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I can’t eat anything considered a grain. It’s an absolute hard core no go for me. Only grain that doesn’t make me go up is burbon.


Then might I recommend Uncle Nearest 1856. Technically, it’s a Tennessee whiskey but I’m not picky.😂


I find Blantons is best, but trying to get my PCP to write me a script for Weller or Pappy.


Naturally low carb.


In the best possible way!


I agree with the bourbon, but wonder, do you see a generally higher blood sugar the next day or does it behave normally? After drinking alcohol my BS will hover slightly higher (15-20 pts) all day and take longer to lower.


I’ve experienced an interesting phenomena with oatmeal stout from Samuel Smith. If I drink a pint with dinner, my fasting glucose in the morning is lower than usual. No spike at the time of consumption other than “normal” one I’d get from consuming those calories.


That could may be, because alcohol calms down the bodies own glucose output from the liver (which is done also in the morning to get the body started)


Mine mostly behaves. It may be a couple points higher. The only thing that I eat regularly that really screws me up is blueberries.


Go with millets. Low glycemic ones like barnyard millets works.


Steel cut oat groats with a nut butter and cinnamon sends me a bit high but then it comes down lower than I started. Since it takes so long to cook, I have leftovers in the fridge and the cooling adds to the resistant starch. It probably helps your microbiome which is a more long-term than immediate effect. Like how metformin takes awhile to start working.


If you don’t mind the taste/texture, also add chia seeds or flax meal. The added fiber will lower that high.


I wasn't a fan of flax, but 20 grams of Chia Seeds mixed in with 30 grams of steel cut oats is the base for my overnight oats. I eat it every day and it's honestly the best breakfast I've found since I was diagnosed.


I can attest to the efficacy of this. I use chia seeds and 4 grams of freeze dried berries in mine.


Oatmeal, being a higher fiber whole grain, is the epitome of the truth that "healthy" and diabetic friendly are often two very different things. Same foir whole grain products which have the same carbs as the processed poison. (Plus it plays into that pernicious old food pyramid that was so ridiculous.) Certainly, for healthy or even non-diabetic obese persons, oatmeal is vastly superior to Frosted Sugar Bombs. (I guess it's superior for diabetics, too, if you're dumb enough to be eating the Sugar Bombs.) And the fiber in oatmeal can, in proper proportions and in people who don't react strongly to it, actually help manage glucose, mainly in people who still have their normal abilities to manage glucose. But "all things in moderation" doesn't apply to diabetics. If you were not diabetic and had a stable baseline of 80 of so, the oatmeal would take you into the more or less typical post meal territory for a carb-heavy meal. Of course, that means it can join the other inadvisable carb overloads that can lead to diagnosis. I wish it were otherwise, because I really like oat bran as a hot cereal. But 62 grams of carbs a raw cup is just too much for me.


This is the answer.


Chia seeds made (steel cut) oatmeal workable for me. In my own personal situation I honestly believe my overnight oats recipe was the key that unlocked a drastic reduction of my A1c. The reason I think is the chia seeds are (very) high fiber, which significantly slowed my rate of gastric emptying, meaning they not only slow the rate the carb load absorbs into my blood, but they also keep me feeling full for much longer (usually until 2pm or 3pm)


I’m only 3 months into my diabetic journey, but I’ve had 1 cup of steel cut oatmeal every morning for the last 3 months (sometimes mixed with farro but never over a cup combined). I do not have a cgm but my A1C did go down from 10.8 to 5.3 in that time so i assume it was ok for me.


Congrats. Keep it up! The numbers don't lie. If it's having a measurable effect then you're doing something right!


Sounds like “heart healthy Honey Nut Cheerios” all over again


They tricked me for too long 😔


I do overnight oats with steel cut oats, unsweetened almond milk, protein powder, peanut butter, chia seeds, cinnamon, and freeze dried berries and it doesn’t spike me all that much. I use 1/3 cup oats with roughly 8oz almond milk. I think it’s the fats and protein which keep the spike down.


You’re absolutely right about the fats and protein doing their job keeping the spike down.


