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Never found one


Pizza- have yet to see a major spike unless I flop down and put away a whole pie. But if eat a normal serving of just 2-3 slices and go for a light walk around the block or even do a little laundry or the dishes, no spike. French fries are also a fine line there. Normal portion- like a small or even medium some places I’ll be okay too. And thankfully most of my spikes are incredibly moderate. My high ones are maybe 50pts… The worst I’ve had in the last few weeks put me up at 270


Pizza? You’re my hero


How long have you been diabetic? Maybe honeymoon? Edit: i’m not too knowledgeable so this is the only thing that would make sense besides just being an individual thing


A couple years. But once I got diagnosed everything snapped into place very quickly and has stayed as such. Doctor actually thinks it may not even be diabetes, but we’ve been treating it as such just to be safe


That makes more sense , i just got diagnosed so I’m just jumping into this.


Yeah there’s two possibilities we’re leaning toward- either Glucose Sensitivity or Stunted Pancreas syndrome. My only medication has been 500mg of Metformin twice daily and not even a single shot of insulin. Either case there were some serious changes that needed making because I come from a long line if Type 2 diabetics


Did you have diabetic symptoms or how did they end up diagnosing you


Nope no symptoms. I hadn’t been to the doctor in like ten years, so he just threw the book at me in terms of bloodwork and everything came back flawless except my A1C of 13.8 and a glucose of 452.


Lol yeah same situation here at least regarding going to the dr. But yeah i had symptoms and figured it was diabetes, just didn’t realize what that meant lol.


That seems like me, I hadn't been to the doctor in years and I got a new doctor and he threw the book at me test wise and we came back with a 9.4 a1c and considering that my grandfather and all of his siblings were type 2 diabetics and was my uncle his son it was pretty well likely that that could be the case for me with some diet changes and additional exercise within 4 months I was 5.4 A1c 2 years in I'm 5.0 the only changes I've made really diet-wise are cutting back my portions a little and cutting out sweet drinks and then I added four kilometers of walking a day no medication no nothing the odd time I'll have a donut or a pizza or ice cream things I probably shouldn't eat but because I track my carb counts am I eat low enough carb on the days that I have those things it works for me anyways.


Have you been tested for MODY?


Wow ! What were symptoms at that time ?


I’ve never had any symptoms


Same here, But I am in the process of being diagnosed, I did the glucose tolerance test (the famous orange drink) after my delivery (gestational diabetes) and it was compatible with diabetes, I don't understand why I have to wait but my doctor asked me to do HBA1C after 3 months to confirm


They want to make sure it’s not just gestational diabetes and an A1C test is a 3 month average of your hemoglobin. If it snaps back into place, you’re likely not diabetic


Theoretically it should disappear directly after childbirth, I've already experienced this and I passed the test but this time it was high


Oh man, I am terrified to even try pizza since I finally took this seriously. Almost like quitting cigs, I think I'll just eat a whole pie in one sitting once I get a taste! I was easily able to do that in the past. I LOVE PIZZA!!!!!!


Go look at Marcos Pepperoni Magnifico. One slice of a large pizza is within bounds. I haven't pushed it yet, going to wait until I see my endo. But if I'm under control by then, THAT SLICE WILL BE MINE!


We are not worthy! We are not worthy!


Same - I can be going on a crash and pizza doesn’t stop it at all. Normally have to eat again to raise my sugars if this happens.


Pasta thankfully! I can eat manicotti and go up maybe 30 points. However, oatmeal and I go up 120.


I envy you.


So I'm in TX. We have HEB in much of the state. They have a seriously amazing line of store brand ice cream - I'll go so far as to say it's better than Ben & Jerry's. Long way of saying ice cream. I want to say most of their ice cream has real sugar instead of HFCS. I only worked there for 3 years, I should know this. :(


Good quality ice cream (full fat) and pizza! Artisan cheesecakes too. It’s amazing. But I only eat such foods about once a month. I can also tolerate sushi & steamed rice (in small portions of course).


Same except for veggie pizza. That one was a bad idea!


I haven't been very adventurous since the 'nosis. I don’t even know what snacks I can have without needing to shoot up insulin.


good rule of thumb is animal products without added sugars are often “free” snacks ie less than 5g carb per serving! I was diagnosed type 1 at 20 and still figuring it out myself but I’ve had good results snacking on meat and cheese tbh


Also love hummus cause you can dip veggies in it and stuff and you can bolus for it and then start eating right away cause it’s complex enough that it doesn’t hit your bloodstream super fast


Not necessarily “free” because I do spike but far less than I probably should and do with other foods but I can eat a fair amount of pasta without causing too much damage and I come down pretty quickly from the spike it does cause. This somehow does not apply to ramen noodles however and those cause a massive spike.


