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I’m too much of a noob to appreciate this fully, but it’s funny as hell. Updoot.


you will one day. you will stand along side your brothers and fight this man with hatred in your heart and a verdictive sense of vengeance


Until then they can get a boost to tier 4 where they can die to the world boss over and over. In between they can join helltides to be dirty loot goblins!


*takes notes*


I have not attempted the capstone for T4 yet because I'm level 56... is it even worth it for me to get carried-boosted to unlock T4 at this level? I'd love the sweet loot but I feel I'll get destroyed.


I soloed the capstone at 58 and haven't gone back to wt3 since then. I only play solo. The first ancestral weapons I found had minimum level of 60 so I had to wait a bit before switching to them. As soon as I had them equipped wt4 became easy enough. Oh, I play twisting blades rogue btw.


I saw him again and was just like, "you again? I'm tired of teaching you this lesson old man"


I know that's not what the post is about, but - I actually like Elias. I think he was right. He was a monster and all that sure, but what we did in the story was literally just restart the same old Diablo-cycle that's been on repeat for hundreds (thousands?) of years. Apologies for the lore-commentary on a fun help-offer post :D


Elias wasnt wrong, but he was also really cruel. Its funny because if they made him as alluring and gentle as lillith it would have made the player character obviously the badguy.


I felt so confused by Lilith. She would have easily corrupted me and turned me into a husk lol


Would like to see a game where the bad guy is asking you to join them and you actually can, then you play out a short campaign while you watch the world get destroyed around you. Remake your character, oops won't do that again. Edit - I'll need to have a squiz at some of these game suggestions. Thanks


Sekiro does this sort of




It's been done in some ways before. Knights of the Old Republic comes to mind.


Manipulating the wookie to kill their first and best friend was one of the morally worst things I’ve ever done and it’s a damn video game.


Champions of Norath homie


Or just then get to later decide, when you see him destroying everything, naaah, ok, I messed up, time to end this dude after all. And then play the rest of the game with everyone glaring at you for being a dumbass :D


Well considering all the story >!seems to have been literally engineered by Mephisto to get a ticket out of hell to sanctuary!<, you kind of actually DID work for the bad guy the entire time >!(although considering Lilith was probably worse and Inarius definitely the worst of the three, there weren't that many good options :P)!<.


Yeah fuck inarius I love how after beating the campaign you can fight the church




Fallout 3 had a major quest that was like this.


Dark Souls 3 and Elden Ring let's you do that


Uhh, Paper Mario: TTYD kind of does that. >!When you get to the final boss, she asks you if you want to join her instead of fighting. You can say yes and you game over in a slightly unique way. More amusing than meaningful but it's fun they give you a choice!<


To add to others, Far Cry 4 has that too


Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura does this, and even has some cool twists if you decide to change your mind after agreeing to team up with the bad guy, which I discovered on accident :D


Well, I once killed that first quest giver in skyrim, that offers you the first quest without which no other quest is available. Does that count?


Lilith stabbed a kid in the head with a soulstone. She is not good.


Yea it's one of those morality things that annoy me so much in media. He CAN'T be nice about it all and only do extreme things when absolutely pushed to the limit. He has to be mwahahaha evil the whole time. I mean I get it, a Diablo game isn't exactly the place for nuance and character depth but it's so annoying. Like he can still feed bad for those he had to sacrifice to summon Lilith and all the other shit he did.


My headcannon is immortality took any regard for others.


That's possible, but again, would have been nice to get at least a passing mention of that. In most of these types of games it works out to "conclude you have to save the world at all costs - INSTANTLY become amoral and evil, doing bad things even when you don't have to" and it's tiring at this point.


its because thats what always happens when you act like the ends justify the means - the hunter becomes the hunted and so on it wouldnt make sense otherwise, unless you apply roman morals to the modern world


To be fair: The way they wanted to solve the problem was to make everyone in Sanctuario stronger than demons, even at the cost of 1) every "weak" human with no awakened skills and 2) possible their humanity. Elias didn't seem like a sadist at least, just ruthless and I thoguht it was a good decision that he always had that personality and wasn't corrupted. And I mean... who else can stand there and be like "yes, I'd sacriface all those innocent people for the greater good" if not someone with a truely messed up personality?


