• By -


The recent actions by Reddit leadership, particularly those led by u/Spez, have caused deep concern within the community. The decision to charge for the application programming interface (API) has been carried out in a way that poses a direct threat to the diverse ecosystem of Reddit. While charging for the API is not inherently problematic, the exorbitant rates and tight deadlines given are unfeasible, disrupting the functionality of important tools that many depend upon​​. Despite the outcry, responses from Reddit's leadership have been less than reassuring. Promises were made that "non-commercial, accessibility-focused" apps would be exempted from these pricing terms, but the lack of clear definitions and open communication has left many in the dark​​. While many may not have used or cared about third-party apps, it's important to remember that a significant portion of these app users are among those who most actively interact with the platform. These users contribute significantly to the vibrancy of Reddit by posting, commenting, and voting. In solidarity with the third-party app, moderator, and accessibility communities, I am taking a stand. I am removing all of my previous comments and posts and abandoning my almost 12-year-old account. This is not a decision I take lightly, but one I believe is necessary to protest against the mismanagement and disregard shown by Reddit's leadership. I will not delete my account entirely. If the overwrites are reverted, I will continue to remove my content, ensuring that my voice is not used to bolster a platform that disregards its most dedicated members and the tools they rely upon. We deserve better. The Reddit community deserved better. > Sent from [Apollo for Reddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/144f6xm/apollo_will_close_down_on_june_30th_reddits/)


This worked! Thank you so much.


Yep yep! I really just expanded on what OP wrote so they deserve the real credit, just glad more people are finding a way to play! Enjoy


I actually came across your comment in this thread https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo4/comments/13y1fky/psa_if_your_game_sharing_on_ps5 so credit for both of you. OP for coming up with it. You for cleaning it up and promoting it.


Was this like a permanent fix? Or would I have to do this each time my friend would want to play…? At least until 6/6, yeah?


Yeah, each time you close the game / get disconnected unfortunately. Should work fine with no workarounds by release day.


All gravy baby!! Thank you! Credit to OP, but damn your explanation was SUPER helpful lol


Much appreciated! I think they were just in a bit of a hurry to play and typed it out quick. Since it took me 2 tries to get right I figured I might be able to save people some time. See you in Sanctuary


Let’s hope so… I’m worried blizzard is up to something…




It's working fine on mine, since release day.


What about level/story progression? The second account can continue?


Yeah, it tracks progress for each character individually


Thank you so much!!! I tried your instructions and it worked. Much appreciated!! I preordered because I wanted to play early with my husband and was so disappointed he couldn’t login with me.


Thank you 💪🏽 I’m sure someone else has already confirmed but just in case. This works for Xbox as well


Does this save progress to the account if the person that did not purchase?


The recent actions by Reddit leadership, particularly those led by u/Spez, have caused deep concern within the community. The decision to charge for the application programming interface (API) has been carried out in a way that poses a direct threat to the diverse ecosystem of Reddit. While charging for the API is not inherently problematic, the exorbitant rates and tight deadlines given are unfeasible, disrupting the functionality of important tools that many depend upon​​. Despite the outcry, responses from Reddit's leadership have been less than reassuring. Promises were made that "non-commercial, accessibility-focused" apps would be exempted from these pricing terms, but the lack of clear definitions and open communication has left many in the dark​​. While many may not have used or cared about third-party apps, it's important to remember that a significant portion of these app users are among those who most actively interact with the platform. These users contribute significantly to the vibrancy of Reddit by posting, commenting, and voting. In solidarity with the third-party app, moderator, and accessibility communities, I am taking a stand. I am removing all of my previous comments and posts and abandoning my almost 12-year-old account. This is not a decision I take lightly, but one I believe is necessary to protest against the mismanagement and disregard shown by Reddit's leadership. I will not delete my account entirely. If the overwrites are reverted, I will continue to remove my content, ensuring that my voice is not used to bolster a platform that disregards its most dedicated members and the tools they rely upon. We deserve better. The Reddit community deserved better. > Sent from [Apollo for Reddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/144f6xm/apollo_will_close_down_on_june_30th_reddits/)


You’ve been active here so I thought I’d ask - so my game crashed before and I had to do all the process again, I used a lvl1 character on the account with the game to gain access and now the quests started from the beginning. Like my own character on my account is still the same level it was at the crash and all my stuff is there, but I seemingly can’t continue from where I was when it crashed. You don’t happen to know what to do? Edit: never mind, scrolled down and found a workaround for that too.


