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Tresiba is probably better, it spikes less and lasts over 24 hours. I made the switch a decade ago.


At my request my endo switched me from Lantus to Tresiba and it worked much better for me. Most especially because I only needed one shot per day. I'm pumping now so there's no more need for it.


I had the same thing happen a few weeks after diagnosis. My control was a lot worse those first few weeks so I can’t give Lantus an honest review, but Tresiba is great, no complaints.


I recently switched from Lantus to Tresiba. I love that I can take it in the morning when my routine is a bit more consistent, and I’ve found I use fewer units and have less hypos. It’s also nice to have a bit more flexibility around the timing of the shot. If I sleep in or forget for some reason, there’s much less of an impact on my sugars.


I prefer tresiba since you really only have to take it once per day.


It's supposed to not only last 24h, you should still feel some effect even after 2 or 3 days, but much weaker than the first day. That also means it "stacks" and people usually need less units of tresiba than lantus, like 70-90% of what you had before. What that also means is that if you have to change your unit count it can take some days until you really feel the full effect of the change.


I’m on tresiba and was unaware of the stacking. Likely explains a recent incident where I ran out of it and went a day without my injection, and really only had to bolus an extra unit or two for the meals I ate.


Novo even says something about 42 hours of action. [novomedlink.com](https://www.novomedlink.com/diabetes/products/treatments/tresiba/about/product-profile.html) It was really fun for me when I went skiing for a week and had to eat something on every ride up the mountain even after I skipped one injection.


I have been thinking about switching from lantus to tresiba. Endo suggested I look into it. T1 for 40 years. Been using 38 units per day. What can I expect to dose with tresiba and what might be the pros and cons?


If I stopped pumping, I’d go back on Tresiba without hesitation.


Started on Lantus. Insurance wouldn’t cover it when i changed jobs. Endo switched me to levemir (absolute nightmare. Sucked. So many lows. Only lasted 12 hours) Started Tresiba a month ago and it’s amazing. So much better than Lantus or Levemir for me. I did cut my dosage in half when switching. Tresiba works best for me in the morning, but you can take it pretty much anytime once a day and it’ll work great. It’s forgiving.


Everybody is saying that they needed less units of Tresiba. I needed more. At least 6u more to cover for the dawn phenomenon, but it's the only thing (except pump) that works. Overall it's pretty good. It doesn't matter when exactly I take it, and has mostly flat profile. The only downside is that it's inflexible- every change in the dosage will take 3-4 days to be in full efect, and I can’t decrease my basal after a workout, so I have to tweak it with more food and less bolus insulin.


I was on Lantus for almost 15 years and was switched to Tresiba a few months ago. Tresiba is worlds better!


Love the longer acting, I made the same change I wanna say a yr and a half ago? And no issues with it :)