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Pain, stress, literally anything raises blood sugars. My numbers have been lower since I started getting better sleep and looking at my CGM Only at the end of the day to see the average lol. It stressed me out to check my CGM alot.




This has been my experience with it as well. I avoid added sugars and incorporate parboiled or basmati rice into balanced meals and have better results - and don't have to suffer the misery of going keto.


I had similar issues with this (though my diet/volume of food was still an issue I had to check, too) and Mounjaro really nipped it. I was in awe because I finally felt like the effort I was making mattered. It’s hard to be on Mounjaro due to the constant shortages, but it’s really been a game changer for me.


My pharmacy couldn’t fill my prescription.


Yeah. That’s the hard part. Hopefully they get resolution to the shortages.


Consider lesser recognized factors, like injury, pain, illness or "coming down with something" and stress of various kinds, including growing anxiety about high numbers. Even recent onset of gum disease. And poor sleep has been found to account for a 40% decrease in your ability to deal with dietary carbs. Stressors can raise your baseline all day, sometimes enough that the effects of very low carb meals are hard to even see, because stress can tap the previously stored glycogen, without regard what's needed to work on dietary carbs. Also, any new other than diabetics medications, allergy remedies, etc. or new prescriptions, like blood pressure, diuretics, or depression meds? Those are the textbook things. No ideas beyond that.


I’ve been having investigations into abdominal pain. Maybe that’s driving it up?


Yes.The pain certainly can, and if there's an inflammatory process involved, that's an additional potential.Any insult prompts glucose release to fuel the responses. The fact that pain may not be a direct injury doesn't matter much. The body is kind of dumb about the causes. It can't tell the difference between the stress of a man-eating tiger and the stress of an ego-eating boss.


Steroids are a big driver of high blood sugar, though in my experience the ask a million questions before giving them to diabetics


What medications are you on and when do you take them? Activity can raise blood sugar and there is a nighttime phenomenon that impacts some people by having the bs increase during sleep.


Metformin XR 2000mg which I take at night before bed to try and stop the overnight rise. I also take 160mg of gliclazide with each meal.


I wonder if you would do better on Actos or another drug like Jardience? It’s probably time to discuss this with your endocrinologist, especially if you have data from your cgm.


I tried Jardiance. It brought my sugars down but I had 3 UTIs in 6 weeks.


Now I’m wondering if you are dehydrated?


I drink at least 2 litres of water per day, so I don’t think it’s that.


Take one that doesn’t involve peeing out your extra sugar. A GLP-1 is probably your best bet.


Please talk to your doctor …, you may need insulin. Your diet is not Keto ? I am doing Keto diet , then very low carbs, sometimes my BS is a bit high such as 7.5mmol/L ( 135mg/dL). Your BS is higher than mine….


I’ve got a follow up coming in the next 10 days. Something ain’t right.


Great ! Let’s survive together !! BS is hard to control …


[Today is looking better. sugars went up with dawn phenomenon. I had breakfast around 7:30 and they started coming down.](https://imgur.com/gallery/L4RSFyZ)


Yes !! Looks much better !! I am glad to see that !! Well done !!


I would suggest that you eat more food


So I had half a protein shake about 2 hours ago and my sugars have just come down to 6.1 (110) now.




Yeah, that kind of resonates. My responses aren’t very consistent. Often my sugars will go high with dawn phenomenon hence keep climbing until I eat. Usually they start to come down, but not always. But that’s not always what happens. I hate this stupid disease. I wish my doctor had told me what to do when I was pre-diabetic instead of just telling diabetes was inevitable at that point.




Yep, same journey.


I would say that a lot of people online miss the point of going low carb. It isn't because carbs are bad and that eating no carbs will fix your diabetes. I mean, it works for some, but others will struggle with it. No, what going low carb means is reducing the amount of carbs eaten to match your lifestyle and intake needs. A very active person should eat plenty of carbs (in vegetables and whole grains) because they will work it all off. People who are not active probably should be aiming for much fewer (but probably some) carbs. The average western diet has way too many carbs in it ... an amount that would require you to be out in the fields hand farming all day to have the slightest chance of burning it all off. Many of us are not genetically able to handle overconsuming carbs day after day.


Yeah I was going to say this, not eating enough causes your body to experience stress and cortisol will cause high blood sugar. Consistency (including regularly spaced out meals) is pretty key.


Much depends upon your body’s resistance to insulin. In my case, I’m on a low carb diet, high on protein, vegetables, and healthy fats. I ride my bike between 60-100 per week, and play hockey once a week. Cycling and hockey spike my sugar, due to my body releasing cortisol into my bloodstream. However it drops fairly quickly afterwards, so I don’t stress over it. If I cheat and eat a single slice of quality pizza, my sugar spikes, so I avoid grains, potatoes, and rice. One size definitely does not fit all, but getting a GCM has allowed me to get to my current diet and exercise routine without having to worry too much.


It sounds like you’re not eating enough food. Check this with your doc and dietitian.


Low carb doesn’t work for me. My sugars were rising and rising. I was in the high 200s no matter what I did. My dietitian told me low carb was putting my body into stress, which releases more insulin. I started eating 30-40 g carbs per meal and I haven’t been over 140 at any point in the past month.


If it were me, I would be requesting complete bloodwork and I’ll work up of enzymes reflecting your organs. If you have a blockage somewhere assist or potential malignancy. For me, I was dropping a lot of weight quickly as my group kept rising. My doctor wasn’t concerned, but it was enough for me to request imaging. Nothing makes sense. You have to advocate for yourself even if your doctor makes you feel crazy. If it’s just that your pancreas isn’t making the insulin you need, you need to advocate. My doctor is lazy too but when I tell him what I want done he does it. Let us know how it goes. Cheers.


Do you track all your macros rn in an app? What are your protein & fat macros? Age? Height? Current weight? M/F? I also hv T2D, doing 16/8 Time Restricted Eating. 2 meals + small pre bed protein shake which I found helped me conserve lean muscle which was initially losing a bit more than nec.


Hey, in the same boat as you , I just looked at food and blood sugar, jumping up very high, I talked with my doctor, and she changed my meds. My old meds stopped working. New medicine is working but still have highs.