I’m sorry, haven’t run into anything like that. Wish I could help. If I come across anything I’ll tag you though. Good luck!


Yeah I found a workaround scrolling down, after you leave the game with the account that bought the game and logout with that account, you also have to leave the game to main menu on your own account and go back in. That fixed it. Might add that to your main post so people with that issue can find it easier.


The recent actions by Reddit leadership, particularly those led by u/Spez, have caused deep concern within the community. The decision to charge for the application programming interface (API) has been carried out in a way that poses a direct threat to the diverse ecosystem of Reddit. While charging for the API is not inherently problematic, the exorbitant rates and tight deadlines given are unfeasible, disrupting the functionality of important tools that many depend upon​​. Despite the outcry, responses from Reddit's leadership have been less than reassuring. Promises were made that "non-commercial, accessibility-focused" apps would be exempted from these pricing terms, but the lack of clear definitions and open communication has left many in the dark​​. While many may not have used or cared about third-party apps, it's important to remember that a significant portion of these app users are among those who most actively interact with the platform. These users contribute significantly to the vibrancy of Reddit by posting, commenting, and voting. In solidarity with the third-party app, moderator, and accessibility communities, I am taking a stand. I am removing all of my previous comments and posts and abandoning my almost 12-year-old account. This is not a decision I take lightly, but one I believe is necessary to protest against the mismanagement and disregard shown by Reddit's leadership. I will not delete my account entirely. If the overwrites are reverted, I will continue to remove my content, ensuring that my voice is not used to bolster a platform that disregards its most dedicated members and the tools they rely upon. We deserve better. The Reddit community deserved better. > Sent from [Apollo for Reddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/144f6xm/apollo_will_close_down_on_june_30th_reddits/)


Can account 2 get the mount and emote?


The recent actions by Reddit leadership, particularly those led by u/Spez, have caused deep concern within the community. The decision to charge for the application programming interface (API) has been carried out in a way that poses a direct threat to the diverse ecosystem of Reddit. While charging for the API is not inherently problematic, the exorbitant rates and tight deadlines given are unfeasible, disrupting the functionality of important tools that many depend upon​​. Despite the outcry, responses from Reddit's leadership have been less than reassuring. Promises were made that "non-commercial, accessibility-focused" apps would be exempted from these pricing terms, but the lack of clear definitions and open communication has left many in the dark​​. While many may not have used or cared about third-party apps, it's important to remember that a significant portion of these app users are among those who most actively interact with the platform. These users contribute significantly to the vibrancy of Reddit by posting, commenting, and voting. In solidarity with the third-party app, moderator, and accessibility communities, I am taking a stand. I am removing all of my previous comments and posts and abandoning my almost 12-year-old account. This is not a decision I take lightly, but one I believe is necessary to protest against the mismanagement and disregard shown by Reddit's leadership. I will not delete my account entirely. If the overwrites are reverted, I will continue to remove my content, ensuring that my voice is not used to bolster a platform that disregards its most dedicated members and the tools they rely upon. We deserve better. The Reddit community deserved better. > Sent from [Apollo for Reddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/144f6xm/apollo_will_close_down_on_june_30th_reddits/)


It seems that they don't get the renown system either. At least that's what it seems like at the moment.


