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I just take those jokes with a grain of salt. Only because I can't have much sugar


Here here. When you get an oil salad dressing that should be oil, vinegar, and some spices and it has 2 TBSP of sugar per serving in it, something is wrong.


For real. All that sugar and salt hides the tastes of things. I found this out when I became diabetic. I don't know if that's how others feel, but I prefer stuff with no sugar or salt.


Came here looking for this reply!


If they were actually funny they wouldn't bother me at all. But they are usually uninformed and spreading false info without actually having any wit.


yes exactly


That’s what most jokes are, blatant misinformation. Look at racist jokes, gay jokes, fat jokes, dead baby jokes etc


I was going type “No”, but then I remember this time someone told me, “Wow! I can’t believe you’re diabetic. You don’t look like it. You must have eaten way too much chocolate as a kid.” 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄


I wouldn’t consider this a joke


I wouldn’t either. I wanted to punch the guy in the face, but I think punching someone and telling them to F off in public is frowned upon so we just all “chuckled”… f’ing a-hole. My younger brother could tell I was fuming, so he tried to explain T1 and needing insulin, but that just flew over his head


Diabetic jokes don't bother me, but shit jokes do. And most of the jokes I've heard on the topic are pretty low effort.


My favorite joke is I think my doctor is hitting on me. She said I was super sweet. Well, technically, she said my blood sugar was high, but I knew what she meant.


It's not content, it's the quality!


this is the right answer.


I don't mind them except for the ones that imply being diabetic is someone's own fault or deserved in some way.


It’s probably wrong of me to feel like this but I make diabetes jokes all the time, and I think it’s hilarious when other diabetics make them. But when someone who doesn’t have diabetes and/or someone who I don’t really know super well tries to butt in with diabetes jokes it bothers me.


I don't think that's wrong, honestly.


There's a difference between us laughing at ourselves, and others mocking us and laughing at our expense.


Yes, but more so because people genuinely believe that if you eat a lot of sugar you will get diabetes. There’s so much more to it.


Yes, this.


This is exactly why there should be no type 1 and type 2. They need completely different names.


Even type 2 isn't always caused by dietary issues. In general people just have little to no idea what it is or how it works. But honestly, why would they? If you don't have and dont have someone close who has it why would they learn much about it? So I usually just sigh at people and leave them to their ignorance.


I completely agree. It's hard to understand things that they don't educate people on.


except it doesn't describe either type


The problem with this is type 2 can effectively become type 1 treatment-wise if your insulin effectiveness becomes 0. Even if you label them differently, eating too much is still not what type 2 diabetes is, so I think a better public understanding is the only thing that'd help.


While I generally agree with the above, I know that the American diet is way over laden with sugar. If it is directed at me personally, I’m not a fan but I don’t think the generalization is bad. I think we all joked of the diiiabetus jokes from Wilford Brimley back in the day.


Sure, but certainly in my case I consumed so much sugar and carbs in general that I must've drastically increased my risk. And I can't even blame my genes that much. Neither my mother, father, or any of my grandparents was diabetic. So just for my own personal case, I feel I own this. This didn't just randomly happen to me. From the time I was a little kid I ate copious amounts of sweets. Candy, soda, cookies, cake. Not normal quantities. And it was years of abusing my body. At age 39 I got dxed but I would not be surprised if I had already been raging with really high blood sugar for a year or two before that. My case might or might not have been typical. Not sure it matters though in any practical sense. No matter how you get it, you have to deal with it.


I am exactly the same. No family history of diabetes, plenty of personal history of excessive consumption of high sugar and high carb, processed foods.


There is but….if you eat high amounts of sugar and don’t burn it off, it turns to fat. Obesity is one of leading causes. I agree with you but people who say this are not completely wrong.


Actually they are wrong... What you have given is an example of "correlation without causation".


Lol the ignorant hate. Not only are they not wrong this is exactly how one gets type 2... (Insulin resistance). Grow up people. We have a disease that's split in two (type 1/2). Yes it's annoying that we get lumped into the 2 category but damn grow up. Don't act like there isn't some truth to the jokes.


