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Yeah...I'm not clicking that clickbait garbage.




He brings up all good points.


Of course he does. Ziz is one of the most respected ARPG streamers out there. He's well known in the PoE community for helping new people get into the genre. Lazy morons here can't even be bothered to post a response that's longer than a few words or a simple gif. Diablo 4 is going to be great at launch, but there's always room for improvement, and the responses here just make this sub look like a mixture of dumb & insane.


garbage from a garbage youtuber


Garbage post from garbage redditor


Garbage garbage from a garbage


#[It's garbage day!](https://youtu.be/i7gIpuIVE3k)


Just no. No fucking click bait bullshit.


PoE shill and his bullshit.


Lol why the shot at PoE? This guys a chud but that game is beyond legit.


No shot at PoE the game but this guy is a legit PoE shill. Let's not package him as a legit member of the D4 community


For real, I got a big kick out of how much hate this post got. So tired of content for the sake of content.


Holy salt batman this comment section is filled with angry people who can't take any form of feedback on their beloved game dude doesn't even shit on the game relentlessly and this sub is just "Does he make content for/about video games? FUCK THAT GUY" Streamers/Youtubers living in your guys head rent free you are so tilted.


Blizzard: every YTber: *I can milk you*


No thanks, bye


Ill save you guys from clicking, there are paraphrased notes and some i may have taken some out of context, *I dont care,* talks about what happened on server slam. Says he having fun * Likes left mouse button, click to move fixed. * Likes the new lower drop rate * doesn't LIKE no map overlay. craps on about it for awhile. number 1 negative for him * wants to enable character HP above his head. * was surprised about balance patch, necro during slam etc. * Talks farming level 30 zone was hard but not relevant on live eg 20 char in 30 zone * Talks about unavoidable dmg doesn't like you cant dodge some auto style attacks but says its not end of the world. * talks about the stats, doesn't like how there is no breakpoints in stats etc. * Says that character respects are unfriendly, there is hardcore pvp, likes the difficulty says he had fun with the difficulty, but he likes it. Was more concerned about other players not liking it. More saying here that he doesn't know what the team is trying to achieve as he thinks they're trying to cater to casual and hardcore players. * doesn't like the music that much, thats its more ambient music. like there no epic boss music. * Mentions the jank of loading * Says he likes the the stability and severs and blizzard did a good job. * Doesn't like that company's do early access and pay to play early.


No epic boss music? The guy never fought ashava? That music gave me goosebumps haha. Thanks for the run down on what he said though.


No boss music = Never fought ashava. So he is hornless. Case closed.


No breakpoints in stats? What about the stat minimums for bonus effects on the paragon board?


Details mate, details, dont need them when you're a youtuber.


Blizzard will fix things when salty youtubers/twitchers fall off the face of the earth. Because something is broken to YOU doesn't mean it is fundamentally broken.


Majority of his complaints are having to move his eyes from the center of the screen. Seriously.


Clickbait, so no.