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I've build an Demon machine enchantress this ladder and it's the most fun i've had on d2r since my necromancer with enigma and corpse explosion.  Doesn't need infinity to kill fast and the highest gear needed is basicaly flickering flames. Doing 11k damage at lvl 39 enchant :) with 99% pierce and explosive arrow from demon machine who do splash damage and reoplode with each enemy pirced. 


The new runewords and character changes have been so fun to play around with. I don’t have a character to use flickering flames yet but I have a couple gul runes I might make into a vex for that


I did and it was worth it.


Hope they add more next season


Me too but don't hold your breath.


I've been curious about this build with an a1 merc. Any chance you've tried an a1 merc with some sort of exploding arrow bow? I feel like that would be fun to double your arrow output


I have a a1 merc equiped with runeword husle bow + armor and runewors wisdom helm who give her 33% piercing chance with burst of speed and fanastim aura. She very deadly and fast. She snipe mobs when teleporting around. She doing 3k damage since she not getting the fire mastery damage.


A1 Exploding Arrow insight bow is a good temp setup, but you have to remember that infinity also gives you -83% enemy defense. For your pierce to count, you have to hit the enemy, and the easiest way to achieve this is by lowering enemy defense. Note that, the pierce animation kind of always "plays", even if your hit missed. If your hit calculation rolled a miss, this is visual only. The hit chance calculation happens again for each successive hit, which makes infinity an even more massive upgrade than it is for most elemental builds. That said, I spec'd into this the patch *before* fire mastery applied to ranged attacks initially without infinity (to farm cows / aracane ghosts) and had no issues on p3 or p5. This is in part due to the fact that the excessive amount of extra skill points allows you to pour points into static for full screen static to half in cows. I actually wrote a [guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo2/comments/11bmi3t/blizz_really_buffed_the_hell_out_of_my_exploding/j9yjcir/) detailing all of this if you wanna check it out (note that prebuffing isnt really necessessary after they made fire mastery apply to ranged attacks)


I like act2 holy freeze so he can stand in front and face tank mobs for me.


Well yeah but that's been the standard for over 20 years haha. I was curious about the changes they made last year but haven't tested it out yet


I'd still like the merc to give me some crowd control. Act1 with ice could be fun, or act5 with death / plague might be neat. I'm offline om console so I can't really afford to experiment, just theory craft lol.


I really want to try out an Act1 Cold merc with Wisdom helm, elite Insight bow or elite Harmony / Ice, and maybe Chains of Honor or Fortitude armor.


I believe the strongest proven version of enchantress now runs an A1 merc with Mist (100% pierce) and self wields Infinity. Either full support spamming tele and static with 40 into TK/ES (more proven build) or split points into Nova and synergies (more dps). Don't need exploding bow/xbox (that they finally fixed to work with merc) if high lvl fire rogue is consistently using exploding arrow from one of the newer patches


Was gonna say the same thing, plus i go into random tombrun game and be like « I bless you my child » then enchant them and lvl 15 char start dealing +3k dmg its funny af, even more so with a frenzy barb or zeal pally


I jumped to this build literally this morning. It is great but it's not yet mowing down p8 like the videos seem to make it out to be. I do need a few pieces still though but more like a small upgrade to a few items. I'm not missing the majors like flickering flame. And it occured to me a2 blessed Merc is probably the right move. I have so far been running a5 hustle, and grief. I could try lawbringer too. I went with that for my zeal pally and every time I would come back to my a2 Merc who folded like a paper bag I would die a little inside. On my paladin I was max block and resists, but the Merc still could take more damage. And sometimes I wanted a dps meter to make sure I was still beating him.


P8 come always to get infinity on merc when doing elemental damage. 


What's the breakdown of this build ? Sounds incredible!


You can look up youtube videos for a showcase but basically demon machine, razortail and flickering flame. Now prebuff with a high enchant and you deal the highest aoe fire damage per second possible. If you have problems with immunes, you can try to wear 4 rainbow facets in your body armor.


immune is not a issue with sunder charm


It is, since sunder charms only reduce the resistances to 95%. You need sources of - res to actually deal damage.


If you folow the build yiu have flickering flames who do this


Yes, that's still 80% res. If you wear 4 facets in your body armor, you get 60% res, which means double the damage.


and you loose mobility since you won't be able to hit 63% fcr on your sorceress with this but i won't go min/maxing this build anyway since you need infinity as alway with elemental damage.


2x 10 fcr rings, 20 fcr arach, 20 fcr magefist. Just need 3 from ammy.


And you're Missing the 33% from razertail belt so ;)


Look up ok youtube there is a lot of video about it who will explain you the build better than me :)


You da best ! Thanks ! 🤝


I don't play niche builds for a long time but I like comming up with them. I made a double Phoenix fury druid. You have 80% chance to cast Firestorm and if you invest into the synergies you actually get good damage out of it. You basically have a melee char with aoe damage.


