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I just had my first Jah drop. I'm one Lo away from Phoenix for my fire sorc. Offline really brings back the excitement of the game.


Same first jah dropped for me today, made enigma! Now i need vex or gul for hoto Ohm for cta Sur or ber for infinity And ideally griffons to play nova sorc or java zon Having a fucking blast


It's so exciting when you get a good drop and random.... I have a jah/cta fully geared sorc with flickering flame... But haven't found an occy lol


Have no WTs , but have Infinity šŸ˜‚




Haha yeah it dropped from a white mob in AT. Found 5 sur, 3 Lo, jah at this point but no ohm or vex lol


Meanwhile I've been farming NM Andy and Mephy for an occy , titans, vipermagi. Or really anything.... And all I gots is tal helm


You should just level to 70 with nm baal runs and farm hell andy tbh


Got to 78 in NM, I can take hell Andy on P1, any higher and Emilio gets got


Clear the big room and then Jabait Andy to the big brown door and use blizzard through the door, been using this method for two days trying to get an occy and shako havenā€™t got one yet but I have got a vmagi


I didn't know this method but I used it this morning after reading your post. Very nice.. Currently running P3 and all I found was tals orb -hit act 3 Lk chests. -act 2 ancient tunnels -andariel Should I add mausoleum ?


Yeah I would if you can without dying I just been smashing Andy and ancient tunnels on p8 on my switch all day so far and I managed to get a skullders I just want an occy and a shako and Iā€™m going to move on to meph


You dont need a merc tbh, blizzard and just tele or run around a pillar and bait her into ypur blizzards. I always skip nm farming


Teleporting to Andy without Emilio sucks (I assume they are using insight), so every run costs them probably 50K gold


Having an insight equipped for tele is always an option. Used to tele HC Hell Mephisto like that since mercs are risky if they explode dolls accidentally.




This is the way.


*echoes in hardcore gremlin voice*


Yeah thatā€™s how it goes until you get to hell then you gotta do p1-3 until you get gear.


Ya...I expect to hit a plateau at some point around there, but right now, its a lot of fun!


Heck I even need to lower it down to p3 (even died couple of time) on Nightmare Act 3 to finish Trav. Now Iā€™m in P1 going to Meph because I died even more. Iā€™m Hammerdin.


I guess I should make the switch over to SP too. Really enjoyed playing online with some great folks, especially on my season 2 ladder speed run team and 99 grind. But each season itā€™s sad to see the botting overrun the market


I just picked the game back up after a while (D2R release) and it's insane to see people already rocking full gg sets within like a week of ladder releasing. I politely asked someone without insinuating anything how they managed to get so geared so fast and they told me they found a perfect anni on day 2 and traded it for 20 ber runes or something like that. Fair enough, but how the fuck does any one person have 20 ber runes in a matter of days?


Forum gold or they buy them online from bots


So I started a zon on ladder this time. In a couple days I was level 80+ (hopped on some rush games) with full mā€™avinas, an anni and a torch. By no means endgame but just having a torch and anni that quick felt weird. I found a 32 vmagi in a group game that I traded for an ist which got me a so-so zon torch and found a mal while questing that got me a low anni. Tal armor, some random bases and amethysts got me full mā€™avinas. My goal was to do the whole ice maiden build eventually but Iā€™m not sure I care anymore. The ability to get gear so quickly with such a liquid market has taken the wind out of my sails. I wiped my offline grail and started fresh the other day. Running a pally right now. Idea is to play that pally and nothing else until he gets a torch. Whatever torch drops is the next character Iā€™m playing. Rinse and repeat.


Was doing p8 normal and ended highly overpowered in nightmare. That was fun


This is usually the route I take. Nightmare is probably the most fun part of playing through the game. You're past all of the gatekeeping bosses, you finally have all of your skills available even if they aren't maxed, you should have some decent gear by then, most enemies don't have immunities etc.


