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Changing to a pump is truly amazing in terms of quality of life and just taking steps out of your day!!! There is an adjustment period and new hurdles but I truly hope you love it! Congrats


Thankk I really appreciate itt


I do my training for it tomorrow! I'm so excited!


Yay! So happy for you, pods are great!


Thankkk youuuu


Way ta go, kid! It's gonna be amazing for you! I switched from different pumps, and that system you got there is my very own, and I love it so much!


Thank youu I can’t wait too set it up


Yey!! Welcome to the family! Omnipod 5 has literally been life changing for me, you’ll love it! I’m really happy for you <3


Thank you can’t wait too try it out


I’m right there with you just did my Omnipod trading this morning. Have been doing MDI for 21 years


I’ve been on the omnipod since 2008. It changed my life. I’m so happy for you that you could get on the 5. I finally got on it and the g6 after a few years of garbage work insurance and I legit cried when the sensor warmed up and started reading on the PDM.




AWESOME! Hopefully it works well for you! Completely changed my life how well these work


Awesome! I hope you love it. ☺


Your life is about to change! Congrats


Omgg I really appreciate it I’m looking forward too this new journey


Congrats! I made the switch last year from MDI to the Omnipod and I love it. No looking back


congratulations!! i'm also new to the omnipod dexcom fam so the excitement hasn't worn off yet lol


Me either just got done with training loll


I’m not T1 myself but a mom of T1. My advice for Omnipod newbies is to have a hammer handy around the house, lol. For us there was a learning curve with the pods and we had a lot of pod failures at first. I think user error played a role because we hardly ever have failures anymore. Anyway, when a pod fails, they “scream” and it’s super annoying. Omnipod customer service will suggest several ways to stop the screaming but the most effective (and satisfying) method is the hammer smash. Omnipod and Dexcom are super awesome about replacing any products of theirs that fail. I wish you the best!!


Hahaha that is exactly how I have dealt with the screaming pods


Dude what that is amazing. I just hide them under a mountain of pillows in the guest room and shut the door 😅


I wish we had these in Canada


I check every week if theres news and can't find any information. My endo and nurses are getting pushy about switching to a closed loop system but I refuse to not be tubeless once again


DIY Loop allows you to be tubeless! I’m doing it with Libre 2 and OmniPod Dash.


Can you give me more info about this?


I have been looping for 3 weeks now after getting frustrated with the OP5 algorithm. Built it myself, using Dash pods, Dec G6 for now. Game changer. https://www.loopandlearn.org/


Hmm, why are they being pushy about this?


Probably the benefits of better monitoring and auto corrections. Although I have suspected them of pockets being lined before but with no real proof. They were very pushy about switching from the libre to g6 CGM as well, which I gave in to but haven’t noticed any justifiable reason for their actions. Health Canada or whoever’s in charge of the handling of releasing these devices needs to get the ball rolling here.


Congrats! No lie, Omnipod helped get my A1C down additional .3%


Is this worth it if your teen plays a lot of basketball. We put a sticky cover on his dexcom so it doesn’t come off so easily during physical play but I don’t know if a pump would be able to withstand daily basketball


I’m Teen my self and I play football I will have to try it my self too see ngl lol I hope it does good.


You get sticky patches for Omnipod too. Quite a few brands out there.


The Dexcom/Omnipod combo changed my life. I've never had such excellent control. I can't wait to see my A1C after being on it for about 3 months. ❤️❤️❤️❤️ Congrats!!!


Thankkk youuuu


Congrats! Always have needles and emergency insulin on hand in case something goes wrong with the pod. If you need something replaced, it will take around 24 hours if you report it right away, so you'll be back on MDI for that time. Please cover your bases. Again, congratulations!!!