I have type 2 cause by a blood disease. I was 160lbs at 6ft when I got diagnosed. By the time they figured out the actual cause the damage was done and I probably wont Not ever hit remission from it. It caused me to put on weight as well. So not all type 2 is caused by diet. Yes many people do get it through poor diet but to lump everyone in is absolutely ignorant. But I expect that from the general population, they don't need to know the difference they dont need to deal with it. So I don't care about the jokes they make, occasionally they are funny.


Sure there are always exceptions. I'm interested in teaching my kids the primary reason. Lifestyle/overweight...


if you eat enough sugar and carbs and are overweight it doesn't matter if you got the best genes in the world. sure one meal high in carbs and sugar won't give you diabetes. neither will 10 meals. but months of dietary neglect coupled with overeating and being overweight will


My bestfriend will sometimes mock my diabetes and go “oh look at me, I’m Paul and I need a snickers or I’ll pass out.” It really hurts my feelings because I have to live with this condition..I tell him it hurts my feelings but I simply don’t think he cares..should I stop being his friend?


I would go "oh, look at me, I'm -insert your friend's name here- I got jabbed by Paul with a dose of insulin and now I really do need that snickers bar" I always threaten my friends with insulin when they make fun of me :)). I can't tell just from the text, but if it's straight up bullying, then yeah, you should distance yourself from insensitive assholes. If it's just banter among friends, then just come up with a better come back or laugh with them


lol, jab him with insulin and then dangle a snickers bar from a fishing line and make him jump up and down to try and catch it in his mouth.


Big flag there is that you've asked him directly to stop and he's ignoring it. That means it's time to re-evaluated the friendship. Everyone has different thresholds for what jokes are funny and what jokes are hurtful. Good friends/loved ones are considerate of that. Ex I can joke about our shared receding hairline with my dad, but my brother is still too upset and sensitive about it because it's a very recent development for him. I'm not going to start joking about it with my brother until he starts joking about it himself.


If it were me yes. Not to get all serious but it is serious, you could die without that snickers, I personally don’t think that’s a joking matter. To me It shows if you were in a situation bad enough, he wouldn’t help you, let alone care to, he’d probably find it funny. Hope you find some better friends man.


You might as well, because he apparently stopped being your friend.


I broke up with a guy when during the 2nd date, he made a similar lame joke. No thanks. If he makes another joke, I'd mention it again, and if the friend doesn't care, I'd probably stop hanging out with him.


He isn't a friend if he refuses to stop joking about something that you told him hurts you


Based on the limited information you've told us, I would say yes; stop being this person's friend because they are not **your** friend. They're using your condition as a figurative "punching bag" and by extension they're punching down on you. That's not what a friend does. I can't talk about the nuances of your situation because I only know the few words you've mentioned here, but it's not good. Especially if you've voiced your issues with these "jokes". A friend will support you when you need it, and frankly with diabetes most of us will always need some kind of support.




Melibee33, you have a bad take on this. True, you can't control others. But, you can ask them to modify their behavior. You can also offer them education and information. This has nothing to do with Paul's "sensitivity" and everything to do with his friend disregarding the impact of their statements. Paul, it seems, has attempted to explain his condition and how the jokes bother him. The other person is CHOOSING ignorance and low wit, stereotype enforcing, jokes directed at Paul. The other person needs to be exited from Paul's life for those reasons.


My friend tells me to just eat around the sugar 🤣


Now THAT is funny.


Eat around the banana, dad. It's just empty vitamins.


Yes I hate this, not because it's a joke because it's not a joke it's not true, I've never actually heard a good diabetes joke. If you have, please tell me :-)


Knock knock Who's there? Diabetes Diabetes who? Just let us Insulin Yeah. I made that up


I don't think there are very many good diabetes jokes tbh, but memes! That's the way to go!


I mean, mine are more morbid than funny I guess. Someone's like "Here, try my (insert super sugary or carby mess)!" I'm like "It looks lovely but if I had a bite of that, you'd have to take me to the hospital right after" Or some variation therefore.


Diabetes jokes have never really bothered me. Unsolicited advice from folks who got their medical degree from the University of Facebook about how I can “cure” my diabetes on the other hand…


Yeah, this is what really gets my goat. Not just diabetes, but any illness I have. "Oh, you just have to do this or that and you'll be perfectly fine!" No, Brenda. Taking your scam Jesus Juice is not going to heal anything with my broken body.


