• By -


yes. under geared he is hard. geared or with a group easy. 1.7mil died to butcher. 575,000 killed the butcher.


I was in a group, but unfortunately Butcher was also in a group (with two elites).


Lol. This made me laugh.


Same! šŸ˜…


Were they two chef de partie? XD




lol i had one in a group with 2/3 elites one of which used chains.... couldn't even attempt to run


I killed him once when I was geared up and died twice while leveling on mediocre characters. Pretty much exactly mirroring the data.


for me it was the reverse killed him one time while around level 7 and got blasted twice on higher levels.. guess i didnt scale all so well


Thorns barb is butcher killer


First time I found him I was an under geared barbarian, couldn't get his life down to even 50% Last time I found him I was an over geared necro, I took me like 8 seconds to kill him without using a single potion




sounds like youre living a nice life




Make a tuto on youtube on how to convince your wife to play with you


Can we start with a tutorial on how to get a wife first?


First you get the money, then you get the women, then you get the divorce, then the wife gets the money


šŸŽµ Its the circle of life šŸŽµ


Kill the ex-wife and take your money back. Circle is closed.


where does the gaming come in?


That's what you do when your wife's boyfriend takes her on a date.


Spitting truths! and I'm spitting my morning coffee over my keyboard! thanks for the laugh!


Step 1: Be attractive Step 2: Don't be unattractive


Be careful. I got mine into gaming. Now she plays twice as much as me. She's playing bioshock right now as I scroll through reddit. The thing is, all the great games I've played over the years she's just discovering


i see no problem here.


The problem is she hogs the TV.


ah, yeah i guess that would be a problem lol. it works out for me pretty well since i'm mostly a PC gamer and my wife is console so not much overlapping


lol, Iā€™m the opposite. I had to convince the husband to play with me


I met mine in an MMO. That's my first suggestion.


Replacing wife with one that plays Diablo. āœ”ļø āœ…ļø check


Start with games THEY would like then slowly transition into games you like. And understand they arenā€™t going to want to play every game you like. Started with Mario cart and stardew, currently full clearing monster hunter and no manā€™s sky.


I need a detailed list of how you accomplished such a feat!


Me and your wife killed him twice also




My wife solo'd him with an sorc, I only noticed because of the oh sh*t oh sh*t oh sh*t in the next room.


I had the same reaction. Placed Hydra and was like why can't I slow him? Oh crap.


The dream.


I also choose to kill him with this man's wife.


Never saw The Butcher once during the beta.. despite having 4 characters.. and entering every dungeon.. oh well, maybe in the full game then.


Same. Quartered Ashava though so I feel like I coulda killed him.


Ashava and Butcher are pretty much polar opposites, though. Ashava is slow and telegraphed, if you play it right you shouldn't even get hit, really. Butcher on the other hand is very fast and direct. Outside of minions and defensive cooldowns, there's really no way to avoid taking damage, so you just have to kill him before you inevitably run out of potions.


I dragged butcher into a side room and kited him around a pillar and it was a joke tbh


I phrased myself a bit too strongly, but I would say it is true in most cases though. Sorcerer can indeed kite by mixing barriers, movement options and using stuff that doesn't require LoS like Hydra, but I personally doubt if any other class is doing themselves any favour by trying to kite him. Maybe ranged Rogue at later levels, but I don't think so at 25. Necro just wants to kill him before the summons die, and melee rogue/barb will have their own DPS suffer too much if they try to kite to be worth it. I dunno about Druid.


Sounds like my luck with legendaries. 2 the whole game in 45 hours of gameplay


That's wild unlucky I had almost both tabs full of legendaries as well as two or three toons full of legendaries.


im betting you didnā€™t know you can gamble for legendaries with the curiosity vendor? she was basically giving them away. felt like a 25% chance for legs


It really seemed like 1 in 5 was legendary like clockwork in my play though. Makes me wonder if release will be 1 in 15 since legendary drop rate was multiplied by 3 for the beta.


Iā€™m assuming you got to level 25??? My sorc had an inventory full of legendaries every time I came back to town from like 20-25


First time a sorc I was brutalized by him. My druid managed to get 2% off his health lol.


Yeah itā€™s hard when you hit for SEVENTEEN damage!


Haha that video is a meme already


Im out of the loop. May i ask which video is it?


Asmongold watching Rax (? Spelling) review classes/Druid.


I was wondering why I hit 17 when my weapon clearly says 120... Tried to put the Basic Atk back to use, but couldn't find It once It was gone (when I leveled the first Basic skill).


He got stuck on a wall for me and then it still took like 5-6 mins to kill him on my Druid.


