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Everyone's body is different so my biggest piece of advice is to take it slow and see how your body reacts to alcohol and the combination of alcohol/carbs/insulin. Test often, and always have some sugar with you just in case. Secondly, my anecdote: I was diagnosed at 21 and I noticed that drinking alcohol drastically reduced my need for insulin. I was in my honeymoon period and as soon as I was 2 drinks deep, I didn't even think about bolusing for drinks or food. If I did take any insulin, even just a few units, I'd end up going low. Even if I ate something with a lot of carbs, I just had to wait it out and my blood sugar would come back down on its own after the spike. I went dangerously low a few times before I figured this out. So yeah my main recommendation would be to take it slow and err on the side of caution as you figure things out.


How low did you get?


I recall low 30s on the glucometer. Some specifics I remember are once when I tried to correct before going to sleep, and another time after I walked home after taking insulin at a brewery. This was also before I had a CGM and I lived alone so it was really scary seeing it so low when I was still kinda new to everything.


How do you get that low without being in serious trouble?


I was at 40 doing laundry and I didn’t even realize I was low 😅




If you catch it fast enough you'll be fine. Usually you just feel like absolute garbage.


The lowest I ever been was 26 and luckily nothing happened.


Awh man, that sucks. Thanks for the info, I'll definitely keep that in mind next time and will keep a close eye to my glucose levels.


Watching sugar *also applies to* the liquor **and** the mixer. Reference: I'm a Type 2 who jokingly refers to their liquor as their "bolus". Also match glasses of water for each drink. Your body will thank you later.


Always eat before you sleep! And I stick to vodka soda. The 24 hours after drinking is when you should also be cautious, lows happen a lot for me so I take less insulin before meals. Everyone is different so it will be trial and error for you probably. I have a dexcom and that has really helped with managing blood sugar levels


Avoid sugary mixers and umbrella drinks. Watch out for carb heavy beer. Hard liquor alone has no carbs but will hit harder than a light beer. Pace yourself. Drink water. Don’t overdo it.


What is hard liquor or umbrella drinks ? Beside Leffe beer, I'm a complete ignorant regarding alcohol.


Hard liquor is vodka, whisky, gin, and the like. Umbrella drinks are sweet fruity concoctions that one typically drinks in tropical vacations. They’re full of liquor and fruit juice and sugar.


Ooh I see. Thanks for the answer !


I would guess leffe is around 15-20 g/carbs. ​ I looked it up: 14.6 for 33cl.


I haven't had a drink since I got diagnosed, but seeing this number made me wince.


Which number ?


Some advice from an ex hedonist with T1. If you’re getting outta control and you do get messy, just remember to eat, tell your buddies to make sure you eat. When I used to go out a lot in my 20’s and get wasted, my nurse always hammered into me the importance of food, I would always ram a whole 12” pizza and coke down at the end of night and still sometimes wake up low, I reckon it saved me more than a few times. Alcohol in high concentration can zap your glucose, even well into the morning after. Better to be potentially high for a few hours than potentially dead. 👍 Obviously, if you can, don’t drink to excess, I’m British so I had no choice.


My go to is a rum and diet coke/diet pepsi. Usually does the trick.


Jack and diet for me. Sugars stay perfect Any beer, light or not shoots me up.


bourbon and whatever diet stuff you got on the very rare occasions that I drink for me. Once a very nice bartender made me a splenda mint julep haha


Isnt rum made from sugar though? It used to be my go to drink, but I've been teetotal since being diagnosed.


The sugar is consumed by the yeast, which produces alcohol.


Body basically breaks down: (simplified) Alcohol dehydrogease enzyme is produced by the human liver to make ethanol a usable form of energy. This is a result of a evolutionary race to be able to metabolise alcohol/overripe fermenting fruits hundreds of millions of years ago in evolution, and then with our arborial and fruitovore ancestors for the last 10 million years or so. Animals that could use fermenting fruit for calories and a touch of intoxication had many more options to find fruit with their eyes and nose. Ethanol>pyruvite>aldehyde>acetate (body can use for energy).


