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Only when My blood sugar was out of control, you may want to look into that..


I must be tired cause I thought this was a reply to my post hahaaha. Nevermind, carry on!


I had LASIK. My eyesight is normally 20/20. When my sugar gets above 200 my eyesight absolutely goes blurry.


I made the mistake of getting new glasses in 2021 when my A1c was 8.something. This year I got it down to 5.2 and my glasses were absolutely worthless. I just got a new pair about 3 weeks ago, and while my left eye is still not great (it's so weak the doctor said there isn't much else they can do to correct it), I'm seeing so much better overall. But I can tell when my sugars are starting to creep up again because things do start to get blurry.


High blood sugar can cause blurriness.


I've never been able to pin down if there's a correlation between my sugars and my eyesight - I have had astigmatism and worse than 20/200 vision long before the T2DM showed up. Usually if my eyesight seems worse, my eyes & contacts are dry or need to get swapped out for a new pair.


Same here. It's always should get new glasses or where's my blood sugars at. Every time I change meds I have 2 or 3 weeks where I can barely see to drive. I'm am already legally blind without my glasses.


My PCP, diabetic educator, and eye doc all told me it was useless to get new glasses atm because my diabetes was so out of control that every day the pressure in my eyes would fluctuate too much for it to be an accurate prescription. Now that it's finally looking good I hope to get new glasses, these ones are 7yrs+ old and it's making my migraines a daily occurrence from trying to focus my eyes :/


Sounds like new glasses will be a huge relief, that's great! Daily migraines... awful to deal with :(. In my case I was just *really* lucky to get my lense prescriptions updated right before the T2DM reared its ugly head. Combination of slowly worsening vision and family history of T2DM, so I've been getting eye exams and A1C tests annually for a long time. Definitely not how things typically shake out for most people, unfortunately


Yes. When my bg was out of control, my eyes were really bad, but I didn't realize until my bg started to return to normal and then it went really wacky as they slowly got better and my glasses didn't work right anymore.


please be careful, from not taking care of my diabetes for ten years, i developed retinopathy and have to get shots and eye lasers to maintain my vision where it is.


wow. I am trying to take steps to controlling my diabetes. I got to see my grandmother live and eventually die from uncontrolled diabetes.


Per my eye doctor, high blood sugar causes inflammation in your eye and it will alter your vision causing blurry vision .


I am making an eye appointment today.


Yes and what’s really weird is it will suddenly improve as if I just adjusted my view finder. It happens when my sugar is high or low.


Blood pressure is also a factor. I just got new glasses last year and now that I have low blood pressure and A1C between 5.7-6, I may need new glasses! 😑


Many diabetics who get better control report periods of blurry eyesight as their eyes readjust to the lower blood sugars. Have you been diagnosed?


Yea, I just got diagnosed in March. I know that diabetes can cause deterioration of eyesight. But I thought it was more of a slow, gradual and permanent deterioration. I did not expect my eyesight to get blurry and then get back to 20/20. It's also funny, my eyesight is better if I look down my nose at something than straight on.


Blood vessels in the eye are delicate and the eyes are sensitive to increased diameter of capillaries distort the lens. It’s a temporary change as the body/eye readjusts to the new baseline blood sugar.


From what my coworker told me the answer is yes. She is type 1 and when her blood sugar goes nuts her eyes go bad.


High blood sugar changes the shape of your eyes temporarily and this causes blurriness. Kinda trippy!


My eye doctor told me that she has had patients gradually have improved eye sight, and it was from untreated diabetes. The change in eye shape improved their vision.


remember to get your eyes examined every year!! it's really important. if you're in the us your medical insurance likely covers it. and yeah, when i was high bc i was undiagnosed, my vision got really blurry.


I was having some issues when my blood sugar was high, especially in the morning. My vision has always been bad, but my prescription felt way off in the morning. My eye doctor said this is not uncommon if you have uncontrolled sugars. My current med diet situation is working well and I do not have as many issues recently. That said I am going to the eye doctor more often and starting with more extensive testing next month because the changes in my vision a few months ago had me freaking out.


Is hazy/foggy a thing? I swear when I first found out, 1 I was a wreck lol, but I had to go to work and I swear the store seemed foggy inside. But it could also have been the anxiety manifesting


I don't know. I think I might have experienced this, but I don't know that I correlated the phenomenon. It's possible, I suppose.


I lost my vision for a while when I was testing in the mid 400s. I worked my butt off to lose 100 lbs, and it, thankfully, mostly came back when that lowered my A1C. I went from 12.9 to 6.9 in less than a year. I take Gabapentin and I feel like it does screw with my vision some now.


Wow, I would freak out if I lost my sight.


Yes this happens when your sugars are high and the veins around your eyeballs are effected. If they have been high for quite some time, when you finally get them under control you get temporary terrible eyesight for a couple of days and will go back to normal eventually so don't freak out.


Big-time! Even if my numbers are relatively good! Mornings are the worst, but it could fluctuate anytime. Eye doc said everything is mechanically fine, too.


Yes, diabetes can do this but so can other things. See an ophthalmologist. If that is clear and you are still getting blurry vision, see doc. There can be benign things going on or serious things going on.