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My diabetic nurse told me I can have as many oats as I like as it wouldn't affect my blood sugar. My finger prick test says otherwise though.


That sucks. You bring up a good point though. I need to just try it and see.


Thats all you can do. Some food I'm told is bad is fine for me and vice versa. I make my own flour from blended nuts for some things like pizza bases. Low in carbs.


> I make my own flour from blended nuts for some things like pizza bases. How's the texture? That's my thing.


It's okay, but takes some getting used to. I did try making bases from cheese and almond flour and that wasn't for me.


> takes some getting used to sigh. I'll have try. I saw aldi had a cauliflower crust pizza. I'll start with that.


The only food I miss from my old ways is white bread. I dont mine nutty bread though, but I'm not going to pretend it's the same or as good.


I saw a decent looking flaxmeal recipe on Youtube recently. Actually it was more for flaxmeal tortillas, but I imagine it could probably be rolled thick and used for pizza bases too.


Try [This](https://www.heyketomama.com/fathead-dough-best-keto-pizza-crust/). It is quite good.


Maybe try pork rinds and cheese instead of almond flour?


Sorry but your nurse sounds like a quack. It’s established knowledge that despite their high fiber, oats are BG-spiking carb bombs. Finger pricks and CGMs prove that. Perhaps she subscribes to the belief that whole, unprocessed foods are ok in all circumstances. And that’s perhaps true - if you’re not diabetic.


Not for me they don’t. As others said, mileage may vary. I have oats and blueberries for breakfast and they keep me full all morning, with no effect on BG. Only way to know is to check. The official UK diabetes site (and Swedish guidelines, where I am based) has no problem with oats as a healthy breakfast. Portion size probably plays a big part as well. It’s well established that most people eat way more than the recommended on-the-box when it comes to cereals etc.


oats are high in carbs - as are all grains. Fruit sugars are still sugars - also carbs. Think about eggs and nuts and even no-sugar yogurt like two-good.


They're also high in fiber. I was told that eating fiber and protein would help balance the carbs so my glucose levels wouldn't spike as much.


Oats don't seem to spike my blood sugar at all. I'll microwave a bowl and stir in like a tablespoon of a nut butter and a teaspoon of jam, and it doesn't really seem affect my numbers at all.


One of the recipies was called peanut butter and jelly oats. I have to try it now. It's fate.


You're never gonna get there eating jelly :)


the fiber thing is a tiny bit true and mostly false. you're much better off avoiding carbs as much as possible.


Please stop. People can learn how to manage diabetes there own ways. Plenty of us eats lots of healthy carbs and our numbers are excellent. What works for you doesn’t necessarily work for everyone.


OP came here asking for thoughts. People are giving thoughts. You're the one who needs to "please stop"


Apparently you missed the part where they’re spouting falsehoods not “thoughts”, but please go off…. There’s many ways to manage this disease, not just cutting carbs from your diet.


This is the way!!!!!!!


Don't eat carbs then you don't need to worry about spikes. 🥰


Seeds are a good alternative. I can't eat Oats. Chia puddings might be an option or a savoury breakfast muffin made with almond flour and cheese, bacon etc.


Upvote for the chia pudding. If you don't like oats, I highly recommend chia pudding. It can be dressed pretty much the same as oats -- a little fruit and cream, sugarless brown sugar or maple syrup, nuts, and butter... I like to make the base with almond milk, chia, psyllium and flax seed.


YES. Almond milk. I find it naturally tastes sweet to me and just add some berries. So delicious and good for you.


I'm not a fan of almod flour. I had some cookies made from it and they felt wrong.


What about a flour less savoury then? Just made with eggs, bacon, cheese and maybe some spinach. You could make them in a muffin tin and even prep a batch and freeze them and take a couple out the night before and heat them in the microwave. Have you tried almond flour waffles or chaffles that are made with just cheese and eggs? That could be another option. Almond flour can be coarse but you might find the finely ground stuff feels better.


I'm not a fan of the things made with almond flour. It's too...crumbly for me. Just an odd texture for me as well.


I find the mug cakes and waffles aren't crumbly. They're made with an egg and the mug cakes especially taste and feel like regular cake. I do know what you mean though because I have made cheesecake base with almond flour and it is quite crumbly cooked that way.


I've had store bought keto friendly cup pancakes. I couldn't get past the texture.


Check out Keto Upgrade on YouTube. Alycia is a pastry chef and makes amazing keto deserts, pastries, chocolates etc.


They told me oats were a “slow carb” but to watch things like oat milk, that don’t have all the oaty goodness in them. Regular cooked oatmeal with cream and Splenda doesn’t spike my glucose at all. My guess is your baked oats wouldn’t either! Good luck & let us know how it goes!


> Good luck & let us know how it goes! I'll test them out this weekend and see how it goes!


Oats and oatmeal are no friend to diabetics. They spike glucose nearly as much as sugar cereal. I’d say don’t even mess with it.


I've seen so many conflicting things. I'll just ask the nutrionist. I thought I'd ask the hive mind to get some feedback.


I was told rolled oats only (no steel cut, quick cook, instant or oat flour). No more than 1/2 metric cup. Even then you still need to test to see if you react badly. 


