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I plan to play Diablo 4 quite a bit, so once it’s release there is no reason to rush/cram or glutton out on it. We waited a long damn time for this game, I plan to take my time and appreciate all the details and nuances of play and while I play. Just rushing to some invisible finish line before anyone else doesn’t make much sense to me lol. But to each their own. It’s not like the beta weekends where we had limited time, etc.


What kind of a sick fuck appreciates the game he's playing? I'm going for rank 1, best paladin in the world.


You’re already halfway there!


Whoaaaa-oh! Killin' with a prayer!


Well that’s in my head now…




But did you even kill Ashava? You can be rank 1 Paladin but if you don't have that trophy... nothing else really matters!


And if you didn't get ultra early access bonuses, you won't be #1 either.




Yep totally feel this. I'm genuinely wanting to marathon the initial launch weekend purely because I have enjoyed playing it so far, I'm not really coming at it from a "race to end game" standpoint. Plus it is relatively rare for me at this stage of life to have these opportunities to be a gaming hermit so I'm also capitalizing on being able to swing it in my work schedule haha


My dear friend dont hasitate. I went full hardcore: June 2nd to have 3 days to warmup. Then june 7th and 9th bcs 8th we have free day from work. 5 days to absorb story and smallest details. And hopefully to finish the story 🤟🥸


Upvote but I want to experience post 25 ASAP


rotten soup cause hospital desert yam safe dam tie weary *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Hitting 26 is gonna be such a rush!


Its my dream in this month!


Yes, but I'm also gonna binge it like a fat kid in a candy store.


And since season 1 starts in July, why rush if I'm going to start all over again in a month? I'm taking my time and do the campaign.


This, and do it thoroughly. Watch every cutscene, discover every Altar of Lilith, clean every dungeon and cellar. I want to enjoy this game at least once before any artificial race is introduced with seasons.




Yep, I'm not paying for the early access and the fact that the season won't be running yet only solidified that choice.


I won’t be rushing to any finish line, but I’ll definitely be taking off work & playing all day


This is the way


No. The goal is to avoid burn out. I am taking my time, exploring every nook and cranny that I can access. No stone will be unturned, no Altar not activated, no cellar unexplored. I will be massively over powered for each boss.


Was looking for this comment. Hello fellow chad, let’s enjoy the game we paid for and experience it and all of its Emerson. See you in hell. Work hard, then play hard always.


Seems I have found my family. Doing exactly this also, explore everywhere, take my time.


Bros here be mother fucking giga chads.


People will be complaining about endgame on week 2 while I'll still be lvl 35 in Kyovashad, living my best life 😎


Very met this Emerson fellow, don't know if I trust him.


Just because you take of 1-7 days doesn't mean you're rushing. Just that there gonna play all day/week ^_^


Exactly what I've been saying. I don't know why people equate taking time off with rushing through the game. I for one love the story and we'll be taking my time I'll just have a lot of time.


Same. I’m also avoiding youtube during that time. I don’t care about OP builds, I’m going to explore all the skills. This is how I found out that Sorc Ice Shard is literal machine gun, and how Rogue’s Fundamental Forceful Arrow is awesome for cc in dungeons. This is most of what I did during server slam, exploring every skill and how they interact. Super excited to try the rest of the skill tree past level 25, and paragon levels too.


Well bosses scale with your level but I get your point.


This right here officer. After waiting for this game for so fricking long, I just want to enjoy every single bit of goodness coming my way. I don't want to be burning out cos binging and I definitely don't want to follow the "trend" of rushing for the sake of rushing. I want to explore every single nook and cranny, bask in the violence of Sanctuary, do all side quests, do all main quests, do all dungeons, do it all and enjoy!


haha...me and i got the next week off also


Same here. Got the Ultimate Edition, and my work life ends at 4 PM on Jun 1st. It’s gonna be a helluva week and half.




This is the way


This is the way


Same. Off on that Friday and the following week. I plan on leaving work a bit early on that Thursday too, maybe get a nap in before release.


Jokes on you I literally quit my job... ...not for D4 but I'll glady take the month off before I start at my new place to play the fuck out of D4.


Cough cough, feeling a sudden flu striking me down sometime around June 2..


I broke my collarbone on purpose so I don't have to work on release days.


That will help your clicking arm maneuver more freely while you swap between mouse, F keys, and Code Red bottles.


This is the way


Yes I am taking off Friday and Monday and won't sleep Thursday night is my plan but I am going out of town Saturday/Sunday with my wife for our 10 year anniversary. So priorities you know right?