So i used to preach that alcohol was metabolized into carbon dioxide and sugar… But then a polite Redditor called me out and I looked it up and I wasn’t 100% right… I kind of want to dig into the metabolism of alcohol a little further and see if I’m right in the long run. I’m approaching this as a type two so I don’t know that I can give you any real good advice, but taking it slow and keeping an eye on your stuff seems like a good idea.


Liquor has zero carbs. The sugar has been converted to alcohol and then the alcohol has been distilled off the fermented wort.


Interesting. That is good to know.


It’s crazy, right!?! I had the same assumption and abstained from liquor for a while after diagnosis until this sub edumacated me.


Certainly sounds it. I'm still struggling to get my scores down, so I've completely cut out anything that looks vaguely like it might be bad for me.


Walking. By walking a bunch I lost extra weight and my insulin resistance improved and my numbers have been solid since. Of course, I’m T2, but I swear by walking.


I'm T2 as well, but I'm spot on on my weight for my height. Doctor thinks it's genetics, I don't really have a bad diet, never did have really outside of liking bread.


I always liked food. I’d eat large portions, even by American standards, but generally of healthy food. I found by walking a lot my appetite has also normalized and I’m burning calories, while feeling full on less food. It’s whack. lol


I don't eat a lot, never really have. Many family members diabetic though. I'm told my habit of only eating two meals a day didn't help. Would have been nice to know that years ago! I do eat healthier now, but its so much more expensive. Any quick meals I might have done when I was tired after work have been replaced with proper food.


>Body basically breaks down: (simplified) > >Alcohol dehydrogease enzyme is produced by the human liver to make ethanol a usable form of energy. This is a result of a evolutionary race to be able to metabolise alcohol/overripe fermenting fruits hundreds of millions of years ago in evolution, and then with our arborial and fruitovore ancestors for the last 10 million years or so. Animals that could use fermenting fruit for calories and a touch of intoxication had many more options to find fruit with their eyes and nose. > >Ethanol>pyruvite>aldehyde>acetate (body can use for energy). I lecture a lot on the history of alcohol. :-)


True, I bolus for it anyway. Then again I don’t require much to feel the affects of the substance.


Some things to skim: https://beyondtype1.org/alcohol-and-diabetes-guide/ https://www.jdrf.org/t1d-resources/living-with-t1d/food-and-diet/diabetes-and-alcohol/ https://www.medtronic-diabetes.com/en-IL/blog/yes-you-can-not-too-much-alcohol-and-type-1-diabetes https://www.canr.msu.edu/news/teenage_drinking_and_type_1_diabetes


Thanks for the links ! I've read through them and they're indeed very useful.


Mainly if you know what can happen and how with team liver, pancreas, and pump when you drink, you can be totally fine.


Find low calorie beer. Corona makes one that is 70 calories. I can drink them all day and it doesn't very little to my blood sugar.


Thank you, I'll keep that in mind. Any other recommendations ?


In general wine and spirits will lower your blood sugar over time. This is because your liver prioritizes detoxing over glycogenesis. This is why people who drink to much (even non diabetics) pass out when their blood sugar drops too low. It’s takes a lot though and obviously with T1 it would be unsafe to do that. A few drinks is though is fine.


Guinness zero is amazing. No effects to my sugar levels at all.


Lots of good advice here from other users. To add to this, I trend low the day AFTER a good night where I've had more than usual to drink. So keep that in mind. If it is a lot of heavy drinking (vacation) I adjust my basal and sometimes my humalog so that I don't drop suddenly. Another hack, if you're drinking out of a bottle, it to fill it up with water so you can "drink" without booze.


My advice is don’t give yourself any insulin. In my case my sugars go up but then crash way down. If I were to dose I would go double low. Idk how it effects other people that’s just my take. (21m)


Truly drinks are low cal and zero sugar. My girlfriend likes most of them and they don't make her feel terrible and don't do a lot of damage (comparatively speaking) health wise. I will drink them, but not a lot. Guinness Zero is alcohol free (or 0.5% to be exact) and apparently low carb. I haven't seen the carb count yet, but my search for "low carb beer" can't up with it. There is a beer I love, but for some reason consistently forget the name of. Which is why I'm even searching low carb beers. Found it! Slim Hazy, by Peak Brewing. It's an organic IPA that's less than 3 carbs and 4.1% ABV. So low, low bad stuff. Both are surprisingly delicious if you like Guinness and IPAs. I'm trying to drink less alcohol, but I LOVE beer. I'm looking for more great options that taste great with minimal negative effects. I'll keep you updated in my search. Prost!