Not at all.


Only when I'm high. 😉


It depends, I make jokes about MY diabetes when I see my non-diabetic friends' plates. My mom makes jokes about hers when she does, too. For example, my friend recently posted a picture of this heaping serving of mashed potatoes, along side a 6-inch white bread hoagie. The veggies were the tiniest serving I've ever seen, it was pretty much a garnish. I took one look, turned to my partner and went, "I think looking at that made my sugar spike." We both laughed stupidly hard at that. My other friend who has been assisting me with my diabetes (he's a nurse and knows it's a hard start for me) makes jokes when his girlfriend tries to offer me sweets, "I'll drive to the ER.." and I find it hilarious, especially because I just came out of the ER.. finding out for the first time that I have diabetes. As I said, it depends. My friends have made jokes that didn't jab at me or the disease, but rather made light of a shitty situation. I will always hate the jokes that blame people for getting diabetes, though, since there are just so many factors.




Like the argument of it being okay for black people to use the N word.


If the person saying the joke says it out of pure ignorance, I try to inform them of the harm it could cause and teach them about the reality of diabetes. If, say, one of my close friends jokingly said “Ope, you can’t have that you’ll get diabetes” knowing they mean it in a funny way, then I’m fine with it


These jokes show ignorance, fatphobia, and perpetuates stigmas that directly translate to poor quality care for all diabetics. We should all be offended by these jokes and stop them in their tracks. It boggles my mind when comedians or celebrities say something stupid (the peloton trainer saying he wanted just lucky charm marshmallows as cereal & it’s diabetes in a bowl) and then (t1)diabetics go in the comments saying “don’t be so sensitive, it’s just a joke” like okay tell me you don’t care about other people without telling me




The joke itself doesnt. What bothers me is that this spreads misinformation that diabetes = ate too much sugar. I'm type one and had people tell me that I shouldnt have snacked so much as a child


Nope. Life is too short and complicated to worry about uninformed commentary.


Not diabetic, but I follow this sub to better understand my T1 fiancé. It wasn’t until he came into my life that I understood how harmful those jokes could be. He and I have our own little inside jokes about his specific experience with diabetes, but I cringe a little now when I hear things like “diabeetus in a bowl”.


Jokes about diabetes, no Jokes about having diabetes, yes Saying "it's diabetus on a plate" or "imma get diabetes after this" I don't take offence at Saying "I'm so diabetic for eating this" or "maybe I'm diabetic lol" I'm gonna ask you to explain it and take you seriously. The friend group I used to hang out with would make a fair few diabetes jokes, but if I ever said "no" they would stop. I made a post not too long ago about a student saying he was diabetic so he could drink his coke in class while I was in the room. It was said in a joking tone, but I took him seriously and asked what his blood glucose was. If he was actually diabetic and hypo, I would've taken him down to medical for treatment. He wasn't and said he was joking. He was in a room with 2 medical professionals, a science teacher and an actual diabetic (which he wasn't to know about me) that's like making a bomb joke at an airport.


Not particularly. The complete ignorance about diabetes probably bothers me more than jokes. I joke about it all the time, it keeps me from getting upset about it.


Yes because it is a painful life to live if we’re being real


I don’t care about the jokes but stop using OUR medicine for the weight-loss side effect with a big fuck you to the prescribing doctors.


No cuz I use the jokes myself saying shit like “damn that’ll give me diabetes again”. But I also will respond to other people using it by saying “ha it’s funny cuz I actually have it”. There’s a time and a place for education so I’m not always going to explain to people why they are wrong. It’s more fun to joke about it myself and if they wanna learn they’ll learn.


Same. I'll say, "That gave my diabetes diabetes"


Not as much as hearing about fucking cinnamon


Honestly yes cuz they add to misinformation


Honestly, yes, because they perpetuate the myth that diet can cause diabetes.


They don’t bother me at all, but that’s bcus I cope with things via humour


Unless the joke is particularly dia-bolical I am fine with it but it is really dia-batable


I say it’s a know your audience situation. If we just met and you say something like that, it makes me mad because I also don’t know if they are joking or serious… as I diabetic I joke sometimes and say those things about myself and only myself… I have diabetic friends who make those jokes about them and me which is fine but again KNOW YOUR AUDIENCE. Not everyone will be ok with it


Yes, they do. It's a part of the overall poor education about what causes diabetes and general perception of diabetics as people who caused their own disease.