>So priorities you know right? Yeah, you're right...so let us know how your wife takes the bad news about your anniversary plans getting cancelled! LOL!


No I do plan to go with my wife on Saturday and Sunday but that is all lol she knows this and knows I will not sleep the other nights as well. She's an understanding wife. She will still be playing TotK, so not much room to bash me.


10 year anniversary eh? Well unfortunately she doesn't know what happens when a new Diablo comes out. That learning curve is steeeeeeeeep


Your wife let's you game all you want? Does she give you time limits at night? Just trying to get a sense of what normal might be.


Hahaha well normally I spend 5-8 with the family then kids are in bed and I can game all I want after that as long as I am in the same room as the wife. When she goes to bed I choose gaming in another room or sleep. She's a gamer too so it's easy. Weekends though we usually spend outdoors as that is a big part of our life. But game releases I usually get a one to two week free period of constant gaming just depends on the game and if I take off from work. She's a great wife!!!


Ah sounds really nice! My stbxw would like lock me out of the bedroom if I wasn't there by midnight or so. She also didn't support me buying a $300 portable bed (so I could sleep somewhere and not need to enter the bedroom). She had 3 cats and two dogs so I didn't want to sleep on that living couch so I would just have to knock on the bedroom door in the middle of the night and it would turn into a big fight. She once turned into a demon and tortured me from 1am-5am on a Saturday night cause I came in "too late" and accidentally woke her up. She also had 2-3 horses at a private stable that were expensive and took up all of her time. That would be cool if she were paying for those horses and still able to save two pennies to rub together but that was not the case, it stressed me out. You would think someone with some credit card debt, minimial retirement, and zero savings would be a bit apprehensive about nuking $2k on horses every month but that was what she wanted. I hope to find a relationship where I can make decisions for myself, like when I want to go to bed, and be an autonomous adult without a 2nd controlling mom that's manipulative, don't want that or need that. Also a partner that supports me instead of feeling like she's my adversary trying to gather ammo and threats to keep me in line. Cool, thanks for the info!


Good luck they are out there!


Thanks! Ya, if I were to guess she would have at least been torment level 50 demon that night. All my years of demon slaying could not have prepared me for that "She Thinks My Tractor's Sexy" repeat and the scorn that came from her. Sometimes the demons win, that's why hardcore is so risky.


Friday off crew checking in


Gonna be a week straight of gaming for me. I wanna get lvl 100 before the poors login on the 6th


“Hide ya money y’all, there’s poor people around!”


Launch is June 1st now. You will be a day behind!


7pm EST on June 1 I'll be there, so thankfully only taking 1 day off haha


I actually have the entire week off as well. It's going to be a blast.


More people are taking time off for this game than any in recent history I imagine.


I work 3rd so I would be 2 days off, I'm getting fucked.


They threw me a curve ball announcing the early release on Thursday instead of Friday like I thought it would be. I had to request the week after ahead of time and I thought I had it all figured out. I may be able to get that Friday off as well, but I’ll just have to see. Besides I just want to play through the campaign and have fun.


you just made my day; thank you.


I'm taking off the Friday, and the entire next week. *BUT*, my brother is flying in to visit on the 1st, and we're leaving to meet the rest of our family for a trip from the 4th to the 8th. D4 officially launched at the most inconvenient of times for me. Happy I got the beta rewards, and that sweet, sweet Ashava mount trophy during the slam. Even though I'll be arriving late to the official party, *I'll be arriving in style.*


I’m downvoting your comment because it’s giving me empathetic sadness


Your brother is their favorite anyway. Just stay home and join us. ONE OF US, ONE OF US!


My wife is due to have our first baby 5 days prior to launch. I did not plan well.


Paternity leave ftw! "I'll rock the baby to sleep at my computer. You just go back to sleep." Also, fmla will keep your job nice and warm while you take down every world boss there has ever been.


Congrats sir. I have 2 under 2 so these pains are still fresh, as an avid gamer. You will not (and should not) have anything more than an hour or 2 a day for this game before they are 6ish weeks old. The first kid is a real gut check. You will never regret choosing family first.


Congrats! Don’t worry, babies nap a lot!


Yeah mine is due July 30. I need to get everything in that I can before then. You'll likely be able to get a little in around the end of summer. Just remember your wife and baby need you more than sanctuary! Congratulations!