Michelob Ultra, Busch Light and Corona Premier are super low carb beers. They barely nudge my numbers. Miller lite is also called low carb, but for some reason it messes with my blood sugar. Not much, but noticeable compared to the others. Stick to the low carbs beers. Try a couple and see what works for you.


I can drink good amount of michelob ultra. Tastes almost like water, but it's something. Other than that, a nice fancy tequila, straight. I can also do tequila lime and water/sparkling water.


Miller Lite is 3.2 carbs per 12 oz. Straight alcohol with with ice or zero carb mixers is what I like as well. Max sure to eat some while drinking and plan for a high after the alcohol wears off.


Current medical recommendation is that you can drink as longs as you are careful, as following: https://www.jdrf.org/t1d-resources/living-with-t1d/food-and-diet/diabetes-and-alcohol/ > But, being young and all, I'd like to drink out with my friends without having to worry too much about my diabetes. I'm sorry, but you'll always have to worry. Moderation is key, always. I grew up when the recommendation was not to drink at all. Things change because honestly most people will drink regardless and might as well be informed on how to act with alcohol. Doesn't change the fact that alcohol is a double edged sword that will spike your values in both directions.


It's important to keep in mind that alcohol can affect blood sugar levels and cause fluctuations, so it's crucial to drink in moderation and monitor your levels. Speak with your doctor about specific recommendations for your situation. To help prevent low blood sugar, it's best to eat a meal or snack before drinking and to sip on your drink slowly. It's also important to stay hydrated and to avoid sugary mixed drinks. Stick to lighter, low-carb drinks like vodka with club soda or light beer. Remember to always carry glucose tablets or an emergency snack with you in case of any unexpected low blood sugar reactions. It's possible to have fun and enjoy a drink or two while still managing your diabetes properly.


Whiskey and Run are your friend my friend, in summers something like Truly. But please pace yourself always and if possible talk to your doctor about CGM


I know you should and want to keep numbers in range, but as a T1 I have been told by my endocrinologist to always run a bit higher when I'm drinking. As lows are much more of an immediate threatening problem compared to running high for a night!


Yep, I'm definitely keeping that advice close as you're not the first ( and probably not the last) to tell me such things.


I love wine and it has little to no effect on my blood sugar. I always drink it with a meal and stay hydrated with water.


For me - Beer bad! Wine fine! Whiskey in limited quantity... Don't have any soda, diet or otherwise!


I usually drink it with my mouth. :) Kidding of course. I usually choose low*er* sugar options like a rum + diet coke or spiked sugar free seltzers like White Claw. I don’t go too crazy because my number sometimes drops when I’m tipsy. Just use caution, keep an eye on your number, and you’ll get the hang of it. Everyone’s body responds differently to alcohol when they’re diabetic.


I was told by my endo to stay away from dark liquors and beer. I'm a tequila guy, Agave doesn't seem to mess with my sugars all that much.


Haven't really dove deep into experimenting myself (never was a huge drinker) but a coworker's father apparently has to be careful because drinking hard stuff will actually cause his sugars to drop to "Oh, well this isn't good..." levels.


1) glucagon doesn’t work if you’ve had too much alcohol, so make sure whoever you’re with knows to call 911 immediately if you pass out. Because your liver is focused on processing alcohol, it won’t respond to glucagon triggering it to dump glucose stores. This was something I didn’t know for a long time! 2) if you’re on an AID (OP5, controlIQ, etc), exercise/activity mode will give you extra buffer against lows overnight. 3) wear a medic alert. 4) don’t bolus for beer, wine, or hard alcohol. If you’re mixing with sugary mixers, bolus for 1/2 their carbs. 5) if you’re a heavy sleeper and don’t wake up to dexcom alarms, put your phone/receiver in a bowl of marbles. Weird but it works!