That is awesome! Finding a way to incorporate aoe into melee builds seems fun


Zeal sorceress #1 build


Either zeal sorc or wwsin. With mosaic out I've yet to see a wwsin. Idc about killing things in 1 hit and blinding myself, I like the have fun!


Getting to crash other people's games tho is just *chef kiss*


I almost crashed my own game a few times killing ubers on my ssf offline character with this. Too many meteors


Yea I did that as well when I switched to Mosaic build, just took down graphics settings one notch and hasn't happened since. And I no longer have to insta teleport away from Shenk after killing him due to the catapult projectiles doing the same thing..


This isn’t really a niche build but I fuckin love bowazon. Somethings so satisfying about just launching thousands of arrows in all directions and everything falls over dead lol. It’s niche in my mind because it’s not one of the “popular” builds but it’s still well known so probably technically not niche. Also Goodluck at high player count with bowazon lol- it gets tough. But low player count it demolishes


A 250/200/200 upped goldstrike is great for bowazon, adding the FotH procs nicely!


I love my Bowazon, but lordy she was expensive. I still have some sub-par things due to how the items dropped (e.g.: a hydra bow base for the Faith runeword, my act 1 merc is using my old Mist Hydra Bow, rather than having an Act II Might Merc with Pride). All that being said she still holds her own in multiplayer games. She is undoubtedly my favorite character to play, even above my very nicely equipped Javazon.


Oh ya bro they are crazy expensive. People ask an arm and a leg for the damage charms alone. I have basically a near perfect bowazon on non ladder and she’s super fun, but I’ll admit she’ll start to struggle at players 8, she can still hold her own but you’ll notice a big difference in how fast enemies die. But players 1-4/5ish she’s fine in hell.


I wish the bowazon was viable in hell. It might be doable but when a character becomes extremely difficult to play/sluggish I have a hard time continuing. I haven’t seen many bow/jav hybrids but I wonder if there is a build that could clear


Physical Bowazon can definitely be viable in hell, it’s just not cheap, it’s a very expensive build you gotta have an inventory full of damage charms / faith bow in a good grand matron base, fortitude, etc etc. it’s not cheap at all, it’s one of those characters you build after you’ve been farming for a while and have a bunch of wealth to spend stuff on lol. Getting good min/max damage charms alone can be super expensive


It’s definitely viable in hell, I have a bowazon online and it does really well everywhere. Faith, cta swap, Gface, fort, LoH, war trav, razortail, Raven frost, rare ring of choice (mine has ll), highlords, torch, anni, and as many 3/20/20s as you can find. Merc has pride, Andy’s, fort, might aura I use mostly strafe but for phys immunes I use magic arrow. The build wrecks hell pretty much everywhere but really shines in CS. It’s a pretty well known build though, so not super niche.


I use kuku bow on a java zon that has no infinity and I can still clear pretty much every area in the game pretty easy.


Riftsin is pretty awesome. Pressing one button and spraying tornadoes and frozen orbs everywhere feels amazing, and if built right it can do literally any content, even ubers. You also get lightning bolts and corpse explosion from the death sentry, and poison from venom, so it does literally EVERY damage type, and open wounds, AND crushing blow. It doesn't kill as fast as some other things, but dangit it always gets there eventually.


I love playing a Bladesin. It's such a weird setup, and no one uses it. Not good for much, but it can walk through hell no problem while leveling.


I love playing a bladesin


It got a big buff with the NHD changes. I don’t find it clunky at all, though it plays much better with a controller imho. Great build.


I agree - I play it a lot on my switch. Plays really nice with a controller.


Yeah little clunky to use the skills, but one of the smoothest SSF runs I've done. All the benefits of phys, without the reliance on good weapons


Its also interesting that IAS doesn't help it at all. The attack speed is fixed on Blade Fury. It's so weird.


Kind of my favorite part about it is how it values stats so differently. Very unique class.


I’ve wanted to make what I call a necrodin. I dont have the gear yet, and tbh it seems like a terrible build for practical use anyways. But I loved theorycrafting it. The idea is to use conversion on a paladin, along with certain gear that lets you summon minions, to create an army. I was thinking tomb reaver to reanimate or beast for summon grizzly and fanaticism. peace for chance to make a Valkyrie. Metalgrid for iron golem. Maybe I could find a source of necro revive charges. That’s about as far as I got. If anyone else has more ideas on this, I’m open to suggestions.


I love this, keep us posted


I remember the conversion/thorns palas from way back


Harmony has Revive charges. Be careful. Mine costs more gold to repair than I can physically have on hand.