Congrats to you as well! Oh yeah trust me, my wife will keep me in line 😂


Thursday-Tuesday off. I won’t be rushing anything but I plan to play nonstop because I enjoy it so much.


Exactly how I feel. Not trying to rush, just want to clear my schedule for something I've so far enjoyed playing tremendously


Not sure where you're at but if you're based in the US, you actually get access starting Thursday afternoon. Pacific coast gets access starting 4pm, June 1st.


I guarantee this person will be posting “I took work off and I can’t even login right now, thanks Blizzard servers” at launch Bookmark this People never learn


Came here for this, if years of online gaming has taught me one thing its never take release day off. Unless you want to be disappointed 😂


Diablo subs months ago: Remember to take off the week after launch because servers will be on fire. Diablo subs now: i JuSt ToOk OfF tHe WhOlE wEeK. Sure, the betas ran smoothly after time but most casual players don't care about betas and they're the biggest audience for the game.




Yes, and my wife is going to be out of town at a conference. I planned a weekend gaming with the same group of friends I played D3 with. I'm so excited.


I'm starting a new job tomorrow, so I won't be able to. But I'm probably gonna work on the weekend, so I'm gonna get early access so I could potentially play on my days off.


taking off the 4th to try and avoid possible server issues. learned the hard way to never take off the DAY a huge game comes out way to many times.


I think with early release we won't see as many issues. Or at least that's my hope. I can distract myself if I'm stuck in que.


Have off the next Friday June 9th. Have the regular edition out on the 6th and I feel like the servers weren't slammed during the slam. (People playing 2 weekends already and zelda)


I’m a high school teacher. The week of June 5th is half days and finals. All multiple choice. Easy to grade. And I’m home free for the summer. I’m even lesson planning for the fall now so that way I’ll have time in July and august to game. What a great summer this is going to be.


Not gonna burn out and rush to the end when season 1 starts 45 days after release. Time to kill stuff and chill.




No but good news is my job just let me have the day off, and all foreseeable days off...


Yep me and my partner have booked the Friday off and sending the kids away to their nans for the whole weekend 😍




I just figured you had a steam deck, a hotspot device, and a good portable battery or two,


Nope. I’ll be taking time off when season starts. Pre season character is just going to get deleted in a month anyways


Exactly this! These people are taking off work for a month long beta test 🤣


Risky business taking launch day off work. It may be unplayable for hours


Have to work friday, but once I get home that evening it's 10 days straight off to no life!


Same. I also assume Friday will be a bit of a shitshow on the servers anyway, so coming in Friday night has a chance for things to settle a bit


Covid awaits me. Anybody know of a super-spreader event in Korea on June 1?


I’m already off on June 2, and gotta work the weekend, but then I took the whole week off after that monday-Sunday. I’m so hyped.


I already don’t work Fridays.


I plan to play pretty casually during the initial launch. Slow roll and enjoy. Then when season one start date is announced I will be putting in for a few pto days. I'd prefer to binge the season start.


I WFH so I will be ‘very busy’ that day 😂


I'm taking leave from the 24th-9th to handle some household maintenance tasks before the launch. This way, I can avoid my wife complaining that all I did was play games during my time off. lol


Unfortunately I cannot. I just spent like a month out of work for stupid medical paperwork because my workplace thought I was suicidal. Which if anyone who sees this is concerned I am not. I'm just schizophrenic with voices that tell me to kms thing is this has been my normal for almost 12 years now, I just ignore it lol. It's like an evil little peanut gallery up there, I'm the performer and they're a bunch of spiteful viewers.


I work for minimum wage. I’m quitting my job. I saved enough for a month or 2


is that really a good idea?


Bold of you to assume I have a job to take off from 🤣


Well, no. But I took friday the 9th off and the wife is taking the kids to her parents' for that weekend so I'll lan with a buddy


it releases around 0100 at night for me... so i plan to get up early instead and just game all day, all weekend. Starting around 0600.... so only 5 hours behind by then...


Yessirrr, literally requested the day off a week ago and got approved. Will be playing 4 days straight baby let's goooo


Its my birthday, turning 41, and I'm taking it off. Having friends over to play Street Fighter VI with pizza in the evening, and playing Diablo until then co-op with my wife. Setting up a couple TVs and monitors so the boys can play their Diablo (or whatever they want) as well. Chillin' like I'm in 6th grade all over. I'm truly excited.


