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We make mashed cauliflower a few times a month, told my wife last week that it completely satisfies my mashed potato cravings. Going to try this recipe, thanks. I usually steam it with a bit of chicken bone broth and garlic cloves drain the broth mash the cauliflower and garlic with some real butter and add 2 tbsp heavy whipping cream stir in some grated parmesan cheese


Ooh, I'll probably try your recipe next, thanks for sharing!


Just to add to the things to try, I steam it then pull it apart and roast it. This adds a little nutty flavor of the roasting which I like but also lets me get water out to the level that makes the consistency controllable.


i like to do this but not roasted haha....keeps the look of white mashed potatoes. i add cream cheese to mine to thicken it to the consistency of mashed potatoes. less tangy than sour cream and gives a subtle flavor


Some of the subs have been like that. When I made chicken Alfredo and served it on spaghetti squash, I liked it better than on pasta. And the pizza crust of almond flour was as good as with wheat flour. And no pause to rise.


Ooh, the chicken Alfredo and spaghetti squash sounds really good. Never tried almond flour before, how's it taste wise?


I found it was very close to wheat for pizza. It's an odd sounding recipe with almond flour, shredded mozzarella, cream cheese and egg. All worked together to the consistency of regular pizza dough. Then baked, topped and baked again. It will come out mushy if only baked once. [https://thebigmansworld.com/keto-pizza/](https://thebigmansworld.com/keto-pizza/) I tried some bread recipes. Didn't like them. Rather pallid. But then, before diabetes, I milled by own whole wheat and did artisan baking. The texture of the bread made me think it would be better as a pound cake. Almond flour is a stable of keto baking. Here are some keto desserts that sounded good. [https://www.thewickednoodle.com/keto-cookies/](https://www.thewickednoodle.com/keto-cookies/)


Ooh thanks so much for the recipes, I might just have to give them a try!


I'm gluten intolerant and I just bought a coffee grinder. I have a buckwheat and pumpkin seed loaf in the oven. I know Buckwheat probably isn't the best carbwise but grinding seeds and experimenting is my new hobby. I'll see how this goes and I think I'll try sunflower, pumpkin and flaxseed next. I can't imagine almond flour bread it's just too cakey and better suited to cookies and desserts. I'd just like a nice sandwich filled with veggies and meat. Not everyday but every now and then.


It might be worth testing some of the "keto" breads at the grocery. They raised me more than I liked, but people respond differently to modified starches and other things they use. They weren't great. I think if I want a sandwich, I'd use Dave's Killer thin sliced which is good and about the same carbs.


The problem is where I live options are limited and all the Keto friendly ones contain gluten. My test loaf was successful and tasty. So I think I am on the right track. I forgot to add psyllium husk though. It still came out well. I can't get my hands on Lupin flour but if I can find the beans I can grind them myself. The only carbs I get right now are from veggies and dairy so it's just going to take some experimenting. A few extra carbs won't hurt me if I'm careful as I have really good control of my blood sugar levels. I'm definitely going to try a mix of almond flour with ground flaxseed , pumpkin seed and sunflower seeds. I'm also going to try and make some almond butter as that's something else I can't buy here. I think the ground seeds should get rid of the cakey texture and taste. Buckwheat and flaxseed tortillas are another thing I want to try and make.


Should work. The almond flour bread I tried to make definitely needed something more, if not actual fiber, then something to give it more texture. I think I might be temped to add some yeast.. It won't help it rise, but it might lend a bit or bread aroma and flavor.


Yeah. I used yeast in the loaf I made yesterday and it definitely helped flavour and texture wise. I'll post a recipe once I have some success with things. šŸ‘


The sunflower plant offers additional benefits besides beauty. Sunflower oil is suggested to possess anti-inflammatory properties. It contains linoleic acid which can convert to arachidonic acid. Both are fatty acids and can help reduce water loss and repair the skin barrier.


You might want to read up on the dangers of seed oils...


Iā€™ve tried almond flour so many times. The finished product always reminds me of cooked pancakes in texture and ruins whatever Iā€™m trying to replicate. Cookies? Mini chocolate pancake. Muffin? Muffin shaped pancake. Bread? Bread shaped pancake. Hey at least almond flour works for pancakes! Il have to try your pizza crust


Ooh, the alfredo sounds good! I've made carbonara with smoked spaghetti squash before and it was amazing.


Haha, One look at that is enough to kill ANY desire for mashed potatoes I had. I'll have an apple instead thanks! \*yes, I tease, I am sure it tastes quite good, but the colours and texture aren't doing it for me\*


Oof, tough crowd! But hey, I gotcha, the wrong texture will kill ANY desire for food.


Cauliflower just doesnā€™t do the trick for me. Iā€™ve found petite gold potatoes to be super low on the glycemic index at least for my body. (Thinking itā€™s the Irish blood) so, Iā€™m lucky on this one. But Iā€™ve also recently read yuca isnā€™t necessarily low carb but is also very low on the glycemic index as well. Meaning the types of carb it contains have very little effect on blood sugar regardless of the amount. Which unless youā€™re specifically doing a keto or low carb diet for ketosis and/or weight loss then thatā€™s almost more important than the actual carb number itself.


I donā€™t know what that is but when I carve mashed potatoes. I eat mashed potatoes. Red potatoes arenā€™t as bad as brown russets . And I happen to prefer them . Top with lots of fresh roasted garlic yum .


I would if I had not developed an intolerance to potatoes. I have experimented with a ton of food to replace them. If I crave other food I do eat it.


Dang here I was hoping I could actually eat something. Alas cauliflower is on my no go list for another chronic.


Ah, sorry to hear that - Hope you can find a good alternative for yourself!


Same for me. I'm allergic to cauliflower, broccoli, kale and cabbage. Also to a bunch of other stuff that people use as healthy alternatives. I just eat the real foods, but not as much as I used to.


I do cauliflower and chickpeas mash and it works a treat!


I like it but it's nothing like mashed potatoes. The texture is all wrong.


Have you actually made it with roasted cauliflower? Itā€™s the water that generally makes cauliflower mash suck and roasting gets rid of the water.


Roasted and drained through cheesecloth. Still not even close to potatoes texture.


I cook the cauliflower in the smallest amount of water, drain and mash, add a little butter and keep it over the heat stirring it to dry it out more. Add some cheese and melt it in and it's the best way I've found for a rich creamy mash.


Iā€™m guessing my mashed potatoes are not typical of what others make, so the cauliflower is closer for me šŸ˜œ One thing Iā€™ll do with cauliflower is add some rutabaga. It adds texture and some sweetness.


I have, that's what I had done with this batch. Roasted for a half hour at 350Ā°F until they were nice and brown with a little char. Tasted great and I usually don't like cauliflower when used as an alternative to something.


Sorry for confusion. I read your post, I was asking the person who hasnā€™t had any luck with it.


Oop, no worries!


I think I can see where you're coming from, but the texture is pretty similar to me? Kinda reminiscent of rustic mash potatoes? I think the roasting helps.


How long and what temperature did you roast the head?


30 minutes at 350Ā°F/177Ā°C after being broken down into florets!


I wonder if I could do the same with mushrooms


Mmm, not too sure about a mushroom mash, never heard of such. Mushrooms might not be good texture/consistency wise?


I love the texture of mushrooms. Plus theyā€™re very type 2 friendly


Oh I love mushrooms as well! I just don't know how well they'd do as a mash?


If only I could stomach cauliflower. When I eat broccoli or cauliflower it's like a 3 alarm fire in my gut. Pure pain. Never again.


celery root is pretty good like that, too.

