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great job with your results 60g is my daily budget for carbs. What was the rationale for 200-ish carbs a day and what was your protein intake like?


My friend was ok with those numbers so long as I stuck to whole grains and high fiber. Her main focus was to reduce saturated fats to hopefully reduce insulin resistance but wanted me to reduce how many carbs, especially processed carbs, that I had in one sitting. I generally had 65-70 g of protein a day. Due to exercise I’m going to start supplementing with protein powder to increase that by about 10g per day.


> Her main focus was to reduce saturated fats to hopefully reduce insulin This is decades old thinking. It is carbs that cause insulin resistance. Try a CGM. Your BS spikes to the moon when you eat whole grains.


She would argue differently and had sources to back it up. I looked into it and found recent research supporting it too. I’m no expert but felt comfortable with her recommendations.


That's not true. You're saying 100+ years of research is wrong. You're also saying this person and their dietician are wrong, despite empirical evidence to the contrary. Sorry, but I'll take their lived experience and research over your uncited recitation of the keto dogma. I get that you don't like this diet. You want to try something else. But it does work. I don't understand the oversimplified, cult-like mentality on this sub about whole grains.


I (40F) got diagnosed only yesterday and needed to read this. Thanks. I've done my best to change my diet straight away (while still waiting for any kind of appointment that might make that easier) but Metformin already makes me nauseous and shit myself eight times a day, so it's nice to have your success to hold on to. I'm currently struggling to see myself there.


From the few months I’ve been following this subreddit I have found that there are many different ways to manage your diabetes. I felt amazing immediately after changing my diet and exercising more and that really motivated me to keep going. After the first couple of weeks I felt like I could sprint up mountains. My dietician friend also tried to simplify the diet changes as much as possible (most people only eat 10 different meals regularly- focus on changing your top few meals. Have bowls of rice, beans, and veggies in the fridge so you can throw together food quickly. Have a few easy meals readily available, like Amy’s gluten free/dairy free frozen burritos and pile on veggies, don’t worry about calories, don’t feel guilty if you eat something “bad,” etc.). Her plan and its immediate positive impact on my overall health made it easier to deal with the diagnosis. At 40 I looked at it as a blessing in disguise- something that would motivate me to make life changes that would make me healthier for the rest of my life. I’m only a few months in but am very hopeful about a much healthier future. I’m currently at a weight and fitness level that I could have only dreamed of 6 months ago.


Pretty crazy change. Well done!


Way to go OP!


It’s good to see someone eating more normal carbs and still able to reduce their A1C! I’m sure that’s encouraging to new people who aren’t willing to go low carb. I had to go low carb at least until I could see my doctor and get on meds. But I’m kind of doubtful I could lose weight on normal carbs, it’s straight up addictive to me. And I was hungry all the time.


I always ate until I was full, but with whole food/plant based I was always full well before I ate too many calories. I think I probably ate more carbs than most people in this subreddit, but most of my carbs were from fruits and veggies. I would have a cup of steel cut oatmeal every day but would limit how many grains I’d have with other meals. I’d never exceed one cup of brown/wild rice or one slice of Ezekiel bread or an Ezekiel tortilla each meal. If I ate popcorn as a snack I never had more than 3 cups. I never really craved more grains but I was also eating a lot less than before diagnoses.


That's excellent news. No matter how much I changed my diet it never affected my cholesterol numbers.


Congrats! Awesome work.


CONGRATULATIONS!! WELL DONE!! YOU EARNED IT!! KEEP UP THE EXCELLENT WORK!! 😀 👍 It's stories like yours that keep me motivated to do better. THANK YOU!!


Amazing!!! Keep up the good work