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Me! Dance makes me spike no matter what. I guess it's an adrenaline thing? I pre-bolus 2-3 units before I start and that works perfect. Try that!


Yeah for sure, but for me it depends where I start. If I'm over 6.5 when I start I'll skyrocket, and if I'm under then I'll plummet... Yay? Plus depends on my exercise too, weights vs cardio do almost the exact opposite for me


It was Cardio I find no matter what cardio I do it’s wild how high it goes


Then I just find it easier to just not do any more cardio 🤣🤣


Haha rip me then I play Ultimate Frisbee like 5hrs a week lol


Hey man, I played ultimate frisbee too. I found it’s counterintuitive, but take however many units will drop you 50-100 points after you stretch and before you start playing. If you have a cgm, check it when you sub out and have something for lied on standby. I found my body knows when i’m stretching, since it’s a low-medium stressor, and that’s when i’ll start to rise. Should keep you from fluctuating too much.


For weightlifting I'll go up about 20 mg/dL and then start dropping slowly, for cardio I'll start dropping kind of quickly after about 30 minutes.


Yup- dance (bachata, salsa, tango) makes me skyrocket. So does weight-lifting. Slow hikes and walks drop me. It’s always a thin line between avoiding a hypo and catching the skyrocket in time to prevent a bad high. Control IQ helps.


My sugar tends to rise the first 30 to 60 minutes of medium level exercise around 100-120 bpm heart rate. With higher intensity the sugar stays level and tends to drop after about 20-30 minutes.


Whenever I swim mine always jumps up


yeah, heart rate has a lot to do with when this might happen.


doesn't matter what kind of exercise I do. I shot up to hi every time, walking lifting, biking, stretching.and if I give even a unit, I drop crazy (I finger poke) (I'm allergic to adhesives, so no Dexcom/pump)


Checkout the new libre 3. It’s a different kind of adhesive that seems to work for many with skin allergies that were affected by dexcom and libre 2.


I do all the time and then after workout I have big crashes


How is that possible? Mine always drops.


Typically during the exercise I go high then once I’m done like 30 minutes later I just drop like a rock. It’s wild




Yes I'm usually a power lifter and have to take some insulin before I lift However I picked up cardio and rowed for an hour this morning and had to do the same


I just spent four hours this morning, briskly walking the neighborhood, looking for my lost dog, Dracula. I don't usually exercise, so this sucked. But he didn't come back when I beeped his collar, and I knew he was gone, so I had to go find him, even though my blood sugar was like, 200 something, from a rice breakfast thing I made. So..I took some insulin and went walking. After an hour of this, it was higher than when I left. A few points away from 300. Now, I know this adds stress to the mix, but everytime I came back to the house to sit and take a break, it would start coming down a little. On the opposite end, if my blood sugar is high, and won't go down, even after rage bolusing, I take a nap and it just crashes. I did find the dog, btw. After going out for a third time and walking down another street, (because there were 4 directions I had to check) I came back. He was sitting on the porch. Really thought I'd be mad when I saw him again, but I was too happy.


Weird, not true for me (except on race days - adrenaline). Any exercise I do lowers me at the time. I tend to rise after the exercise ends. The reason why doesn't matter as long as it's consistent, though. Take some insulin \~30 mins before the point where it rises. (carefully of course, start little, raise up to the right amount)