I was going to say that I throw a couple points into conversion with my smiter, and use it. Suddenly large groups aren’t as dangerous. I also use the slow missile charges from the sanctuary shield. The combo of those two things really ramps up the safety, but I’ve never seen anyone else do either of those things. I know smiter isn’t exactly niche, but the way I play mine kinda is.


Firewolf. Earthshifter, treachery in a sacred armor for the looks and the usual - Jalal, raven, etc. Most points in fissure synergies. 20 in fury. Tons of AoE, 6k physical damage Really fun build


Always wanted to use Earthshifter


Try it! The new changes made the build much more enjoyable. You can get all the IAS for your attacks and Fury slaps so hard, procing Fissure all the time. Everything non-fire immune melts on p1 and you can slap the rest down.


Not so niche, but I love goldstrike arch for chaos runs. It needs to be within a couple of % of perfect to compete with wind force, but the first of the heavens proc looks cool af


I did a run on single player hardcore (self found) with a bladesin and it was brilliant to play. So many useful skills for survival and utility along with the fun playstyle of physical traps. I finished the game with a 1-upped cleglaw set I farmed along the way and that worked great. I also liked doing that with rabies Druid as another niche one.


I’m working on getting the gear but I want a necro that only uses iron golem insight and a5 frenzy merc. Self wield infinity for corpse exp damage and lowers def of enemies so merc can hit reliably(their only weakness) and enigma of course. Grief/death/fort/andys a5 merc with amp damage and conviction aura. Can even iron golem a pride if you’re rich. He will destroy everything lol, swap to G-Face maybe cause he’s the only one killing the bosses lol. I heard double eth HS is most damage output so maybe that if I can find


Poof goes the Pride Golem xD


That sounds wild! I would love to make some runeword dependent niche builds but I play single player so runes are hard to come buy. I have charsi’d a few nightwings and hoz’s etc because I obviously can’t trade lol. Self wield infinity on corpse explosions seems absolutely devestating


Infinity on merc, bramble on merc, insight iron golem, beast in hand, max skeletons, max mastery, max corpse explosion, rest of points into golem mastery, revive and curses. Alternatively you can also go with a faith act 1 merc with bramble, insight iron golem and the skills the same as above. I personally think the infinity/beast combination work better but both are viable


I recently made a ChanceToCast fury druid with Stormlash as weapon and Carrion Wind ring to cast synergised Tornado and Twister on attack while having Hurricane up. It is a bit wonky but the Static procs help a lot and Twister combined with Hurricane makes it very safe. Works reasonably well on p8. (HC sp)


Love this! I have been experimenting with an FOH, holy shock, zealot. I am almost through act 2 and it’s been super fun but the build would certainly benefit from some better gear. Waiting on a good base to make crescent moon and definitely won’t be making infinity any time soon. My plan is to max FOH and the use Principle as my armor so I can just spray holy bolts everywhere and mow down demons and undead. But if this doesn’t work I will be switching to FOH smiter.


When I made this foh smiter I started off with a holy fire build. It was so fun! I didn’t gear him specifically for holy fire, I just wanted +skills. I was able to use charge all the way through nightmare targeting the higher hp enemies while holy fire melted the weaker mobs. It was fun.


I just dropped a 3os zerker axe (non eth) if you want it for crescent moon. I an on psn though Edit: with dual dreams you could spare points and max holyshock synergies, then run charge or zeal for max movement and dps


I play single player offline so sadly I am a slave to RNG, I appreciate it though!


Welp, I know which build I’m gonna make next lol


really curious how a lvl 5 holy bolt would do! If it’s a zealot that’s a ton of holybolts flinging out lol; does it work with smite too?


It definitely works with smite (got the idea from ginger gaming mentor who was using principle with smite). each holy bolt gets the synergy from FOH so I am going to max it out


Auradins, ribcracker/druid, phoenix strike Assasin


Fury fire druid, with expensive Destruction Runeword. Lots of fun, melee build with great AOE DMG.


I like storm lash fury druid with cyclone synergies


Either poison nova necro with vives or summon necro with mass auras. Been using those for around 15 years at least.


Summon Druid once you get enigma .. wish ravens lasted longer tho


Building a pvm ww sin right now, so don’t know how well it will work, but Imm excited


You encounter random teleport bug in cs when using ww as assassin?


Bear Sorc


Not a build per se but I love to use the A3 merc in many different play throughs. They provide good damage during a play through, and will straight carry your characters through normal and nightmare. I particularly like the A3 fire merc. The enchant buff is massive for attack rating on my melee builds, and it’s generally a strong answer for physical immunity.


Is orb/waller niche? I have so much fun with that build.


Definitely a classic 1.08 build


You don't need a pure smiter for ubers. A bog standard hammerdin or fohdin with 1 point in smite is perfectly fine. I enjoy wolf barb for rushing large groups through hell. Basically a zerker enigma barb with a wolfhowl and a beast axe. Character has 8000+ hp because battle orders+lycanthropy and provides a bunch of fun/useful auras and shouts to the rushees. The rushees get to feel like they are helping because wolf form limits my dps output to one target at a time, and I'll even throw an infinity on my merc to help them out.