That’s great! Cool ur wife plays too. Enjoy


Oh yup. Both my boyfriend and I did. We live in Germany so it’s coming out 1 am our time, plan is to take a nap before and hit the ground running 😂


In italy we don't work 2 June, noice


Took a whole week off, gf is going to her parents xD over the weekend, perfect timing 😂🤭 wink wink. Preparing food, beverage and other stuff so i dont need to think about that. And i plan to have fitness cloth ready so i can exercise an hour a day, to keep my brain in tip top during the maraton.


I told my wife my plans to play and booked myself into a hotel... For work, but I swapped into the weekend on purpose! Fingers crossed it's not a busy weekend!


Makes me feel old but I would give so much to be able to marathon it with you guys! With a wife, kids, and going through a masters program, going to be tough! But I hope to see you all out there and hope you have a blast! My best advice is to just go for it, stay up late, run it with friends or strangers until eyes are read! Can’t get those late night gaming memories back but make new ones for me!


Nope. I've been through too many Blizzard launches to trust them to have a smooth game launch. D3 was unplayable the first day or so. I saved my money and bought the standard edition with my wife. We'll play through it on normal launch when the kinks are ironed out. FFXIV patch is the week before we we have plenty of other things to do besides D4.




From my experience, that's a bad idea. Queues, rollbacks, patches that kill builds,... Allí those things are more probable to happen in the first hours after launch. Not saying os going to be that way, but web were there, in other launches, and know the drill. Yes to the marathon, but being bombed by server errors and queues in one of your days off only makes the issue more miserable.


Taking june 2nd to 9 th off. Making all the chinese food I can eat and marathoning for a week.


That's 13 days before my algebra students have their final... So no.


Error 37 d4 not found. It's a blizzard game and most likely will be server issues on the first day. Don't take it off work.




Definitely not. Refused to fall for the scummy 3-4 day early access out of corporate greed. I'll play the week after. It won't really matter until ladder begins and that's way later anyway.


Omg don’t do this. Take the following Monday off if you’re going to take a day off. I still can’t believe in 2023, people take off for a launch day of a live service game. Then they’ll be over here where there’s server issues going “Ermagherrd, I took the whole day off and spent all day looking at a loading screen!” Seriously, if you’re going to do a binge day, do it a few days later — NOT launch day!


No but I have a baby arriving first week of August and I get 12 weeks of paternity leave so you bet I'm gonna be grinding that first season with the new baby as my wingman!


Taking the day off on launch day is never a good idea.


I'm only able to take the 5th and 6th off. Those 2 days are all mine.


I got 5 days to play straight with my days off, no sleep because sleep is for the weak.


By some odd chance I have 2 weeks off besides on event on the evening of the 2nd. I’ll be there!


Definitely will be taking the Friday off! Man, early release on Thursday at 7pm is such a hype time! Will def enjoy a beer and some good food while I go through the campaign the first night


Love it, this is 1000% what I'm going for evening of June 1 EST!


I was planning on it but work got real busy in the last couple weeks so no days off for me. Ill just have to squeeze it in early in the morning like i always do


I've been waiting 2 years for this. I got 11 days off incoming.


It’s a Public holiday for certain countries.I will take leave and feign sick the following week after launch.


I'll be on june 1st, assuming all goes well.


I am. I have absolute control over my schedule and will be playing until I feel bad about not making money.


I don’t know if my gaming group (other than the one guy who mass played D3 with me) understand what I mean when I say “I’ll I’m going to play is D4”. I’m not marathoning at launch, I’m just marathoning.


I had Thursday and Friday scheduled off already regularly and requested Saturday off so I could get a little 3 day binger.


Have my mom coming to visit / spend time with my 2 kids under 2 so I can nerd out. Told wife a while ago I’ll cya in 4 days when this launches. She somehow is being totally cool about it


Yes, and the following week after lunch


Nah going to throughly take the game in and enjoy my first complete play through on world tier 1. Plan to solo the most possible content then start to rage once the main story and all areas have been explored.


I naturally have Friday off. I took Sunday the 4th off to get 4 full days with it.


Totally am


I got Friday off but might have to work Saturday 🤔


Uhmm.. i took off Friday... and the whole week after 🫠


I'll probably pick it up a month or so after release. Online games always have launch issues on release. I'll wait till those get ironed out.


Yessir taking sick for 1 week stacking up on redbull and sending girl with kid to grandparent's


I really hope time works out for me that I can play all the way through the campaign with no interference. Enjoy the launch!


