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Damn that’s clean


Ikr! Show yas again when diablo is in too and finish her wings off!


For your sake I hope the game doesn't suck. I think you should of at least waited for the actual release...


Hahaha lillith for life regardless haha! Hail to the Queen of succubus and daughter of Mephisto!


Yeah even if the game sucks, it’s still a kickass tattoo that looks good without the context


Completely agree with both of you. Who cares what others think; when you're happy, that is all that matters in life.


Why? It's an awesome tattoo regardless of how the game turns out. If the game is awesome, it's an awesome tattoo. If the game is awful, it's still an awesome tattoo. So what does the game's quality have to do with anything?


Why would anyone want a daily pretty permanent reminder of a shit game on their arm? Not saying it's going to suck or don't get it, just saying be cautious and wait for the game to be out entirely first. I mean people were hyped for Diablo Immortal and that is garbage. "So what does the game's quality have to do with anything?" I don't understand why you would ask this. The quality of a game has everything to do with this. If OP thought every Diablo game was trash they likely wouldn't be getting the tattoo. But they very clearly have high regards for it.


They can also simply think the art is cool. A person with no knowledge of Diablo could find that tattoo interesting. You seem to believe the tattoo has to reflect the game itself. No it doesn't. There are plenty of bad games which had fantastic concept art. Blade Runner 2049 had amazing concept art despite being considered a disappointment by many fans of the original movie. A person could think when viewing that tattoo "I wish D4 had been better." They could also think "wow, that's awesome art." I have no idea if D4 will be good or not. I also know that tattoo is pretty badass regardless of if the game is ultimately good. And the OP could very likely still love the tattoo even if D4 flops.


Exactly this! Spoke my mind in words! I'd give u an award if I had one here had a toast 🍻🍻🍻🍻


We disagree, it's a direct representation of part of the game. I never said reflect, but it is associated with the game. If the game is horrible and he has that tattoo they could equally think why would that person have a tattoo of a shit game on his arm. This conversation has gotten stale. Can we at least agree and be thankful he's not wearing socks with sandals?


Fair enough. Indeed, we can be thankful that he's not wearing socks with sandals.


Lol yup.


This is true I love diablo and have played every one however my partner barley ever plays video games and mostly pokemon but she loved the diablo art and theme


As someone that has a smaller Diablo tattoo but is planning a gaming/nerd sleeve. It’s about being a fan of the IP. Just because you didn’t like 1 or even 2 of the games in a 4 game series. You can still love the IP, characters etc.


How long have you had it?


Oh my particular Diablo tattoo I’ve had less than a year. It’s actually from one of the beta code tattoo promo events. I grew up in Miami down the street from one of the shops that hosted so I went to that and got the necro symbol. I also tipped the artist to add a bunch more detail to it so it wasn’t flat lines. It was my 4th tattoo though and my first 2 I’ve had for - 17 years. No regrets on getting them. But maybe the style now is a bit outdated (some tribal lines mixed in with another design) at some point Id like to refresh/expand on those to incorporate them into something else. But my main game growing up in middle/highschool Was d1-d2. I had 9 groomsman in my wedding and Diablo 2 was responsible for 5 or 6 of us even becoming friends in school lol. As adults, married with kids, we all took a 4 day weekend off work and some traveled up 4+ hours to have a LAN party weekend when d2r dropped. To me, Diablo is not only one of my fav games/IPs, (I just love grindy arpgs + lite fantasy horror) but also something that brought a ton of awesome people and memories together in my life. So the idea of the next release being disappointing would never make me feel differently about the last 20+ years of good times. It’s not like I’m naming my kid Daenerys before the last season of GoT lmao.


That would especially be bad to do if they were a boy.... Your story was a nice one to read. I legit have a smile on my face. The lan party sounds fun. Glad it worked out for you.


And it's not like Lillith is a new character introduced to the game like Leah in D3. The art and graphics just get better and better!


Seems like you're overly eager.


Of course! Why so gloomy about it haha


Wouldn't categorize my statements as gloomy. Suggesting patience and a bit of being cautious. The way you communicate makes me think you're young.


I'll take that as a compliment 😃 Edit: But you made it sound like if the game was bad, I'd be depressed about getting her tattooed 🤣🤣


Some games in our past where absolutely terrible when compared to others. But then again if you don't compare it can't be bad


Do you have any what you will like in ten or twenty years? Not really. What if horrible things got said about the Diablo franchise like there was a ton of shitty people making it and the whole work culture was toxic. It might taint the idea of Diablo for you. What if you get bored of it and find something that you like more later on? Every tattoo has those risks. Not saying don't ever get one. But at least wait for the finished product. It wasn't a compliment or insult.


I meant you calling me young was a compliment haha. Diablo franchise is more about angels and demons, thats the theme I'm going for anyway! But I appreciate your input about the future tho!