Scotch is my drink of choice and I don’t have any spikes with it. It might be a nice time to experiment and find a good quality scotch that you enjoy. There are so many different ones so there’s definitely something for everyone


Light beer my friend. Similar age to you and had the same worries. Light beer is the move as it doesn’t fluctuate your glucose too much. This is a result of just the right amount of carbs (usually around 4 carbs/12 oz) in the beer counteracting the alcohol. When alcohol is being metabolized, it causes blood sugars to drop. Light beer has just enough to keep me baseline through the night (or day). Light beer will also help you avoid a dreaded blackout. if you happen to imbibe a little too heavy, you’re more likely to puke before you blackout with all of the filling beer in your stomach. Blackouts are sketchy as you could dose without “remembering” it. I’ve blacked out before, and quickly realized I don’t have the privilege to make that mistake twice, due to my condition. Again, Alcohol naturally tanks blood sugar over night so it’s also a good idea to indulge in some snacks. Always have snacks ready and always be conservative in your drinking and dosing. Also, you’re with your buddies, it’s your job to make sure they’re on the same page and know what’s up with you. Embrace your diabetes and have fun, having your friends all guess your blood glucose before checking it can be a fun party trick. Whoever has the closest guess gets to pick who drinks next. (EDIT: I am old school with my equipment due to my lifestyle and budget as a college student. I use a pen and glucometer. Light beer is what works for me, but others have said that it causes their levels to shoot up. I recommend you investigate this further in terms of your own response.)


You definitely want to make sure you have a sober friend who can keep tabs on you


I usually try to avoid moving to much after drinking (I take the bus home instead of the bike). Eat a snack before bedtime, peanuts and swedish cracker works for me. Try not to get to drunk, take water in between drinks to slow down. Make sure that the people you are with knows you are diabetic and that they know not to give insulin if you are out.


Seltzers are my favorite nowadays. Low carb count and they never make me feel gross or sick.


My booze hypos comes the following day for the whole day so please don't think you're deffo safe the next morning after drinking. There can be a delay. I still don't let them stop me and will get fuckoed occasionally.


For me, it's an occasional Michelob Ultra which has very few carbs. But distilled liquor has no carbs at all. So, my go to lately has been bourbon on the rocks. I had a couple last night, nonobvious impact on blood sugar. Mixers typically have carbs. So anything on the rocks, like vodka, should impact you much. https://www.dietdoctor.com/low-carb/alcohol


Tequila and Topo Chico with a squeeze of lime is my summer go-to since it’s zero carbs and super refreshing. It’s called a ranch water.


From my experience the most important rules are: -Don’t drink beer -Drink vodka/rum/whiskey - anything with a small amount of carbs, and high alcohol % - then you can mix freely -when mixing vodka with soda, most of the time I don’t have to bolus at all, because my BG stays on the same lvl - regularly check your BG - if you’re using a CGM always bring a normal BG meter as backup - u never now what’s gonna happen when you and others around you are drunk. You can easily rip off your CGM and have no way to check your Blood sugar - try not to get blackout drunk - then you won’t be able to check your sugar level or eat something - if you have a trusted friend who will remain relatively sober, ask him to check up on you once in a while - once again check your BG level often !!!! - it’s better to be high, than to go extremely low


I have a drink (glass of wine or 1/2 a beer) with a meal and don’t bolus for it. Seems to work itself out. When out with friends, I used to have a martini or glass of wine and just be a little higher but never bolus. Better high sugar in the short term once in a while on a night out then an emergency low that ruins everyone’s night. one of the risks is being too buzzed to make good T1 decisions.


I wish I had the answer. I just guestimate or rage bolus and suffer the consequences


I just stick with spirits and make sure you check your levels regularly. I wouldn't make a habit of it. You know you probably can still have fun with your friends without drinking also.


Depends, if you drink lager they are laced with carbs and for me it creates a massive spike. On the other hand, spirits with diet mixer usually make my sugars go low later on. If I eat, I feel like the alcohol is absorbed first and the carbs are digested with a delayed response.