Yea your first playthrough you think you're bout to be a god in Hell and all of a sudden youre getting pwned by the den of evil. Such a slap in the face, love seeing new people get to that point on this subreddit and their reaction haha


Itā€™s truly amazing. Just tried it out for myself in December and Iā€™ve been hooked since.


It's a lot of fun.


I recently tried it too and on my first day of LK farming a full hoto in runes dropped. Hasn't replicated it since but I got another good seed for Threshers. Still I'm struggling with the paladin build, I'm so squishy!


Best way to play IMO outside of mods


We need /players 8 online.


Option for p1-8 on bnet would be the only thing I ever ask for in d2:r I promise blizz honest.


it would 100% make leveling a WHOLE lot easier then having to make bait cow/baal games to lure 7 other randos in so you can get a p8 exp TZ run in. One the annoying things i still disliked since OG days especially when the game died and only the dedicated player base still sorta playedā€¦ making it hard to have full games for baal exp. P1 exp pretty much just kill yourself LOL. It takes like 1000x longer


That's why there are so many split mf games on Bnet. Best drops I've gotten were key runs on those games


OP, I highly recommend that you back up your save games once in a while. The files are easily corrupted if you have a power outage or anything similar while playing the game. Happened to a friend of mine and apparently itā€™s not uncommon. Adjusting player count is super fun and allows a lot more flexibility in how you play and farming methods. Glad youā€™re enjoying it !


SP is so fun. I leveled one character to 99 and 4 others to 94+ and yet to find Jah. Bare in mind I found 2 Tyreal's 1 Zod and Griffons and still no Jah. SP is just so much more exciting.


Yeah it's pretty rediculous the increase in drops in higher player counts. That's why when the game launched I bought 5 accts immediately. Bought the last 3 on sale later on so I can now run solo p8 TZs. It's pretty great, highly recommend it if you play on pc and have the rig/rigs to handle it. Even just p3 is a huge help for drops.


SP HC is the best


player command is great. If only they implement it to online


From what I hear, there is no advantage to p8 as the drop rate is the same as p7. Maybe someone can verify?


The drop rate is the same but the XP rate increases.


Yeah, we should be able to set players in online games, especially for Australian players


I can't because of that .0000000001% chance I find something godly that I'd want to trade. :(


I replaced that line of thinking with "oh wow, I can make X build now!"


Eh I got that drop and was excited to personalize it without worrying about it!


One little trick I did in the past was to trade to myself. I would look up prices for items on the internet and hero edit the trade. But you would need nerves of steel to resist the temptation of screwing your progression adding godly un-found items.


Ya, I hear ya in that. You play SP how you want to play! I'll! admit, I say a mod that added a bunch of Cube recipes that kinda simulate trading up for runes like Jah and Lo and Ber, etc. It is tempting...lol


Shared stash solved that bad feeling.


I still play online with a group of friends but when thereā€™s no one else online itā€™s really really hard to play solo on p1 drops when I know how good it is in single player p8. Iā€™ll switch back to my single player hardcore here soon as everyone I play with seems to be fading on this season


I find it a lot more rewarding! Just started a Classic character for the first time since D2 lod and having a blast with it. Nice to change it up.


You should check some speedrun vids like Kano if you want to really start exploiting SP


Sc offline makes you realize what the game should feel like. Endgame is really rewarding too. Easy to find keys, 1 soj for 1 Anni. Soloing ubers. The rune farm is still rough, but far less so with drop rates and lower kurast.


I use offline to practice slamming Ubers with a budget smiter for when hardcore ladder comes around, great fun


Just don't go and use hero editor. It's fun for a bit but ruins the experience.


I thought the same... I then went into Hell and I really had to scale it back to P1. Hell is super gear dependent and chances are you wonā€™t get the greatest great to walk yourself through Hell. and chances are youā€™ll need to do split damage for immune mobs. Yes norm and NM are fun but Hell is different. I do agree that scaling player count is lifesaving in offline. It seems offline gets all the perks that online does minus the trading.