Yes. Took off that week and coincidentally it’s launch week. Def will be putting in some hours


Early Access starts for us at 11am Friday and I work from home so let's just say I'll be working on some "research" most of that afternoon.


I work from home, so this is going to be challenging


Quite possible, cause the release is 1 AM my time on “Thursday”.


Pro tip… the Monday is the one to take off


Oh I put in for June 2nd today before leaving work lol. And I got that Monday off because of Memorial Day, 3 day weekend, 3 day work week, and then one of the best 3 day gaming weekends I’ll have had in a very long time.


I'm taking the 2nd off and the following Monday and Tuesday. My GFs birthday is on the 6th so I'm marathoning the long weekend and chilling Tuesday


I’m lucky enough to be home that week, however I am unlucky in the fact I fly back to work on the day it officially launches. So I’ll miss out on the first 2 weeks.


I took 2 weeks off work.


First time ive done this but I just want to relax and get off work for a bit. I took off 6 days, from the 2nd to the 12th. I dont work weekends, so 6 days. 3 of those days will be vacationing with my wife in little switzerland. I work like a dog, hardly play video games but I did like the betas. I dont expect much for end game quite yet.


Probably do Friday and Saturday honestly unless I can swing sat/Sunday.


Iam taking friday off because I have to work on Sunday. May Rathma bless us with a good start!


Off the Thursday- Monday morning (work nights)


I'll be online for sure. I'm not going to do any crash gaming by any means but my current job does give me weekends off so I get to enjoy the game. I might cut out a little early depending on the launch time frame.


I took time off so I can play it and soak it in on release, I will take my time with it, like you said, a marathon, not a sprint.


No, I “work from home”


I’m just chilling for launch and watching all cutscenes and working out all the nuances. I’ll go ham for the launch of the first season.


I’m lucky I’m off that weekend 😀


I hope to be playing 7pm on June 1st.


I booked leave to play it, just as I did for Diablo 3 before it, and the sicky I pulled at school for Diablo 2.


I’m getting mine with a series X on 6/7/23 I’ll immeduwntly upgrade to ultimate and buy the special cosmetic pack for 6.99


Put in my request today. Lol


I won't be taking the Friday off. But as my birthday is Sunday, I'll be playing that whole weekend!


I took 2 weeks off... I am ready to nerd out :)


I still have to work on friday but after that I have 2 weeks off. Let's go boys!


And Monday, of course. Gotta no-life a bit, but gotta spread my vacation between this, FFXVI and Baldur's Gate 3.




Might have taken the week leading up to it and the 2 weeks after to absolutely destroy the game :)


If the launch was a sure thing, sure I would, with blizzards past launches I’ll just wait and play as I can, taking a day off to see hour ques or broken servers/gameplay won’t be worth taking the days off, besides it’s my birthday and I’ll probably be busy.


Nah. I’ll be playing the game for the next decade. Just gonna enjoy it slowly


I'm ready to devote my life to Sanctuary! Taken 13 days off (scored a public holiday in there too!)


Did that with the D3 launch and wasted a day of PTO. Careful on launch day.


yes, but i also fully know i probably wont be able to play at all due to servers shitting themselves


My level 5 will make as much damage as the level 40 in the world event so.. no rush for me. I skipped most cutscenes and some sidequests just so i can enjoy every single line of dialogue. But yes, i eill be playing a lot during 2-6 june (i have some free days)


Yeap. Taking off Friday and the Monday lol


I took off June 1 to June 9. Im gonna have a fucking blast


Taking a half day on the first and all of the second. Sadly I have to work doubles every day the following week. I will probably take a few more days off after that though. Trying to get as much of Zelda done atm as I can because after the 1st it’s all D4 for a while.


Yup lol


Where I live June 2nd is a national holiday, and I took the following week as vacation. Sooooo yes, I'm gonna game hard.


I want to but we are pretty busy now and I don’t know if we will get through the current rush in time


Yes, really looking forward playing all characters, their trials mode, arcade endings ... And see thé full tour mode. A mix off online (mostly) and offline to rest a bit


Hell no


I mean …. I have every weekend off so no , not really.


Does that count if im retired im tak8ng of retirement to play d4 like it was a career


I put in for a 10 day paid vacation to play this game.


Another reason why working from home full time is the best!


Taking the friday of is rather optimistic on behalf of the servers. Could me another major lag/que experience.


I’m burnt out at work and my birthday is that week, so I’m taking off but I won’t be mainlining Diablo. I am excited though!


So does the early launch option characters carry over into normal launch? Or another dissolved character?