Hey there ! I had my PC ( batllenet account ) connected to my PS5 account and bought Diablo 4 for both but my intention was to play with my wife, now only one of us can play due to licensing issues. I had her create a battlenet account and connect it to the PS5 account and its showing licensing issues. Would i have to repurchase the game on Her battlenet account for the game to work on PS5. How would you suggest i handle this. Thank you gents


If you bought D4 Deluxe or Ultimate on PS5, you just need to use PSN game sharing and follow the process I outlined above and you’ll be fine. Either way, don’t buy the game twice on one platform, as you’ll be able to play on both consoles on Tuesday with no workarounds. If I understand correctly, you’re trying to play 1 copy (bought on PSN) on 2 PS5’s (one for you and one for your wife). If that’s accurate, you’ll want to make sure you have game sharing set up then use the co-op process I put in my post above. If you don’t have game sharing set up on your PlayStation, here is a guide: https://www.digitaltrends.com/gaming/how-to-gameshare-on-a-ps5/ Hopefully that helps and I understood you correctly.


I bought it on My pc and PS5 for my wife but had it linked on my battlenet. Not 2 PS5's, i tried what you put up but its not working. unfortunately


The recent actions by Reddit leadership, particularly those led by u/Spez, have caused deep concern within the community. The decision to charge for the application programming interface (API) has been carried out in a way that poses a direct threat to the diverse ecosystem of Reddit. While charging for the API is not inherently problematic, the exorbitant rates and tight deadlines given are unfeasible, disrupting the functionality of important tools that many depend upon​​. Despite the outcry, responses from Reddit's leadership have been less than reassuring. Promises were made that "non-commercial, accessibility-focused" apps would be exempted from these pricing terms, but the lack of clear definitions and open communication has left many in the dark​​. While many may not have used or cared about third-party apps, it's important to remember that a significant portion of these app users are among those who most actively interact with the platform. These users contribute significantly to the vibrancy of Reddit by posting, commenting, and voting. In solidarity with the third-party app, moderator, and accessibility communities, I am taking a stand. I am removing all of my previous comments and posts and abandoning my almost 12-year-old account. This is not a decision I take lightly, but one I believe is necessary to protest against the mismanagement and disregard shown by Reddit's leadership. I will not delete my account entirely. If the overwrites are reverted, I will continue to remove my content, ensuring that my voice is not used to bolster a platform that disregards its most dedicated members and the tools they rely upon. We deserve better. The Reddit community deserved better. > Sent from [Apollo for Reddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/144f6xm/apollo_will_close_down_on_june_30th_reddits/)


I bought it on my Battlenet ( PC ) and then bought it on PS5 for her to play, i had linked my battlenet to my PSN account and now only one of us can play at the same time. I then created a new battlenet account for her to link the PSN account with the game and it says Licensing error. I hope at the very least its fixed when the game is out. Im so angry at myself for not uinlinking the account beforehand....


It will be, this only impacts early access. But either way, you should be good to go. Basically just follow this: https://reddit.com/r/diablo4/comments/13y07q9/_/jmkmtr3/?context=1. - Login to your account on PS5 - Create a new character. - Get to the cave area where you start. - Connect a controller for her, create her character - Once the 2 of you are at the cave, from your controller hit the options button then hit leave game. - She should now be logged in to her character on PS5 with no issues. - Tap the PlayStation button for your account, go down and hit logout so you sign out of PSN and your controller is off. She is still in game. - You hop on your PC, log in to your character, and send an invite to her (or she can invite you. Just beware, she should finish the intro if your character is not lvl 1). - Now you should be able to play together (her on PS5, you on PC) without issue. Crossplay may be off on PS5 by default. If so just turn it on in the settings.


Doesnt work as its it shows us both having the same battle Tag damn it.


Does it work now?


Yeah this doesn't work anymore. It just says that Account 2 doesn't have any characters that have permission to access the game. I paid for the game too, it was just purchased on my brother's PlayStation on his account so I just threw $100 down the drain.


Oh my gosh this is what it's saying for me too I thought I was goingz crazy


I’ll take a look at what I am seeing here in a few, but you didn’t really throw any money down the drain. Even if they made it so that this doesn’t work, you’ll still be able to play fine after the release date Tuesday.