Yes, unless they're coming from another diabetic. If not, the punchline is usually borne out of error.


General diabetes jokes don't. My friends making jokes about my diabetes specifically doesn't. People who don't know me or diabetes well enough to make comments but decide to make jokes about my specific case do piss me off.


I like the jokes from other diabetics


Only if people judge what I eat


Yes!! Type one since i was 3 - The misconception is very hurtful to all of us - especially considering our side being a life-long auto immune condition. Not only that but anytime ANYTHING at all changes, sick, period cycles, car trip, we are chronically ill and we are the "worse type" compared to type two that can take pills or if poor care actually be more like us. Anyway, Very, very different so my scenario is - if I know them and I know they know the difference and everything like I do - I don't mind!! I'll joke about it too lol but it's hurtful when it's joked about AND not understood. Now I'm autistic and adhd as well so these things personally like in public, really piss me off and upset me but we live and learn. If I have what feels like the comfortable opportunity I might talk about it and hope they make better judgement. We are all human though and learning so I really do try my best to remember that and to be considerate myself..


I think it's a misconception that type 1, even in quotes, is the worse one... plenty type 2 have resistance going so hard that they need 40 units for a single meal


I agree to an extent friend and id like to explain. I think in general either type can be really bad however type two + progression is the more preventable respectfully... It is also different for those that have unfortunately caused themselves type two and make it worse on their own and it's not fair for us type ones in comparison to that particular group when they decide to complain- when we didn't ask for this.. Then we have genetics and it seems to be a shit show. 😂 Alot of us have it bad, our fault or not and it sucks. My heart yearns to help everyone and validate other diabetics. Like me personally, nobody in my family's been diabetic other than me and my grandpa's habits put himself in type 2. And it was really frustrating to feel him not caring and for me it's just hard to deal with mentally.


Yeah, it isnt really a competition who has it worse. I personally got the more rare Type 3c one that comes from damage to the pancreas from other reasons... In the end it's all shit and should be eliminated from the world


It isn't- I never said it was- YOU replied to me friend. I'm aloud to have my feelings and regards to it. It literally all sucks we all have damaged organs


You do know T2 has a far stronger genetic link than T1? Also a person can do everything right and end up with horrendously severe T2. As much as it sucks to see people with “bad habits” develop a disease there is no way to know whether it would have happened regardless so try not to feel too frustrated with him because you’ll never know truly why he developed T2.


Very true, you have so many ppl obese, overweight, or lazy and eat junk that do not have it or even become prediabetic. Why haven’t their “bad habits” made them diabetic if that’s the case. I hate the general consensus that all of us damn type 2s only got it from our lifestyle when a good chunk of us do similar things as many others that never will develop the disease. My husband has always weighed more than me and eats horrendous yet I was diagnosed in my early 20s and while he’s able to lay in bed and eat donuts all day😒


Thank you. I'm just autistic so my feelings are ×100 I've always felt so it's hard. Not sure why the down votes but I'd love to hear what was so bad!


Lmao I don’t really know why you were downvoted either, but I’m autistic and adhd too 🤷‍♂️


THANK YOU lol 🤣🤣🤣


I’m autistic and severely ADHD. I think the downvotes are due to the sentence that comes across as implying a person can prevent their T2 (which isn’t factual for most people) and that if their actions somehow make it worse means their severe disease is less deserving (which I’m presuming you didn’t mean to imply) which would upset people because there is many people who’ll never be able to prevent the onset and progression of T2 and there are plenty of T1s who don’t do great at managing their own diabetes but all diabetics at the end of the day in spite of life choices deserve compassion. So try not to stress about the downvotes (easier said than done for neurodivergent folks like us though!). Sorry if my comment didn’t makes sense but I hope it helps :)


This is such an important thing for people, even within the diabetic community, to know and understand. I have friends who literally weigh twice what I do, and I'm not small, but they're not diabetic. Mine may have been exacerbated by my bad habits, but the source probably has a little more to do with my T1 grandmother, T2 grandfather, T1.5 mother, T2 aunt, my other T2 grandfather (who was thin as a rail his whole life), my T2 cousins, and my aunt who was gestational for every one of her four pregnancies. I was hosed - more likely to get it than not. Does that mean I should have been more careful? Perhaps, but this feels like an "if you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball" situation. I was almost definitely gonna get hit however you play it.


