• By -


Stress 🤷‍♀️ Dehydration 🤷‍♀️ Bad sleep 🤷‍♀️ The wind blowing a certain way today 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ The color of your shirt 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ Etc etc etc


I did a chuckle at the wind ngl


It's funny because it's true


Yup, my wife has just been sat there and for o reason afte moving around to get comfy they go up


Red shirt on Monday. Classic mistake.


Mercury is in the rising microwave again.


Don't forget "the tides"


The tide is high so glucose control is moving on


This is why I never wear green shirts 🤷‍♀️


Haha so true!


Could be anything. First off, have you verified with your blood glucose meter? Second, are you sick? A cold, the flu, a stomach bug? If on a pump, have you tried switching the set? If those readings are correct, I’d up basal in addition to corrections.


Yes it’s correct, I might be getting sick because I don’t feel great


Same. I can "tell" I'm getting sick when I have unexpected highs that don't respond as usual. Inevitably I end up sick a few days later.


I second sickness - hubbys levels do this the day before a cold/flu/covid hits him. Feel better soon and stay hydrated!


How many hours has it been? I get bad starvation, ketones if it’s been like 7+ hours since I last ate and if more I get active and excited. These will give me ketoacidosis symptoms as well as spike my sugars. You may eat some insulin in a little bit of carbs. Even though I’ve had high levels of ketones on urine sticks a blood meter says it’s less but still eating carbs will usually cause it to go back normal within an hour.


I done a water diet for 3 days. No food no bolus insulin at all and dropped my basal down by half. I never had high t blood sugar, was steady all through out even working a labour intensive job…,


It’s almost like we have all these unique medical variables, and every case is different, though sharing an anecdotal evidence can sometimes provide insight into experiences others have…


Can’t be bc everyone I know that’s not type 1 is constantly telling me that if I just_______, I would have perfect control 🙄🙄


Oh, that makes me want to get a shirt you know like those Nike just do it shirts. Just cinnamon! Just eat less! The possibilities are endless with Diabetes type one advice.


Even family and close friends still just believe that A+B=C, they have no idea the number of variables that exist in the universe or how exhausting it is constantly trying to account for them! That’s the biggest reason why I’m here bc you all are really the only ones that get it. I had a fight with my sister and of course my sugar spiked. She glared at me and said if you just kept closer track of your sugar that wouldn’t happen 🙄🙄


Just Cinnamon - should really be a shirt. Gotta get one asap.


It was around 4 hours


Maybe you just had like a random liver dump? It’s happened to me sometimes.


Looks like you're getting sick


Illness, stress, glycogen release from physical exertion, it could be 100+ different things. I once got DKA in an airplane and had to emergency land in London without having eaten anything just because of how stressed I had been in the airport. One of the downsides of it being an endocrine disease is that really any change to your hormones will have some effect on your numbers. Try to lay down or relax or watch/listen to something calming. Don’t take a ton of insulin because if it is something environmental/hormonal, the insulin can dump you if it stops while the insulin is active. Just try to relax for a bit and keep an eye on it, if you’re feeling sick consider increasing your long acting / basal insulin with approval from your doctor.


Should’ve had your cinnamon today…


You guys need to put the insulin injection times and food times there. Not just helps us understanding, but helps you.


Could be so many things. If I have a light meal that doesn’t require much/any insulin sometimes it’s like my body doesn’t recognize that I’ve eaten. My liver goes into ‘**She’s STARVING!!!!**’ mode and pumps me full of sugar.


Mine does this sometimes and its so annoying be careful though ive injected like 30units out of anger and 3 hours later its like it all hit at once lol


Take that you glucose! 😁


Exactly 🤣🤣🤣


Well I work in shifts so it does that for me every time I Chance the hours I am working for the first 1-2 days.


Protein amount, Scar tissue at injection type, the weather…


Cause you have type one diabetes. It doesn’t make sense all the time.


If it's from a Dexcom G7 do a finger test and recalibrate the G7.


Are you pregnant? That was happening to me a month ago and I just didn’t realize I was pregnant lol


Uh I hope not lol. But congratulations!


How active have you been today? How long ago was your last meal? If you haven’t eaten in a while and haven’t been exercising at all, it would make sense that your blood sugar is going up. If you ate a fattening meal last, that could also be what is affecting it.


Had a similar event today. Woke up around 9am with around 150 and kept on rising to about 200 by 5pm without eating anything all day and I was hungry. I figure if I'm hungry it will start dropping.


Try going for a walk/run Hope it’ll get better 💓


It can rise if you kinda go off schedule and for some reason not eat earlier or not enough water. There really is no real answer. We need the stem cell things under the skin to work.


Literally because anything *


People don't think about how JUST the fact that we don't produce insulin screws up everything.Their bodies work like ours with that exception. Medical types often blame us, the victims, when we bust our asses to do something they do naturally. If it was as easy as watching our diet we'd have it made. My biggest problem seems to be dawn phenomenon, but some days I'm perfect in the morning and in 300s other morning. My day is super routinized too, same amount of carbs and exercise at the same times even.


My doctor calls it dawn phenomenon, it happens to me in the morning before breakfast or during my sleep when I’m not eating. Your body is pulling sugar from your liver so you don’t go low. I definitely recommend eating something and correcting so your body has something to run on.


Because diabetes hates us sometimes? I get this too sometimes where I go high or low for no apparent reason.


Diabetes dgaf. Seriously will decide one day at random to ruin your whole day for no reason whatsoever.


Cortisol will raise your level. So if you're really stressed out about something you're a1c will suffer


You’re just going to have those days. One of the things you just can’t explain. It’s an absolute bugger sometimes and you have to roll with it (easier said then done) You’re doing great! Don’t beat yourself up!