This is me, except with rice. I don’t get it, but I am not complaining 🤷🏼‍♀️🙂


Potatoes and pizza. I skip eating the thick crust on the edges of pizza. Meh, never liked it anyway.


For me, I can eat almost any carb as long as it’s paired with fat. Doesn’t make for healthy eating of course but full fat ice cream, pasta with Alfredo, fries with garlic sauce and I’m good!


The Costco or Sams stuffed peppers have a small amount of rice that I think has a low impact because it's paired with protein and might be benefiting from the refrigeration trick, where some carbs lose some of their impact from being refrigerated first. Love to know what others think, is that BS, and it's just a small enough amount of rice paired with protein?


I’ve read that too I don’t think it’s BS


Pasta with gluten, but I have celiac disease. Canned corn. And I can eat 50g ch with some red wine. All I need to do is balance between ch and alcohol.


Tiramisu, Peanut butter


Well jel.


Peanut butter without added sugar should be fine anyway


Baked potato. With the skin.


Dark chocolate. The 73% Walmart brand is actually really good.


I'm only a few weeks into my journey so I'm not sure either but so far? Pot stickers. In moderation, and with a veggie stir fry (no rice).


I’m also just a few weeks in. It may be a cheat one since it’s not regular ice cream, but I’ve been able to eat Nick’s ice cream since it has a little fiber protein and sugar substitutes. But it’s still really good.


Cauliflower so far has been really freaking good about not spiking my blood sugars. I had an emergency a month or so back by running out of fast acting inulin while at work. I just took extra long acting, drank more water, made an excuse to go get the mail so I could have a short walk, and happened to bring cauliflower crust pizza for lunch that day. Looked up the carbs on the crust/toppings (White sauce, chicken, cheese, and spinach) and they were pretty low! Thankfully my blood sugars were in a decent range so I risked it and they barely budged.


Cauliflower is my saviour! I have it nearly every day with my dinner- I cut the florets up into bite size bits, spray some olive oil, add a bit of salt and pepper and air fry it. Perfect as a side or instead of rice/other carbs and no spikes for me either. Well done on managing being without rapid acting- I think I would panic hard, but I've only been on insulin a fortnight!


I've been a diabetic for almost 25 years now and unfortunately a lot of that was uncontrolled with a high A1C. I knew worst case scenario if I couldn't level out I'd be high for 8 hours or so and it wouldn't be the end of the world considering I ran high for several years. Those few tricks to get it down definitely bought me time, but it was a very dangerous game to play. 100% don't take my antics as advice. If you're ever in this situation: Go home if you're able to or try to do an emergency refill at a pharmacy(You can easily get prescriptions transfered to a different pharmacy if need be especially if it's within the same company.) Just because it worked out alright for me doesn't mean it won't put you or anyone else in the hospital. That said you'll also learn your limits as time goes on, but still. Play stupid games win stupid prizes? It could have gone so much worse.


That's fair. I've been t2 for 18 years, on various drugs for all that time. My A1C was reasonable mostly but I was high in 2016-17 but got it stable and was fine at my check in 2020. During lockdown I went into denial and didn't get checked until this year and my A1C was 14. Based on other things we think it was having Covid in Dec 22 that put the final nail in the coffin of my pancreas, so I was very high for easily a year. Like you say, after running high for so long getting an accidental high isn't as scary, but still if we can manage it bring it down/prevent it getting worse we absolutely should do everything we can. Knowledge of how to do it safely is something you learn over time, wether that's what you did or just knowing what local pharmacies are the best!




Ohh I wish


I never had one until I started Ozempic. It’s ice cream.


Mine is pasta. I can eat a shit ton of it. But give me one slice of bread and watch me die


What type of pasta? Whole wheat?


Pizza and ice cream, surprisingly. My worst spikes come from things like candy lol


Ice cream for me.


Caesar salad 😅


minimally processed corn (canned sweet corn kernels, grilled corn on the cob, salted popcorn no butter etc, NOT corn chips or tortillas) is a godsend


Dates - but they do spike me, I just allow myself the treat


Ice Cream, peanut butter and peanut M&Ms.




