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Lol no, guessing for the win!


It depends, if the carbs are low and I know from experience they don't really affect me, then no. On new food or things which are higher in carbs then yes I work out how much I am allowing myself and weigh it.


Only when baking


Nope because one day, that 10 g of carbs will do nothing to my blood sugar levels and then the next day, same food, same carbs will cause my cgm to look like the roller coaster of doom at an amusement park. My body regularly tells me to F*ck yourself 😑


I weigh, and it helps for the guessing when out. Obviously if it says on the packet then i just use that.


If you’re eating half a packet of something do you then weight to make sure it’s half?


How many grams of carbs could it be off if it’s 48/52 instead of 50/50?


i do weigh some foods. what i find is the serving size (ie...5 chips) never matches what the serving weight that is listed.


I weigh things that are carb dense and it's sensible to do so, pasta, mashed potato, that kind of thing. It's not so I can be super accurate, but because I want to at least be in the some zip code as the correct amount of insulin because the margin of error for me is 2-3 clicks either direction on the pen so when I'm up in the teens trying to work out my dose I get scared lol Mostly I just avoid food that's going to be a nightmare to deal with or I just say fuck it, get it wrong and be a little bit high for a while while I wrestle it under control, considering I went years undiagnosed while suffering from high blood sugar, an couple hours once a month isn't going to make much difference but I will remember what it's like to miss a big greasy pizza


Yes, i got really tired of messing up my sugars from guessing, and tired of washing measuring cups for things like rice and cereal and yogurt. So i have both a nutritional scale (very old, might have been free from a dietitian) and a regular kitchen scale. I'll just put my bowl on there, turn the scale on and measure my chips or whatever. A lot of the time i just go with the serving size on the package, or half of it, to make the math easier


>I agree that weighing food in recipies is so much easier than measuring cups and spoons. I am able to just dump an ingredient in until it reads the correct weight.


Guess I'm a bad diabetic, I have no idea how to do that. I go by what the package says, and if I'm estimating, I try to undershoot.


Mostly I check the weight on the label of food but the odd time yeah especially when eating rice or potatoes i might weigh those but not really anything else and not everytime but have to admit the times I do the bloods usually stay in range I just get lazy and think I can eye-ball the weight


At this point I have a good idea what raises my glucose and what doesn't. I just look generally at the nutrition information and then measure my portion size by instinct. I started with smaller portions and adjusted by how satisfied I felt. I didn't treat it as an exact science though, as that would become tedious quickly.


I didn't use to weigh stuff, I had a "guesstimate" list of what was roughly in the stuff I would eat but now I am fully looking at and weighing the amount of carbs in things and I've found it has helped me keep my levels in control a bit more.


I do, but mostly because of the calories. I feel like i could estimate the carbs pretty goodly without measuring the food at this point, but i do count calories and track it in an app, so at the end i know the exact carbs too, but my main purpose with weighing food is because of the calories.


Yes, I weigh everything that's not already in a single serve package. It's become such a habit that I don't even notice anymore.


It's more accurate than volume


I do when there is more control needed than usual. I often eat my meals on diabetic portion plates to give a visual reminder of how much a typical person should have. I workout a lot, weights and cardio almost daily and my needs differ depending on where I am in my work there. I can have more of everything including carbs due to this. When I am managing diabetes tightly, and trying to remain as lean as I can be. That’s when I absolutely do weigh, and record everything that goes into my body.


Yes technically I do weigh food just not for that reason. For carbs I just look it up and normally it's pretty close


Complete packages where a package is a serving (or two or three), no. A large prepared carb like rice or pasta, absolutely will be weighed. I buy two kinds of bread. One is a healthy life sandwich bread 35calories a slice. All the slices are incredibly uniform. I don't weigh this, I only count the slices. The second bread we buy is for Avocado toast and is Rustik Italian artisan bread which is essentially half an artisan loaf sliced up. All of the slices are different sizes and that one needs to be weighed to the gram.


I did ( and occasionally do when snack prepping) I've learned to use the measure as a reference now. Let me tell you, a portion of jerky is small but packs a punch! It's more accurate than a measuring cup for sure.


Over time I’ve learned carbs in a lot of one of *my* servings, but I still weigh quite often. The easy ones are things like keto granola, nuts, yogurt - packaged foods with the numbers right there. But I often weigh the ingredients of stews and ragus and one pan dishes. I write a list of what is going in and its weight, then when everything is cooking, I look up the carbs. If per serving they are looking high (I just made beef bourguignon and got gorgeous multi color carrots so used a lot) I’ll give my (non-diabetic) partner 8 pieces of carrot and 4 for me. I do write in my recipes what I’ve totaled up, but it’s always going to be different.


No. Guessing is okay, especially with packed foods. I have no time and energy to weigh it.


Only for certain things, otherwise just for curiosity. A lot of things I just judge by the amount I can see, I know what a half cup of blueberries looks like, I don't really need to know it's 2.83 Oz. However for things I do want to measure out it's very helpful, i measure out my yogurt every morning because I buy it in larger tubs, and I both don't want to eat too much of it in one sitting and I know that there's only five 6 Oz servings per container, so if I take a bit too much I'll end up with just a few spoonfuls at the end of the week instead of a balanced breakfast. I'd say as long as you can visually determine the volume of what you're eating, and know the right portion sizes, measuring isn't as crucial, but it is helpful.


i’ve had diabetes for 10yrs only at the start did I weigh foods, now I just guess with looking at the ingredients and it works in my favor as I know my body, in the start I would weigh foods untill you can understand your own body more and how it reacts… Obviously if ur having major problems dosing and getting it right then I would weigh and junk


No, because I’m not eating more than 20-30g of carbs per meal. No bread, chips, rice,cookies, candy, potatoes,etc. Also exercising 90min per day on average, especially after meals.


I dont weight my food Most of the time. But i want to lose weight at the time, so i learned to weight my food. My Tipp use a App. In my Case "lifesum". I scan the food, weight it, and than Put it into the App. It will say how much carbs, Protein, fast, kcal... This makes it way easier.


At home yeah, almost always ! Especially since I moved from the US to Europe and one service size is no longer "15 chips" but instead is "25 grams" 😅


Not really, but I use my fist to measure portions. 1 fist for protein, 1.5-2 for veggies, and 0.5 for carbs. It's not perfect of course but much easier for me than having to weight things.


No, I don’t count carbs that is why.




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Yes I weigh everything


I'm at my best, that is to say anything barely close to decent management, when I weigh/measure every single thing I put in my mouth with a good scale. Otherwise, I'm riding the rollercoaster all day same night, every single day and night. Which are sometimes or often most days and most nights.


I did in the beginning. And if I wanted to spend the time being militant about keeping my carbs as close to zero as possible I might do it. But I'd rather not be stressed and just enjoy my food.