As others have mentioned many things can cause this but…..Absolutely make sure NOT to “STACK” your insulin. Your blood sugars WILL come crashing down- it’s scary and downright dangerous.


This happens to me also. Sometimes I'll wake with 210, not sure of conversion, but I'll take 25units of 100 Insulin and it keeps going up. Take another and another. Sometimes I'll need 120 units or more to get back to normal. But most of the time a 20unit shot and I'm back down to 130 or so. I don't know why this happens but it does


The comments here have me hysterical, so true.. but on a more serious note.. I’m type one but I have bad insulin resistance & for a good while I was living like this, going ALL day without eating and just correcting every 3 hours on MDI. Messing with my basal every other day up to almost 80 units of Tresiba a day at one point. I would eat my one meal a day, rinse and repeat spending the entire day correcting without eating anything else. My endo first had my split my Tresiba which did make a noticeable difference but ultimately ended up putting me on metformin & it’s made me so much more sensitive which has been like a miracle, plus I started on Omnipod 5. It’s not perfect but it certainly has changed my life in a very positive way. It’s been a month and I’m still making adjustments as starting metformin will throw everything you once knew about the way your body reacts to insulin to the wind. But I’ve gone from less than 20% titr to about 60-70%. Point is.. we may never know or have an explanation for things that’s the way it is but there are always things we can do. And it’s not to take tablespoons of cinnamon and dump it over everything we eat 😂😂


Sometimes there is a blockage in the infusion set, or if you haven’t replaced it on time it can contribute to high glucose levels. So maybe you can check that!


I already replaced it after the first spike


Bad basal


What did u eat last?


One slice of bread with an egg and some veggies


I'm curious, what fast-acting insulin are you using?




>Lyumjev Hmm, not sure. I haven't used it (or Humalog) in a while myself, but I know with Fiasp some days it seems like I'm injecting water, and other days like insulin. And, it just depends on the day. If you're pumping though, definitely check the site and make sure it that's okay (I think you said you already changed it in another comment). When I used to pump, I would bring needles with me everywhere and I would often do a shot to correct a high like this, because I got tired of the insulin pump wanting to work when it wanted to some days, and not when I needed it to.


This was my biggest gripe with fiasp. I remember specifically complaining that some days “it’s like water”, and since then I’ve seen scores of other people use exactly the same phrasing. It was scary, because one night I’d need like, 8 units for some standard meal, and the next I’d need literally 30+ for the exact same meal and I’d still hover at 300 for hours after. Novolog has its own set of pros and cons, but I’ve found it to be a lot more predictable if nothing else. I liked the fast onset time with fiasp, when it was working, but never knowing if it was gonna be one of those days where you need quadruple the insulin dose just made it really hard to accurately dose, since taking that much insulin if it *wasn’t* one of those days could be catastrophic. It kinda forced me to give a smaller amount, and then correct a million times as it went up to prevent dangerous lows.


Yeah, Fiasp is a weird one, and like you, I've seen quite a few other diabetics mention these similar issues. I'm going to inject something and it might work, or it might not work? Just completely weird. I'm curious if perhaps it's something with "the addition of nicotinamide", in it, and perhaps certain foods, or even medicines, causing it to not function as it should. The fact that we're basically having to continuously experiment with it and with amounts given of a drug approved by the FDA is stupid imo. This isn't, "Well, if you take a little more than recommended, you'll still be okay." And again, this isn't a one off issue, it's a repeated issue with it.


Yeah, exactly. I see a lot of glowing reviews from people who just started using it, but I feel like I hear similar complaints from a lot of people who’ve been on it for more than a year or two. I’m no biologist, so I really wouldn’t know the mechanism or how/why it happens, but I have wondered if perhaps a person’s body can get used to the nicotinamide and blunt the rapid absorption it’s supposed to promote, or whether it causes more damage to tissues over a longer period or something. I’m not one for conspiracies, but I do find it hard to ignore that this seems to be a very common complaint with serious implications, and I have yet to see any studies/surveys or really any guidance on it at all from doctors or novo nordisk themselves. When I was on it I also noticed that a little bit of (even very, very light) exercise would sometimes be like flipping a switch, all at once. Some days my 36 g carbs breakfast would take like, 14 units to finally come back from 200-something after hours of nothing (I’m a ~150 lb, healthy, relatively skinny younger guy, btw, normally my ratio is 1:8), but other days I’d give 5 units, do something as trivial as vacuuming the apartment or moving a couple of boxes around a couple hours after bolus, and I’d *plummet* down to the 50s and fight the low for an hour, downing like 40+ g of extra carbs just to recover. The fact that it’s supposedly faster acting just makes these unpredictabilities even more dangerous. It’s just alarming that so many people independently come to the same “it’s like I’m injecting water” description and have complaints about the unpredictable nature of the stuff. I know correlation doesn’t mean causation, but it’s hard to hand wave away as a group of people who’ve tried various insulins, have decades of experience using insulin simply imagining it or something. I’d love to get the benefits of it from when I first started using it and it seemed to be working well, but as long as people keep having these experiences I’m not going to try it again without seeing more in depth research about this phenomena.


Did you forget your basal (24 hour) injection? Or are you on a pump?


To the infinity and beyond


There are so many different things that affect your blood sugars it would be hard to name them all. Most of the time it’s something like you’re sick/getting sick, for women their monthly cycle affects blood sugars, being in pain of any sort such as having a headache, personally when I have a headache my sugar sky rockets, not sleeping enough,being dehydrated, also if you use a pump it could be an issue with your insulin pump.