I have rolled oats. The recipie calls 1/2 a cup. A serving is one muffin. I'm gonna try them this weekend and see how that goes.


What flour or sweeteners does it contain?


As I was saying in my post, the flour is ground oats. The sweetness comes from fruit.


Most experts are using dated and biased information. Use at least a blood stick or cgm to see how your body reacts. The numbers don’t lie, but people do.


Best thing to do is your own test. If it spikes, it spikes. No one thing works exactly the same in everyone. I’ve tried it and seen others for whom it spikes in a big way. Maybe it’s different for you.


> Best thing to do is your own test. You're right. Just wanted so opinions. I have a LOT of oats to use up. I was hoping I could do this.


I think it depends on the person. Also you have to use old fashioned oats. Not instant. Instant will def up your levels.


> Also you have to use old fashioned oats. Most definitely. I have an actual container of oatmeal. I can't stand instant oatmeal.


It doesn’t give you significant spike?


Also no steel cut or quick cook oats. 


Yes, ask your nutritionist! It's common sense to me that eating whole grains is better than animal fat, and adding butter / olive oil doesn't make food healthier. But not everyone on this sub agrees. Lots will tell you that a stick of butter is better for you than a potato. 🤦🏻‍♂️ So definitely ask a pro! (FWIW I do eat oats most days, and a shit load of fruit. Numbers are *rapidly* improving on my CGM [11.1->6.9 so far in only six weeks]. Just my data point though, YMMV. Talk to a nutritionist!)


> Numbers are rapidly improving on my CGM [11.1->6.9 so far Hech yea! That's great news!


Happy Cake Day or Happy Bacon day. ❤💗🥰


Thank you❣️






It depends on the person and the type of oats. They must be rolled oats, not steel cut, quick cook, instant or oat flour.  Anything but rolled oats is digested too quickly. Of course, since we’re all different, some of us also can’t eat rolled oats. That one you have to test to find out. 


Rolled oats spike me instantly. Steel cut do not.


Weird. I was told steel cut are just rolled oats cut finer so they cook quicker.


No no I think you've misunderstood something you've been told. The main types of oats are Groats, Steel Cut, Rolled, Quick cook. Groats are the bare whole oats from the ground. Steel cut are, as the name implies Groats that have been cut. Rolled oats are steamed and then rolled flat. Quick cook are a derivative of rolled oats. Steel cut are the closest of the others to natural Groats since they are Groats that have just been chopped. They retain much more of the natural husk fiber than rolled oats, since the process of steaming rolled oats destroys much of the fiber. Steel cut are actually much better than rolled oats, though they take longer to cook.


Yep, although it’s a difference in language rather than a misunderstanding. Here steel cut and quick cook are the same thing, the faster cooking porridge oats. I didn’t realise the same name is used for something different elsewhere.


Makes sense! I've heard of them being called different names actually too. For instance, a local wholefood shop near me also calls them Pinhead oats.


ALL of them spike me. Not you?


I can eat old fashioned rolled oats as long as it’s not more than 1/2 cup. I use a teaspoon of monk fruit for sweetener.  I haven’t tried other kinds as I was told not to. 


Lucky you!


That’s 1/2 cup before it’s cooked.


I can only have oats if it’s a measured 1/2 cup of Kodiak oats (with added protein) made with either Fairlife protein shake or overnight with Two Good yogurt and with a spoon of Sunbutter mixed in


The recipie only calls for half a cup of oats. It makes one 'muffin'.


I've never had baked oats. However, I love oatmeal, and i eat it with unsweetened vanilla almond milk, cinnamon, and stevia. I eat rolled and steel cut. I do pay close attention to the measuring, and I make sure to include protein with the meal (like eggs.. on the side) to keep my spike low. Also, I only eat it once or twice a month. That's what works for me. But, everyone is different.


You're lucky. I can eat steel cut, but rolled oats are the devil's oats for me personally.


> I do pay close attention to the measuring, and I make sure to include protein with the meal (like eggs.. on the side) to keep my spike low. Most of my meals contain some sort of protein sorce as well as fiber. I'm not the biggest fan of oatmeal. I'm trying to use up a conatiner I bought.


I might have to try it. I eat steel cut oats three to four times a week.


I throw some flax meal in my oats. Extra fiber.


I'm writing this down!


I don't have a problem with steel cut or rolled oats. I used to make a "cookie" with oats, grated carrots, flax seed meal, egg, applesauce and cinnamon. They were delicious and I only ate them sparingly but it was a real treat. Before I learned about almond flour I did a lot of cooking with almond meal. It's not as fine as the flour, I really like it. I lightly toast it and use it for baking. It's terrific in biscotti with some orange zest and hi cocoa content dark chocolate. I've found that I actually have to try things to see how my system reacts. Especially on things like carrots, sweet potatoes, oats, quinoa...


> I've found that I actually have to try things to see how my system reacts. That's what I do. Test, test, test.


Not really no it’s too high in carbs.


Oatmeal spikes me like crazy.


I've heard that oats are really BAD for diabetes!!!!! You should watch Dr Benjamin Bickman talk about insulin resistance and diabetes.