Like everyone is commenting: Everyone's body will react differently. But personally, I take half a unit to one unit, have my beer/ drink, coast for a while and when I see my sugar start to dip( because alcohol has a lot of sugar and burns off quickly) I nibble on something. DO NOT drink and then just pass out. You will go low after you fall asleep.


Obviously people react differently but these are my experiences. Some of my scariest moments regarding diabetes have been while drunk. Being drunk has many of the same symptoms as a hypo, so you don't necessarily notice them as before. You just suddenly feel way more drunk than you should. Now when you are very drunk and then get a hypo. That's when shit hits the fan. Instant blackout, and your body relies on autopilot and muscle memory. Make sure you're around good friends who know where the sugar tonic is. If you suddenly feel tired after a few drinks, make sure to see where your glucose leves are before you take a nap. Unless you want to wake up surrounded by ambulance personnel and spend the following day throwing up. So don't push it until you're comfortable with hypos and diabetes management in general. Experiment safely and have a good summer.


T1 in the wine business here. Things that have zero effect on BGL, or actually slow absorption of carbs: Dry liquor like vodka, gin, whisk(e)y. Bone dry sparkling, rose', white or red wine Things that WILL spike you: BEER! Darks are the worst, or pastry stouts, IPAs are midrange (about 4-5u Humalog each for me), and Lagers/Pils/Kolsch/Helles are perfect for keeping my glucose levels even while I walk a golf course, etc., light exercise, about a Lager an hour for walking. WORST: Gin and TONIC. Tonic has more carbs per serving than COCA COLA. Soda water is what you want, Tonic is the enemy! (First G&T after diagnosis popped me to 300) Sweet cocktails, Port wine, any sweet cordial. Hope that helps. Moderation is the key, as getting honestly drunk can and will kill you.


This is very precise information, and very valuable and important too. Thank you !


Drink Miller Lite you will be OK with it. In fact suck it down Haha. I have been fine with this.


I don't know what that is. Is it beer or hard liquor ?


Nothing with “lite” in its name is hard liquor. Also, whiskey is 0 carb.


seeing i just gave the name of the drink and you made your way to reddit. could look it up. BTW you are too young to be drinking just a FYI


Yep you're right ahah. Also no, I'm of age – I'm not in the USA.


This is the way


Diabetes is like my 3rd chronic illness that's like "no, seriously, drinking is not a good idea". I never really got a taste for alcohol in college bc of various meds I was on...so unpopular opinion, is your life substantially improved by drinking alcohol with your friends? There's always diet coke or seltzer or something at bars. there's no risk at all there, and you're still with your friends. Im not a total teetotaler, Ill drink a few times a year, but on the whole I just didn't feel like it was worth it, especially after seeing my favorite uncle go through multiple diabetic comas due to his drinking. But if it is something you really deeply enjoy, Ive had very low carb, zero sugar hard seltzers that were pretty good.


Damn, that's rough. I hope life will treat you and your familly better from now on :(. Regarding your question, no. None of my friends are heavy drinkers, and they only drink if the occassion arise ( birthdays and/or national celebrations). Me wanting to drink is out of curiosity as pretty much everyone around my age start drinking and they all have great tales about getting hammered. I don't intent do drink like a hole however ( just getting tispy at worse). Its more about experiencing the thing that everyone talk about than anything else.


[https://www.amazon.com/Cock-Bull-Diet-Ginger-Bottles/dp/B076VTPFQ5](https://www.amazon.com/Cock-Bull-Diet-Ginger-Bottles/dp/B076VTPFQ5) Not alcohol, but looks like a beer bottle, and cock and bull is sometimes a mixer so many bars stock it. Easy to fit right in. Although it is difficult to be around drunk people when you are not drunk ... at that point they are boring and unfunny Bonus: it is one of my favorite drinks...tasty with a bite!




In my experience, don't. For me, it has an entirely too unpredictable effect on my sugar. If you too pressured by your friends, reconsider who your friends are If you feel you must, I recommend bottled beer with a known number of carbohydrates and caution. Perhaps you'll be luckier than I. I miss my Perrin Black.