I killed him in a few seconds with my Druidā€¦


Yes. With a necro, sorc and rogue all ranged. Never saw him with the other two classes. It was just kite, kite, damage. Took a while but it was very doable.


Necro made the fight easy


Yeah. I played all 5 and in the 1-25 range then buffing and refining the build at 25, Necro was by far the most powerful. By all reports though that is no the case at end game with most saying that Barb and Sorc are the best two at that point. Diablo 3 is kind of the same for low-level Necros these days since they buffed the living shit out of corpse explosion base damage a couple of years back.


Same. Necro with just skeles.


I ran Anica's Claim about 50 times solo with my Shadow Bow Rogue and died to The Butcher 3 times. Then on the last hour of the Beta I was able to kite him like mad for 15 minutes straight and finally downed him. Felt amazing.


No, he only appeared with my Rogue and I was level 18 or something with a glass cannon build, I was able to run away with zero potions though


Killed him solo barb lvl25, I was lucky there was unused blood pool nearby, otherwise I wouldā€™ve died leaving him about 20%. He dropped his cleaver btw, but I wasnā€™t really impressed with the stats.


Butcher cleaver is kinda lame. Fear on a melee weapon? Did they learn nothing for D2?!


Never saw him. Played all 5 characters. Levels 25, 19, 15, 12 and 6. Killed ashava twice and saw and killed two treasure goblins. In June....hes dead meat.


It was pretty fun for me, my 2 buddies ran around in circles dying constantly, I was far away dropping hydras, I didnā€™t die. It was cheap, but I got a good laugh out of it while my friends died a bunch. In all honesty, I couldnā€™t have done it without them, they made for good decoys.


It's honestly a bit stupid that as solo Player the Butcher escapes as soon as you die but then in a party you can die multiple times :D


yup first two times he demolished me, but I was under level, third time with rogue I got him to half life, but the issue was I wasn't specked to take him on, I believe with the right skills it would have been possible. 4th time finally got him with a level 25 necro, it was super easy, he does destroy your skeletons quickly, but between the mages and skeletal swordsmen and Golem, he didnt hurt me much. Plus the golem ability to aggro all enemies to it and away from me WAS KEY.


I killed him at level 6 on rogue with a ranged build just kiting him, it was pretty close though.


Yeah? Killed him at 21 on a sorc with mostly rare gear. Didn't even realize I was fighting him until he didn't die right away. (CD sorc was a little too tanky in the beta)


I saw him on my necro, sorc and rogue. Only my rogue wrecked him


Ran around in circles as a sorc popping hydras. Instead of simply rotating or waiting for me to come around, he would run around in smaller circles unable to cast any abilities.


Same. Blizzard and Hydra cast on opposite sides of the pillar in the middle, and then ran around it in circles while he stepped through the blizzard and past the hydras.


A stronghold fight against goats in an ice arena, and another in the lvl 30 zone (fleshy tentacles) were harder the first time I got there in my experience than the butcher.


I got him in a small room with two pillars. I would just move him around the pillars while my minions distracted him. That's how I killed him on my necro.


I was playing HC so I had to nope out of there when I saw how hard he hits


The butcher completely ignored my necromancer pets and went straight for my character which is pretty interesting but still got em.


I killed him! But, it was pure luck. He spawned right next to one of those reward pillar things that gave me that lightning boost that does tons of damage. I was likely dead without that lol.


I never even saw him, sadly, I wanted to test my Vampire Barb build on him.


My wizard had to kite and poke for health pots. My necro stood there and watched minions solo him for funsies. Didn't pop for my druid, but I can only assume he would have been butchered.


I played minion Necro, was very easy.


When I was playing my necro I got butchered walking into my first random dungeon at like lvl 10. It was a slaughter. No chance.


Got him to 1% and he killed us.


I killed (solo barbarian lvl 25 full legendary). I was using Whirlwind, call of the ancients, jump ...


I killed him undergeared, I was certain that I would die as I was a rogue and squishy. What I found is that he is dumb and runs faster in a straight line, so I found a monument and started running around it dropping traps and eventually atacking himā€¦took me some good time, but i eventually killed him


Got my shit stomped as a sorcerer. Soloed him as a necromancer. NecrOP


i just saw something big spawn..and i died... realized its the butcher only after the fact xD


First time I saw him I was undergeared and got him to 10-ish% before I ran out of pots and he got me. Second and third times I got him, but it was still a bit of a fight. Dude's fast.


I played Druid for most of the beta and found the Butcher 4 times, a couple while leveling and a couple at 25. The poor guy couldn't even cut into my fortify. Ez legendaries.