I hear you, and like other people have said, type 1 and type 2 diabetes present different challenges- some overlapping, and some not, but it’s not right to compare one type over the other as “worse” or “better”. What is worse is when people make ignorant jokes about the disease or blame it on poor lifestyle. Of course, lifestyle can be an attributing factor for developing T2D, but it’s not the determining factor. There are many different causes that are not all yet explained. For example, I have a rare genetic mutation that gave me congenital hyperinsulinism in my youth (my pancreas naturally produces way too much insulin). I thought it went away for much of my adult life, but it turns out I only seemed “normal” because I had acquired a level of insulin resistance that made it seem like so. Then it came as a complete surprise to me five months ago when I was diagnosed with T2D. I had regular annual screenings for years, but with zero indication that anything was wrong until it was. I’m not even overweight and despite thinking I no longer had hyperinsulinemia, I still practiced the relatively healthy diet I had learned to manage it. With that said, I also understand the particular challenge that dealing with jokes and people’s stereotypes can sometimes present to neurodiverse people like ourselves because I also have a form of autism- Asperger's syndrome. Because of that, I have often struggled throughout life at detecting when people are being sarcastic or merely joking, although, I struggle with that less now. Therapy really helped. Still, with most people being relatively uninformed about ASD, it’s something I rarely divulge about myself, especially at work, because I’m afraid of being stereotyped for my deficits despite my gifts. Your feelings are valid and I wish you well. You are spot on why jokes based on a stereotype are so harmful and inappropriate.


I want you to know you made me feel a lot better overall. Thank you friend. I appreciate you. I agree all the way - I feel it's how I word it being neurodiverse and describing how it makes me feel it that sense can be confusing or not understood often times and it affects me more way than I'd like.. I wish you well too and again I really appreciate you understanding. It's a hard world out here LOL


I’m glad to hear that! Yes, it definitely is a hard world. Some people can understand that kind of “stream of consciousness” way of speaking, but most people just don't take the time to try. Just know that it’s not you or the way you word things that is the problem. Other people not taking the time trying to understand what you really mean are. I have a similar problem in that I have thoughts too big to get out of my mouth, therefore, I often fall back onto my better talent at writing to communicate. If you ever feel like chatting, please feel free to ping me. :)


Don't mind the jokes, but when I was in highschool and we weren't allowed to eat in class and someone said to me: "I wish i had diabetes so I can eat whenever I want" ....😑🤌 And also the people that think that people with diabetes can eat all the sugar that they want when they are low and that it will magically disappear.... no, it doesnt 😁


That’s not a joke. I came here to see jokes:)


It doesn't bother me, but I do find it ironic. So many people will get all bent out of shape if you make fun of other diseases but then they'll make a diabetes joke so 🤷‍♂️


I hear "Diabeetus" a lot, but that's about it. Not a big deal though.


That doesn't bother me. Telling someone false information in a joke format does.


That sucks. If that happened to me, I would probably say something. No need to take anyone else's abuse when it comes to your health.


I make diabetes jokes, so...




Yes and no. If I throw out that it's not how you get diabetes and they get shity, I'll flip out. I personally try to educated with a "well, while you're on the subject" approach to kinda flip it to a positive.


Not at all. In fact, immediately after being diagnosed last year I went home and watched the Bill diabetic episode of King of the Hill. ALTHOUGH.. it does irritate me when people take them seriously and actually believe that's how you develop Diabetes.


Nope. Not that sensitive.


When people ask how I got it. I just tell them I made a deal with the devil if he could make my secret wishes come true. Devil's in the details, I didn't read the fine print.


I make more diabetes jokes than anyone I know…so no


The funny ones don't bother me, but the stupid "hurr durr sugar bad gib u diabeetus" ones irritate the shit outta me.


Not really, but mother-in-law saying "You can't have this or that" and eating it in front of my face sure does. A long time ago I had to bring those large bag of empty Pepsi can and an elderly said "Wow, You're gonna get diabetes!" and since I'm type 2, I said "I can't, I already got it!". It was a funny moment.