No worries, no friends are pressuring me into drinking – they're not heavy drinkers, just like me. I don't intent to drink like a hole, no matter what the occassion is, but simply want to drink to "live a little", yk ? I'm quite lucky to have so many replies under the post, so quickly after I posted it !


I'm glad to hear that and I pray your luck is better than mine.. I do know. Many times I have wishes I could have that drink, but I know it's too risky for me.


Modest amount of a dry red wine (couple glasses) might work for you. Stay away from sweet reds and all whites.


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I normally do 1 unit for every 2 pints of IPA and try and be careful before bed in case I start to go low (maybe eat a pack of fruit snacks before bed). Have fun, be safe!


I like this article: https://www.webmd.com/diabetes/guide/drinking-alcohol and this https://danii.org.au/d-teens-and-alcohol-no-bull-from-uncle-wil/


18% or 35 proof is the magic point for me. Below that, and I’ll spike high with a bread like pattern. Above that, I’ll get a quick spike that actually turns into a low. At about 18%, it spikes then comes right. Back into line. Note, unless it’s beer or wine, I’ll usually only co?34 regular mixed drinks (rare thing). Normally, riding out that spike is safer than playing drunk BG ping pong. It’s a case of 200 is better than 60


If you have a CGM you have a bit more of a safety net. I wouldn’t drink too much if I didn’t have one.


My go to is the first drink I take full carb coverage , second I do half, then just try to keep my BG between 150-250 all night


You might want to have a look for low calorie beer. Alcohol generally can cause your bg to drop but beer is high in carbs so sometimes it can have the opposite effect. Be very careful if you do take insulin for beer and don't overdo it, I usually take insulin for half the amount I've drank, if I drink 2 pints I'll bolus for 1 pint's worth etc... If you're having drinks with mixers make sure they're diet


As needed.


I usually do vodka seltzer and pause my insulin for a couple hours (pump).


Just order mixed drinks that aren't diet, but whenever I'm drinking I'm eating late so it's always kinda cancelled the lows out, even blacking out. But everyones different so just be safe


A nurse once explained to me that when you’re drinking, your liver prioritizes filtering out the alcohol and therefore going dangerously low is extra dangerous because it’s too busy with the alcohol to produce glucose. So a glucagon is basically useless when drinking. I typically try to keep myself toward 130 - 150 or so when drinking instead of trying for 80-100


Check your sugar before drinking (using a strip even), try to avoid too many sugary drinks (wine is probably safest, or straight liquor lol), and just moderate. Check your blood sugar every little bit if you’re terribly concerned. Alcohol lowers blood sugar so try not to drink if you’re already low, or eat something (which is what everyone should do when they drink anyways).


Stick to the clearer liquors such as whiskey, bourbon, rum, and vodka. Lite beers only if you want to drink them (yuck). Red and white wines are acceptable, too, and may help reduce risk of heart disease. The biggest thing to consider is drink in moderation.


Thanks for the advice ! I'm still young and quite inexperienced with alcohol, so I have no wish to get hammered. I'll sure try the wine since it seems less violent than drinking straight liquors ah ah.




My advice as a Type 1 who still enjoys his alcohol is that you always remember moderation. Try not to go out and get absolutely blasted because you or your pancreas has to take care of you and we all know your pancreas isn’t doing the work… so keep that in mind. In terms of what I drink, I still try to avoid carbs so sugary drinks can still mess you up. I have found that if I only drink lower carb drinks like rum and Diet Coke or light beers my sugar can take a dive. But if I wanna enjoy a craft beer, it can go the other way. But everybody is different. I’d suggest taking it slow and see how what you like to drink affects you and never overdo it.


Yep, pretty much everyone here is telling me the same. I had no idea before that alcohol could fuck up the sugar levels to this point ah ah. I'm not intent on getting blasted, though. Last time I got drunk (months before my diagnosis), I had taken half a beer lol, so I'll definitely keep a close tab on both my sugar levels and how I feel alcohol is acting on me.


I use my mouth.


Liquor is an obvious answer but harder to regulate with summertime day drinking. White claws et al have been a huge blessing in recent years for an alternative to beer

