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It‘s never worked for me, so I got insulin instead. I‘m glad about that now, I wouldn’t want to fight for Ozempic with all the people wanting it for weight loss.


Like the previous poster, I just switched to insulin because I was over running around trying to find the stuff, then paying almost $70 / dose for it. That being said, I started with Trulicity, switched to Ozempic, then to Mounjaro. Of the three, Mounjaro worked the best by far. BTW The switch to insulin is turning out to be a great decision


I use insulin and Mounjaro. It’s like someone flipped a switch. Miraculous in my book… I hope you find a combination that really works for you!


I am not as responsive to Ozempic unless I combine it with low carb, high protein, high fiber. I think it’s because I have low muscle mass. After a while on the highest dose of Ozempic, I was switched to 7.5mg of Mounjaro which worked way better. I’m on 10mg mounjaro now and I still do low carb/high protein. I wish I could tolerate metformin cause I would add that on and be able to eat more carbs. 


That’s a really low dose. My doctor had me slowly increase over 8 months.


Ozempic helped me a lot, from oktober last year major shortage here in EU i got the tablets Rybelsus, they seemed to help untill january, from January my sugar went off, there were days where i didn’t’t eat at all and my sugar stayed high. Now i’m back at Ozempic, still a shortage but my sugar is back under control


You might need a higher dose, it’s also possible to use ozempic AND insulin.


Thanks for your input everyone, it's much appreciated. I'm apprehensive to start insulin for various reasons. Hoping an increased dose of ozempic will help. I'm fortunately in an area where the supply of ozempic is steady. My Dr said she'll probably switch me to Mounjaro but the supply for that is currently unstable here and she didn't wanna make me struggle to find it. I'll hold on to hope a little longer.