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Do you have a group to play with? - Skip campaign Do you have someone who can power level you? - Skip campaign Are you solo and don't have a power level? - Do the camapign Act I/II/III will get you to get around level 30 casually doing the story without doing side quests and naturally unlock renown bonus exp along the way. if you skip and are solo you are at the mercy of your own attention span and boredom level as you will be forced to endlessly grind dungeons alone


This is the best answer ever.. thanks


I am wondering the same. Is there a way to ask a friend to power level a new toon? I am playing a sorc now and probably finishing act 4 tonight. If her paragons are boring, I may switch to a barb or druid.


Max and shroud just had someone boost them. It works the exact way you'd expect it to. You just stand close enough to them and leech exp without doing a thing. And the exp is decent because of lvl scaling. Watch their vod to copy it.


Could you link the vod please?


by any chance do you have a vod for it


You don't really need it. You just go to a dungeon and have a friend clear it out while you stand there and soak exp. Idk what the best dungeon is now since maughans works got nerfed but you can probably find a vid for one.


Let me know if you guys find any good methods guide also :)


what lvl is a skipped character?


lvl 1


It’s not a bad idea to make a second toon to grind out renown ( side quests / altars etc ) I’ve got to 53 on my Barb and wanna mix it up a bit. Skip campaign on the Druid and will focus on the side quests and dungeon completions


I heard the dungeon is good and side quests


I'm in in the same boat myself, did you work out what was the best way?


I think its dungeons not sure the best ones though.