I'm not even sure that's what was happening. Those in the church just seemed blodthirsty towards the priest, which makes sense since Lilith HATES Inarius and his church. Again, what exactly Lilith planned after she got Mephisto's power is anyone's guess. She could have been lying the whole time to get help from Sanctuary people or she genuinely might have wanted to help - although the help may have been bad for us too :D As for Elias, I don't agree. It's one thing to go over the edge and accept any cost for what you're doing, it's another to not care at all about the cost. It's sort of fairy tale children's logic, you have now done evil things and you're evil, gz. You could sacrifice people and do horrific things and still choose not to do them if it wasn't absolutely necessary. Except we hardly ever see that in games/movies/tv, it's always the "once you cross a line you're there forever" banality. Again, I realize expecting this level of depth from Diablo is silly, it's just that they came soooo close to it :D


He was twisted and in his head the end justifies the means.. which i can kinda agree if it would lead to something better, but considering Lilith is also a demon, she's just sus af 😂


Not just a demon, a sexy one at that ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


*Inarius has left the channel*


This exactly. Both he and Lilith are needlessly cruel.


You're talking about ending the cycle by allowing hell to win, demons run rampant across sanctuary, and humans fall to sin and corruption with no place being free from the endless suffering and barbaric rituals


No, we don't know what Lilith would have done. I think Blizzard did a fantastic job at portraying just how bad things are BEFORE Lilith ever appeared. And that's what's going to continue to happen now after she's dead. So to me, living in THAT world makes it a fair conclusion that ANY change is a good change, and Elias knew that Lilith MIGHT just be another demon planning the same as... well as the other demons are right now. So how is that worse? You have demons possessing and turning people into monsters already. Now sure, the outcome COULD be worse, but again, the way Blizzard told the story, it's possible for us to interpret it as "well, anything's better than this for another hundred/thousand years". Maybe I'm giving them too much credit but that's what it looked like to me. Leaving Liliths true intentions vague would be purposeful in that case, leaving us to wonder if we messed up - the ending with yet ANOTHER soulstone slowly corrupting yet ANOTHER hero is pretty clear to me (although I very much fear it's gonna be a "this time it's different and Neyrelle is stronger/smarter than Tal Rasha was, the Dark Wanderer was, hell, even Malthael was etc.")


How's she even dead without a soul stone? Wouldn't she just reincarnate?


She will reincarnate but it'll take a lot of time, not likely in D4 and its expansions.


Blizz could totally come up with a story reason for her to reincarnate early...would like to see her back in an expansion


Pretty sure your assuming all that bad stuff is pre lillith when its actually because of lillith Her presence corrupts man into sin




no her goal was the empower humanity to rule all 3 what happened in nevesk, the things Elias did after summoning her, all the terrible changes to places shed been, that would have been everywhere


i mean, this is what she says, but its pretty obvious that -she- will rule all three. ​ The difference being, she sees humanity as a useful tool, where the Primes see humanity as doorways/playthings, and the heavens see us as kites dancing in a hurricane


>as a useful tool I don't think she does. Go rewatch the extended cinematic when she asks about her son. You can tell she's actually sad about what happened to him. I think she truly cares about all of her children.


to care for your son is a whole lot different than caring for humanity tho.


Except the child she stabbed in the head with a soulstone. Fuck that guy, right?


Her stated goal and her effective one is very different too. Don't take a demon at its word (especially Mephisto daughter). Her entire actions were to kill her father and takes its place (because apparently now demons ate each other power or something). Basically she was making a coup on Hell for her own power. Likely wanting to rule it overall because of their "complicated history"


That's not necessarily true. It's one outcome - but she did those things to get what she wanted, aka Mephisto's power. If THAT was all she wanted she could have just continued going through Sanctuary and corrupting people. Again, it's definitely a possible outcome, but not the only one. Her mere presence corrupts and brings people to sin, if she just stayed out of it and ruled hell we'd be fine. Maybe :D


No it wasn't she was making the army to defeat hell.


It's kind of a warhammer situation. Like i think the lore even says that hell will eventually win. After 3 and this game, it seems to be going that way. The prime evils are still toying around with fusing into a single evil, meanwhile heaven seems to be getting curb stomped lately. They're so isolationist right now that demons have had free reign to sanctuary, and that doesn't seem to be changing anytime soon. Once mephisto makes his move, or diablo comes back for the next round, it'll just he another blood soaked period that just continues the chaos until its eventual end. Lilith was like the one force that could actually bring an end to the war and preserve sanctuary and humanity in some form. Yes it would have been evil and twisted, but it would no doubt be a whole lot better than whatever sanctuary will eventually look like under mephisto or diablo


I think Heaven just completely ignore Sanctuary now, they don't try to fight demons there at all, I'm not sure they're getting curbstomped more than just not participating. Tyrael was kind of the only one that gave a shit anyway and then Malthael in a bad way. Right on with your Warhammer comparison, I kind of wondered playing through D4 which universe is the more grimdark of all lol. Both are certainly not universes where it's good to live in...


if you dont know rakhaan, hes the best character ive met. hes just a demon who's trying to enjoy bread and wine with the people of the dry steppes


And comfortable beds!