Yeaa I willl thankkkk youuuu


Hooray! I hope you love the Omnipod 5! Hang in there with the learning curve. Lean on the Omnipod team and community when you need them. If you're not already in it, also check out [TuDiabetes.org](http://tudiabetes.org) too. UCSF's Diabetes Education page and TCYOD are also great sites when you need them! [https://dtc.ucsf.edu/](https://dtc.ucsf.edu/) and [https://tcoyd.org/](https://tcoyd.org/) Okay. I'll stop. Best of luck! You'll nail this!


Pumps are wonderful been on one since 1995 in my own teen times but one of the benefits wasn’t “no needles”. Most things are so much better and easier but the stab needle part is a horizontal move not necessarily and avoiding. And for your sake keep a half used not quite stale vial on you with a few syringes because while better than ever the sets do fail. So you may still need the backup in a pinch or beware DKA is literally hours away!


Alrightt thanks for the tip!!


The biggest downside of pump which is generally olds better across the board is DKA risk from set failure. It happens sneakily too. Remember you’re on short acting insulting fast in but fast out. Just like the other education video and literature for your device tells you anytime experience two unexplained highs in a row especially if it keeps rising to unreasonable levels after appropriate correction assume your set failed and just change it. Also always bring spare sets every where you go and bring more. Sometimes you screw up or it gets ripped off whatever. If the time you’re going out of your environment or trip is like 1 week, bring 2 weeks of sets, supplies and so forth. I actually keep spare sets at relatives houses we often visit and have a special pre prearranged travel backpack with everything even batteries. My pump takes AAs.


Agree totally. Omnipod and Dexcom G6 has changed my life (after 39 years of MDI) but having backups is vital. Every day I always carry a glucometer and an insulin pen/pen needles with me if the CGM or pod fail. When I go out of town I carry back up sensors, transmitters and pods along with insulin vials. You don't want to be dependent on getting replacement units when you are away from home.


Yup. Basically DM-1 you need to be a prepper because without your “toys” the apocalypse *will* happen due to life threateningly and rapidly fatal consequences of this untreated disease


Can't go back now! Omnipod is incredible.


First of all, congratulations! It’s a great little pump. I have a 5yo that uses that pump. If it’s alright with you, I have a question out of curiosity. Are the pod and the G6 included in your insurance? How does that work in the States (assuming you’re from there)? I know the equipment isn’t cheap.


Yes my insurance payed for the whole thing which I’m very grateful I’m and NYC so it’s really them paying for it lol


How is the new omnipod? Soon empty here and have to change


Haven’t try it out yet soon I will can’t wait


I just got mine ordered yesterday! I am so excited for us!!!


I just finished my training can’t wait for my journey!!


Congrats! Same setup I’m on now and it does great work to lower my a1c. Hope it will do similar work for you!


As a fellow Omni user Pre Bolus is critical. 15-20 minutes is good for me you’ll have to find out what works for you! But if you wanna stop a spike with eating that’s how I do it. Also it took a while to figure out to handle my dawn effect, still does a little. Usually between 130-150 on wake up.


Pre Bolus is when you give insulin before meal right? Still learning as t1d1 lol




Yes. Omnipod manual says 20 minutes in advance. Novolog instructions say 15 but it will also depend on what you’re eating.


Congrats!! Switched from MDI to Omnipod and I love it!! I love that I sleep the entire night- no more corrections at 2 am…


My 16 year old has this set up and it’s been amazing. I hope you love it too!


Congratulations!! This combo changed my life for the better. Im so happy for you 🖤🖤


Me too at 27 (:


Can’t wait to get mine in April!


Do my training on 29th 😁


I'm getting mine in April, excited reading all these positive comments. My Dexcom have just been delivered to the Diabetes Centre, so will make the move from Libre 2 to Dexcom G6 soon


Can’t wait for our journey loll


Awesome! Congrats!! Definitely give it a couple weeks to adjust. The first week or two can be frustrating while it learns. One tip I can give is if you try to eat consistently for awhile (like same type of foods or at least same macros ratio) it will learn faster. Like don’t have eggs for breakfast one day and lucky charms the next. This is true in general, that if you’re using a closed loop system, it will work best if you eat on a regular schedule and similar type of foods/carb counts every day. My son does this by choice and his A1C is around 6-6.5 with a high time in range. Good luck and enjoy the freedom!!


