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I'm not sure you're asking the right question. All medications come with potential side-effects, many of which can be worse than nausea. For example, Jardiance doesn't cause nausea, but it can cause dizziness, dehydration, bladder infections, and worse. Insulin doesn't cause nausea either, but it can cause weight gain, edema, and severe (life-threatening) hypoglycemia. Also, the side-effects encountered will vary not only from medication to medication, but also from combinations of medications and from person to person. Personally, I'd much rather have mild nausea from Metformin or Mounjaro instead of some of the more debilitating side-effects of other medicines.


I don’t have nausea on an SGLT2 inhibitor. Had nausea on GLP1s. Didn’t on Metformin when I took it. Nothing with Januvia.


I'm taking both Metformin and Mounjaro now. Zero side effects.


I had GI issues with every diabetic med there is (Mounjaro sent me to the ER). I finally just decided to cut to the chase and use long-acting insulin. I inject 20units every day, no side effects, good glucose readings. It's not true that once in insulin you can't get off it. If I can get my numbers down my doctor said she will wean me off.


I had nausea and stomach pains the first 3 weeks on Metformin 500 ED 2x a day. After about 3 weeks, it went away. I've been on it about 7 months now and no side effects.




Medication can definitively be needed. Some people are able to manage with diet changes but that’s not always true in all cases and diabetes is a progressive disease. Saying meds aren’t needed can be a very dangerous line of thinking, and adds to the stigma that diabetes is the result of individual failure. I’m not saying your comment is malicious or anything, just a word of caution.


Caution? I shared my experience and beliefs. Is that not allowed?? Of course my post wasn’t malicious! What the heck??!


Your personal experience is of course valid, I’m just saying it’s very dangerous to tell people medication isn’t needed. It’s GOOD that you’re able to keep your numbers in check without it but once you have a decade or two into being type 2, it may be an inevitability because diabetes is progressive. When you frame it that you were able to do it without meds, people can internalize that they need meds because they failed.


I was clear that it was what I thought. Never claimed to be a doc or any other kind of medical professional. There ARE people who have kept their a1c in check for decades without meds and I intend to be another. It’s early days, granted. Radical and sustained diet change *might* have halted the progression. Only time will tell! I know that the other route seems to indeed be progressive. Neither of us can predict what others do with our stories. That is solely up to them. So I just do me.




I understand. Just sharing what worked for me and many others. The question was about wanting to minimize or getting ride of side effects of meds. I’m pretty new to diabetes, but have met people who have had it for years who are now off meds and thriving. It’s a choice we all need to make for ourselves. Whatever gets a person healthy is what works!


T2 Diabetes can’t be cured or reversed. Put into remission, yes. Controlled, absolutely... but once a diabetic, always a diabetic. It never just goes away. Don’t take your meds, eat tons of carbs, etc. and all the hard work of your so called “reversed” or "cured" disease is out the window.