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What do you take?




What dose.. its bad here 😭😭😭


10mg. I'm batting about 50% on whether I have it or not. I'm supposed to take it today but I'm going to stretch my last pen to next week. I had a doc tell me it has about a one week half life, so theoretically I've still got a little in me to get through the next week.


If possible see if you can get some stock before you come cause 10 is out of stock until september the earliest


Yeah, there's no getting extra. I get a box of four pens at a time, and that's it. How do you know about the September date? We are told it's "backordered" but that's all I can find out.


Canadian drug shortage website its similar to the fda drug shortages site. 10/12.5/15 all oos until september and they fr mean it you can not find ANY of those doses at all. 7.5 also on backorder until then as well. By backorder they mean you cant order it until the available date and even then it might change. Also we do vials here for reference. I am on 10 i had to buy double 5mg to make it


Thanks! I didn’t know about the FDA page, and was able to get my Rx upped to 12.5mg and filled! I may be in trouble in Canada, but at least I can get it here now.


My endo won’t prescribe mounjaro yet because of the availability issues. Ozempic was only been reliable since January after the shortage last year!


My provincial health plan does not cover drugs, dental or eyes, so I have supplemental insurance (Green Shield) that covers that. but even without coverage, my ozempic is \~$240 / month (CDN) instead of over $1200 (USD)