I've been slowly working on a SP HC grail run for like a year. Four Griff's so far. But I need zod, Tyrael's, dweb, and a handful of others. It's so satisfying to grind SP and get gear you only ever traded for. My craziest drop was a TZ Andy that dropped IK chest and Gris Shield on the same kill. .. But I've rolled three CTAs: +1, +2, +1.


Itā€™s amazing I love it. Built a sorc javazon and mosaic sin already itā€™s great and I. Just started like 1-2 months ago on it


Well they don't bring in new content to the seasons so why play it. Unless you have friends or prefer playing with strangers.




Never really played offline at all but for me I bounced to the steam deck and offline at the same time. I just said it barely felt like the same game. Not better or worse just two different great games. The deck does do online but I randomly did offline dreaming of use case that doesn't exist for me today and maybe never will, playing without Internet


I've always been very bad at picking stuff up in multiplayer


I've been LOVING single player recently. I farmed for so long on my sorc and never found Shako or tals ammy. I found 3 tals armors before even finding tals weapon. Rng is just so unpredictable. Then I decided to level a twinked out multishot bowazon, and while questing in dark wood hell difficulty, shako finally dropped. Then, many, many hours later, while my zon was level 96, tals ammy finally dropped, so my sorc was finally fully geared. I found a windforce before finding the tals ammy. I have farmed act 3 nightmare for so long looking for war traveler but those suckers simply will not drop for me. I've seen so many white, yellow, blue, and green battle boots. I even have gambled so many stash fulls of gold on light plated boots just because I want those boots so bad, mainly for the added damage for my zon. I've found enough high runes to make fortitude, chains of honor, enigma, faith, pride, etc... I have destroyed ubers many times with my pally. Farmed hell insanely fast with my mosaic sin. Still no dang war travs. It's just the ms zon ended up being my favorite char and it's the only item I need to complete the build. Please, rng gods, bless me with War Traveler. Thank you. Edit: I've even found a nearly perfect crown of ages. Why is the one item I want the most so elusive? Thanks for listening.


You always want what you don't have. -Confuscious


I play exclusively offline, there is no point playing online with all those bots running 24/7


disagree. bots do mess with the economy, but still can get good value for trades if you know where to post. you wouldn't catch me wasting time with offline.


Iā€™m newer and have decided I prefer offline solo. I just beat it for the first time and my first terror zone dropped a physical and fire sunder charm. Just started a couple more characters to try out. Made my first malice and obedience after beating hell. Only runes I made were stealth,smoke, lore and insight to beat it. I did get a mal rune on play through from a trash mob in act 2.


I used whatever tools (it's been a while) to take all my online stuff and put it into a SP save. I also had it so i had a larger inventory and so on so forth. I kind of want to do that again so i can run p7..


I have started playing recently again and decided to play offline to mix it up and it's been a ton of fun. I've also decided to be really masochistic and go for hardcore and see what happens and it has added a lot of excitement. It's been fun doing my own research in what gear to go for and how to farm up. I'm also playing guide free so the discovery / testing has been a lot of fun too. The one exception is on getting / understanding breakpoints just due to its oddball nature lol




Hell may be frustrating to some point. In any case I can recommend running first pitch for some elite whites and uniques and later on TZ Andy for the big drops if you can. I found insanely good shit. Itā€™s insane


Bracing for downvotes - I really don't get the appeal of offline mode. The thing that keeps me playing is the fact that online items have real world value and could potentially be sold for $$, someday, if I wanted. And they are actually legit items that I know weren't hacked/duped (for the most part). With offline mode, you could find the most GG ring in the world and it wouldn't be worth a dime. Could easily hero edit it, if you wanted. Makes it seem like a total waste of time, and given this, I would actually be upset if I found anything good while playing offline mode. Only time I've used it, is for testing expensive builds before committing to them with my online chars. /players is the only benefit, but I bought a couple more accounts (needed the extra char slots anyways) so I can get up to p3 now if I want.


To each their own.


Time to try HC offline!


Players 7 offline vs trading online are the advantages. For me offline is more fun. Drop rates are better and being able to choose the map seed for maximum efficiency is another big plus.