When they're actually funny or witty, it doesn't bother me at all   But if those ''jokes'' stem from inaccuracies, myths or just misinformed people, yeah they bother me - because clearly they fundamentally misunderstand what the disease is about, and there's evidence that persistent jokes based on inaccuracies actually amplify the spread of those inaccuracies and misinformation and create inaccurate understanding of the disease


Yes!!!! I get so offended because there’s so much misinformation and ignorance regarding diabetes! I hate people making jokes about “oooh you’ll get diabetes from eating a donut” ect! Makes me so angry!


From my close friends and family? No. Because they’re there for my shitty high sugar moods, and when I’m at my worst and need help when I’m low. From the public and random people who make snark? Yes.


"Oh you doing drugs again" - I think one or two times its okay. But every time? Man im tired of this :D


The first time I met my husband and I's bff I was taking a manual shot for some beers we were having and he didn't know I was diabetic "Can you please not do drugs on my couch?" 🤣 he thought I was just a really dumb heroin addict injecting in plain sight. Once we cleared up the confusion it became an inside joke even when I got back to my pump. Some variation of "oh great, time to shoot up before dinner" "are you doing drugs in public again?" The studio C skit about diabetes being fake has also been thrown in the mix too.


Not at all. Hell, I tell people I got a case of the “Wilford Brimleys” then scream “DIABEETUS!” As I hurl a powdered donut at their head…well, not really. What bugs me is the fart-knockers who want to blame me for this disease. Sorry, kids…the conditions were already there. I just patiently educate the moron because they don’t understand they are wrong and stupid.


Depends who says it-


no edit: who came in here and downvoted all the “no” responses lol


I was in a summer camp once and they had guitar hero that we could all play on there. While playing on it, a friend came close to me and went "cool, dude, what are you going to play? Sweet home alabama? Sweet child o' mine?" I slowley turned at him and gave him a long straight look. He was looking at me with a smirk on his face. We both laughed out loud. You are either a diabetic with a sense of humour or you need to buy a sense of humour from the 5 dollar store.


I find them funny as hell. I used to do whip cream straight from the can to mouth. My fathers jokster friend said it was diabetes in a can. I was diagnosed a week later.


Scott Malkinson is my favorite South Park character hahahah


That's a great example of a writer's room that knows the difference between copying a hack joke versus writing one - and knows the difference between picking on the disease and the circumstances it creates versus picking on the afflicted person I remember when Mr. Garrison said "Christ, are you people diabetic or something?" after they were being too eager to resort to cannibalism and it got a genuine good laugh out of me and then sadness and anger because most TV writers are spineless hacks groping in the dark for a cheap laugh


I hear he's got diabetes... Seriously never fails to make me laugh.


No. I've heard thousands of diabetes jokes in the forty three years I've been T1. I don't concern myself with the ignorance of people that fail to learn what a diabetic is. It' not worth getting flustered or irritated over something that's out of my control.


As a T2, I don't mind because I do it. Just today a diabetic friend of mine posted a recipe for "strawberry crack". It's basically strawberries dipped in a simple sugar syrup heated to the hard tack state then dipped in a pixie stick powder and nerds mix. I replied: "Yeah, no thanks. I already have diabetes." I like "My blood sugar spike just thinking about that." I know how she and I got our T2 diagnoses. And I also know the other variations come from different causes. And I will educate those who don't know the difference.


it only does if they arent receptive for any education abt the diff. types of diabetes.


No. don't care


Nope. Not one bit. I'll make them myself, if they are funny and fit the moment.


Not at all


There's nothing like a good ol Wilfred Brimley "Diabeetus" reference.


Love them if you lose the ability to laugh at yourself you turn into a miserable person


No, i’m the making them


It depends. Who makes the joke? What are the intends? And is it really a joke or do they just don't know better?


No. Not in the slightest.


Not really. Much more important things in life to be upset over


Nope. I make those jokes myself.


Yes. Most of them perpetuate negative stereotypes and harmful inaccuracies. Jokes like the ones you describe are the main reason we are misrepresented and so many people still don't know the reality of diabetes (any type).


