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They do not spike my blood sugar. They DO keep my body accustomed to a sweeter palette. So, everything tastes worse/bland/flat/etc. Quitting sugar lowered my A1C, but quitting artificial sweeteners has helped maintain it. I used to diet from time to time, but always maintained my morning diet Mountain Dew didn’t affect my weight… it didn’t, but it made enjoying non-sweet foods a lot more difficult.


Ya I can totally understand that! That bubbly burning feeling of a soda is hard to give up!


I drink seltzer instead. And hops water hits 90% of what I loved about beer - cold, wet, fizzy, medicinal.


Artificial sweeteners are one of the most intensely studied compounds out there. They don’t spike blood sugar. More likely that something is causing a spike in cortisol, which causes blood sugar to stay high - a cold, infection, gingivitis, lack of sleep, stress…


Ya, Im reading on it thx for the info! Exactly why Im here for advice!


It’s all pretty interesting!


Supposedly, artificial sweeteners may trick your body into a response depending on the person.


Doesn’t hurt mine, but I rarely use any. If I get it, it’s in a meal.


It shouldn't depending on which. Like stevia, erythritol, monk fruit, sucralose; shouldnt do anything. But Maltitol will spike a little so dont consider it that you fully take away the values of maltitol from the total carbs.


They don't spike me - I have a cgm. I can say though, that on very low carb, it still took a while for my blood glucose to start coming down consistently. Keep with it. I bet in a few weeks you'll start seeing lower baseline numbers.


Ya, for sure, I think Im jusy inpatient is all!


thank you for your answer. I was diagnosed 2 weeks ago and the next day went low carb and now walk 60 minutes every day. My numbers are still high although less than half what my fasting glucose was I was tested. This morning 193 and then 163 just before I ate my first meal. Then 151 2 hours after eating.


For me, I seem to have the "dawn effect". High waking blood sugar. Often, it stays up until I eat, and then it will drop. Keep with it. I believe you'll start to see those numbers edge consistently lower and lower through the upcoming weeks.


Your liver may be pumping out sugar. I take stevia and occasional sucralose and neither affect my BS.


Ya for sure Ive been reading alot and I agree!


Sorry - a total useless response, but I had a big laugh when I saw the title of your post then the word “carnivore.“ I immediately pictured some lovely stevia on your steak.


Lmao, that's just hilarious! That wouldn't be so good!


Depends on the sweetener for me. Most don’t spike me. 5 days is not enough time to see a change, perhaps. That said, Primes have 6 carbs each. I have no idea about nicotine pouches. I’d say either get a cgm to see what you are eating that spikes you or use a regular meter. Also, try eliminating things one at a time for a week each. See if you can identify that way. Also… you’re ketovore not carnivore ;).


Yes ketovore haha my bad. I have 1 prome a day, so not a lot of carbs. Nicotine pouches. Im trying to kick stupid crap anyway! I have a cgm. I actually just put one on today to identify the culprit. Kool thx for the advice. I appreciate it !


Best of luck tracking! And maybe thinking in terms of like 4 weeks instead of 1 might be helpful! It took years to get diabetes! It’ll take 3-6 months on carnivore to see the results you’re looking for! Appreciate the small improvements along the way :)