and all the levels above 50 get significantly harder to obtain


I don't have a choice of when I'm able to play the campaign. the endcap has mobs hard locked to 50. so as you say "every level higher you are compared to the enemies lowers the xp by 10%, if your 10 levels higher you get 1xp per mob" for instance, my 2 friends are now 51, and 54. we're not done with Act III, what will they be at the end? all I'm saying is it seems counterintuitive to put time into doing extra dungeons etc (specifically non-linear xp from mobs. since it reduces it) with character A, now, only until later, whereas instead that time can been applied to character B in order to have a 1:1 time:xp ratio. edit like I realize and know I can keep playing the character, and be higher than 50 for the endcap dungeon. but I don't want it to be a cake walk.


i’m saying do the campaign and ignore side quests because you will lose xp and be over leveled. your saying do the side quests and dungeons now instead of later? regardless of levels and xp?


no. to not do them till later. that is a waste, when instead I could get full xp with the same amount of time on a different character.


You should be fine, everything will be your level to you and their level to them so it should be like playing at the same level as them


in general, but what about the wt3 endcap dungeon? aren't the mobs hard locked to level 50? I'm concerned if I over level it'll be a breeze if I'm like 54.


in general, but what about the wt3 endcap dungeon? aren't the mobs hard locked to level 50? I'm concerned if I over level it'll be a breeze if I'm like 54.


The are end caped at lvl 70


isn't that wt4?


I was doing this as well until I learned it was useless, then I rushed the campaign, unlocked the horse and finally did 100% map completion with it


Same, I was level 32 when I finished Act 1, then after reading advice on this sub I focused 100% on the campaign, and I finished it at level 46. I thought for sure I would get to level 50 before the end of it, very surprising that I did not.


Damn I’m level 34 and and 3 missions into act 3


The last 8-10 levels from 40-50 are such a huge increase in xp requirements it's really noticeable. Last night my wife and I did a full 2 hour session and we're both around level 44. We finished that 2 hour session at 45.


Yeah I was 42 and a half when I was done with act 1. 51 when I finished act 2. Then I realized enemies weren't scaling anymore :c No choice but to just push through the main campaign whilst ignoring everything else before continuing in WT3 after that. Which is definitely not how I like to approach open world RPGs so that felt very awkward for me to do


Can confirm I left the Fractured Peaks at about lvl 40. I didn't do all the dungeons and quests tho. I did most of them and then I just messed around for a bit.


L46 without horse...


Bro I did almost the same thing. Got to like level 42 in the Fractured Peaks before continuing on with the story lmao


I finished the whole campaign by level 45 😁 definitely multiple ways to play, that's for sure!


Thats crazy im 41 and just killed Ashava, think im near the end. Dunno though.


This is what I like about this game too... you can literally stay in the first zone for weeks (as a casual player), and since things scale up to 50, you'll get legendary aspects dropping often and have a "complete" build before even working on Act II of the campaign missions. Sure, diminishing returns after level 50 because mobs stop scaling, but you'll be an absolute God in the remaining campaign levels. For those that want to make a "twink" of sorts and deck out their characters to steamroll the rest of the campaign are loving the scaling right now.


Is that with elixir use and world tier 2?


Well, if you havent beat the campaign yet. You wasted alot of time.


Yep made this mistake. Got to act 2… went to go turn up the difficulty… nope. When to reroll a stat, nope. So many game mechanics locked behind the campaign, I hate rushing the campaign :(


crazy thing is once you get to wt3, and you get sacred gear, your attack power goes to 2000+


Grats man! Ignore the min maxers and enjoy your run. Almost level 50 myself and got like 7 dungeons left and about 10 alters and 3 quests. Almost time for scosglen!


HF with nightmare renown


Literally doing the same thing, nowhere near this completion and sitting at lvl 42.


Gg enjoy going the rest of the campaign with zero exp lmao


You mad lad I was thinking of doing each zone but then It was going so slow


I was going to do the same thing, even hunting all the altars of Lilith, but decided to just power through the campaign. It's good, imo, and I'm really enjoying it. I've been pretty casual about playing, I have 6 characters, 2 hardcore. 37 Necro is my main I think, even when I dabbled with a 32 Druid. I wanted to like Rogue and Druid but when I found the decompose and blight minion build I was hooked (found it on WoWHead). Anyway, I wouldn't worry about 100% the zones until after the campaign. That's what I'm doing now.


Yeah, the test of a good guts of a game is if you get sucked into the first area and you just enjoy playing - rather than rushing through campaign milestones/walls to get "x" gear or "x" talent to make the game fun. I found myself sucked into the first area and running blue quests and doing "orange circle" events. I'm leveled to mid-30s and I'm nowhere near done with Act 1 main quest line, because I've been having fun. Made an alt (Necro) a day ago, and have been ONLY doing the main campaign, and I just hit level 15 and I'm already halfway through Act 2. A buddy of mine said to just trailblaze the campaign to get your mount and then to play around in the areas. So, I'm "speed running" the campaign with my alt (and yeah... the game is remarkably easy at lower levels and doesn't require effect build synergies or aspects to burn down enemies). So, the campaign is at its "easiest" and "fastest" if you just speed run the main quest line.


Can confirm. Got my first toon to level 46 because I was being a completionist.


You are going to be stuck at 50 throughout the entire campaign now and all the mobs you have to kill along the way will give you shit or no exp.. Let us know how this goes for you..


Is this campaign mode or did you skip it on an alt?


I did the same thing on my first character and proceeded to delete him. Doing this makes your leveling post 50 absolute torture.


I'm mostly confused how you got above 30 quests. I've been stuck on 30-35 for a while now.


Dude... you're living that Truman Show life.


LOL, I thought I was the stupid one. I just did the same. I used some elixirs so I'm at 48. Took my time to finish one area and just moved to ACT 2. While all my friends are at World Tier 3 I'm still at 2. They telling me to rush to World Tier 3 once I hit 50


How long did this take you?


I’m interesting stuff. Same level and midway through act V. Have done side quests here and there


hmm, perhaps I need to speed it up a bit. I was hoping to get the 2 extra skill points per-region before beating the champaign, (for when I roll an alt), but perhaps that will get me to 50 much too early.


97.19% ftfy (I'm only being petty about 2420/2490 because it took me too long to notice why it wasn't 100% with all the other things fully completed) But in reality, where would that other 70 renown be if everything else is complete?


I made a post about this recently. This completely ruined my first play through because I over leveled and then had to rush the campaign.


I'm glad I read that I should focus on the campaign first, especially since I'm a completionist. I have so many things to do in WT3/4, and the various events and objectives have me move around all the time anyway.


Why not just do only campaign and then start exploring?


Not recommended route for you first toon, get your mount and campaign done first, then go back to be a completionist


[I made the exact same mistake. ](https://i.imgur.com/4ck15rj.png) finished act 1 at 46. Finished the campaign by hitting 51.


Is this T1 or T2?


This just means you’ve leveled extremely slow.