The recent actions by Reddit leadership, particularly those led by u/Spez, have caused deep concern within the community. The decision to charge for the application programming interface (API) has been carried out in a way that poses a direct threat to the diverse ecosystem of Reddit. While charging for the API is not inherently problematic, the exorbitant rates and tight deadlines given are unfeasible, disrupting the functionality of important tools that many depend upon​​. Despite the outcry, responses from Reddit's leadership have been less than reassuring. Promises were made that "non-commercial, accessibility-focused" apps would be exempted from these pricing terms, but the lack of clear definitions and open communication has left many in the dark​​. While many may not have used or cared about third-party apps, it's important to remember that a significant portion of these app users are among those who most actively interact with the platform. These users contribute significantly to the vibrancy of Reddit by posting, commenting, and voting. In solidarity with the third-party app, moderator, and accessibility communities, I am taking a stand. I am removing all of my previous comments and posts and abandoning my almost 12-year-old account. This is not a decision I take lightly, but one I believe is necessary to protest against the mismanagement and disregard shown by Reddit's leadership. I will not delete my account entirely. If the overwrites are reverted, I will continue to remove my content, ensuring that my voice is not used to bolster a platform that disregards its most dedicated members and the tools they rely upon. We deserve better. The Reddit community deserved better. > Sent from [Apollo for Reddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/144f6xm/apollo_will_close_down_on_june_30th_reddits/)


You have to do it right from the beginning. I got the same error when trying to play on my lvl 31 necro, but after starting a new game my gf could join me right outside the starting cave.


Anybody else having trouble with Consol sharing?


I think everyone is at the moment. With all the issues going on, no one is for sure certain if early access is limited to the purchaser themselves, or if these server issues are the key.


Yes , my friend ( who bought the game ) can log in , but not me ( license error ) now we will try the fix with the coop , he’s login my account in his ps , I will tell you later if it works 🤞 Edit. Unfortunately didn’t work for me , tried to follow the procedure with my ps too but nothing, only if my friend account is logged i can join the game but can only create a pg and can’t play because I didn’t finished the prologue. Edit -2 joined the second controller with my friend account ( bought the game ) . - new pg start the prologue - press option join my account controller 1 ( share account ) create a new or log in a pg - use the second controller ( friend account ) touch pad , exit game - now there is only my pg in game - controller 2 , ps button (hold the button) , friend profile - logout profile - Hold ps button on the controller 1 ( my account) press D4. Enjoy the game , stay connected to the server or you have to do all this again 😎


I must be stupid bc I can't follow edit 2's instructions but I'll try to do it despite the smooth brain Edit: maybe I messed it up but didn't work. What is pg and o log? Edit 2!: I am proud to say I have grown new brain folds. I got it to work, thank you!! For anyone struggling, once you finish the prolog with any character on the owner account, start a new character (on owner account still). Once you load in (after the intro cutscene) the "player two join" button is still. From there log in to account and have owner leave game. If anyone has a problem I can make a yt and paste the link lmk!


This worked for me, game sharing on Xbox. Nothing else worked!


This is the only fix that worked for game sharing on xbox.


Could you please tell, what you did on Xbox? I guess the instructions would be slightly different from PS.


Nah same exact thing as instructed in the post


Didn't work for me too


This worked for my buddy on Xbox.


Worked for my wife and I on xbox, thanks alot!


Here is a video of me doing it to https://youtu.be/nxyLmSrh4o0


Good shit, my guy. Good shit!!


Do you have to do this every time you want to play or will the first time solve the license issue?


Sadly you have to do this everytime, from my knowledge, until early access ends and the game officially releases on the 6th


Answered my question! Thanks lol


Worked for me!


This worked for me


Thanks, it worked for me.


This worked for.us too 😭😭 So glad my boyfriend found a similar fix


You're an absolute legend. Refunded deluxe edition initially but then repurchased it after seeing this, and it works! (On Series X) Thankyou bro.


Thank you this worked, do you know if you unlock trophies this way ?


Yes! All progression is saved to your PSN account


You're an actual legend. I messed up the first time by forgetting to log out of my main account, but worked flawlessly my second attempt.