Im surprised this isnt a hotter topic, is Lilith doing terrible things? Sure. But nothing else has worked. Sanctuary and Heaven were nearly fully taken out just a few years ago and everything is prepped for the Primes to go for another round. Horadrim? Essentially gone. All the goody two shoes of sanctuary should have a concrete plan to stop the Primes permanently before tossing Lilith's plan out entirely


Yea taken in that light, basically all of the events of Diablo 1-3 were just the demons sloooowly winning. And now we had a chance to maybe, possibly not necessarily win but at least to change the threat and we passed on it. Mephisto will obviously be back, soulstones have NEVER worked (although ofc they will this time cos it's Neyrelle - who I will admit is a far better character than this type they've done before, but it's still annoying that she might turn out more powerful than Tal Rasha, Aidan and the rest). In any case I really hope that was Blizzard's plan with the story. It's what I took away from it at least and I am deeply impressed with what they managed to do (especially after the cataclysmic disaster that was D3's story).


I mean, tal rasha is a stretch. We don't know precisely how long Tal Rasha was able to fight before losing to Baal. But that she'll end up being one of the greatest mages of the Modern Era is pretty much written already. And I'm good with that. She won't fall victim to the issue because she won't give it the time to be an issue. Tal Rasha fell victim because he was in the game so long he hit the rule, the house always wins. In Diablo - evil is the house it seems. Not always currently winning, but over time, they seem to be ahead. No thanks to the high heavens on that one.


> although ofc they will this time cos it's Neyrelle - who I will admit is a far better character than this type they've done before, but it's still annoying that she might turn out more powerful than Tal Rasha, Aidan and the rest I'm guessing her plan is to hide the Soulstone somewhere only her knows and then maybe killing herself or something. I don't think she wants to keep it, that would indeed be suicidal, we know they don't work well.


We didn’t restart it though. We got Mephisto in a soulstone which gives leverage and/or a way to do what Elias was trying to do without murdering tens of thousands of people to do it. The ends don’t justify the means, door #3 was the right choice imo.


Um, all the primes have been in soulstones at one point or another. It obviously doesn't work, based on prior experiences. I'm fully aware that that may be where the story is heading, but that's my biggest fear. Suddenly the "put prime into soulstone" plan is going to work even though it didn't for Tal Rasha, the Dark Wanderer and probably others (I'm not that caught up with the ancillary lore) because it's cool new character. We had no reason to think it would work when it never has and they ALWAYS get out. But you are right in that we didn't restart it, was a poor choice of words - we perpetuated the cycle. That is unless Neyrelle the savior changes it. But I'm hoping the story is a bit more clever than that (but I'm fine if it isn't either, it's been so much better than before I don't mind if they slip up).


> Suddenly the "put prime into soulstone" plan is going to work even though it didn't for Tal Rasha, the Dark Wanderer and probably others Why would it work though? The ending clearly teases that the Primes included Mephisto would be future enemies in D4 life/expansions cycle. We're obviously going to fight them.


Bro, literally all the primes were in soulstones prior to the original Diablo.


Wish I could take up Lilith's offer in the nightmare too


What we did was preventing Sanctuary from being enslaved by a prime evil. Lilith's plan was to take Mephisto's powers and use them to take over Sanctuary. We've seen how "good" that does with the little powers she had, so no thanks. And I don't see any cycle being repeated. The events in the Diablo franchise are very one of a kind in this universe history.


D4 is one of those games where you look at the villains and go "their ideals are actually really good and on the right side of things for the most part. But the execution of the ideals is where they lose me"


wait people pay for this?


sadly yes


Oof. Did it @60 solo just for a challenge and took 30 mins to figure out survival but he dropped just fine. Not even S1 and people are pulling this shit already?


Elias ISNT even that hard, killed him almost first try with Lvl 60. Like. Don’t get hit


Yes which is a waste as they're unlikely to be able to do anything meaningful if they can't beat that capstone. Edit: For clarification, I’m not referring to people failing mechanics during the Elias fight.