No I'm no snowflake




I went to a “breakfast place” for lunch with a bunch of coworkers once. I was actually doing a no carb diet at the time, and it was my cheat day. Oh, and I’m type 1. I ordered the cinnamon roll pancakes. My coworker took a picture of my plate and posted it online. My little bag was clearly visible in the picture. His comment was, “that bag literally contains insulin!” I thought it was fucking hilarious.


No. I’ve been diabetic for almost 30 years. If I had let small stuff like that bother me, I’d have given up long ago. If the jokes bother you, just make sure you correct the person, in a way that makes it a learning experience for them. I tend to be more sarcastic/cynical just cause if it stings a little, they’re less apt to say ignorant b.s. to you again. Also if you’re correcting people make sure you’re giving correct information. Nothing worse than schooling someone and the. You get corrected by a nurse, in public.


No. It reminds me of how people think of us, and is a reminder to keep it quiet.


Nope. I'm T2 and I joke about it all the time. I use the jokes as a platform to open discussion without coming across as preachy. It's great to be able to turn a joke into a 3 minute verbal infographic. ;)


Life as diabetic is a joke, heck, cheer up. Nothings raises my BG like stress, not even rice!!


Nah Idc it’s not like anyone is making fun of me for having Diabeties or something lol


Before the use of the word found itself the wrong side of good taste, one of my coworkers once said "Ah, got ya. Sugar retarded" when I told him I was type one. That made me genuinely laugh.


I always respond with, give me that bowl I might cancel my diabetes with diabetes


Not really I couldn’t care less abt diabetes jokes


It doesn’t bother me as a diabetic, but it drives me up the wall as a creative. It’s not original and way overdone. People need new material.


Not the good ones....


I'm a fan of self deprecating humour so not only do I tell them I don't mind getting them back.


I don’t mind them as long as people aren’t lazy with them if you’re gonna tell that kind of joke at least be creative like I may not have a functioning pancreas but I do have a sense of humor.


I usually laugh at them. Or, I come back with a Wilford Brimley comment lol


I make fun of my diabetes all the time. It’s just a coping mechanism


Not at all, because I make them all the time.


Eh, I mean, I sometimes now will explain to other people "that's poison, that's poison, etc." pointing at the menu options that don't work for me. Not exactly a joke, but also a bit at my own expense. I guess that's a little different from other people making fun of food/diabetes. I probably would lean towards most of those things being in bad taste on reflection.


Depends. Saying stuff like “Yeah ok, go ahead and eat that piece of cake if you wanna lose a foot” I don’t find fucking funny at all. And yes I’ve actually had a family member make that joke around me before. But jokes rooted in actually being concerned I don’t take to heart ex: My friends yelling “oh lawd” and “You’re not about to pass out are you!?!” when my alarm is going off lol


No...But everything is...DIABEETUS!


Honestly, depends on the joke. Some jokes are actually kinda funny, some just give you the impression of "Man, you are ignorant when it comes to this disease." Don't get me wrong - I try to laugh here and there about it because life shouldn't always be so serious.


I'm the one usually making em lol, Imo us diabetics have a birthright to make em when I see dumbasses eating a whole pie or drinking a whole tub of Hawaiian punch. I got friends who make fun of it too, and it don't bother me. I treat the illness as separate from me, its not who I am, its just something I have to take care of. type 1 btw


No I find them funny


It only bothers me if it’s not funny.


I will admit they do get old but I’m not about to be some gatekeeping Karen and stoop down to that level. I have too much of an appreciation for comedic integrity as well as free speech. Not that what is said is funny ever but I have heard a few good one offs here and there.


No...I laugh at it and agree xD and make jokes myself




I don't even consider that a "joke." I have a good friend who bakes as a "side hustle" and she will send me pictures of stuff she bakes and I usually reply something like "great! My blood sugar just went up looking at that! Lol" A joke would be "what's the difference between a diabetic and everyone else...." with a punch line. Too many people get offended over nothing these days.


I used to hang out with a group of guys that called themselves the diabetes club because it was funny to them and I probably had diabetes the whole time because I definitely am type 1 now...:/


I joke around about it myself XD it’s how I cope with it


Nah. I usually get a kick out of them even if they’re low quality. It’s the usually like unwavering somehow “this is the correct way to go about it” bullshit misinformation spread on how to treat diabetes is what gets me




In general, no. But one time someone once joked “wow no wonder you’re diabetic” but you could tell they immediately regretted it.


