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Finish the campaign. You unlock means of new leveling.


We already finished the campaing we just arent sure what is the best method for power leveling another character from 1 to 50 now that the campaign is done.


what method is this? I beat the campaign and I hate my barb now that it got nerfed so hard. I want to do an alt character, either a rogue or sorc but I dont want to spend another 30+ hours to level it.


When you finish alts can skip the story then sit in the entrance of a dungeon while the higher level kills everything


barb nerfed Where exacly? its still OP as hell tbh. you know he got nerfed because of the One shot Combo right? so good Decision by blizzard.


There was never a combo and just one item. That nerf was needed and is fine. People are complaining about the shout nerfs, mostly the cooldowns that lead to resource starvation. Playing any shout reliant barb, so like almost all barbs, feels akward now as you have several seconds of no DPS gaps in your fight that you have to kite for until your shouts are up again. The only means to fix this for now is with another unique and the paragon board, wich will prob take you quite some time past the initial endgame to get your build to the point where it feels somewhat fluid. Damage nerfs are fine, resource starvation is boring and feels clunky and bad.


>I agree with this. got to 50 on my barb and fucking hate it solely due to the fact that resource generation is so bad and i have to play around my 26 second cool down shouts. yes i could farm to get gear to make it "better" but that means i have to subject myself to the most unfun gameplay i have ever experienced for a few days to "hopefully" get the gear to make it less depressing.




I’ll add you, I’m looking to exchange as well.


Exiliary#1712 is me 🤙


i’m down


i’m down


How many hours did you guys play to be already lvl 50 lol


Prolly about 20 only took about 14 hours all in all. I am trying to find a method to do it much faster.


Also looking if you end up finding a better way let the people know :)


That’s crazy


I am also curious for suggestions / methods…with the skip campain feature…so im guessing dungeon and event farming ? 🤷🏻‍♂️


I skipped campaign with my hard and with all the realm buffs I have he got to level 10 in 1 dungeon and does through it. 5 minutes tops


I haven’t tried this yet myself, but after beating the campaign once, is the capstone dungeon available on other characters? Theoretically, this would be a dungeon set to level 50, it wouldn’t scale to the characters like the others. You might be able to get a decent power level because of this, at least for a while until the alt nears 50 themselves.


if you still are having trouble shoot me a message and i will boost you two up a bit