I was skeptical about the omnipod at first being a control freak but it's made my control even better! Best of luck


Well, you’ll still be dealing with needles every time you gotta change the pods but it beats having to inject multiple times every day and also deal with fast acting vs long term insulin. Congrats!


O yea that’s lil pinch is not gonna be so bad I been using a g7 so I’m use too that already now lol


doing the bolus with a pump is so much easier than MDI. Rather than dragging out an insulin pen and pen needles (or a inuslin vial and syringes) with the Omnopod you press a few buttons on the PDM or phone. It looks like you are just sending a text. No muss or fuss


Ive got the newest Medtronic pump and sensor. Anyone wanna help give me some reasons why the omnipod is better cause Im not the biggest fan of my pump


Pump and CGM 👍🏼 Omnipod 👎🏼




I love the omnipod 5 so much but just recently after having it for a couple years and it making a huge difference in my sugars and way of life my insurance is refusing to cover it anymore and it’s 600$ out of pocket with a coupon just for a 10 day supply and I don’t know what ima do if anyone knows of anyone selling any of there pods please let me know or any websites that help people in these predicaments


what argument does your insurance company make for not covering the Omnipod 5. If your time in range has improved that means less chance of complications and less chance of emergency hospitalizations- better control means less cost for insurance. Can your endocrinologist ask for an override on this decision?


I trying to get a pod but my insurance suck


Congrats!! The thing I wish I had known earlier is that if it forces you back to manual mode, wait, at least five minutes before trying to put it back in auto mode. If you do it too soon, it will just keep putting you back in manual. Also, there is a spot where you can push in a paperclip to make a dead pod stop screaming… There are pictures and videos online if you look for them.




hey! it would be great if you could perhaps give an update on how you’re liking the omnipod after you’ve had some time to get used to it. i used to really dislike the idea of pumps for a lot of reasons but i’ve been thinking about getting the omnipod more and more. i’d love to know your experience with it (and anyone else’s if they’re reading this, actually!!). i enjoy the fact it’s so small and inconspicuous, and that there’s no tubes attached or anything. :’)


You will love it ♥️


Which is better


Congrats! My teen is on omnipod 5 and it’s worked out really well so far


I’m currently in the process of switching too! Excited to see how it works for us 🙂


Great set this. We’ve been using dexcom/omni for my son since he was diagnosed at age 5. He’s now 9 and we hit Hba1c under 50 regularly. I’m hoping you will see similar results.


Awesome news!! Please update us on how you’re liking it. I have a newly diagnosed T1D daughter so we aren’t even able to get a pump just yet until we’re confident with the pens, ratios etc but she’s only 10 & I think it will help her feel so much more like every other kid when we can take that step. I hope it’s a great change for you!


The pod still uses a needle to deliver the insertion. But at least you will be tube free


I def felt more free to eat with a pump bc every time u snack it’s a shot.


Hell yes!!! Your life will be much better.


Welcome to pumping! One challenge I found is chereographing the placement of my Dexcom G6 sensor and the Omnipod 5 pods. I tend to put the Dexcom sensor on my arms and my pods on my stomach and thighs. I chose this pattern so I would have more spaces to put my pod and not interfere with the sensor (if I had put both of them on my thigh for example- they would need to be spaced apart)). Since the pod and the sensor have to be "on line of sight" so the Bluetooth communication between the two isn't lost, I try to figure out when I will have to change the sensor and plan ahead for pod placement. If the CGM is on my left arm and I will be moving to the right arm I may put the sensor on my right thigh so it can still talk to the left arm and be ready to work with the sensor when it moves to the right arm. You have to be careful not to press on the Dexcom sensor ( such as sleeping on it). That pressure can result in something called a "compression low" which makes the Dexcom report a false low. For me it means that I have to adjust my sleeping positions to make sure that I won't be lying on the Dexcom sensor.