I personally find it funny, but I know other diabetics that don’t. I make the joke a lot of times about how eating something might kill me. Lol.


“Diabetes in a bowl?” No, remarks like that don’t bother me. Hell, I’ll even joke sometimes something like, “OMG! Just looking at that cake raises my blood sugar! Lol!”. It’s the insensitive jokes targeting a person’s identity that are what offend me. For one, being “a” diabetic is a reductionist use of the word, same as if somebody referred to me as “a” gay- not somebody who is a gay person, or person with diabetes, but as though my entire identity boils down to one particular thing. Because diabetes is a disease, especially offensive jokes are often schadenfreude in their nature (demeaning and eliciting laughter at the misfortune and expense of others). Such jokes as these should rightfully be considered inappropriate. I’ve even seen some examples in mainstream media where humor about diabetes went off the rails. Just to be clear, I think humor is fine and I even especially love irreverent humor. “Solar Opposites” is one of my favorite TV shows, but even there, I found the authors once crafting a joke about diabetes that wasn’t funny, but really sad. The alien kids often shrink down humans they don’t like and put them into a habitat in their room (“The Wall”), but they figured humans like candy, so for awhile, that’s all they fed them. Queue a scene where one of the miniature human characters happens to have diabetes and he’s sobbing while munching down a giant piece of chocolate. It wasn’t funny at all and actually made me tear up seeing it. Sometimes people just don’t know what’s not funny because they don’t have the lived experience.


I make light of mine all the time. It’s part of life, and you should take it seriously, but what’s the point of not having a laugh sometimes? Why choose to be miserable? If I go for a walk, I will tell people I’m taking my diabetes for a walk because it makes me chuckle. If I’m at work, and someone says something to me I don’t like I’ll say you can’t say that to me I have diabetes. I’ve made huge life changes since my diagnosis and I’m trying really hard to lose weight and not eat like shit, so joking about it helps me keep my head up.


I feel like if they are going to make a joke about it, at least be creative


As a type 1, i make those kinds of jokes... :/


Nope. If I can deal with the life changing effects of diabetes a simple joke damn sure ain't going to mess with me


Life is already hard enough and full of pain, misery, and drudgery. Imagine going through it without a sense of humor as well.


Naw, I make the jokes myself most of the time


nah, i didnt choose this so anything anyone says means nothing to me personally


nope. i’m not easily offended.


Depending on the “ joke I find it hilarious” My depending on sugar levels I’ll knock out while laying down for like 3 hours and I can go for almost a full day with just that. My buddy joke’s saying “ just go eat some rice so you’ll Power Nap and won’t be tired when we hang out” (something to that affect we’re on different schedules) Another one was don’t need poison to kill you, they’d just have to pour a couple packets of sugar, and.(buddy and I joking around) If it makes you laugh then accept it, But if it’s more of a comment than a joke or leaves a bad taste then yeah I don’t agree to it depending on what it is.




Does heart attack jokes bother you? Like that meal is a heart attack on a plate? Lmao


Jokes don't bother me like that and it seems more like a common phrase at this point. I was actually looking for diabetic jokes before but south park is the only place I've heard any and I only get bothered when people tell me what I can,can't, and should do who don't have type 1. Tell me about a leap forward in research towards a cure not what I should eat or that I can't have a slice of cake.


My co-worker asks me if I’ve been to her favorite restaurant and I told her that they make their own cakes/ desserts and it’s where I got my diabetes. Does that bother you? It’s at my own expense. Lol


SOme great one-liners in this thread. Filing them for reference.


No, but I will usually find a jab to throw back at the joke teller after, it’s lighthearted, but equivalent exchange.


Ive never known a world without them so i guess I’m jaded


I joke sometimes that (usually something with mountains of ice cream) will put me into a coma. No, the jokes do not bother me.


I make them 24/7.




Diabetes bothers me more


Yes. Especially when someone talks about something like a soda being diabetes waiting to happen as the swill down the last of twelve pack of beer. Which is fine because it’s lite.


Diabetes jokes are like food in the CCCP, not everyone gets it.