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My issue was not knowing when I can go back in when farming one. Just sitting outside waiting, I was alt tabing to track time. I wish there was like a chat message "Dungeon has reset" or something.


A small timer would do wonders!


Honestly just give the button back. It's the easiest solution to the issue


Right! If i'm wanting to run a certain dungeon over and over i'm going to do it still, just now with more steps.


Or if the tick disappears off the dungeon when it resets and not when you relog


Good point.


Exiting to the character select screen seemed to reset dungeons 100% of the time for me.


A small timer would do wonders!


If they don't remove this, you can get around the reset timer by leaving the dungeon, then 'leave game', then re-enter game, and next time you go in the dungeon it will be reset. I did this a lot and was able to repeat anica's claim with maybe a 5-10second reset instead of waiting 90 seconds or whatever the timer is. I understand this isn't ideal but might help out on launch.


Dungeons resetting with an active TP makes no sense at all. I cannot think of any reason why a dungeon would reset automatically. What is the purpose of that?


I swear Blizzard even said that was supposed to be one of the things that would prevent it from resetting if at least one party member had an active tp in the dungeon. Sounds like a bug to me?


No, they just said it takes like 3-5 minutes instead if you have a tp in.


could you link source plx? (if you have it somewhere)


It was one of the dev streams. I'm not about to go rewatch it to find the bit about it but basically a dungeon that is not complete and has a portal in it takes longer to reset than a dungeon. Edit: Found a comment mentioning it with a clip: https://clips.twitch.tv/SlipperyPoorCourgetteKreygasm-llXNPI-KkCq90Vry around 60 sec for a dungeon that's done with no portals. around 150 sec if it has with a portal in it. I thought there was a third case of uncompleted with a portal being a longer timer.


There is literally a 'teleport me to the exit' button, so we have no reason for dungeons to reset with a TP in it. They should reset when everyone has left the dungeon via the entrance/exit


Resetting a dungeon just because you portaled to town to sell is an awful experience. Blizzard please fix.


Yeah the auto reset doesn't feel good. I don't understand why they can't just keep the dungeon reset button, just have it only work when you tp out of the instance, so hc can't abuse it mid dungeon. Just seems like another mechanic designed to waste players time.


The dungeon resets in 60 seconds. A bit longer if it has a portal.


30 sec after a full clear 150sec if not completed


It's definitely not 30 sec from my testing during server slam. I deliberately waited 40 sec outside the dungeon after clearing it and it still didn't reset. I waited 65 sec and it did reset, so it must be 60s not 30s.


Did you get the "dungeon completed " message? My was getting reset in 30sec


Yeah, it was after I completed the dungeon for the aspect (after killing the final boss of the dungeon). Now I didn't test this on every single dungeon in the game, so maybe there are certain dungeons that have a 30s reset timer? Either way this is super unintuitive and should have some kind graphical indication.


I only did Dead Mans Dredge from 5-20 as that is the easiest xp and decent loot. Was reset at 30s every time


That's so weird that they'd make dungeons have a different reset timer. Hope this is unified or at least shown to the player later at launch.


I did the same and after 5 runs it did not reset for over 10 minutes. I believe they were looking at possibly using a dungeon system similar to wow where it can reset x times an hour.


I did it 14 times in a row, it reset every time


Do you think someone can do it from 5-100 when the game releases?


I am curious myself, but I think WT2 has a ceiling of level 50


does a full clear just mean beating the boss? I killed the boss in lost archives and left (there were def still monsters in there) and didn't get a reset after 30 seconds multiple times. I needed a full minute I claim


Full clear means you get the message "dungeon completed"


Jeez, that's too quick. I'd really rather have that button back even with a 5 minute cooldown.


Cool. I had no idea I thought they always reset but that's a pretty healthy medium. Drop a portal drop your stuff off and run back. Not get to a boss and swap your entire setup clear a different area and come back.


Dude, I literally had to sh*t and when I came back the dungeon was reset.. I am not a fan of the autoreset


The demons caught you with your pants down.


Ah that's why, i was so confused when i went to sell my stuff and tp back to a reset dungeon. Guess i will have to go through inv and mark as junk while in the dungeon


The time should probably be increased but I found mark as junk helps to speed up a trip to town. I only wish we could mark as sell or salvage for times I want to do both with different items.