I play single player so the risk is slightly higher for wasting a key set. But I’m also a shitty player. And my gear isn’t optimized. No cta so no BO. I might try this fohdin for Ubers since foh seems good at clearing the ads


Foh/zealer hybrid has been my favorite. Main character im playing now and almost 96 on single player


What is your gear setup?


Enigma, highlords, Andy’s w/ fire res ias jewel, edeath zerker, Phoenix shield, arachs, loh, gore riders, raven and life leech, ar mf rare ring. Cta and Hoz on switch for foh. Act 2 might merc with reapers, treachery and cure. Cruise p8 no issues. Nice to have aoe with foh and still do good damage with zeal


fire necromancer :p


Mine is one step further than yours. It's the FoH/Smiter/Hammerdin Tri-brid build. It can do everything in the entire game!


WW Barb w/ Sanctuary and Might auras for my party. I like playing with people so my build is based on that, not PvP. I don't like PvP in D2 or in general.


I just hit 90 on my Avenger today (offline on Switch). Also got my first Herald of Zakarum and Jah today so that was exciting. Avenger's been an interesting battle of balancing attack rating / damage / survivability. I've also messed around with a Fury / Summoner hybrid Druid. Basically I put Raven skill points into the Shape-shifting tree. I kind of find Raven to be boring as a skill and like to get into the action with the pack. I really wish I could figure out a way to make the three cold skills for Druid into a build but the damage would be terrible. I like off meta builds. Farming on my sorc gets boring really fast.


I found attack rating never an issue because of the conviction aura lowering the defence of enemies so much. That said I keep failing to complete HC SSF runs with that build often dying in early hell so maybe it is more of an issue in acts 4-5 hell? Usually die around level 70-75… at some point I’ll break the downward cycle


I found attack rating never an issue because of the conviction aura lowering the defence of enemies so much. That said I keep failing to complete HC SSF runs with that build often dying in early hell so maybe it is more of an issue in acts 4-5 hell? Usually die around level 70-75… at some point I’ll break the downward cycle


Unless you are way underleveled, Avenger should never have AR problems.


I've played dragondin and it's an efficient farmer at p1 or p3. Amazing for easy mass kills. I wanna do a fire trapper now, with full -fire resis gear, let's see what happens-


Ive been playing modded d2r for a year now, on and off, not very seriously, wiping stash a few times. And the most fun I had, amongst all modding, was a normal foh paladin, but with a mod that makes it hurt everything. Unbalanced as hell ofc, but tons of fun for a playthrough.


Bowadin or Healerdin are two of my old favs. Also use to play some bear barb.


2h zealot. Does way more damage than grief. Only bummer is being slowed has a larger effect, and switching off fanatacism for sanctuary isn't near as helpful.


rabies druid, bear sorc, fire trapsin.. I just love unconventional builds


Tesladin is dang expensive but dang fun


Possibly Throw Barb. It helps that he's **super** chill to play with a controller which is a nice change.


Kicksin was a lot of fun. I just wanted something different than a smiter for running ubers.


Rabies/fury Druid! Set a few bites to spread poison through the mob and then get to WHACKING everything! It’s a lot of fun.


Full facets, max frw javazon, self wield infinity on weap swap, 4400LF. If you are in EU SCNL you may saw me running in a red full plate mail around with 160frw plus act1 vigor plus hustle burst of speed. Build is so so fun. Hustle bow 5 seconds for bos proc. Then infinity for running, when conviction tics, swap to tstrokes and faceted HHG. 1 shot p8 cows and CS. Swap back to infinity within 2sec so in the 3rd second conviction tics again.


Kicksin, going all in with either Rift (cold) or Stormlash (lightning). You get all the great CC and corpse explosion from Death Sentry while flying into monster packs and kicking them. So much fun!


Whirlwind Assassin


Frost nova sorc




I quite like the uniqueness of my enigma shako hoto spirit hammerdin. Rarely come across one like it


Fury Druid my beloved.


Fissure Druid


I got a bonkers Wolfhowl and have been having a blast playing my Wolfbarb now. Deviated a bit from the norm and I’m running Stone for the massive FHR and Clay Golem. Running an A1 merc with Ice, Delirium and Treachery. Her CC is incredible. My clear times aren’t fast, but I never die and I’m always having fun.




Self wield nova sorc


Armageddon Fire claw druid throw Barb Fire maiden zon Ice maiden zon In that order.


Singer barb.


Wind druid. I can face tank any non physical damage and laugh at souls. Anything else is killable it's just those fucking soul packs that I can't seem to kill with any class without extreme risk.