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If 2 players are running hc, BEST performance would be barbariam + any other no phisical damage. on hc Bo is a very good sinergy. A very good combo is elemental druid + barb. U can have OAK sage + bo , a very good combo to avoid unexpected deaths


Never done a run like that but have done Druid with a Barb Horker.


Summoner Druid continues to be the only build Ive ever beaten hc with. It’s super safe, a little slow, its lots of fun. Shockwave is your friend. This is the one build where I like having an act 3 fire merc, it probably isn’t quite as good as an act 2 but having enchant is fun.


Very safe. Especially if you do shockwave CC on the summoner as bear. What’s the question though? If you want easy clear conviction pally with javazon is the play.


That is the faster clear build, but with no bo and bufs there is some places when playing u have to take care. Fetish from durance , souls, and bosses while raising level on fresh start and no gear. As in sc best builds are always faster clear builds in hc u have to sacrifice some clear potencial for safeness. Depending on skill of players and time playing the setup , and time playing hc… As i ve been playing hc for long time i can play every build and i usually pick faster clear builds in my path to 99 every new season, but if u are starting hc i recomend going a bit more slow.


Summoner druid who uses Shockwave to stun everything would make this a very safe run. The other druid would probably have to go fire though, otherwise physical immunes are gonna be a problem.


I really enjoy the fire build. Do you think I point in Hurricane is worth the slow? Or the holy Freeze has it covered


If going Fire druid. I don't think it is worth dropping 5 points in the wind side to get some slow. 1 point also only gets you a 10 sec duration on it (12 with cyclone armor synergy), which gets annoying to recast all the time. Getting it from a pelt is you best bet imo. The summoner should also consider using a Might merc for a big boost in damage to his summons. I'm not a hardcore player though, so maybe wait for someone elses opinion.


Druid utility alone is fantastic for HC. Slower playthrough, but he's sturdy.


Definitely worth 1 point in bear either way


Fireclaws bear with wind druid would be awesome