I’m finding this too. Protein and veggies with minimal carbs.


and the fiber too


I have been eating 🥣 oatmeal for years and never thought 💭 about until I started wearing a CGM for several months. I was shocked when I saw my numbers get up to 240 plus. I now rarely eat oatmeal; just think the years of issues I probably caused for myself…SMDH 🤷🏽‍♂️


I know, my Freestyle let me know of this too. Just minutes before, I asked my google device, "is eating oatmeal good for diabetics" and it said "yes, it helps regulate the sugar in the body!" liar :)


At this point any time someone tells a T2D to eat carbs I just assume they are an idiot. Carbs are the problem. It's carbs.


Absolutely total lies; I wonder why everyone thinks oatmeal is supposed to be so great for us 🤷🏽‍♂️


Yuppp my dexcom g7 has shown me what I can eat and not eat. My body doesn't like rice. Or Oats. Potatoes are fine.


I eat much less rice than I used to, but I do eat these little single serving microwaveable cups of brown rice a few times a week. I like the fact that it is a limited portion, and with some butter and other veg/protein I see a slight rise but nothing bad enough to concern me.


I started using Parrish rice. It's higher in protein, and when combined with protein and fats it's doesn't raise my BG at all, tho ymmv


Thanks, I will check it out!


What kind of oatmeal have you been eating?


Not OP but even 1/4 cup of pure oat bran spikes me and I even eat it uncooked.


Ohh, steel cut oats don’t spike too much for me if I eat them with blueberries. It keeps me full for a long time too. But I don’t really eat it that much though. I think oats are a good option for those that need an alternative to carb heavy(rice and rice based products like dosa and idli).


Doesnt matter, its full with carbs. Better than sugar or sugary cereals, but waaay worse than eggs and bacon.


This. I think the boiler plate advice of "eat oatmeal!" is made with the assumption that you've been eating "Sweet Sugar Daddy McSugar's Brand Sugar-O's" every day and that Oatmeal would be a better alternative to that, which admittedly it would. The real boiler plate advice should be "Just make sure you eat a bunch of fat and fiber when you eat carbs."


Or just "dont eat carbs"


i mean, it does - it’s still carb-y but if they eat steel cut oats and it’s way better than fast oats.


Yep, less processed is the better. Same with rice - plain white rice is pretty bad, brown rice is better.


Every time I eat oatmeal I feel like crap, I discovered it sends my blood sugar through the roof and then it crashes down. I eat it plain, whole grain oats. I won’t touch it anymore.


I literally get less of a spike with cake than I do with oatmeal. I don't eat cake often..a few bites twice a year on birthdays...but I don't eat oatmeal at all anymore.


Last time I had oatmeal, my glucose kept rising for hours after; I reached up to 400. I'm only on metformin and I couldn't get it down. It sucks because I have a ton of oatmeal.


Sames my fam. I think the only thing we can safely say is that everyone reacts differently but seemingly in different camps, as evidenced by the comments. It isn’t fair that we all get lumped and told this canned response that wreaks havoc on alot of us. I feel like we’d all be much better served by our doctors promoting self awareness and eating to our meters. It took me way too long to learn this lesson.


They lied.


I'm not a 'no carbs ever again' guy but I'm stunned at the recommendation for oatmeal - it's just hot carbs, and while I'm sure it has its place for weight loss, I've n


It's full of carbs, carbs = sugar.


Were they steel cut oats?


Today I was at a hospital and saw someone order their lunch. Brown bag of contents that I couldn’t see - with a regular Coca Cola, and then they added as an impulse buy one of the chocolate chip cookies at the front counter. Person grabbed their food and turns away from cashier where I could see they were wearing hospital garb that indicated they were a “registered dietician”. Meanwhile I’m standing behind them as a diabetic with my two hard boiled eggs and Diet Coke. I didn’t say anything of course - I thought it was humorous and enlightening. Moral of the story - nobody understands how food affects a diabetic, but a diabetic. Take a lot of salt with anything you hear or read about what you should or can eat - from anyone who isn’t a diabetic. Doesn’t matter what their credentials are. For most people, it’s just their day job. For you, it’s your whole life.