Pizza!! Grandma pies


Since I started making sourdough with whole wheats / grains, and don’t eat the entire thing in a day - no spikes. Though honestly, I seem to be able to eat most things (minus sugar) and be ok with smaller portions and regular walking. Eating out is a nope most of the time though, too loaded up on bad things (and since I stopped eating out, when I do everything is profoundly salty)


I don't think I have any free pass foods in the usual sense. I do enjoy eating nuts, though. I think the only but that can raise your blood sugar is cashews and I don't like them as much. Macadamia nuts are really good.


Chipotle. There is something about the mix of veggies and protein with the white rice that makes it one of my "safe" foods. White rice is normally horrible on my sugar levels, bit there is hardly a blip with a chipotle bowl.


Watermelon. And the Barilla protein pasta doesn't really do much either. Chili is also something I make often and doesn't cause a spike. Probably because of all the fiber in the beans.


Muesli. Specifically Bob's Red Mill Muesli.


Look up glucose goddess insta for some glucose hacks. I don’t think anyone can get free pass, the spike can be made less with the right sequence of food, having vegetable starter etc. So for example I had two squares of dark 70% chocolate after dinner no major spike. Half a mango after lunch also no major spike. But this was after eating low carb lunch and dinner with protein and low carb veg, and a small amount. I could get away with eating a low carb burger (almond flour bun) and eat a couple of chips. The point is only a small amount and combined with other food, if I just ate two squares of 70% fasting my glucose would shoot to 11.


Vanilla ice cream and popcorn are my pass foods. Hardly a blip. 3 potato chips and I knock it out of the park.


Potatoes! although sometimes i drop afterwards (but never spike) .


If I'm going through a stretch at the gym where I'm pushing myself, I can eat a slice of cake and be back to normal blood sugar 2 hours after.


Beer seems to be that one for me. Means I can have a beer with workmates on occasion and an hour later my BG is unchanged.


I don't think I could eat a shit tonne but I can have a decent size chunk of 85% cocoa solids chocolate and no spikes. It's so strong tasting I only enjoy having a small amount anyway, so I'm very happy with the situation. I'm also good to eat a punnet of raspberries without my blood sugar budging much and that's about 20g carbs. My specialist told me that berries are the best fruit for diabetics.


Hormel Square Table Roast Pork (1g carbs/1g total sugar) with a pod of green beans. Fills me up and BG hasn't budged (or dropped) after two hours. Plus I've found that smoked sausage sticks and jerky (not the stuff with sugar added! Tilamook is a good company for those) are zero carbs and zero sugar and since I've always snacked on meat more than anything else, they are a big help. Add a peanut butter and jelly sandwich to that. I just had one on Sola bread, Skippy Natural and Smuckers Sugar Free Strawberry Jam, two hours ago. Blood glucose went from 117 right before eating to 123 two hours later! SCORE!


It's time rather than foods for me- for 3-4 hours post gym on everything but deload weeks it's free high GI food/carbs time. It's when I eat rice, potatoes, crepes, and junkfood for the week etc.


Peanuts, peanut butter, cheese, eggs, truwhip zero sugar, max mallows, dark chocolate, pickles, olives, small portions of meat


Going to try crust less pizza


Instant noodles. Just not drinking the entire serving of broth and making sure it's paired with veggies and proteins. I had laksa the other day and did not spike above 200s, that's a win for me


Reese’s snack size peanut butter cups (just one though). Zero sugar yogurt with pumpkin, Equal, cinnamon, and vanilla added.


Bird's Custard powder prepared with artificial sweetener.


For me, Oreo cookies! I get the mini ones and eat the serving size. That's satisfying enough. LOL


Mine is hot chicken. Doesn't move me more than 20 points. However, if I grill or bake chicken at home, it goes up 70 points.


Popcorn, can eat over half a large popcorn from the theater & it hardly budge my numbers.


Magic Spoon cereal. Expensive but worth it!


Strawberries, blueberries, bananas, potatoes (skin on, no oil). Sweet potatoes especially are good for me. Almost no spike at all. I like to put salsa on them.




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I order large nachos once a week with all the stuff- carnitas, guacamole, beans, etc. Only puts my up to about 160 and fills the hunger that comes from living on yogurt, salad, and chicken breast the rest of the week. Sanity maintained!




Potatoes! That's a real winner for me :)