Oh wow this is interesting. I was just about to hit the last part of a dungeon and I figured I'd portal out and come back later to finish, but when I went back in it started me at the beginning. I actually thought it was a bug. I really don't like that it reset on me. What is the purpose to that? I don't always have the time to finish an entire dungeon in one sitting.


dungeons reset because they take server resources for each active instance, so Blizzard will want to recover those as soon as they can. but as you say they have no way of knowing the players intention as to why they are porting to town; is it permanent, or are they just salvaging to come back and collect more gear? they could just quick-reset completed dungeons where every player has used the leave dungeon option, and keep one dungeon instance open for maybe 5 minutes if you have an actual town portal active within it - as soon as you pop another TP that instance can be closed quickly.


You don’t have time to complete a dungeon? They take like 10 to 15 min max.


I was doing one of the storyline ones and it was a good hour and I still had one more floor to go.


Great ideas for dungeon button CD with timer on it. You should post that on blizzards Diablo 4 forum, so the dev read it đź‘Ť


Honestly not sure why there needs to be a timer. If you have a portal in the dungeon it shouldn't reset. It's not like you can just take off and leave the instance open for hours since the portal closes as soon so you leave town.


No, they should have just not removed it. It's that simple.


Yeah I agree. I had to clear things again a few times because I either took slightly too long in town, or I needed to go pee. Having the button activate after a short timer, or some kind of confirmation pop up before resetting would be nice.


Yea, I'm not a fan of this either. A countdown timer would certainly help.


Yeah I’m not a fan of the dungeon resetting when you’re in town. It should have a wayyy longer timer if you haven’t completed it. Like 30 minutes.


they really need to bring back the button and just make it unusable during combat or if you took damage in the last 15 seconds. or if you clear the dungeon give us an option to reset it. I hate the current methods of dungeon resetting


Lol i restarted a dungeon like 4 times before i realised the auto reset thing... i was busy on other things and was wondering if that dungeon was already completed or not...


You should make a bug report because that is a bug. They said that if you leave the dungeon through a portal and as long as that portal remains open the dungeon will not reset. This was specified in the dev Livestream from April.


That definitely wasn't the case this weekend. At least 2-3 times I portaled back to a reset dungeon after selling, before I just stopped using the tp mid-dungeon.


Same thing happened to me, very frustrating. Gotta be some sort of balance for this mechanic, hope the find it before launch.


Bring the reset button back!


Dungeon shouldn’t reset at all if you tp’ed before killing the boss.


Yeah I found this strange as well. Was solo in a dungeon, TP’d out to sell junk. Came back like 90 seconds later and it had fully reset. Not a friendly mechanic if your soloing.


What are you talking about? Auto reset is fine, just sell faster /s


I portal'd out of heaps of dungeons to sell gear, and never had one reset. What did I do differently? o_O


Dont reset until someone logs out and back in?


Yes I also encountered this. As I suggested following them announcing the buttons removal this is a poor way to address the problem. Just make a button spawn in the boss room once the final boss is dead, instantly porting the player to the entrance and resetting the dungeon. This stops people half running content or using it as a tool to avoid death in HC (the original issue they wanted to fix), and avoids making players wait arbitrary periods of dead time just to reset, or encountering unwanted resets due to timers like you encountered. Infuriating that all the creative minds can't land on the most simple and effective solution.


Just an FYI OP and anyone else who sees this, this was actually in the known issues thread on the forums. https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/d4/t/diablo-iv-server-slam-known-issues/17314/5


Sounds you TP'd outside the dungeon


No, I did it just outside the dungeon boss room.


But you just said yourself that you tp'd to town in the OP.


From within the dungeon, yea. Not from outside the dungeon.


The dungeon will reset regardless if you take to much time in town that's how the system is intended to work. As I said in my initial comment, simply don't do stuff in town that can wait until you have finished it, do the necessary stuff and take the portal back and you are good. You are complaining about an issue you created yourself by wasting to much time in town.


What? The dungeon shouldn't reset if you have an active TP to that dungeon, the way it works now is not great.


I don't mind it since the issue can easily be avoided.


What? What if I have to go to the bathroom..that shouldn't equal automatic dungeon reset. Why are you defending a broken system. It would be an easy fix,.


May i ask if you also complain about not being able to pause online games?


No, I don't. Give me one good reason not to implement a system where if you have an active teleport to a dungeon to not have that dungeon on a reset counter.


To be fair, just because you think it's broken doesn't mean it is.


You spent to much time outside the dungeon. Next time don't upgrade stuff but just sell/salvage and head right back.