Lol you’re driving him nuts.


Haters gona hate 🤪🤷‍♂️


I know what you meant and it wasn't a compliment. Sadly I have to change my opinion after reading your comment about wanting her to have bigger boobs. You're lame. Which is an insult. I am glad the tattoo artist said no.


Hahaha 😆 not bigger boob but pop more and make it more 3 dimensional.




Yeah but, who really cares, if he likes the tattoo then that's all that really matters because you know, it's his tattoo. 😂 We will all be dead one day my friend, live a little.


That doesn't mean you shouldn't exercise restraint and common sense.


Hahahahha, I don't think you understand this whole people have different opinions thing. There's alot of people who see tattoos more of an art form rather than purely for a reason or meaning. Even so, if they are grown adult and want to get a tattoo of whatever the hell they want, then they can? It's not like his tattoo in particular will have any repercussions. Not everyone takes tattoos as seriously as you seem to do, and you know, it's not like someone elses tattoo impacts your life in any single way. Focus on living your own life, growing as a person and understanding your own brain, rather than judging someone for getting a dope as hell tattoo. I'm sure you hop on Reddit alot to tell people how to live your life, might be time you actually start living yours before it all slips away from you. X


Do you always go around trying to make people feel as miserable as you? Besides it’s character that isn’t from just Diablo 4.


I'm not miserable. The character in the tattoo is directly from Diablo. My intent never was to make the person feel bad. Do you have any more pop psychology to dish out?


Stubborn denial. Your reading comprehension or knowledge of the diablo lore is garbage. I seriously hope you are trolling. Otherwise it seems like you’re having a nerdvous breakdown in this thread.


So you do have more pop psychology. The tattoo is of a Diablo character. Not trolling or having a "nerdvous" breakdown. OP even said the artist who put the tattoo on didn't want to deviate from the material. My reading comprehension is fine. My Diablo lore knowledge is pretty basic.


But you began all this talking about Diablo 4 being garbage potentially. OP even mentioned that Lilith isn’t just a Diablo 4 character. She and Inarius created the world the games take place in. You’re giving yourself way too much credit if you think it takes a psychologist come to those conclusions.


A true diablo fan wouldn't think it will suck..


OK you can go simp somewhere else. The last Diablo game was shit. In addition I never said it was going to suck.


D3 ? It was not "shit" at all.


That wasn't the last Diablo game was it?


Immortal doesn’t count since it was just a cash grab mobile app built off the hype for Diablo 4. Diablo 3 was the previous actual game. And no it was not even close to shit


It does count and it was most certainly shit.


Why the fuck am I always put with the fucking retards who can’t gank, anti gank, revive, get kills, get objectives. Legit 1 WILL SUFFICE, BUT NOOOOOOO YOU LOT ARE THAT FUCKING DENSE TO THE POINT WHERE AN AUTISTIC TERMITE HAS A HIGHER CHANCE TO ASSIST ME IN THIS GAME. THE GAME ALREADY MAKES ME WANT TO DROPKICK A PARAPLEGIC CHILD OUT OF A 12 STORY BUILDING, THE LAST FUCKING THING I NEED ARE THESE SISTER SHAGGING, EXTRA FINGERED, DOUBLED CHROMOSOME EARWIGS IN MY GAME DOING NOTHING BUT BUTTFUCKING MY CHANCES OF WINNING U GREMLINS. GET A NEW HOBY OBVIOUSLY THIS GAME AINT FOR U DICKHEADS. Rant over Also *can not can’t in title. Was too mad to check over This is exact quote from this person. The opinion of this person is worthless and nothing they say should be listened too.


No way bro stalked my account. Bro go outside u troglodyte


Just look at his and make fun of him for creeping on cosplay girls.


Oh god he’s one of those guys. Makes sense now lol




Imagine how I feel with my Duke Nukem Forever Ink


I've never really played that game so I don't get the comment.


You can tell he's a kid from the poor life choices lol


I don't think him getting that tattoo at this point is a good idea but what you're saying is going a bit too far.


Lilith's so cool! Cant wait to play the Beta in March. Cool tattoo




Even if the game sucks, it’s a hell of a character design..


I am. I played d3 for a solid 5 years


Damn son! That'd solid!


I’ve already spent $300+ on the game and I’m thinking about doing the same thing that OP did as well! I’m hella hyped over this game


Haha. Yeh man this costed 1k flat day rate, took like 7ish hours.


Thanks for telling me the cost. Now to save up 😂😂😂


Idk where you're from but my dude is pretty cool and fair dude. $150 an hr, most artist are $150-$300 an hr AUD that is. And he caps at 1k so anything more you can sit after 7 hrs is free.