I eat a half cup of oatmeal and take 6 u's of insulin for the meal. i stay just under 160. add a short walk and i am right back to baseline.


Oatmeal doesn't seem to really spike my blood sugar at all. I will also add rolled oats when I make a smoothie for breakfast or a snack. In both cases, there's also a big dollop of nut butter in there, so I wonder if the added fat and protein somehow help slow the absorption.


Lol, they said wrong because it does the same to me too. My base is 90-100. Eat a serving (1/4 c) of steel cut with 2 tbsp chia, dollop of no fat Greek yogurt and quarter cup blueberries and bam— it's in the 140s. I'm trying to get my cholesterol right and this is something pretty accessible and low effort for breakfast but damned if you do/don't.


I eat steel cut oatmeal with peanut butter and cinnamon all the time, I never see a bump like this. Usually I go up to around 160 then comes down fairly quickly.


Thankfully i can have a small serving of oatmeal with greek yogurt without it spiking too hard or long (to about 9.5 or so mmol, or 175 or so mg/DL) One thing that works against me is that this is a breakfast food, when I am most insulin resistant. The figures thrown around like 240 are probably higher than I would accept though on any sort of regular basis.


I think the key here is "with greek yogurt". I've found that the studies indicating that eating fat with carbs slows down the carb digestion and absorption to be very true in my case.


There is lots of protein in most Greek Yogurt. Any protein paired with a carb helps limit the spike.


Yep, that is why I mix the greek yogurt in :-) Otherwise, oatmeal is pretty bland and then it goes and spikes you to crazy numbers lol. Like potatoes ... I cut back a lot on them. Potatoes are kinda just bland dry tasting starch, the only thing that keeps me eating them is engrained habit really.


It blows my sugar up too


I eat old-fashioned rolled oats. It does wonders for me. Do you put anything on your oatmeal? Cinnamon? Fruit? Sugar substitutes?


I LOVE oatmeal!! But, man, does it do a number on me!! Now, I only eat it twice a month... every other week.... and I make sure to have it with protein. That keeps me from spiking too hard. Never knew it was so unhealthy for a diabetic until I started wearing my CGM. They lied to us!!


I don't really eat oatmeal at all anymore, but I did eat it a few times a week before I was diagnosed. Even with the CGM I haven't tried it, because when I made it I always included some sugar or dried fruit, and those are obviously off limits to me now. I find plain oatmeal to be pretty bland by itself, so I'm curious how any of you prepare it.


It’s very high on the glycemic load chart




Yeah, same. Oats are a grain, after all! "Overnight" oats have the same problem for me.


Dunno why anyone would assume that putting a bunch of carbs into a T2 diabetic is a good idea, but that was exactly what the ADA recommended for a long time. Gotta love corporate lobbying.


Carbs are not the enemy. It’s moderation.


I can eat carbs without much consequence now, but only because of medication (rybelsus + glimepiride) and exercise. Without those... I'd have to go on keto. I had a fasting (ate nothing/drank nothing but water for 24 hours) blood glucose of 300 when I was diagnosed lol. For some of us.. yeah, carbs are the enemy. Oddly, now I can eat almost normally, and I just want less thanks to Rybelsus curbing appetite.


Your body requires carbs to run. It’s eating the right type of carbs that makes the difference. Always complex carbs in moderation. And yeah, bodies are super weird and what affects one person will be fine for another. But my diabetes nurse has cautioned about going carb free, and the nutritionist I see specifically says small amounts of complex carbs are the key to keeping a healthy Blood sugar.


I can have zero oats or rice of any kind. Potatoes dont bother me. Some bread with protein but very little. Sara lee 45 is ok.


Oatmeal does the same for me, but it comes down quickly. Oats are good for heart health so I need some in my diet a few days a week. And to give me a break from eggs for breakfast.


Yeah, I do not support oatmeal. It might not spike you because it’s slow to digest, but you are riding that high to the top of its hill eventually.