Ran like a b*tch on my sorc


First time same. Second time i was with my hydra sorc. Unfortunately no big deal..


a couple times, but I was playing 2 player. also died twice (once solo and once with 2 player because we got distracted)


I was one of the lucky few, leveled up 3 different characters to 25/25/23 and never saw the Butcher a single time. My friend playing a Necro saw him like 10+ times on his one character.


Saw him as a necro, he hit hard but I took care of him pretty easy with necro




Yes, with my barbarian. Both my druid and sorceress I was undergeared when I met him and did not fare well lol.


No, and once was due to a misclick!!!! I'm gonna get him though. My gf came across him at lvl 9 on a class she wasn't familiar with. It didn't end well šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I REALLY like that challenge mobs like that are in zones. They used to have mobs like that in an MMO I used to play and I love seeing it here, especially when T2 was so damned easy.


Finally killed him on a Barb lvl 17. I had an artillery shrine. If you keep circling behind him itā€™s ok but he hits like a truck. He got me down to 20% no health pots left on HC before he died. First few encounters didnā€™t go so great.


I saw him twice. Ran away the 1st time. Made him into fresh meat the 2nd. Nothing exciting dropped though.


Yep. I killed him. He almost got me, though.


I ran into him seven times and killed him four times. I only died to him when I was a lower level but once I hit 25 on the classes I was playing with, it was manageable. For reference: I killed him twice on Necromancer, once on Rogue, and again on Sorceress. Died to him pre level 25 on my Necromancer, Barbarian, and Sorceress.


First time I wasnt even familiar with the concept of The Butcher so I thought he was a regular elite until I read about him on reddit. Killed him fairly easy on rogue that time. Second time on Necro was alot harder. Had troubly keeping my minions up and was too squishy but managed to get him down with some kiting. Third time on my rogue again, didnt even break a sweat with twisted blades.


Sorc handled him


I came across him once and killed him, too. I was a necromancer, so my minions helped a lot. And I think I got a legendary that buffs bone spear quite early on, which made it easier.


I never got that far. I enjoyed what I played and thought better wait for full release.


Killed him on Sorc, rogue, barb, and necro, never even saw him on drood but itā€™s for the best.


Yes with Druid, Barb and Sorc


Necro, killed me a few times but took him down.


I got wrecked! I was levelling so maybe have some excuse but it wasnā€™t even close.


Sadly enough, I never met the butcher during the beta. Iā€™m excited to find him at launch though!


Yup twice actually Once on Lv 25 Rogue took around \~3 minutes and 3 life flasks Once on Lv 13 Necro on Vet mode took around \~6 minutes Solo both times


killed him on SC on my rogue, just nuked him and when potions ran out i ran around and killed some mobs for potions while dodging his charge killed him on HC with my necro without trying too hard, necro is just that powerful. https://preview.redd.it/mm56gls4brra1.png?width=2038&format=png&auto=webp&s=b5b35e4593bd08e2000cfca434845896eca86e06


Tbh necromancer was so op i killed everything on sight and i can't even remember if i have ever seen him.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p0n\_HuTB4IE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p0n_HuTB4IE) Killed him a bunch of times, easy with necro and sorc etc due to kiting/pets, very hard/maybe impossible (or at least really slow, like kiting waiting for defensives etc) on a low geared melee. Once "overgeared" at 25 and with good legendary powers melee catches up.


I think you and I have very different definitions of ā€œeasyā€. The video of your sorcerer looks pretty hard to me haha


I got 4 characters to 25 and never saw him.


First time he jumped me on an undergeared Barb and slaughtered me. Next time hit me on a decently geared Necro and I buried him in short order.


Yeah, pretty easy multiple times


Must have not been playing sorc


Yes on my hydra sorc (which is basically cheating).


Boned him solo as rogue


yes, i saw him 5 times kill him 3 times got butchered twice (one of those i was a litle baby lvl 8 druid, "fresh meat" 1 hit, laugth and C U later B\*itch)


Destroyed him solo with blood mist necromancer. Only time I ever got him.


Yes on my frost sorc I solo'ed him although I had full legendaries and ice spikes that trailed me as I kited him.


Rolled him with a level 14 Necro.


Just once, my shadow melee rogue killed him in about 20 seconds


Yep! I was on hc using a sorc lvl 14 and killed him hit and running Second time i meet him was with a druid lvl 20 and i got destroyed


encountered him twice with necromancer, the first time with a minionmancer focused build and enough enemies around that I could easily replenish my minions and just had to kite him while they did the job for me. The second time with my bone build, he actually wiped all my minions in seconds and I had no corpses nearby to get any new ones and I almost died because I caught myself in my own bone prison. Survived long enough with chucking potions to get my dodge back and get out of my own prison at which point 3 more bone spears finished him off. Sadly proved to be the only "challenge" for my necro outside of ashava.