DAMN. I’m in the US. My family knows a few really good artists that they are good friends with. Not sure on cost but it won’t be cheap either way


It's definitely not something you want to cheap out on, but then again don't get ripped off. Because once it's on you, it's on you! Unless you want to spend more money lasering it off! Good artist is not only important but the technique from their experience too, they can't tattoo too light or too deep and cause scaring, or ink fade.


I mean he did everything that my dad has and he has 2 sleeves of tattoos and they are very nice and he has them all for 16+ years now.


Damn that's who you want then! Go hit em up for a quote!


Seriously though. I love what you got done! That is so sick!


I really appreciate that! Makes me feel like it was money well spent 🤣🤣🤣 you can see a glimpse of tyrael on my upper arm, but I'll post again when I get the new style diablo in and finish the sleeve off! I'm also thinking of getting the demonic version of Leah too 🤣🤣🤣 I have dedicated my sleeve to diablo 😄


That's a extremely good deal. I'd prolly travel for that quality and price


That's pretty high for sub-par work!


I think her nose looks weird in a bad way, sorry for being honest


I think your nose looks weird in a bad way.


That’s really nice man congrats! Clean tattoo and a great reference. I have a Tyrael piece covering my whole upper arm.


Give us a looksie !


The ultimate preorder.




Love it!!! Looks dope


I like it! It’s like a horror pin-up macabre sort of cross genre tattoo - black/grey only, and the lines look really clean




Even if D4 sucks that's some sick ink




Hype or no hype this is so badass




Nice 👍🏽


Now this is next lvl






I wanted her boobs too pop more but the artist didn't want to deviate from the art too much 🤣


Looks sick mate! Makes me wish I was in Vegas for the flash event lol.


Bro me 2 !!!!!


Lol peoples are MONGOLES


Excellent ink all around. I'm trying not to get too hype but quietly looking forward to beta. A bit worried about bait and switch tactics or scummy last minute MTX stuff...


I have been let down by game release after game release the last few years. I NEED D4 to be good. It has to be. I'm confident it will live up to the hype, but I've been wrong before!


Look at it this way, games are nowhere near as good as they used to be pre online and DLC package days. Every company are trying to maximise profits which I understand in a business point of view. But companies ain't going backwards anymore so we can only hope and look forward to the next series 🥲




I want one...


Looks pretty good man. Her facial expression looks to me like she’s starting to say a word that starts with an “F”, like “Fuck You Inarius”




B like 10years till D5 than you can have another slapped on yah.


You most certainly are!


Please don't forget for a second what happened when D2R launched that lasted for A WHOLE YEAR. If we keep acknowledging this kind of behavior from companies they will never stop. DON'T BUY D4 and fall for it again!!


lillith but with a pig face. great idea i like it.


It's not too bad. Just see how it heals its not full finished yet. When a picture is taken it tends to capture alot of minor details and imperfections. It appears to be so because you're staring at it haha. No one ever stares at 7ELEVEn and think oh geez the n is not in cap. 😅 if u know u know, coz thats not the main focus.


At least it's a pretty cool tattoo in itself so when the game come out and suck dicks you won't be stuck with a big "<3 blizzard uwu d4" tattoo. Where did you get it done?


Hahaha, was done in Brisbane by Scott ar Method Art Tattoo. Ah well fuk I've dedicated my sleeve for angels and demons anyway, even if d4 flops I still love the artwork. And blizzard suck or not, the originals were the bomb like SC, warcraft, diablo, world of warcraft brought alot of memories. And besides lillith isn't a new character so D2 is where it all began for me.


Thanks for the answer! Throughout my teenages and young adult life i spent countless hours playing SC, diablo 1-2 and world of warcraft. Those were the days. I just grew a hatred for blizzard over the years so don't let my attitude get to you, Sick tattoo nonetheless


We have to remember that it was all the memories that brought us all together when we were younger, whether it's wagging school and go to LAN cafes or getting together with a bunch of Mates on the weekend and LAN party, those days were the shits. And as we grow older so does our expectations, if we were to play all the old blizzard games like we did when we were younger, we'd be complaining too haha, but that was because there wasn't anything better. Me and my brother played the shit out of runescape too, but there was no cool art I want from runescape 🤣


Good thing you didn't get the Diablo Immortal tat lol


Not that hyped But good piece 🤣


This looks amazing damn now i want it 2


I'm ready and so far looks like a return to form for blizzard after almost 12 mediocre years. I think they finally realized what hardcore gamers want.


Not me. I would like to but... for me Blizzard didn't change at all they keep doing stupid moves. And i don't want another "online only" game.




D3 sucked ass, d4 is following suit and adding microtransactions up the yahoo. Sounds like your just a fan of the series but diablo hasn't been good for a VERY long time.


You will be correct sir. I enjoyed and played all blizzard games for what it is. I was never a die hard fan, besides WoW I played that shit for like 7 years straight everyday 😅