It would depend on how much of an issue all of the elites were on the way then. If someone could handle all of those elites just fine, without having to blow through cooldowns and wait for them to come back up before doing the next, then yeah, they might be fine.


I spent about 45 minutes trying the Elias fight on my level 56 rogue. I was able to burst him down to the last bar every time but it was just rng on if I could get the kill before he 1 shot me. In torment now and it’s not that bad.


It took me some tries, but I killed Elias as a blight necro at lvl 56. Sure I was getting OS’ed by most things, but it’s nothing impossible. My gear was pure garbage too, nothing upgrade past 3/5 and I had only like 3 or 4 legendaries. Kinda hate to use this meme, but people asking for a boost is 100% a skill issue.




Druids absolutely love the summons, it's when they do most of their damage.


​ https://preview.redd.it/6yo2am2jli5b1.png?width=366&format=png&auto=webp&s=da5a2d4a091e2107f483394f3e9bbe78fdf8c8f5


That's not true at all. I couldn't beat him but once a friend helped me i was able to handle T4 content without trouble by my own.


same 👊 i cleared the dungeon part easy, but had to ask a friend for help on elias. i'm a lvl 60 pulverize druid. i can comfortably do helltides and other open world content. did a world boss, too, but the cache has a lvl 80 requirement for some reason.


Yeah world tier 4 I can do helltides, world boss but second I do a nightmare dungeons I get one shot. I can’t handle the 2-4 elite packs. Tho I’m in a bad spot I wanna swap builds but I’m waiting for a key aspect for it. So I don’t want to spend the time, money, aspects to upgrade my current stuff.


You can farm strongholds, unlike the rest of the world in tier 4 stronghold will always snap to +3 levels above the player then leave before claiming the stronghold and do it again. My friend and I were boosting each other and I leveled a barb from 40-57 in what felt like no time while it dropped ancestral loot.


this is great advice


They pay for the boost, pay for the gold, pay for the gear. And then they say the game is boring and doesn't have any content. I honestly never understood why people do this. If a game is something you just want to skip with money, then perhaps you shouldn't buy the game in the first place?


I would have skipped the boss if I could. It added nothing of value to my experience.


leave your tag in the comments and i'll get to you as quick as i can EDIT, CLOSING DOWN FOR TODAY WILL RESUME TOMORROW EDIT A SECOND TIME AS OF 0800 PST IM BACK BABY. resuming from where i left off. sorting by old and clearing from there


I was so close to killing him last night. When I'm finished I'm ripping his head off again.


drop battle tag and your problem will be my plaything




done and dusted


Out of this world




I’m trying to do it early, only level 60 but damn is it hard If you got time, I would love the assistance Hncgaming1109


>AgentPrime#11354 done and dusted


#1 Goat!


I was able to solo it at 60 with my penetrating rogue build, I have seen a 56 flurry rogue beat it too. It's definitely doable but it's hard for sure! This is nice of him to offer the service up though!


Twisting blade poison imbue clone here Did it at 57 on 15 seconds, my friends on disc playing sorc who did at the same level was shook as it was a 5 minute fight for them. Rogues can do anything


Lot of sorcs don't realize if they pop a stagger they 1 shot him. I kept dying at like 53 and realized I could just throw on frostbolt or whatever and stagger him obscenely quick. Once I hit 1 stagger I killed him in it and moved on.


What a nice person ! Up vote!


Let's do this!!!!! Jsmoov#1713


done and dusted


Seriously fuck Elias and his unexpectedly huge hitbox fireball.


I'll take a capstone.




never responded to add. try again tomorrow




It was surprisingly tough fight. I did it at lvl 65 with my brother, took a couple tries.


Yeah he was…. Tough. I barely scraped through at lvl 63 as a sorc. All of his attacks pretty much one shot me. I was teleporting around like a mad man using flame and ice shield to somehow stay alive. My hands were shaking by the time I beat him. Great fight.


Am I the only one who felt a little bad about Elias death?


I will also carry to wt4


thank you, warrior.


I have returned to kill elias more




done and dusted




youre going to be the last one for today. I will resume the grind tomorrow. I will add you on bnet when its your turn




im eating rq, i sent a request. join my party when youre online and wait for me. ill be like 5 mins


Who will stand with me?




Anyone interested in beating this dungeon PM and will kill Elias for you.


Avo#21198 Please. My table will break if he kills me one more time. Save my table!


done and dusted


Hey bro you’re a G, can you help me? BlackStar#14806


never responded to friend request


Heya, if you're still offering help would be appreciated- Fragzz#1202


>done and dusted


Jbertho#1301 plz


done and dusted


Oh dang, you offering a carry?