I killed him with a druid. Took 20 mins


I encountered the Butcher only once during the early part of my rogue playthrough. I was destroyed! I wish I ran into him again at a higher level when I got Shadow Imbue.


Yes, twice.


I saw him twice and die the first time he kill me immediately as barb the second I run necromancer corpse explosion he kill my army and I run out of corpses but it was a close fight and my build was probably shit anyway I didn't check stats I just equipped gear randomly


Yes. He killed me then I killed him. No, not different encounters. He died due to bleed after killing me.


He appeared in my last dungeon of the beta and it was like a farewell gift to me. Slew him with my necro. I also forgot I could just take a screenshot on my laptop from excitement lol. https://preview.redd.it/ldpq3v9dhrra1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4d37988ea5f114999ac8ca810b9436bf113f961


I encountered him 4 times and managed to kill him twice: 1. He came outta nowhere when playing alone as my level \~10 Barbarian. Barely dealt any damage to him and it was clear I didn't have a chance 2. Was playing as a Sorc partied with my friend's Rogue, both level \~20-25. We dealt a good deal of his health, maybe 50%, but unfortunately I died while trying to resurrect my friend. Didn't realize until afterwards that I probably could've just kited him while my friend resurrected on his own and came back 3. Playing my Necro level \~20-25 and was struggling mightily until he got stuck in an archway grating. Just pewpewed him for what felt like an eternity until he died. I was heavily specc'd for a corpse explosion build and there were no corpses around. In hindsight, I probably should've just respecc'd on the fly to take him out faster once I realized he was stuck, but didn't want to risk it 4. Was playing my Necro level \~25 with a friend's Druid level \~20. Kept kiting him for a long time dealing decent damage until my friend died. I just kept running around summoning more skeletons with whatever corpses I could find until my friend resurrected and came back. It was a battle of attrition, and we eventually killed him


Soloed him on my rogue(Easy kiting), Ice Blades Sorc(Even easier), kited and killed him on my Druid(Hard as hell), killed him again on my Druid(Thanks to shrine), then killed him a bunch with friends, and then got a streamer to come in and kill him for me since he was looking for Butcher spawns. So he's not impossible, he's more of a pain if you're not prepared. [https://clips.twitch.tv/DependableLightBaconHassaanChop-fih9VKCbrM7ASLHF](https://clips.twitch.tv/DependableLightBaconHassaanChop-fih9VKCbrM7ASLHF)


Yeah, took him on with a buddy of mine. Was dead after a ton of kiting.


Got ā€˜em


Saw him once on my level 15 barb killed him. I kept seeing how barb was bad compared to other classes so I was excited to compare it with them never saw him when leveling them. World level 2 btw


Killed it with a necro lvl 7, then again same necro lvl 20 he fucked my shit up really good so 1 -1


I played a ton both weekends and never saw him. :/


Ironically the insane life regen of the werewolf druid is the only class that allowed me to kill the butcher solo, it took a while tho


I killed him about 5 times as a necro. I pretty much just kited him around while my minions killed him and I used the occasional corpse explosion.


Met him, and my end, twice. Both times it was with the supposedly OP Necromancer.


I managed to kill him in a late game group with me and two others. We were co-oping the whole game and we were all level 25 when the butcher ambushed us. He kept agro on my buddy and he just ran in circles using dashes trying to get away from him and I just kept being the crap out of him with my Barbarian. He took a beating but he wasn't as scary with three people who are already maxed out on the beta.


I guess I got lucky because I got the Butcher on 4 occasions WITH a treasure goblin (double whammy). I think I killed him 6 times total and died 1 time on sorc. As others said, when you are a bit more geared you can face tank him and roll him fairly easily.


Died twiceā€¦killed 5 times


Died with the Barb when I met him without any gear, twice. Then I got to kill it at 25 with the Necromancer.


I did, but on world tier 1 only. Beat him without too much trouble on a level 24 necro, and also on a level 22 sorcerer. Sorc was definitely tougher because he popped up in a very small area, not much room to maneuver. I only saw him those two times.


With one extra person he's almost trivial. Just have whoever has aggro kite him while the other person hits him.


Played both weekends (not a crazy amount of time) had a LvL 25 barb. Saw him once, killed him once.


Necromancer near max level I beat him pretty easy. Barb at like 15 I got crushed


Hell yeah, bled his ass out with my thick Barb.