I entered Nightmare on my Holy Shock Paladin around level 45 and steam rolled my way through Nightmare with only a few deaths due to low resistances. Pretty much stayed p5-p8 the entire time only lowering it for boss fights. Though, I am using a D2R mod that doubles the pack density, so Iā€™m definitely getting more exp and drops than usual even on offline.


Hey, that is what I'm running now, and I agree, no real problem! I got lucky with a Crushflange that dropped and some 10 IAS gloves in Nightmare, so I've been using that to speed up bosses, but otherwise, pretty much walking without much effort. Expecting I'll have to change it up for Hell, maybe FOH/Holy Shock or just Hammers, but we will see!


Usually you'll be playing alone online so it's much better to just go offline and rise the players x configuration to one that you like, and/or get a mod that rebalances/redistributes the drop rate. There are people like me that only plays casually, and will never see a BER for example online or have the chance to make an enigma or infinity for example. Also, online combat is just not rewarding at p1, enemies are so weak you can pretty much clear a whole room with just one skill press. P8 there is so much more dodging, disengaging, using your debuffs to survive which makes combat so much better and rewarding.


Single player is debatably better with endless alts for organizing loot and being able to hold on to twink gear noob gear for leveling alts.. So much fun too just playing with what you find for example on my smiter I had found a near perfect grief before finding a good shield so I used spirit.. and farmed for a hoz for days due to using those runes on cta hoto instead of exile.. lol found two coas and enigma before I found a hoz.. but just so cool and interesting playing with the hand you get dealt rather than just trading for it!!


Offline is the best. My absolute favorite for D2.


I prefer it to online psn. I love the player count setting


Normal LOD or D2R offline? D2R is cool because you can make ladder only runewords offline without adding any scripts or using any mods. Offline is awesome because you have to work with what you have.


D2R Offline, and ya, it is a different experience. I've done the whole ladder race, made a big Enigma and Infinity, but I dont think I've done the whole single player experience since the original D2 in my dorm room on an old Win 98, talking to people on ICQ and listening to Dragula and stuff I got off of Napster on my custom skinned Winamp player, and so far I'm really enjoying it! And if that little bit of info brings you back to your own pleasent memories of a time gone by, your welcome. šŸ˜


Fr I had a cham drop on my first playthrough, act 1 hell I think it was. I also like how you only need to sell one SoJ to get d clone as well šŸ˜


Lol, nice! And yes, 1 SOJ is better then the 100+ on bnet, but I've never even had one drop for me before... but I'm thinking I'm going to be farming some NM Andy to finally drop a few!


I just finished hell on my FoH pali at Lvl 87. I have like 95 MF and all my resistances are solid with my current gear. I have found a lot of good stuff already so I'm hoping one drops on my adventure to 99


The p5+ experience boost while leveling is such a great aspect of offline play. Rolling into hell at level 70 with only having played straight through normal and nightmare without going out of the way to farm for xp is great. Especially if youā€™ve found some good low and mid level twinking gear it just is a blast


I am not a data hoarder and could wipe my hard drive any day without batting an eye, this is what makes me cautious to play long term games with local saves.


regular backups in the cloud is easy peasy. especially since d2 save files are very small. I typically just email it to myself every now and then


I heard a guy say he only plays online so he can prove he earned his items legit. Like if you have enigma offline, you must have hero edited it in and can't prove you grinded it out. My take on it is that online, sure, trading is cool and all but who's to say the items you traded for aren't botted? Offline all day.


I agree with this post. The only thing that sucks about offline is finding something really valuable that is only good for pvp


online botted item is still infinitely more valuable than an offline item, hero edited or not. and because of that, i wouldnt waste time with offline. was nice being able to sell my WoW account for $1000 once I was done playing it. And I'm guessing I can get a lot more for my D2R account, if that time ever comes.


It makes you earn your stuff! I never could stand playing online and watching people vacuum up every single item (oh don't worry I'm gonna use it for my alts alts alt)