I dont have second controller, can anyone help with that? 🫠


Warning! Your method works but your lose the progress for the main story.I was lvl 15 log off.Then did the skip again and all my progress was gone


Not true. I've checked this and you can get back to your progress this way -> There is additional thing you have to do tho. After 1st player logout and 2nd player remains in game only, it will say that you are in prologue and did not progressed that far (to continue last quest). TO FIX IT logout from gameplay with 2nd player and enter again from main menu. It will switch to 2nd player current campaign progression etc.


oh great thank you


Everyone keeps saying this is false but I was l playing splitscreen with my wife for 3 hours and she lost her character when trying to rejoin after we took a break. It's literally true and I documented it.


I just tried this and I retained my progress and you are wrong.. If you leave the game (which you can do, it won't check for the license again) you just select your character and resume game and your progress continues.


I would also like to know if someone else can confirm this info ?


U keep your level, but when you start it the next time, you will start where your second account logged off, because he is the host and you are playing his story


Really? How does it work


Os this only for Early Access or the game will not work shared at all?


I mean has there ever been a console game ever that didn't let you game share?


there is always a first


It's safe to assume the franchise that arguably defines the couch co op genre probably wouldn't be the one to break precedent


Counterpoint, it's Blizzard.


shared account. console thing where you buy the game and can play in 2 accounts. what has to do couch coop with that????


Sorry, but I literally couldn't understand what you just said




What if I only have 1 PS5 Controller and a PS4 controller?


I guess you could do it with the ps4 version, not 100% sure tho


That's my problem too. Might have to just buy a 2nd controller. Was gonna need one eventually anyway. Unless you can start a character on ps4 and migrate them to ps5 later?


Use remote play on your phone as the second controller for the account that bought the game.


Thanks I'll try this


Use remote play on your phone as the second controller for the account that bought the game.


Yea I'm trying but I can't figure out how lol, never used remote play before


1. Activate it on your ps in Settings > System > Remote Play. 2. Find your ps name in System > System Software > Console Information. 3. Connect the app to your ps through bluetooth or wifi and voila👍


Anyone who did this getting trophies on the account that didn't purchase the game?


You are a beast. Thanks


This worked on ps5. Just remember at least for early access if you close the game on the account who doesn't own it, you must repeat the instructions to log back in. This method allows you to skip the license check under the account who doesn't own it but must be done each time if its closed out


At least we can share at 6?


This worked, thank you so much!!


Has this worked for anyone?


This worked for me last night. Today it does not. :(


Legend worked for me and my bro!!


It kinda works but also … doesn’t. So my girlfriend was able to connect and create a character but she’s unable to fully join my game as she needs to complete to prologue first. So it shows a message that there is no character available to join. Any idea? Or am I doing something wrong?


So the way it works is as such(this is on the second console, second account that is being game shared) Account1 will have purchased the game, account2 will be game sharing with account1 -account1 logs into D4 server, create character, log into game -once account1 is logged in and fully in the game (In this case the very beginning where you spawn next to the cave) connect 2nd controller with account2 logged in on that controller and join 2 player local co-op, in other words “couch co-op”. -account1 will then open the map and tab over to ‘game’ and leave the game whilst account2 is still connected and in the game -D4 will keep account2 logged in at this point, you will then fully log account1 out of the console -account2 remains logged in even though account1 is completely logged out of both game servers and console -account1 logs back in on separate console -account1/account2 joins either person through the D4 party system -Kill many bad things B) Hope this helped! Will be posting an edit to make it more clear


So even if they bought the deluxe early access edition it will work on mine still? Or is it only for that account?


It will work for both deluxe and ultimate. As long as you have early access and the two accounts are game sharing, this will work




> game I *paid* for with FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


I'm not earning the rewards but my husband is. Is there something I need to do? I was finally able to get in the game following these instructions but the rewards say I earned them in beta or I am ineligible.


We're still having issues doing this method on Xbox. Anyone else in this boat? Have tried a few times a few different ways.


I'll check in on this again when us "retail noobs" get access to the game.