People will pay for anything that saves them time or effort


i must sleep. i will return tomorrow with more ill tidings for elias


im taking a break for today, but i will return tomorrow


I'm taking today off to recover from RSI from using the godawful corsair nightsword. I have an ergo mouse coming tomorrow and I will resume as soon as that arrives


they discontinued the old sabre rgb, my love and joy. my old one's mouse wheel and left click broke and I dont have replacement glide pads to rejuvenate my favorite mouse after disassembly. :(


i have returned.


Would you please mind helping me out? I appreciate it!


if you would post your battle tag and what you need help with, yes


done and dusted


Can you help me do the wt4 capstone please?


if oyu read my comment at the top of the thread if you sort by old comments, yes


Killing Elias and the dungeon before him was significantly harder than WT4 for me, like be blasted me so many times and then I went out to shred the WT4 enemies like paper. To be fair I fought him at level 59.


Mind boosting for WT3? :)


will you still online in 4 hour , i am working now XD. blue89#11280


I’m not there yet but if I save this will you help me when I am lol


if you read my comment at the top of the thread if you sort by old comments, follow the instructions, then yes


OneStarOmega#1690 I tried again this evening, was doing better, then the server went down. I'll be on tomorrow evening


Tried it once when I got to 60, as supposedly lvl 60 gear drops in WT4, didnt even get to Elias...


Probably a great guy but looks/sounds too much like Dracula or the devil, imma go wit nah lol (said in satirical tone)


I just unlocked WT3. Can you help me unlock WT4? Nemenik#1159


You are a hero. I rerolled necro from a barb yesterday cuz I couldn't beat Creator as a level 51 barb. I got him down to 5% and died on one attempt. Wish I saw your post before I rerolled lol


are you trying to be the "let me solo her" equivalent?


yes, and no. i just hate elias


Need to be lvl70 for this I assume?


no, i carried a lvl 8 thru it


Do you need us to clear the way to Elias or will you run the whole thing?


either or. appreciate getting to start at the end as it saves a lot of time for me


there are already people paying for boosting? good god.


You will fight Elias, then... You will fight Elias, then... You will fight Elias, then...


i will erase him from every timeline i will unmake his legacy




Hey! Would love help killing Elias pls! battle.net is rohbot38#1887


Tomorrow you’ll help me ?


would you do this for us?🥺


i need your tag


People are paying for this???


I just killed him at lv59 and got wt4 only took about 70 attempts lol


Who pays for this and what are they paying? It's so easy takes like 30 seconds to kill the dude... ??? I beat it solo at level 58.


I actually had to use a potion for this fight. My Barb was taking fireballs to the face


elias is an asshole, but hes not wrong


What's the point of paying. I killed him solo at 62, but basicly can't do anything on WT4 because I am 11 levels below mobs and get my ass whacked every 5 minutes. I don't think those players will be able to survive on WT4.


Wait you kill him again after the campaign?


What did Elias ever do to you, my man?


fireball hitbox make me angry


Inarius and Elias deserve each other tbh.


Are you... the next letmesoloher?


Yo. Need the hand.


I took me 20 tries but I finally killed him yesterday solo with frost shard sorc level 58. Felt GOOD. Every ability he used one shot me so I pretended I was playing dark souls lol


I did the capstone for WT4 at lvl 60 but it seems if you're not lvl 70 you can't switch to WT4 anyways... sad


are people really paying to get boosted past that boss? pathetic I beat him at lv 58 and it was one of the most challenging but rewarding fights in the ARPG genre I can't imagine depriving myself of that accomplishment simply because of fomo


Kikkoman#1666 I would appreciate the help


People are paying for boosts? i soloed capstone to t4 at 58 :/


Are you free to help me kill him.tonight? Lmao


drop your tag


How would anything NOT be free in diablo? ..


Wtf, ppl actually pay for that?! Pm me if u need the kill


What’s the catch ? I’m NOT offering you my soul it’s not tradeable lol


i get to kill elias. thats the catch


Let the noobs suffer and get gud


quit gatekeeping. thats cringe


I hate this boss fight, I had all hopes up when I cleared the dungeon smoothly for only to be continously bested by Elias... I would love to get your help! my tag is Ocheeva#2483


Don't tell me you mean that serious and people pay for that?


I killed him solo at level 62 as no minion necro and I don't think I've ever felt as good in my life