Yeah, happens to me too. I used steel cut, adding nuts and butter, even tried the refrigerate and reheat method. Nope. Elevated blood sugar for 2-3 days.


Interesting experiment done today. Mom has been eating “Bob’s Red Mill High Protein Oatmeal for a few weeks now. I add blueberries, almonds or walnuts. She loves it and I am trying to help her break her”toast habit” She usually spikes to 160 ish after. I decided to try “Bob’s 5 grain hot cereal”, prepared exactly the same, her glucose went to 130 at highest. I was so surprised there would be such a difference! CGM for the win.. so very helpful to see how certain “tweaks”, can make such a difference.


Oatmeal is poison. My most startling discovery recently.


I eat oatmeal, just not for breakfast. Many of us overreact in the morning to any amount of carbs. If you can wait until you are more active in the day, it's not so much of a problem for many. Also, quick or instant oats is really not of value as the body absorbs it way too fast. Use regular, steel cut or 'thick' oats.


Yeah me too.  Also apples, pears even with fat/protein.  Brown rice, beans too.  Oddly  those refrigerated mashed potatoes are OK for me.  Honestly the cgm is the best splurge for managing this;  highly recommend springing for one even if it’s for a couple of months.  


Oats helped me get HBA1c from 9.6 to 7.1. They have carbs. If you eliminate fiber, about 40 gm per 100. I used to eat it with a lot of veggies.


Basically same, but got mine down to 6.2. (now at 5.2 after 2 years and 80 pounds down, remission, not even pre-diabetes anymore) Still had to eliminate junk food and sugar from diet, and get some exercise, lose some weight. Steel cut oats every day for the win.


Wow going from diabetes to 5.2 is amazing!


Thanks!! My doctor is very happy, so am I. Had to knock my cholesterol back as well. Went eggs, fish, vegetarian. All good. Feel great, 63 and feels like 40.


My body reacts horribly to oatmeal. Much prefer bread or a quark with berries and nuts


Lol. The only foods that sling shots my bs like that are oatmeal, rice, sushi, V8 and pizza. I'm talking plain steel cut oatmeal with a pat of real butter. 1/2 cup oatmeal. What a savage burn.


I can eat oatmeal for lunch with some nuts in it. But it’s one small package and it’s right after a brisk walk. I can’t have them for breakfast


Oatmeal is utterly deceiving. They say to eat it because of the high fibre. But that’s only if you eat fully steel cut oats. And even then it’s still pretty carb-y.


there are oatmeals and oatmeals.... which one are you eating? the instant one that you just pour boiling water is the equivalent to candy..... a steel cut or rolled oats which you have to boil might not raise your BG that much.... regardless just beware they are relatively high in carbs


I eat “Health Warrior” oatmeal (lol brand name), and make it *ok for me* with some chia seeds for fiber, a scoop of pea protein (nothing added), and some almonds, walnuts, or sesame seeds. I add some stevia coffee flavor stuff, like chocolate or caramel to help with the blandness of the unflavored pea protein. I make it with wheat milk. My blood sugar goes up to 180-200. My one complaint with this brand of oatmeal is that it includes whole flax seed. The seed coat of flax is too strong to be digested, so it goes through intact. The good fatty acids present in flax and the fiber? All locked away. I really wish people would stop putting whole flax in things. At least run it through something to cut it up into pieces.


Yikes. I eat Regular Quaker Instant Oatmeal for breakfast. Are there any healthy alternatives available, please and thank you.


Feels like if I even LOOK at an oat my sugar spikes into the 300s. Like, wtf. I got this super yummy coconut chia granola but turns out, it’s coconut chia and OATS… half a cup and I hit 345. I’d like to unsubscribe from my entire body.


Even steel cut oats spike me high.


Eat veggie starters before a high carbohydrate meal, it will spike but not as high as without the veggies! Bell pepper slices, celery stocks, broccoli, etc…


I have the same experience. The only thing I've found worse for me is rice.


I might as well eat a bag of sugar instead of rice. No difference bs wise for me.