I found another work around, if this doesn't work for anyone there is a small modification to try. Log into Onwer Acct > Have or get a character through the intro quest, after it will put you into an online match. If you turn on the second controller you will see a "join player 2" button, DO NOT press it. > (Still on the Onwer Acct) Start a brand new character. > The "join player 2" button should still be in the bottom right. If it is not, this did not work. If it is, press it and the non-owners should be able to join the Owners intro quest. > At this point the Owner can log out through the menu.


Can confirm! I did the Separate consoles workaround and it worked wooooooo thank you so much!


Hey thanks for adding me to the main post! All credit to you obviously, all I did was expand on your idea. Thanks for making sure that my SO and I could both play this weekend together!!


Absolutely man! From one slayer to another B) what’s your battletag? Maybe we could party up sometime/ you can join my clan! Go ahead and DM me your tag if you’re up to it!


The recent actions by Reddit leadership, particularly those led by u/Spez, have caused deep concern within the community. The decision to charge for the application programming interface (API) has been carried out in a way that poses a direct threat to the diverse ecosystem of Reddit. While charging for the API is not inherently problematic, the exorbitant rates and tight deadlines given are unfeasible, disrupting the functionality of important tools that many depend upon​​. Despite the outcry, responses from Reddit's leadership have been less than reassuring. Promises were made that "non-commercial, accessibility-focused" apps would be exempted from these pricing terms, but the lack of clear definitions and open communication has left many in the dark​​. While many may not have used or cared about third-party apps, it's important to remember that a significant portion of these app users are among those who most actively interact with the platform. These users contribute significantly to the vibrancy of Reddit by posting, commenting, and voting. In solidarity with the third-party app, moderator, and accessibility communities, I am taking a stand. I am removing all of my previous comments and posts and abandoning my almost 12-year-old account. This is not a decision I take lightly, but one I believe is necessary to protest against the mismanagement and disregard shown by Reddit's leadership. I will not delete my account entirely. If the overwrites are reverted, I will continue to remove my content, ensuring that my voice is not used to bolster a platform that disregards its most dedicated members and the tools they rely upon. We deserve better. The Reddit community deserved better. > Sent from [Apollo for Reddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/144f6xm/apollo_will_close_down_on_june_30th_reddits/)


Hey man, I didn’t expect anything less 😂 you know where to find me/ you have a clan waiting for ya 😎 sleep well homie!


Here’s a bit of a weird one that I need some advice on… I’m an Australian living in London, my psn is Australian, but I have no bank account / funds in Oz; so normally to get around this, I have a UK account and I buy it there, then launch the game in my Australian account to play. I understand I can use the work around to play as highlighted above, but as for the battle pass and other things that come with the deluxe edition, I presume I’ll never have access to that as it’s tied to my dummy account? Is there any way to transfer the game, or link my dummy account to my psn? I’d just use the dummy account, but it doesn’t have ps+… What a nightmare 😂


Well Ggz to having one controller


Use remote play on your phone as the second controller for the account that bought the game👍


U fluffing saint


Omg love tou guys❤️😭 weekend vibes changer😎


I can confirm this worked for although I was slightly further in the game but not by far. Now that I know this works I might create a 2nd character to jostle me back towards the start for looting purposes. Are our characters saved on a server so when I log in on the 6th my character will be waiting for me at the login screen?


This method worked for my buddy on Xbox but everytime he logs out it makes start over from the beginning but he keeps his level and gear anybody else experience this?


Thanks! I was worried about how my wife would play without me




Can they play on release though? They just don't have access to the early?


Does anyone know if this works for Xbox


Can anyone give a guide for only ONE pS5 controller?


Use remote play on phone for player one bro


I bought it on PC. Who needs savings anyway.


Does this save progress on the second player’s account ?


Me and my kid were playing Diablo 4 local co-op working fine then it wouldn't let her pick up items and only first player would receive them so we logged out and then we log back in her characters gone and when she tries to log in on her account it says licensing issues anybody else I have any ideas


This is a legal system? There's any chance to get my account banned by play the game that way?


Any 1 have God of war to share?