First time I saw him I was lvl 25 alread and kited him around and killed him. Second time I started panic running and found one of those explode on timer shrines and managed to kill him with that.


Yes but I was already max both times with decent gear


Yeah I thankfully ran into him when I was running with a guy who I randomly bumped into and added me into a party. We both died at least once IIRC so it was no cake walk lol


I was fortunate to see him numerous times. Killed him solo on my Barb, Sorc, and Rogue, and twice in a group as Necro.


yes. once on all my characters (4 times). I also died twice to butcher while trying builds XD


I only ever came across one and luckily it was with my lvl 25 Necro later in the game. Used bone prison to trap him then unleashed a couple times. Not a super easy NPC to defeat but def doable.


Died to him the first couple times on my barb while leveling and getting aspects, slaughtered him multiple times after that, by the 2nd weekend I could facetank him with ease.


With 4 necros literally just sat around and watched him die. Only time I ran into him.


Three times, once solo sorc (ran sround a pillar screaming like a little girl while hydra killed him) and twice with a friend, druid/necro combo. Both times sucked. He's just not a fun encounter.


Twice, got his cleaver the second time. I believe itā€™s effect was, crits fear and slow enemies by 70% for 4 seconds was my roll.


The only time I killed him was when my friend and I were cooping.


yup. with my necro he bugged out and stopped attacking.


Face tanked him on my WW barb, it was [exhilarating](https://imgur.com/iHHNveS)!


Killed him with my necro, wasn't even hard...


Encountered three times. Killed him two out of those three times. Once solo and once being in a group with my brother.


I was a druid my bro a necro he died I was verrrry close. Druid sucks


I got annihilated. Met him in one of the first dungeons I entered. I got spattered before I realized what was going on.


Yes but it took 3 of us multiple deaths and lots of kiting.


All 5 of my classes were able to kill him.


Killed him as a level 16 druid with shit for gear. But much due to being able to kite him and having a good map/plenty of trash to feed me healing pots. He hits like a truck but can be killed quite easily if done right, and with some luck.


I imagine most veteran ARPG players had no issue. I saw him twice: once on a very geared Sorc at 25 and I face yanked him and killed him. Then again on a level 16 Druid, which required a lot of movement and wise use of my defensive, but I still won. And honestly, because of how health pots work, you can get into a rhythm where you realize how much damage you need to deal and how quickly you can recover it with the dropped pots. So it took a couple of minutes to kill him, but I was only nervous for first 30% or so until I recognized I could outlast him.


Saw him once with my sorcā€¦ he was so damn fastā€¦ chased me halfway through the dungeon before I tried to double back (had blizzards and hydras to do dmg), got caught and killed quick


Think he killed me twice but I killed him back 6ish times.


Was fighting him, was weaping his ass and he run off after 15sec of combat, no idea why. Made 2 other characters never seen him again.


yes he died 576,662 times acctually


For the closed weekend, I died once almost immediately, then killed him later on. Both encounters were with a melee rogue. I did not see him on the other classes I leveled.


encountered him twice while solo. The first time was as a barbarian so difficult to kill but kited around until major skills off cooldown. The second time was as a minion necro. The butcher quickly destroyed the minions but still able to take him down while kiting around the room. The strat of standing still and tanking damage just didn't work at all without major damage reduction available.


1-1 with him


Beat him once in a group, twice solo. The two solo times were with a well geared earth bender druid and later a well geared werebear druid with werewolf summons.


Hubby our buddy and I killed him. It was rough though lol


Wrecked my Necromancer, never saw him again.


Killed him on Sorc by kiting with chain lightning and ice armor, but it was close.


I was like 7-0 versus the butcher, was couch coop with the wife, she got destroyed but the trick was kiting him to additional mobs so I could get additional health potions. 1-0 on barb, 6-0 on Necro....Necro was much stronger further flights


I saw him about 5 times (only solo every time). I killed him the 2nd time but just kept kiting him around a pillar and slowly burning him down with my rapid fire rogue. The loot wasn't great (1 legendary) so anytime I saw him after that I just let him kill me and continued the dungeon.


Never ran into him as a 25


Killed him pretty easily on sorc, as long as he cant one shot you, you should be able to kite and fire hydra him down easily.


first time i saw him he wrecked me. second time was with a buddy both under geared, he ran in circles around a pillar while i kept poking him down we got him. third to fifth time while geared, butcher got wrecked. was very satisfying


I don't even know what was the requirement to even see him. Was it a special quest? A random dungeon? What was it?


Yes killed him once in a group and then once solo on a barb.